我喜歡杜力先生的願望:「希望人們想起杜力時,會說:杜力是個好人。」有這種願望的人,就是一個好人。那些種族歧視的言論,讓我特別心疼杜力先生。I believe different civilizations take turns to blossom. Acknowleging achievements Eupeans have accomplished in the past few centuries, we should also keep in mind that we don't know what brilliant (璀璨😉)civilizations are buried under the continent of Africa, where the land had been lush for eons before a climate event took place around 5,000 years ago. There are evidences that ancient Egyptians were enlightened by Ethiopeans, and ancient Greeks were enlightened by Egyptians, and Romans by Greeks, and Europeans by Romans, and the whole world by Europeans. Anyone that racially discriminates is shallow and historically myopic.