鬆仔鬆太演繹得太妙,忍唔住做下筆記😂 1:42 講嘢有骨passive aggressive 3:05 "That should be interesting" 4:53 "You do you" 5:25 "It seems there has been a misunderstanding" 7:36 "We'll take that into consideration" 10:01 "With all due respect" 11:51 "For future reference" 13:06 "I'm sorry you feel that way" 14:30 "Regards" 17:26 "As per our previous conversation" 19:20 "If you think that's best" 21:29 "You certainly made your point" 22:20 "I'll be interested to see how this plays out" 23:40 "I admire your determination" 24:59 "Good luck with that" 26:35 "I'm all ears"
@heidiwong913812 күн бұрын
@josephineyip492512 күн бұрын
謝謝你,我跟你抄低,學習說。is so interesting
@allt860112 күн бұрын
@kittysiu123812 күн бұрын
@丁蟹-o8p12 күн бұрын
@dannywong87273 күн бұрын
暗串 - 帶有嘲弄,挖苦,奚落,諷刺性的說話。 多謝鬆仔鬆太收集的英文串語。 1. That should be interesting 暗串:真係咩?信你就儍 2. Well, it's not what I would've done, but you do you 你想點做就點做喇。 暗串:如果撞板,搵你揹鑊 3. It seems there have been a misunderstanding 暗串:你錯喇 4. We'll take that into consideration 暗串:啋你都儍 5. We'll circle back on this/that 暫且不談,暗串: 講多都無謂 6. Yes, yes, absolutely 暗串:你亂噏 7. With all due respect 恕我直言,頂撞別人先禮後兵說法 8. No offence 恕我冒犯,冒昧,暗示:難聽我都要講句 9. For future reference 暗串:你好自為之,你以後打醒十二個精神 10. I'm sorry you feel that way 暗串:你嬲你嘅事 11. As per our previous conversation 暗串:你點極都唔明 12. If you think that's the best 暗串: 你以為自已好叻咩? 13. You certainly made your point 暗串:你講夠未? 14. I'll be interested to see how it plays out 暗串: 睇嚟這件事衰梗㗎喇 15. I admire your determination 暗串:你好L硬頸 16. Good luck with that 暗串:睇你今次衰梗㗎喇 17. Oh yeah, I'm all ears 洗耳恭聽,暗串:哂L氣 注意以上句子不一定全部是負面的,例如 We'll take that into consideration, I admire your determination 也可能是正面的。你要聽語氣,觀面色和身體語言才能知道對方的真正意思。
*鬆仔鬆太 Passive Aggressive 英語教室* 1. That should be……INTERESTING.(你個人幾有趣架噃) 2. Well…It's not what I would've done, but you do you.(你鍾意啦) 3. It's seems there has been a misunderstanding.(你做錯咩你自己都唔明) 4.1 We'll take that into consideration.(我會考慮吓先) 4.2 We'll circle back on that.(我返去諗吓先) 5. Yes, yes, absolutely.(係,係,你講得啱) 6.1 With all due respect.(恕我直言) 6.2 No offence.(我直接講) 7. For future reference,(我奉勸你唔好再做) 8. I'm sorry you feel that way.(我好遺憾你有咁嘅諗法) 9.1 As per your previous conversation,(我不厭其煩再強調一次) 9.2 Regards./RGDS.(同唔熟嘅人覆 Email 結尾時用) 10. If you think that idea what's best,(你自己以為你嘅諗法好好咋) 11. You certainly made your point.(你已經充份地提出咗你嘅意見喇) 12. I'll be interested to see how this plays out.(我睇你點收科) 13. I admire your determination.(我幾欣賞你唔知醜) 14. Good luck with that.(我祝你好運喇) 15. I'm all ears.(我就睇吓你點「表演」)
多謝分享,我對佢哋講嘢入面有冇骨呢樣嘢都好敏感下;是關日本人都係咁;反而我最迷惑係如果唔係想有骨,咁應該點講好!我有時都會用As I mentioned last time, as per our conversation,唔知對人哋黎講會唔會變成有骨?其他嘅就多數我會視為全部都係有骨。Misunderstanding 果個都好曖昧,因為有時要解釋一啲嘢,都會有misunderstanding ,如果單純想表達「我諗你有啲誤會,其實係乜乜乜嘅」,咁係咪又係有骨呢? 真係想喺個頭上面放個燈箱:我係乜乜人,請直表啲講! 有時太轉彎抹角,係好似只係唔想太直接而有攻擊性,但真係反轉反轉再反轉,宜家我一律都當晒有骨,都唔見得係好事!
It's pretty helpful for you to explain these common expressions/wordings in a general way. However, it is important to interpret such messages in the context of the conversation, the environment and the people you are talking. This is more British and many of them may not be applied to non-British speakers, eg American. 唔好一本通书提到老 (sorry for not written in Traditional Chinese that I prefer but my computer software seems provide no such option)
I will think about that. (i will remind him when I see him next, so never let him forget 😂)
@Hotsauce00412 күн бұрын
未見過外國人用Kind Regards, 見得最多係Best, or Best regards, 😂
@dannywong87273 күн бұрын
Email 結尾還有: 最普遍 Regards Best Regards (or Best) 其他 Warm Regards (or Warmest Regards) Kind Regards (or Kindest Regards) Best Wishes Thank you Sincerely Respectfully Cheers
@WaiUK12 күн бұрын
最常中伏係約人,佢唔會嚟但會話I'll let you know.😅 佢哋唔會直接拒絕你,唔想見到你因為佢拒絕你而失望。但我話咁你始終都係拒絕左唔會嚟,我仍然會失望,但你唔即刻話我知,令我期待左一段時間,咁咪仲失望囉~😢
@kinchan213812 күн бұрын
a lots of depends on tone of voice.
@JadeWang-i6o12 күн бұрын
We will take it into consideration, 这个通常是结束一个Topic,就是,我门说点别的
@virginialeung141112 күн бұрын
“As per our previous conversation, with all due respect, I think your idea is very interesting, I don’t need your service, thank you very much, Rdgs” 呢段笑死我 😂😂😂😂
@yypw12 күн бұрын
Very interesting😂😂😂 係加拿大我哋都學會咗如果俾人落足嘴頭氹你買嘢你又唔想買嘅時候,你可以話Let me talk to my family/husband/wife first. 咁人哋就唔可以再俾壓力你 -- 其實你都知你唔會買㗎啦哈哈哈
加多句:好重要❗️如果英國人問你…how are you? 你就將自己所有事都講俾佢聽咁佢就想閃人了How are you 係英國人既「hi or hello 啫 我見過好多華人都不停地講自己… 😂😂😂
@dannywong87273 күн бұрын
How are you? 純綷是交際應酬說話,對方不是真正問候你,你敷衍回答 I'm fine, thank you 便可以。如果對方真誠問候你,他會說 How have you been? 之類。
@toml353012 күн бұрын
仲有"best regards"
@EggFriedRice896412 күн бұрын
我真係太認真😂,話考慮下先,因為真係要啲時間諗,然後我真係回應 Sorry not mean to sorry, i am sorry for your situation but... 你就知瀨嘢😂 同啲非英語系同事溝通,大家都直接好多,要練成 passive aggressive 我仲需要啲修為😂😂😂😂
@由零開始-c7g12 күн бұрын
@lemonhkhkhk12 күн бұрын
if you think that’s best, i’ll take that into consideration rgds
@ArthurP-q4m12 күн бұрын
"Passive aggressive"=棉裡針
@lywhkg12 күн бұрын
Passive aggressive 可以翻譯為 :消極地對抗、消極地咄咄逼人。 Some examples mentioned here are common expressions. It all depends on the context.
@eddieliu419412 күн бұрын
@mudso12 күн бұрын
@ALANLIU-ix3rb12 күн бұрын
有些英語的確脫離了香港人的文法認知,例如 I would often upon him at the church = 我常在教堂見到他
@cmtwei960512 күн бұрын
@ALANLIU-ix3rb12 күн бұрын
我是睇書睇到的,我懷疑印漏中間一個動詞,我查過 chatGPT ,這句子應該是 I would often meet upon him at the church. 用於英國古老文學。
@bon30712 күн бұрын
@Emma-xd3pk11 күн бұрын
@evali136412 күн бұрын
謝謝你們!非常喜歡這集! Yours sincerely 是用在business letter 的格式。 Regards, kind regards and best regards 是用在email 的 格式。