Even though I don't understand because there is no caption but I still gets what you really wanted to show and compare the two cameras. Thank you for your amazing video.
Thanks so much for comparison iPhone SE2 to pro cinema camera, I always tell my friends iPhone take video is better than a lot of professional equipment and thanks for proofing it.
I want to try the sort of colour grade you did with the iPhone and the Blackmagic Pocket cinema camera and do that with both the Panasonic gh5s and Panasonic gh5 and Panasonic s1
其实不光是视频领域,包括音频领域在内,用算法带来提升都已经可以说势在必行。毕竟传感器,镜头这样的硬件迭代很慢,也不会短时间内有什么大的进步。但是同时arm这样的精简指令集处理器快速崛起,还包括system on a chip这样的设计理念,让企业可以把更多的die放到一个芯片上,实现细化功能。这为后期的复杂算法提供了巨大空间,毕竟可以大力出奇迹,更别说的聪明的大力出奇迹。换一个角度说,就算是传统的相机电视,他们也都有自己的一些祖传算法,比如视频压缩啊,基于光流的插帧啊。其实这些算法也都挺粗暴的,但我们却已经习以为常。所以说更好更聪明的算法一定是未来的发展方向。也就是说手机不会费死劲扩大自己的镜头和传感器,反过来专业相机会加入更多处理器和算法,变得像一台功能手机。