耶稣带给西方的自信 是我们东方的诅咒: DIVERGENCE OF HUMANITY My fate has been involuntarily linked to weapons. I computerized the space nuclear reactor design of the “ultimate weapon”, a nuke-powered space laser gun, envisioned by Ronald Reagan in his Star War project. I initiated the construction of the “mother of weapon” supercomputer and help China to replace America as the hub of weapon manufacturing. I spent a third of my life in weaponizing pingpong based on China’s weapon-whirling warring masters’ art, kungfu, to create the “end of weapon” nonviolent kungfu pingpong, named Pongfu, that will replace all weapons, by making its matches the only allowed forms of combats. Drown in weapons made me keenly aware of the depth of divergence of humanity, when arms race became the major preoccupations of diverging parties. Naturally I also gave myself the tasks to discover where it went wrong and how can we remedy it? The answer lies in the origin of history. And the solution lies in our choice of the future. Historically, humanity has decided to go down two separate paths. The first was the tradition of inheriting the past, as the East has done, exemplified by the respect of parents and every ancestral. The second was rebellion against tradition and nature for the sake of maximizing innovation and happiness as the West has done, exemplified by the believing of imagined God entities and the current till-death-to-us-part adherence to the licentious system of liberal democracy. Let me just point out a few of the inflection points that illustrates and exacerbated the divergence. The invention of religion in the West, but not in the East, gave a leg up to the West to be so self-confident as to consider the Easterners as lesser humans, thus making their lives not matter that much. Humanity’s ravage by pandemics separated the two group into West being more superstitious and exploitative and East more closely knitted, resulting in, respective, severe devastation of the Westerners and the Easterners become wiser and humbler, thus making West more technically innovative and diplomatically confrontational and East internally more harmonious and externally more complacent. Since the discovery of the new found land of America, while still under the negative impact of the Black Death Plague in Europe, the Westerners added killing sprees againt all other divergent races. This caused the genocide of the America natives and the enslaving of the blacks. And finally the diverging history was punctuated by the dropping of two abombs in East’s islands of Japan. Now, with the debut of weapons of mass destruction on both sides, humanity’s divergence has finally brought us to the brink of mutual annihilation with another 50 years to live. Here is a proposal for U turn into convergence: A buffer zone must be created in the Westcoast of America, centered around California. We need to Asianize this buffer zone into the Eastshore of the Asia Pacific Ocean as the first step for the Westerners to learn how to live with the Easterners. Then we need to help the beleaguered Indians a chance to recover its past glory by a mass migration to the decolonized Asian colony of Australia. The above two actions would initiate the Asian countries of China, Japan and India to converge with the newly independent land of California. Basically, we need to move history backward three hundred years, to exchange the remaining 50 years of humanity’s life span for another 5000 years as East had done.
耶稣带给西方的自信 是我们东方的诅咒: DIVERGENCE OF HUMANITY My fate has been involuntarily linked to weapons. I computerized the space nuclear reactor design of the “ultimate weapon”, a nuke-powered space laser gun, envisioned by Ronald Reagan in his Star War project. I initiated the construction of the “mother of weapon” supercomputer and help China to replace America as the hub of weapon manufacturing. I spent a third of my life in weaponizing pingpong based on China’s weapon-whirling warring masters’ art, kungfu, to create the “end of weapon” nonviolent kungfu pingpong, named Pongfu, that will replace all weapons, by making its matches the only allowed forms of combats. Drown in weapons made me keenly aware of the depth of divergence of humanity, when arms race became the major preoccupations of diverging parties. Naturally I also gave myself the tasks to discover where it went wrong and how can we remedy it? The answer lies in the origin of history. And the solution lies in our choice of the future. Historically, humanity has decided to go down two separate paths. The first was the tradition of inheriting the past, as the East has done, exemplified by the respect of parents and every ancestral. The second was rebellion against tradition and nature for the sake of maximizing innovation and happiness as the West has done, exemplified by the believing of imagined God entities and the current till-death-to-us-part adherence to the licentious system of liberal democracy. Let me just point out a few of the inflection points that illustrates and exacerbated the divergence. The invention of religion in the West, but not in the East, gave a leg up to the West to be so self-confident as to consider the Easterners as lesser humans, thus making their lives not matter that much. Humanity’s ravage by pandemics separated the two group into West being more superstitious and exploitative and East more closely knitted, resulting in, respective, severe devastation of the Westerners and the Easterners become wiser and humbler, thus making West more technically innovative and diplomatically confrontational and East internally more harmonious and externally more complacent. Since the discovery of the new found land of America, while still under the negative impact of the Black Death Plague in Europe, the Westerners added killing sprees againt all other divergent races. This caused the genocide of the America natives and the enslaving of the blacks. And finally the diverging history was punctuated by the dropping of two abombs in East’s islands of Japan. Now, with the debut of weapons of mass destruction on both sides, humanity’s divergence has finally brought us to the brink of mutual annihilation with another 50 years to live. Here is a proposal for U turn into convergence: A buffer zone must be created in the Westcoast of America, centered around California. We need to Asianize this buffer zone into the Eastshore of the Asia Pacific Ocean as the first step for the Westerners to learn how to live with the Easterners. Then we need to help the beleaguered Indians a chance to recover its past glory by a mass migration to the decolonized Asian colony of Australia. The above two actions would initiate the Asian countries of China, Japan and India to converge with the newly independent land of California. Basically, we need to move history backward three hundred years, to exchange the remaining 50 years of humanity’s life span for another 5000 years as East had done.
耶稣带给西方的自信 是我们东方的诅咒: DIVERGENCE OF HUMANITY My fate has been involuntarily linked to weapons. I computerized the space nuclear reactor design of the “ultimate weapon”, a nuke-powered space laser gun, envisioned by Ronald Reagan in his Star War project. I initiated the construction of the “mother of weapon” supercomputer and help China to replace America as the hub of weapon manufacturing. I spent a third of my life in weaponizing pingpong based on China’s weapon-whirling warring masters’ art, kungfu, to create the “end of weapon” nonviolent kungfu pingpong, named Pongfu, that will replace all weapons, by making its matches the only allowed forms of combats. Drown in weapons made me keenly aware of the depth of divergence of humanity, when arms race became the major preoccupations of diverging parties. Naturally I also gave myself the tasks to discover where it went wrong and how can we remedy it? The answer lies in the origin of history. And the solution lies in our choice of the future. Historically, humanity has decided to go down two separate paths. The first was the tradition of inheriting the past, as the East has done, exemplified by the respect of parents and every ancestral. The second was rebellion against tradition and nature for the sake of maximizing innovation and happiness as the West has done, exemplified by the believing of imagined God entities and the current till-death-to-us-part adherence to the licentious system of liberal democracy. Let me just point out a few of the inflection points that illustrates and exacerbated the divergence. The invention of religion in the West, but not in the East, gave a leg up to the West to be so self-confident as to consider the Easterners as lesser humans, thus making their lives not matter that much. Humanity’s ravage by pandemics separated the two group into West being more superstitious and exploitative and East more closely knitted, resulting in, respective, severe devastation of the Westerners and the Easterners become wiser and humbler, thus making West more technically innovative and diplomatically confrontational and East internally more harmonious and externally more complacent. Since the discovery of the new found land of America, while still under the negative impact of the Black Death Plague in Europe, the Westerners added killing sprees againt all other divergent races. This caused the genocide of the America natives and the enslaving of the blacks. And finally the diverging history was punctuated by the dropping of two abombs in East’s islands of Japan. Now, with the debut of weapons of mass destruction on both sides, humanity’s divergence has finally brought us to the brink of mutual annihilation with another 50 years to live. Here is a proposal for U turn into convergence: A buffer zone must be created in the Westcoast of America, centered around California. We need to Asianize this buffer zone into the Eastshore of the Asia Pacific Ocean as the first step for the Westerners to learn how to live with the Easterners. Then we need to help the beleaguered Indians a chance to recover its past glory by a mass migration to the decolonized Asian colony of Australia. The above two actions would initiate the Asian countries of China, Japan and India to converge with the newly independent land of California. Basically, we need to move history backward three hundred years, to exchange the remaining 50 years of humanity’s life span for another 5000 years as East had done.
@@leeallen7002 哪里可以考证基督教早期有轮回? 1940年以色列昆兰山洞里找到的死海古卷是B. C. 时写的,对照后和现在的旧约(也就是犹太教的圣经)是一模一样的,也就是说旧约成功从耶稣之前的年代完美的保留到现在,旧约不曾提过轮回转世。新约里耶稣也不曾说过轮回,甚至有几段经耶稣是驳斥因果报应之说。你也说早期教会删除圣经的轮回,哪里可以找到参考?
@leeallen7002 Жыл бұрын
@@geodarnodan6750 影響著整個基督教的第二世紀教父俄利根(Origen),就相信靈魂會因著前生所作的善惡而得著今生不同的果,且無始無終地不斷輪轉下去,此說在正統教會一直流傳了三百年之久。大概到第六世紀東羅馬帝國帝王查士丁尼一世(Justinian I)才設法將教父俄利根之說定為異端,並拘禁當時支持此說的教宗維吉利(Vigilius)。而否定輪迴說的首要原因是“惟恐輪迴說會削弱基督救贖的重要”。 猶太宗教學者Schalom Ben Chorin在《耶穌兄弟--從猶太人的角度看那撒勒人耶穌》中寫道:「耶穌時代,輪迴思想在猶太文化中顯然是民間信仰……所以,許多人把耶穌看成是一個古代先知的再世(路加9:8, 9:19)。塔木德中也常有可以理解為輪迴的奇怪記載,比如:『Mordechai,這就是撒姆爾。』這意思就是說,這個叫作Mordechai的猶太人,王后Esther的叔叔(舅舅?),是先知撒姆爾的再世……」 而耶穌自己用輪迴說的實例,最著名的就是他對施洗約翰和先知伊利亞的關係的解釋了。這段可見《馬太福音》:門徒問耶穌說:「文士為什麼說,以利亞必須先來?」耶穌回答說:「以利亞固然先來,並要復興萬事。」「只是我告訴你們,以利亞已經來了,人卻不認識他,竟任意待他。人子也將要這樣受他們的害。」門徒這才明白耶穌所說的,是指著施洗的約翰。 在中世紀,教會的權力發展到極點,重要的一點就是贖罪的權柄,而輪迴說的存在則意味著教廷並不掌握絕對永生的權力--因為人還有來生來世,人們所有的罪將有可能在下一世得以贖買。如果教廷方面想建立絕對永世的權威,那就只有剔除輪迴說,最好的方式是從聖經中永遠地刪掉輪迴的觀念。 以上供您參考😊🙏
1. 法國時報:教皇保羅二世送給法國總統一套基督首徒彼得所著《水上門徒行傳》 2. 義大利郵報:教皇保羅二世為教眾選讀《水上門徒行傳》 3. 教皇保羅二世自述1958年大主教親手賜給他《水上門徒行傳》, 這段教皇自述中英文節錄在這:「據教皇回憶錄完全版《耶穌基督的代理人》(Vicar of Christ),教皇首次在書中公開披露了《起來,我們走吧》(Get Up and Let Us Go)一書中被隱瞞了的真實情節和相關的經典及資料。 According to the complete version of the Pope's memoirs, Vicar of Christ, he publicly disclosed for the first time the true story and related scriptures and materials that were hidden in the book Get Up and Let Us Go. 他在書中寫道: He wrote in the book: 1958年的一天,他正在湖上泛舟,忽被紅衣主教召至華沙,受任克拉科夫主教之職。 One day in 1958, he was boating on a lake when he was suddenly called to Warsaw by the cardinal and appointed as the Bishop of Krakow. 他惶惶然,說道:“閣下,我太年輕了,我只有38歲啊。” He was nervous and said, "Your Eminence, I'm too young. I'm only 38 years old." 大主教回答說: The cardinal replied, “請不要違逆聖父的願望吧!耶穌到印度學習釋迦牟尼佛陀的教導時,比你更年輕,此種缺點我們很快便能克服。” "Please don't go against the will of the Holy Father! When Jesus went to India to study the teachings of Buddha, he was younger than you. We can overcome this shortcoming quickly." 大主教親手賜給他《水上門徒行》,這是他第一次得見此經。 The cardinal personally gave him the Aquarian Gospel, which was the first time he saw this book.」 ☆ 來源: Aquarian Gospel: Jesus studied Buddhism and became a monk in India? 有關《水上門徒行傳》的記載:耶穌曾在印度學佛並出家?【中英字幕】 網路上有人說彼得所著的《彼得福音》僅存斷章,沒有耶穌往印度研究佛學的記載。《水上門徒行傳》(Aquarian Gospel )作者另有其人,好像是以遙視能力寫成的。但這影片記錄了: 1. 法國時報:(2004.8.15.) 梵諦岡教皇保羅二世送給法國總統一套基督首徒彼得所著《水上門徒行傳》 2. 義大利郵報:(2004年平安夜) 教皇保羅二世為教眾選讀《水上門徒行傳》 3. 教皇保羅二世自述1958年大主教親手賜給他《水上門徒行傳》,這段中英文翻譯已節錄貼在上面 所以究竟怎麼回事?這是我的疑問
I do acknowledge this missing gaps of years of Jesus though not recorded in bible. I believe he get "enlightenment" there before he is ready to preach. As bible is the reference point for Christians, we Christians choose not to enter into this debate as buddism if brought in will be very confusing to stay on course. Bible as the sole reference and perhaps Jesus preaching already reflected in this teachings after he seek "enlightenment " in temple for the missing years
@tobelieve627 Жыл бұрын
@@juneleong1146 I don’t disagree but it would be good to have one version of reference…i just want to point this out. It’s all we have, I know.
This is the best presentation of Jesus Christ - that matches my understanding about him. Life is so complex and the world is so complex. We can only do our best and assume we are right.