Thanks Praise Yahweh Father God bless and protect and defend and grace and mercy and peace and love and powerful and safety and victory for Israel in Jesus name Amen from ROC
@@tsulouis1239 actually moslems don't really like chinese like you. They treat you like a stepping stone against the west. You should ask south east asian chinese who treat chinamen like you like true brothers. How the indigenious people there mostly muslim treat Mainland chinese
支持以色列,因爲以色列和猶太人不針對我的宗教信仰,我的國家,我的民族,不侵犯我的國家。猶太人的發明數以千計,對人類的貢獻非常之大,以色列的產品數以萬計,對世界經濟有很大的貢獻。耶穌說:“Those who are not against us are for us". 印尼1965和1998血腥排華,印尼唯一華人當上民選市長,印尼伊斯蘭組織都無法容忍,給他一個莫須有的罪名,西方媒體也不斷散播至今連台灣媒體也是這樣報道:“他涉嫌褻瀆可蘭經”,被判入獄被逼跟妻子離婚。虔誠台灣香港馬國星囯佛教徒到泰國四面佛拜祭,被伊斯蘭恐怖分子炸死。華人別站錯邊。