can i seek your rough comments? 阿妈留在HK,沒有join bno visa, 但我有. 及在英俾了3年入息税 如她死了,我長子承继遺產,應同英國遺產税無關嗎?英國遺產稅同死者有關, but i pay the tax?! 如她在生,得閑俾成幾十萬hkd to me,會同其它英國税有關嗎?
Sam Sam 你好,如果我先生同仔女用bno 5+1去英國,而我冇申請留在香港hold 住樓同資產,1. 咁我在港資產日後賣出带住錢移英會合家人要不要比税呀? 2. 如果我吾移民在香港百年歸老,咁日後的遺產比英國家人又要吾要交遺產税呢?吾該sam sam 解答凝問。🙏☺在此同時多謝你解答我上次保險箱問題Thanks so much.🙏👍😊
要睇你係咪「聯名」持有財產,聯名可分為「Joint tenants」和「Tenants in common」。前者會在一方過世後,由另一方自動繼承死者的份額而不會按「無遺囑規則」分配;後者則不會自動繼承。
@liuhk90542 жыл бұрын
@@SamSamChannel888 thx
@ElaineLeung_NSL2 жыл бұрын
If the property belongs to husband and wife, each owns 50% of the property, each will have £325,000 tax free threshold. If husband died, the property will pass to her and his £325,000 tax free threshold will also pass to her. Then later the wife also died. The tax free threshold for the property will become £750,000. The 40% tax is on the property price minus £750,000.
妳好。請問用BNO visa去英國,住滿三年,是否自動成為domicile,身故後,要交境內及外遺產稅? From GOV. UK When you will not count as living abroad HMRC will treat you as being domiciled in the UK if you either: - lived in the UK for 15 of the last 20 years - had your permanent home in the UK at any time in the last 3 years of your life
@SamSamChannel8882 жыл бұрын
三年你應用在過身的CASE, 留意英文" had your permanent home in the UK at any time in the last 3 years of your life" 你在生時的最後三年,在英國有一個長期居所﹗ 在生的話,用返上面20年裏面有15年係稅務居民的情況,即係你住15年就會成為domicile, 咁就要交境外資產的遺產稅
@chinhichan46702 жыл бұрын
@@SamSamChannel888 謝回覆,那是否我用BNO visa 入境,在英國住滿三年,中途沒有離開英國,就自動成為domicile,假定入境三年後過身,就要交境內及外遺產稅,但如果中途離開,e.g. 每年返香港幾個月,就不算是domicile,就算過身,也不用交境內及外遺產稅?
@SamSamChannel8882 жыл бұрын
@@chinhichan4670 三年係應用在你過身之前,你唔過身的話,一般都係住滿15年。
@chinhichan46702 жыл бұрын
@@SamSamChannel888 謝謝回覆,不是太明,是否因為我是拿BNO visa 來英國,在未成為英國公民之前,這句"你在生時的最後三年,在英國有一個長期居所"是不適用我身上?還是拿著BNO visa的人,已住英國超過三年,但未住滿15年,身故後,要交境內及外遺產稅?