I just love your explanation. You make it easier to understand each technique, how to see it and how to do it. Thanks.
@SquibblesCrochetCorner5 ай бұрын
You are so welcome! I’m glad each technique was clear to understand!
@TaraMCali4 ай бұрын
I've just started to learn to crochet again. I didn't know about these techniques. Thanks for sharing!
@SquibblesCrochetCorner3 ай бұрын
@@TaraMCali yay! Welcome back! I just learned them not too long ago myself!
@zookmonke67576 ай бұрын
You crochet very similarly to me so it’s nice to watch you stitch. I place my right index finger on the loops on my hook to hold them while stitching and I also pull the yarn back tight after completing each stitch. I’ve noticed you do the same, if that makes sense. I’m gonna try the yarn under technique as when I’ve done amigurumi in the past, the stuffing always showed through the holes. I could’ve been overstuffing too. I bought your mossy mushroom and car hanging plant patterns and printed them off. Excited to start
@SquibblesCrochetCorner6 ай бұрын
How cool!! I haven’t seen anyone crochet like me before. I have tried to crochet without using my right index finger and it’s so hard not too 😂 it could be over stuffing but it could also be your tension. I definitely recommend trying the yarn under technique to see if that helps you create less holes. I hope you enjoy the patterns!
@Aburrra8 күн бұрын
I naturally yarn under, idk if it’s because I’m left handed or what. And I always thought I was doing it wrong
@SquibblesCrochetCorner8 күн бұрын
@@Aburrra interesting! Maybe it is easier for left handers.