So true ! Never stop pursuing your dreams . We would've had so much regret if we didn't take this opportunity. I believed travel is healing therapy for soul and mind . Your brave action really set as role model and inspiration to everyone that never fear to have a dreams and goals in life . Indeed travel absolutely opened up our mindset and realized how tiny we're compared to the place or nature and not our problems ! Stay safe always . I had been repeated several times this episode .
@anniegm22 жыл бұрын
“ To travel is to live and it’s healing therapy for soul and prolong live “ keep it 杨旭 ! Be safe and take care always .
四年前,我从北京出发,和我爱人开 SUV 走过河北,山西,沿河走走廊到新疆,再到西藏,去了下尼泊尔再回来,然后从四川回到福建老家。我也有深刻的回忆在那段旅程里。觉得吧,能让你回味的日子应该是自己向往的日子,能让你感动的日子才是你的财富。能让你成长的日子才是意义。也特别认同后面说的长途的旅行确实是房车最为合适。我们当时有一半的时间是睡在床上的,一来节省费用,二来有些地方确实不好找住宿的点,或者风景不错。我也不大喜欢结伴,但理由和杨旭的相反,我对要去的地方是有执念的,同行伙伴跟着我,不会舒服。比如去缅甸玩的时候,我给他们安排当地最好的酒店,是度假,我和我老婆骑着小摩托到处走到处看,尘土飞扬,我们却依然开心。