你明显不是,看你的繁体字。另外,人类只有联合起来,消除一切货币体系带来的冲突,建立资源导向型的体制,才能正真意义上帮助所以生命存活下去。这是一个复杂而令人激动的时代,所有历史上都未出现过的AI,伴随着世界资源和生存环境的威胁,而多数人还徘徊在原始动物的行为模式和思想。A Radical Change is what we are fundamentally required now, and for the next near decades, or we will be perished.
Czech Republic (formally Czechoslovak Socialist Republic) sprung a reform in 1968 Spring, better known as Prague Spring. The attempt of reform was crushed by the Warsaw pack and USSR, so many adults in Czech still remember this painful history.