WARNING! Just wanted to let everyone know that today in Tesco extra car park Altrincham I had my purse stolen and cards used - they obtained/ spent several hundreds of pounds within 1 hour . I was driving out of my car parking space when a woman banged on my back window and when I opened the door she told me I’d dropped some money and there was more under the car . I got out and saw £15 in notes and some cash on the floor behind my car - I was surprised but thought my purse must have been open as I was loading my shopping so thanked her and gathered the money - I got back into the car and went to put it in my purse which was not there . I was totally perplexed - wondering if it had dropped out on my way from the shop … having spent 20mins or so going back to the shop and searching the car park I then got the first text from one of my banks to tell me that money was being accessed and they had - eventually- blocked the card . I suspect that while I was looking under the car someone opened the passenger door and took my purse . Im certain this was preplanned with more than one person involved as they managed to get a lot of money from cash machines and purchased jewellery etc all within 1hour . 2 banks are refunding me but I am still looking At the possibility of a £600 loss . PLEASE be aware . If anyone can share this in an Altrincham group please feel free to do so . I didn’t have my PIN written anywhere but they had my driver license and have obviously guessed it from info on there - I will be updating my PIN !! I have reported it to GMP and have tried to get hold of Tesco with no success - I plan to go in to inform them tomorrow and search for my probably discarded purse which contains precious photos and other memorabilia . I have always dreaded becoming a victim of a scam but here I am … very upset and very angry . Please be alert especially in the hectic pre Christmas season .
@wingwong25694 күн бұрын
我朋友把車停在路邊, 有人走過來跟他說 ,他車底有隻貓, 起初他不相信 過了不久,又有另外一個人走過來跟他說他車底有隻貓 ,於是他下車探頭去看,沒有貓的蹤影, 再回到車上 L V 手袋已不見了, 騙子已逃之夭夭! 騙徒手法層出不窮 , 出外要極小心 , 不然損失就是自己。!
You can simply call the insurance company, tell them your registration number and address, they will be able to find your policy. No need to find the paper document.