02:48 “新北市vs. 台灣省新竹市” 的寫法雖然是“於法有據”例如〈地方制度法〉,但Morris的反應確實反應出目前地方自治架構冗餘繁複的問題,而這個問題來自於台灣人目前仍在使用舊版本的中國憲法(The ROC constitution is essentially an old version of the Chinese constitution, not designed for Taiwan.),此外修憲門檻極高也造成我們只能“凍省”無法“實質廢省”。 04:40 瑞莎Larisa 是近年有名外國裔台灣人(真的要強調她已經是法律上的台灣人了,她為台灣體育的付出更是值得讚賞),她有幫中選會拍過好幾支宣導片,可以搜尋中選會KZbin。
Same thing with the US. You just need 1 parent to be American citizen to be a US citizen yourself, no matter where you were born. And you can even run for president! Ted Cruz, the (terrible) senator from Texas, ran for president in 2016 when he was born in Canada but his mother was American.
我發覺大部份的留言,都是回答璀璀璨的問題或發表自己的意見,which is perfectly fine, 但是我必須說這支片子拍的真好,主題中藏有主題,在很短的時間,把所有的訊息,用輕鬆幽默的手法串連起來,快閃和雙語使片子更有特色,the last scene is my favorite,用畫面代替語言,表答選舉的尾聲,守在電視機前等結果,簡直是電影的拍法。我覺得璀璀璨很有天份也很用心。
因為兩岸關係,中國人對台灣來說也屬於外國人,怕被中國影響選舉所以法律才這麼嚴格,但又不能設法只針對中國人所以統一對外國人同標準 BTW說一個有趣的選舉知識,投票是用蓋章的,那有可能因為印泥沒乾的時候摺起來複印到其他候選人上,所以蓋的章有設計只有往左左斜的是正確的章,往右斜都是複印的 Due to the cross-strait relations, people from China are considered foreigners to Taiwan. The strict election laws are in place to prevent potential influence from China on elections. However, it is not feasible to specifically target only Chinese individuals, so the regulations apply uniformly to all foreigners. By the way, here's an interesting election fact: in Taiwan, votes are cast using stamped impressions. To prevent accidental smudging or copying onto other candidates' names, the stamps are designed in such a way that a correct stamp should slant to the left, while any right-slanting impressions are likely to be duplicates due to wet ink.