45歳のシングルマザーです。この秋から、オレゴン州ポートランドの州立大学大学院でArt and Social Practiceを学びはじめました。もともとは、「もう少し子育てが落ち着いたら、50歳くらいで学べれば」と考えていたので、思ったよりは早く行けて、興味のある分野を勉強できてよかったと思っています。仕事と子育てとの3足のワラジは、簡単ではないことは覚悟していましたが、望んだ挑戦です。ただそんな中、娘が自閉症スペクトラムらしいということがわかり、想像以上のサポートが必要になって、本当にこのまま大学院に行き続けていいのか悩み始めていたところでした。「こんな歳で学んでも、時間やお金をかけるだけ無駄なんじゃないか」とか、「学んでも稼げるかどうかもわからないことに投資するより、もっとちゃんと仕事をして(娘のためにも私のためにも)経済基盤を強化した方がいいのではないか」とか、とにかくいろんな不安が襲ってきていたところでした。サキさんの葛藤と、でもそれに対して自分を信じようとする姿勢を聞いて、私も背中を押してもらった気持ちです。ありがとう。
Hey Saki, Your video somehow popped up and I was not going to watch it but since it says it’s casual talk and I can listen while doing something else, I started to listen… It’s interesting how people’s lives cross as you said…I was in New York when I was 22, so I kind of understand what you’re going through at your age. Now, I just turned 60, and life is very different from when I was 22 years old in New York City. Now my daughter lives in New York and works for a film company and I’m in Ohio enjoying my life. It’s kind of like talking to my 20-year-old self but here’s what I think I will tell my young self. You can achieve everything if you set your mind to it. Don’t be afraid of failure. The more you make big mistakes, it better at a younger age. Don’t forget to smile and do kind things to others, as it will come back ten folds. Don’t forget to take time to love yourself, because if you can’t love yourself, you can’t love others. Well, good luck to you!
You are doing better than great. 海外に出て6年、理想ほど頑張れていない自分に落胆することが多いですが、生きているだけでえらいと何度も自分を励ましています。今は行動に移せなくても結果が出なくても、闘志だけは絶やさないようにしたいと思っていて、とても共感しました!いつか見たい世界が目の前に広がりますように。
@yuji109111 ай бұрын
これだけ頑張っていて更に上を目指す向上心にただただ脱帽するばかりです。 自然と自分も頑張らないとって思わされました。感謝 英語初心者なので自然な現在完了進行形やこの単語で表現するの凄いなーってなりました😂 1:04 be celebrated 1:29 be curious about 1:43 journey 2:21 add 2:41 make things happen 2:47 developing 3:05 辺りでは自分のことのはずなのにyouとyourselfを使ってて「英語話者だ!」てなりました(笑)
人生の初コメント書かせていただきます。 今回のビデオ見させていただいて涙が出てきました。最近のKZbinでは本音を隠しても視聴者の要望に応えるコンテンツが多く、さきさんのように本音を言っている人が少ないように感じます。だからこそ今回のような本音トークは心に沁みました。 youre doing great, and im doing great too!! Youve been inspiring me all the time!! Youre 🐐 don’t forget it!!✌️🤞🤞
when I had a hard thing, your video popped up on my screen. At first, I thought it was depressing content but the word "We're doing great." encouraged me. Sometimes I feel depressed when I compare myself with others, but I think I'm doing great. I want to say it myself. Thank you so much. I wish you happiness.
@caramelmacaron542 жыл бұрын
この動画好きです!とても良かったです! We are doing great! Yes! That’s right!! 元気が出ました😊
I am student, I strive to study English now. but, looking back, I find always try anything on my own. I like challenging, I like when I write English or speak that but currently, I more like my life. not only study, but there are also have many treasures. there are characteristic people, and other thing. it's given me a lot of things. right now, Ican be here.
I completely feel you, Saki san! I came to Canada in 2019 and finished my college in 2021. I am currently working as an early childhood educator in Canada. I have noticed that I reflect myself a lot after coming to this country where there are a lot of people who have different backgrounds. It is definitely a great opportunity to think about myself, but it is tiring and exhausting at the same time because I have to admit my flaws and imperfections without comparing with others. Anyway, thank you for sharing your feelings and thoughts. You made me realize that I am not the only person struggling and we are working so hard to make things happen for our bright future! Take a good care of yourself❤
Sakiさんの想いに共感し、たくさんのパワーをもらいました。動画を見ながら涙が溢れてしまいました。私は、2人の娘を育てるシングルマザーです。仕事と育児と家事をこなすことで精一杯でしたが、半年前から、自分の可能性を広げるために英語を学び始めました。Sakiさんの動画も何度も観ています。ほかの方もコメントされていらっしゃいましたが、Sakiさんがある動画の中で「難のない人生は無難な人生、難のある人生は有難い人生」と言われたことがとても印象に残っていて、今でも私の心に響いています。私は、今、海外移住を計画しています。でもそれは難の多いことで、一つ一つの問題をクリアしなければなりません。かなりハードルの高いことだと思っていますが、それでも私は挑戦したい。今日、初めてこの動画を観て、皆さんのコメントを読んで、私も大きく背中を押していただきました。私は、KZbinにコメントするのも実は初めてです。しかし、この動画を観て、どうしてもSakiさんに感謝の気持ちを伝えたいと思いました。Sakiさん、本当にありがとう。これからもあなたを応援しています。そして、今は日本からSakiさんを応援していますが、私の夢が叶えば、数年後にはSakiさんと同じアメリカからあなたを応援することになります。Thank you so much! I really respect you and always hope you are healthy and happy.
Life is a struggle. Sometimes we worry about what we are living for. But our own painful experiences can be hope for someone else. Your story touched my heart. I will continue to fight like you.
@あらむ-z7m2 жыл бұрын
@CozyCafeCouple2 жыл бұрын
Very good to self-reflect and take pause to check in with yourself from time to time. Best to you!
I just came across your video and I loved it so much! I feel the same thing that LIFE IS HARD and we have to make choices every day from small things to huge one. I’ve had the moment recently that I can’t even imagine where my life takes me and that was scary. But I knew that I’m not the only one thinking like this by watching your video!!! Thank you for sharing with us your honest thoughts✨
Last time, in your channel about what headshot is, you showed us your bright aspect and this time you showed us your figure that somewhat you’re in a fatigue. I really understand you’re standing on a changeable position. Once, I was also a grad student abroad holding a dream and was to start my career there, regrettably I failed to missed it though. Anyway, in such case we are devoting ourselves to what we want to do the best, anything other than that tends not to be cared. Please be relaxed as much as possible and don’t think the differences between you and others. You have a long life ahead.
Thank you for sharing this video. I really appreciate what you are thinking about your life because I am encouraged by you to learn English, so I always think to be like you “I’m not enough, I’m not enough”. But knowing you are also struggling with your life, I can feel you closer. Thank you so much and want to support you in ten years same as now!!!!!! ❤
At first,I wanna really thank you for sharing what are you feeling about life. It’s essential message for me right now. I’m studying English and in stack with English, which is hard time for me. I watched your video when I was high school. Your videos makes me feeling that it’s alright, I don’t know what to say, but I appreciate you.