The intention of Religion may be good but history has shown that it is dividing people and some used it to control the mind of others for personal gains. I believe in science. Stephen Hawking said “... We are each free to believe what we want, and it's my view that the simplest explanation is that there is no God. No one created the universe and no one directs our fate.... ” If I must choose a religion, I tends to believe more in Buddhism than the rest. Reason is that it is closer to science. Karma is like the Issac Newton's law of "Actio and Reaction" Buddhism concept of Birth, Old, Sick, Death ( 生老病死) is like a cycle, the birth and death of a star (or universe) also has a similar cycle. "... All life is in a cycle of death and rebirth called samsara . Through good actions, such as ethical conduct, and by developing concentration and wisdom, Buddhists hope to either gain enlightenment or to ensure a better future for themselves...",to%20become%20a%20black%20dwarf "... Stars about the size of our sun go through the same first four stages as does any other star. They begin their lives as a nebula, then become a Protostar, eventually becoming a main sequence star and finally a red giant..... All stars evolve the same way up to the red giant phase. The amount of mass a star has determines which of the following life cycle paths it will take from there..." The red blood cells and all the cells in our body are made of basic elements (as in Periodic Table). The hydrogen atoms in the water molecules (H2O), may came from a star. And it may end up in our body once we drink that water. Really, we are just a collection of space dusts from interstellar and when we died (or when anything died including our Sun) the same dusts will be recycled to form another life or the birth of another star. Conclusion - Don't blindly follow religion. Believe in scientific evidence. Your actions determine your fate. Do good things, you will get your Karma.
頂呱呱的視頻~ 偶然搜到是因為最近聖誕節串門看到人家櫃子上放了本書,本以為是可蘭經,原來是舊約… 如果再多講點伊斯蘭教就好了!以前讀過一點西方藝術史,從建築到油畫都無可避免要接觸大量聖經的故事,但其實還是莫明地對伊斯蘭教那種幾何美學更有feel。疫情前跟團去了一趟土耳其,那時候Hagia Sophia 還沒說要改回清真寺⋯ 當時還特地帶上了My Name is Red 這本書在長途巴上看,就偶然在加油站和當地導遊展開了有趣的交流 (經常懷念那個加油站的酸奶)