First of all,thanks for raising the awareness of equality among race.Plz stoping doing this for racial sensitively ppl,some of the white girl might also think they should be Korean to be liked by Korean boy,which does not make sense,what are u trying to prove bro?as East Asian individuals,we need to stand up and speak ourselves like the bts boybrand in White House.if u need me to reborn into this world,I still stick to my Asian identity
我看完你的視頻,我可以肯定你說的話是真的 雖然我的前任都是白人,一個是英國波蘭混血,一個是奧地利墨西哥混血,而我目前正在和一位西班牙的女生進展中 好,回歸正題,確實亞裔男生不受歡迎是確實的,但是外在和長相不吸引外國女生也是不爭的事實,我很早就知道這些事情,於是我選擇在其他地方作加強的動作,例如增加自己的幽默感,以及多學習一些特殊的技能(語言或是繪畫之類),這些看似很垃圾卻賺不到錢的東西,卻是讓我能順利和她們進入男女朋友關係的關鍵,我的前兩任因為同樣的興趣以及我的搞笑方式選擇和我交往 所以我覺得與其改變外在,像你所說的增加內核是很重要的 我覺得你提到一個很真實的例子,白人在羞辱你時,你就不應該傻笑,你應該對他說FUCK YOUR MOM,你越是強硬白人越會尊重你,你越無禮他們越畏懼你,狗專挑軟的咬!! 我記得我的澳洲主管一直對我無禮,直到我對他說FUCK YOU DO YOU WANT TO FIGHTE WITH ME?COME ON,之後他才開始會尊重 我即使不懂英文,我也不怕,大不了誤會道歉,但是我寧願炸過之後再說
白人多数有内涵 你這句話 說笑了, 沒這回事, 一堆沒受過高等教育,受過教育的說話也不懂得幽默,最差的就是沒修養還要動不動說粗話來顯示自己的優越感, 譬如上次有一個白人同事,我朋友問他那手機是不是很貴,基本上我根本不會這樣問, 因為我猜都可以猜到那個傢伙會想炫副。說他: paying too fuxking much for this shit. 我回他: yea we all know what kind of shit you are having. 直接看不起他的東西,也不會停留等他回復,直接當他空氣就好。 多和談吐幽默的人交流,語言流暢情商高就可以了。
if the girl from Poland,Russia,Ukraine,can travel to South Korea or china to find a boyfriend,how come they would be poor?????plz don’t assume the ppl financial background by their nationality!!!
Just be careful of yr confirmation bias,u just believe what u want to a romantic relationship,if u feel u are worth it,u are worth it.i do have met lots of East Asian friend and white friend who preferred the feminine Asian girl than white girl ,cause they think the big nose with big nostril on white girl looks muscular.and I also know they white girl who prefer the Korean boy,as well as Asian boy prefer white girl.yr five year experience in European country does not necessarily reflect the truth.But all in all,I am proud of how BTS boy brand present themselves and I am also proud of my racial identity