r と l 、 ph と f と pf、そしてイヴは前夜なのか前年なのか、ゴールは目標なのか、終着地点なのか。 初回で、日本人が間違えやすい問題点がいくつも出てきましたね。 本来なら、中学高校の英語教育の中で、きちんと教師が教えなければならないことばかり。 できないところをさらけ出す宇野選手は勇気があるのであって、むしろ英語教師にこそ、観てほしい動画でした。 - でも言葉というのは、直訳したら意味を成さないことも多いから、難しいのですよね。 私が日本で大学入学当初、フランス語初級の時間に、J’ai mal à la tête.(私は頭が痛い。頭痛がする)を「私は頭が悪い」と訳したら、教師が呆気に取られて絶句していました。 だって、 mal (悪いもの)を à la tête.(頭に)J’ai (私は持っている)のだから、直訳すれば「私は頭が悪い」じゃない。 もちろんこれは、J’ai mal à la ~ で「私は~が痛い」という慣用句なのだけれど、言葉というものは、そういうものが非常に多い。 以来、単語は必ず文章の中で覚えるようにしています。 - 日本人が英語を学ぶ際、どういうところで間違えやすいかを教師の側が把握しなければ少しも進歩しない。 これだけ国際大会で活躍するようになって、スイスに練習本拠を移してから、自分の初歩的な間違いをネット動画で晒す勇気のある宇野選手には、ある意味敬服します。
I think Shoma would instantly get so much better at English with the help of a tutor. He’s clearly really intelligent and sharp minded that he’ll probably be fluent in no time. I think just dedicating a little time to it would get him there ✊🏽
Shoma is not afraid to show himself in an area that is not his strong point and does it with humor - this is a quality of a strong character. 👏👏❤ Thanks for the fun video! 😁❤ Shoma, good luck on ice training and learning English! 🙏❤
@dinifroggy4 жыл бұрын
I agree completely! I was thinking exactly the same thing!
@freedomlife36234 жыл бұрын
He definitely don’t take himself too seriously. It’s so awesome.
Shoma can really do anything, he can do everything! Congratulations on the bronze medal, you did great!may you guys keep on supporting shoma with his dreams, love and passion for skating! we will always be here for you shoma! ❤️💕❤️
If I was learning Japanese, I would certainly be in a worse situation. I am trying to learn Swiss German in Zurich and man, I hate it !!!! Shoma is not only a great skater but also a nice guy with humour. Good luck to him in the World Championship next month.
I forgot to add that you are seriously too funny! I am enjoying this “creative spelling.” It’s much more fun than the real spelling, haha! English is pretty hard to learn, and the local dialects make it worse. I wish my Spanish teachers would have tolerated these antics. That would have made learning much more fun! And, I will look forward to seeing you and Stepffan Lanbeeal at the next Olympics on New Year’s Eve. I love to tease people I like, so you’re on the list.
@АнастасияБандурина-к7м4 жыл бұрын
He pronounced "Stepen" as "Степан" in Russian, almost without an accent at all! Ohama-san, it seems to have a long, long difficult journey ahead 😅 頑張って💪 Thank you so much for your hard work,care and attention! Please make him write more and more messages without copying😈
@どらごん-u8r4 жыл бұрын
Ahhhh... I laughed so hard...😂 He held olympic on New Year’s Eve! This is hilarious... oh my... 今回のような英語企画ですと海外のファンの方も一緒に楽しめていいですね☺️💕
@user-gk7mk6dc8s4 жыл бұрын
@na18184 жыл бұрын
@victorlopez26334 жыл бұрын
Shoma-kun Do not worry we all suffer from learning a new language and especially you that is completely different from the one you are already used to, just keep trying and you will achieve it. You made me remember when I was learning English and how I thought I would never master it perfectly, you made my day 💚😘😘
I love this!!!! I could watch Shoma learning English all day!!!!
@sophiam.543 жыл бұрын
“whenever I text him, I just copy paste his name”, this is so cute, more of this plss❤️
@AN-zz8ps2 жыл бұрын
I LOVE watching your English lessons Shoma. I laughed SO much! You are so funny and cute! You are doing MUCH better learning English than I am doing trying to learn Japanese! ;) hehe! I have been trying to learn Japanese it is very hard! haha! Good luck to you with your English and good luck to me with my Japanese! hehe!
Oh Shoma...you are so adorable, congratulations on trying to learn new language. English is very tricky to learn as some words are said exactly the same but spell very different and some words are spell the same but mean different. Good luck Shoma and we are very proud of you 👏 ❤.
Oh my Lord Shoma. You’re so cool! I thought you were great at the Olympics, and you’re a great sportsman. I will not be disappointed if you’re at the top of the podium at the next Olympics. Your English is much better than my Japanese. My Japanese is nonexistent, lol. This sounds like me learning Spanish, lol! You guys seem like you’re having fun!
I'm sorry Shoma. English is a very difficult language... because its a bit of a mess. [technically it is a polygot language made of mostly German/french/latin and a few words from many other language's] Oh, anmd congratulations on winning gold in the world championships. Well deserved. Very excited to see more of your skating.Good luck with your English.
@lae_e3 жыл бұрын
that "i don't no" was soooo cute and funny 😭
@sy24714 жыл бұрын
@イーレ4 жыл бұрын
英語要約にある [to be shoma's trustful teacher]を見て 昌磨くんとマネージャーさんが 互いに語学力を高めた未来は きっと来ると思いました。
@addiemay45322 жыл бұрын
After watching your Olympic performances and then your English lessons, I’m even more amazed you managed to perform so well considering you barely understand your coach haha 😂✨congratulations on your bronze medal Shoma!
@tns-rox4 жыл бұрын
Good luck with your English studies, Shoma! It was great to hear you speak English. I recently began taking Japanese lessons. It's a beautiful language and I'm enjoying the learning process. I can understand the difficulties you had when you tried to understand what your manager was asking you in English. I face the same challenges when my teacher speaks to me in Japanese. As we both try to learn a new language, the passage of time will give us the opportunity to practice and I'm confident that we'll eventually achieve our goals. Ganbatte!
I'm glad you're not afraid of showing your learning process! A tip I can give you is watch movies in English to help you study, if you use your English constantly, it's easier! I'm learning Japanese and it's also a bit hard to learn. Let's do our best together Shoma⭐