You can hear the saddest in his voice when he was telling the story of how he messaged his wife after finally being able to drive the R34 to work and how much he loves the car. Feelsbadman P.S - Can you guys bring back the subtitles? The video feels naked without them lol
i know that feel, 上年我都係因為信錯人所以搞到金錢/時間上既損失。當然價值上冇得同你比,但係相比起金錢損失,信錯人個種感覺真係非常差,仲要纏繞住好耐。你會一步一步咁發現人地咁呃你,但同時佢有野袋返比你,會好懷疑條友係咪真係呃人,不過最後係非常嬲自己點解會咁蠢多過嬲個條仆街。我追唔返我D損失,我嘗試向前望,繼續做返眼前可以做既野,但我唔會忘記呢個教訓,世界好細,君子報仇。