Capítulo 362 Español Tülay: dices que te amenazaron. Gülperi: con la vida de Yigit. Tülay: por eso te sentiste obligada a seguir con este matrimonio. No, querida, ¿qué te dije sin saberlo? realmente lo siento mucho. Si supiera la clase de sacrificio que estás haciendo. Gülperi: nadie lo sabe ni deben saberlo. Tülay: es imposible deben saberlo quizá todos encontremos una solución. Gülperi: no. Tülay: en el momento adecuado para tu bien, Mert: doctora, no quería que fuese así, lo siento mucho. Mert llama a la ambulancia. Emir: hay algún problema. Tülay: si, los abogados de la otra parte han cambiado algunos artículos del contrato. Quería que echaras un vistazo. Tienes razón, si se entera de que ha sido amenazado de esta manera al igual que su hijo, no se detendrá. Es mejor no decirle. ¿Me perdonarás? Gülperi: no hay nada que perdonar. Tülay: cuando los veo uno junto al otro, cualquier mujer reaccionaría así y lo habría malinterpretando. (No puedo permitir que esta estúpida rata haga de Emir un héroe. No te preocupes este secreto se irá a la tumba conmigo) Cavidan sigue molesta dice a Tülay que Emir tuvo que tomar la decisión porque está en riesgo la vida de la chica, pero nada ha cambiado, ya que Gülperi aún sigue viviendo en la leñera y el matrimonio terminará. Tülay: soy muy consciente, se salvará la vida de una chica, créeme Emir es aún más grande ante mis ojos. Cerré completamente el libro de matrimonio con este incidente. Si no es con Emir no será con nadie más. Cavidan: nada está cerrado, haré todo lo posible para que todo vuelva a ser como antes. Continuará nuestra vida desde donde la dejamos. Ok. Llega un joven amigo de Ercan que va a buscar la basura que debe tirar. El hombre le pregunta quién es Gülperi, Ercan dice que no le interesa quién sea sólo debe hacer su trabajo. Kemal: que le hiciste, mira si un mechón de su cabello se daña, no sé qué te haré. Doctor cómo está mi esposa. Doctor: bien, gracias al chico que la trajo a tiempo. Podríamos haber perdido a su esposa. Perdió mucha sangre, pero como fue intervenida a tiempo se salvó. Una vez que despierte sabremos mejor. Kemal: ¿tú la encontraste? Mert: Inmediatamente llamé a la ambulancia. Kemal: gracias, si no fuera por ti, tal vez... Tülay cuenta a Ercan que descubrió por qué Gülperi no se divorció. Nada ha terminado, recién comienza. Fue por las amenazas del tío, pero no debe decir nada, ya que si Emir se entera nunca la dejará ir. Hasta Cavidan la puede declarar una princesa y sus planes se arruinarán. Ercan ve al hombre y comenta que está interesado en Gülperi. Tülay pide que lo deje que se cree un problema para que así ellos sean beneficiados. Emir irá a visitar al tío Hasan, dice a Yigit que mañana irán a pasear al bosque. Yigit dice que está bien, así tal vez mañana Gülperi querrá ir con ellos. Emir: ¿y si no quiere venir? Yigit: creo que sí, así mañana me ayudará a descubrí. Emir: pero tenemos algunas reglas. Yigit: las puede cumplir, conoce las flores y los árboles mejor que tú, su abuela le enseñó. ¿Sabes? dice que su madre es la persona que más la ha amado en este mundo, pero yo le dije que mi padre y yo la amamos mucho. Cuando se lo dije se escapó, pero creo que lo sabe ¿tú también la amas papá? Emir: vamos pequeño es hora de irme, el tío Hasan me espera en el hospital. Gülperi: (piensa) Tülay se enteró de que la carga sobre sus hombros. Se ha aliviado un poco. Lo mejor es que termine este matrimonio, Dios mío, para que puedan construir su casa, para que yo me deshaga de él por completo. Yigit pide a Gülperi que lo acompañe a una expedición. Cada mañana con su papá salen y descubren muchas cosas nuevas en el bosque. Le dijo a su padre que ella iría y no se opuso ya que cree que tiene poderes mágicos. Yigit logra convencerla, el hombre los sigue. Kemal informa a los de la casa que Narin está fuera de peligro, si no la traen a tiempo podrías haber muerto, deben agradecer a Mert. Minuvver: Dios te bendiga hijo, mil veces te bendiga. Hasan dice a Emir que pregunto al hombre del que le habló y preguntaría quién puede hacerse cargo de Gülperi, asi que lo llamará para saber la respuesta. Yigit quiere tomar una flor, pero Gülperi le dice que no, es venenosa porque huele a almendra, y si no huele a eso hay otra forma de saberlo, si ningún animal la ha comido es porque también es venenosa. Yigit: le dije a mi padre que tú sabias más que él, se molestó un poco. Yigit siente hambre y van a buscar una fruta. Hasan conversa con su amigo, pero nadie quiere aceptar, no quieren tener problemas con la familia de Gülperi, pero seguirá intentando. Emir: bueno al menos hay una esperanza. Hola Melike, si, Tülay es la más desgatada con todo esto, voy inmediatamente. Nos vemos tío. Yigit: justo en este lugar con mi papá encontramos tesoros muy valiosos ¿sabes? encontré una piedra y me caí, pero mi padre me dijo que no llorara, era un minuto de felicidad, porque la cosa más pequeña puede hacer feliz a una persona. Gülperi: mi abuela me hacía muñecos con conos de piña cuando tenía tu edad, y eso me hacía muy feliz. Todos lloran por Narin, Kemal pide que se calmen es la única forma de ayudarla, Mert comienza a darse cuenta de las consecuencias de sus actos y está arrepentido. Kemal: nada malo pasará mi esposa es la mujer más fuerte de este mundo. Cuando Minuvver dice que no se moverá de ahí hasta que su hija esté mejor, se desmaya. Mert llama a una enfermera. Emir: Cuando no regresó, la hermana Melike sintió curiosidad y me llamó, estaba preocupada, dije voy a ir a verte. Gülperi: es mu culpa. Emir: es tarde, regresemos ahora. Yigit: pero la excursión ´no ha terminado. Emir: ya es muy tarde hay que comer. Yigit: hoy la niña de las hadas me dio una lección sobre animales y plantas. Sefer informa a Kemal que la señora Minuvver ya está bien, se robaron algunas cosas pero las cámaras de seguridad no estaban funcionando por lo que no pueden saber realmente qué pasó. Kemal: un ladrón entró a la casa, ¿qué tipo de falta de escrúpulos, qué tipo de humanidad, cómo puede una persona hacer tal cosa, sólo unos pocos bienes? Emir: para ti, es por Yigit hoy llegaron tarde, así no me preocuparé porque sabré dónde y cómo están, lo dejaré aquí. Puedes llamar cuando lo necesite o tú puedes llamar a Melike o al tío Hasan, guarde los números. Así no estaré pensando en ti. Necesito decirte cómo usarlo. Mert llama a su amigo y lo amenaza, si algo le pasa a la doctora nadie podrá quitárselo de las manos. Emir explica cómo puede llamar por teléfono, hacen una prueba Emir: cuando te llamen tocas este botón verde, lo empujas y respondes. Ahora tú intenta, veamos. Gülperi: ¿y si presiono el lugar equivocado? Emir: no pasara nada, no temas, ahora llámame. Gülperi: ¿cómo es? Emir: así. Te mostraré cómo tomar una fotografía. Si amas la naturaleza, puedes fotografiarla. Presionas acá y la cámara se activa ok, lo ves, cuando presiono este botón toma la fotografía. Eso es todo, tu primera fotografía. ¿Siempre llevas el teléfono contigo? En caso de emergencia o cuando lo necesites, llámame. Kemal: ¿A quién nadie te puede quitar? a quién hizo esto a Narin, yo siento lo mismo, estás cansado, ve a casa. Mert: estaré acá hasta que la doctora despierte. Kemal: cuando se entere que tú la salvaste y no te has movido de acá estará muy feliz. Emir: Ola, me escuchas, pensé en hacer el primer intento, Gülperi: escuche, pero no puedo acostumbrarme. Emir: Estás comenzando una nueva vida. No puedes vivir lejos de todo. Buenas noches. Narin tiene una crisis. Kemal: Narin te lo ruego, no me dejes. Yigit: papá Gülperi tiene un teléfono, es muy hermoso. Creo que a ella le encantó. No se ira, me hará un bebe feliz. Emir: ¿bebé feliz? Necesito contestar. Oya: cuñada es sólo un teléfono, una necesidad tan básica. Ercan llama a Tülay para comincar que Emir le compró un teléfono a la chica, debe moverse más rápido si no terminará perdiendo. El hombre se acerca y pregunta por la chica. Tülay le pide que lo mande con la chica esa es una solución rápida. Ercan obedece. Mert no ve a Narin y piensa lo peor, Kemal responde que tendrán que volver a operarla es urgente. Gülperi: retrocede, no te acerques ¡ayuda! Hombre: me rompiste la cara te destrozaré. Kemal recuerda que le dijo que hablara con Mert por la noche, pero no quiso esperar, compró un regalo para que la perdonara, pero todo se arruinó. Pero estará bien, será una oportunidad para Mert y para Narin. El hombre persigue a Gülperi. Llama a Emir por teléfono, escucha los gritos de auxilio de Gülperi, Hombre: esta vez no podrás escapar de mis manos, esta vez te voy hacer daño. Gülperi recuerda cuando un hobre la atacó y queda paralizada. Hombre: te atrape, aquí te tengo. Emir: se acabó, no tengas miedo ¿estás bien? no tengas miedo, levántate, no puede hacerte nada, vamos. Kemal: cuando las enfermeras entraron me asusté mucho. Narin: crees que será tan fácil deshacerte de mí. Kemal: hay alguien que quiere verte, nunca se alejó de acá. ¡Mert! El joven llega a ver a Mert al hospital, Mert lo amenaza y el joven dice que es tan culpable como él. Los policías llegan a tomar la declaración por el incidente. Emir: Ok, no le tengas miedo a Gördes, ya no te puede hacer daño. Ya nadie puede hacerte nada. Vamos harás tu declaración, después iremos a casa. Mujer: este chico tan guapo y arruinado. Emir: perdón dijiste algo. Mujer: no, no dijo nada. Policía: Sra. Narin, ¿vio al ladrón? Narin: recuerdo algo vagamente. Mert salvo mi vida.
@melocoton16593 жыл бұрын
Continuación capitulo Emir: Este hombre está tras las rejas. Ahora no te preocupes, no puede hacer nada. No tengas miedo, Melike pregunta qué pasó y Emir le cuenta que fue atacada en el bosque por el hombre que hace pequeños trabajos en la finca. Le pide a Melike que la acompañe y no la deja sola por mucho tiempo. Ercan: Hermana, está desordenado aquí otra vez. Kemal y Narin agradecen a Mert por haberla salvado, le agradecen que haya entrado a sus vidas. Mert: yo iré a tomar desayuno. El médico comunica que Narin será dada de alta en la noche, después del control médico. Melike: no tenas miedo, no estás sola aquí, gracias a Dios Emir vino y te salvó de ese hombre, no piense en eso, de acuerdo, aquí estoy contigo, te espero, vamos, cierra tus hermosos ojos, duerme tranquila. Gülperi entra en schok , Melike pide ayuda a Emir. Emir: mírame, respira profundo, estas a salvo, continua respirando profundamente. Melike llama al doctor, pasó. Narin regresa a casa todos están felices y agradecen a Dios y a Mert por haberla salvado, se sientan a la mesa para celebrar, Narin: Mert, creo que ven a sentarte o tus propias manos vendrán y se sentarán sobre ti. Después de atender a Gülperi, la doctora dice que deberá tomar tranquilizantes regularmente y mejorará, es muy importante que no esté sola por mucho tiempo. En algunos días volverá a visitarla. Narin: todos en la mesa me complacen, pero hay una sola persona a la que hay que complacer, es Mert. Minuvver: Mert es nuestro héroe, Mert: todo está muy bueno, pero no tengo hambre. Emir: Está bien, no hay nada, fue el viento, no hay nadie, no te preocupes. Kemal: la mujer más bella tiene sed, ahora duerme. Narin: dormiré si duermes a mi lado yo ya estoy bien. Melike: Buenos días cómo estás hija, vamos, tomarás medicina, pero primero necesitas comer algo, te traje el desayuno, ya vengo. Melike le informa a Emir que Gülperi no ha dicho una palabra pero está mejor. También le pide a Emir que descanse un poco ya que no ha dormido en toda la noche y no se ve bien. Ercan informa a Tülay que Emir no durmió en toda la noche cuidando a Gülperi, Emir: si hay un problema me informas. Una amiga de Cavidan llama, se enteró de lo que paso, "nunca habíamos oído hablar de tales cosas en nuestro pueblo hasta ahora, nos sorprendió mucho cómo sucedió" Oya: Supongo que Ayse es un periódico ambulante. Ayse: escuchamos una cosa más, ¿es cierto o no? dicen que es la esposa de Emir, Cavidan: si no te importa tengo que cortar. Todo esto nos pasa por todo lo que hemos tenido que vivir y por lo de tu compromiso y boda. Mira con la situación que está lidiando. Sheriye tiene malo su teléfono, Mert lo arreglará, Kemal se lo pide. Narin agradece la oportunidad y el cambio de trato que ha tenido, Kemal dice que es porque ha demostrado un cambio ya que la salvó. El hermano del hombre que atacó a Gülperi llega a hablar con Emir dice que si hubiese sabido que era su esposa jamás habría hecho eso. Emir: escuchas lo que dices, mi esposa o no cuál es la diferencia. Tu hermano inmoral no tiene derecho a hacer que ninguna mujer experimente esto. Hombre: me entendiste mal. Emir: tu hermano será castigado. Tülay: Sé muy bien por qué estás molesta, tía Cavidan, pero por favor no te preocupes, todo estará bien por supuesto, pero Dios no lo quiera si te pasa algo Cavidan: Oh mi niña tan misericordiosa y de buen corazón. Lo juro, es un ángel, Si fuera otra persona, no miraría la cara de esa chica, estaba molesta y vino corriendo. Tülay se molesta con Yigit por golpearla con una pelota, pide disculpas, pero dice que algunas veces las madres elevan la voz con sus hijos. Yigit: mi mamá se fue al cielo. Ercan: el hombre sigue diciendo que si supiera que era tu esposa no habría pasado. Fui y pregunte, todos dicen que si supieran que es tu esposa no habría pasado, Emir: cómo puedes dar trabajo a un hombre así. Gülperi, sigue llorando. Melike: Emir nunca permitirá que vuelva a pasar algo así. Cavidan: ¿Cuál es el final de esto? No puedo soportar verte meditando así, dije que habíamos resuelto este asunto. Te fuiste. Alejaste a Tülay de ti mismo. ¿No te das cuenta de que cada vez que ignoras tu propia vida, tu futuro se te escapa de las manos? Emir. Sé que quieres ayudar, estoy orgullosa de tener un hijo como tú, pero no puedes seguir así, las cosas se salieron de control, sabes que tienes que frenar esta situación, ¿verdad? Emir: lo sé. Tülay: Oh Gülperi, te ves muy mal, pero es muy normal, has soportado todo esto muy bien, no podría manejarlo. La traición de la hermana de Fatma, las amenazas de tu tío, estar atrapada entre gente que no conoces y lo que viviste ayer. Gracias a Dios Emir es fuerte y si lo hubiesen herido. dios no lo permita. ¿O cómo dejaste caer una plaga sobre tus hombros? ¿No es así? Hemos pasado por tanto desde que llegaste. Yigit: mi papá me dijo que estas triste, mira te hice un bebé feliz. Gülperi: es muy hermoso. Yigit: ahora puedes se feli ¿verdad? Kemal no irá a trabajar se quedará cuidando a su hermosa esposa si no esta aburrida de verlo. Narin: (ríe) puede que sea así. Llaman desde la policía, han atrapado a alguién , Narin: que bueno, me molestaba que no sucediera. Emir recuerda todo lo que ha vivido con Gülperi, toma una decisión. Cavidan: Oh, mira lo que nos pasó, ¿con qué estamos lidiando mientras corremos hacia los preparativos de la boda de ustedes dos? Oya: Mi querida hermana, mira, tu presión sanguínea subirá un poco, trata de no pensar en eso, estarás bien, ¿no? Tülay: Será mejor que te traiga un agua de limón. Cavidan: aunque no lo piense, todos hablan, esa mujer Ayse no paro de hablar durante uno hora. Emir: Ya nadie puede chismorrear, nadie podrá hablar. Mira, he tomado una decisión. Una decisión que creo que es la mejor para todos. Anunciare mi matrimonio a todos...
@ladyheart87893 жыл бұрын
thank you
@fernandadias62793 жыл бұрын
@@melocoton1659 Gracias
@CarmenRodriguez-gv1bm3 жыл бұрын
Gracias muchas gracias por ti melocotón 🍑
@alejandrinagabrielabello53593 жыл бұрын
😊 muchísimas gracias
@melocoton16593 жыл бұрын
Chapter 362 English Tülay: you say they threatened you. Gülperi: with the life of Yigit. Tülay: that's why you felt compelled to continue with this marriage. No, my dear, what did I say to you without knowing it? I'm really sorry. If I only knew the kind of sacrifice you're making. Gülperi: nobody knows and should not know. Tülay: it is impossible they should know maybe we will all find a solution. Gülperi: no. Tülay: at the right time for your good, Mert: doctor, I didn't want it to be like this, I'm very sorry. Mert calls the ambulance. Emir: there is something wrong. Tülay: yes, the lawyers of the other party have changed some articles of the contract. I wanted you to take a look. You are right, if he finds out that he has been threatened in this way as well as his son, he will not stop. It is better not to tell him. Will you forgive me? Gülperi: there is nothing to forgive. Tülay: When I see them next to each other, any woman would react like that and would have misinterpreted it. (I can't allow this stupid rat to make Emir a hero. Don't worry this secret will go to the grave with me) Cavidan is still upset tells Tülay that Emir had to make the decision because the girl's life is at risk, but nothing has changed, as Gülperi is still living in the woodshed and the marriage will end. Tülay: I am very aware, a girl's life will be saved, believe me Emir is even bigger in my eyes. I completely closed the marriage book with this incident. If it is not with Emir it will not be with anyone else. Cavidan: nothing is closed, I will do my best to make everything go back to the way it was before. Our life will continue from where we left it. Okay. Ercan's young friend arrives who goes to look for the garbage that he must throw away. The man asks who Gülperi is, Ercan says that he doesn't care who he is, only he should do his job. Kemal: what did you do to him? He watches if a lock of his hair gets damaged, I don't know what I'll do to you. Doctor how is my wife. Doctor: Okay, thanks to the boy who brought it in on time. We could have lost his wife. She lost a lot of blood, but since she was operated on in time she was saved. Once she wakes up we will know better. Kemal: did you find it? Mert: I immediately called the ambulance. Kemal: Thank you, if it weren't for you, maybe ... Tülay tells Ercan that she found out why Gülperi didn't get a divorce. Nothing has ended, it has just begun. She went because of her uncle's threats, but she shouldn't say anything, because if Emir finds out she will never let her go. Even Cavidan can declare her a princess and her plans will be ruined. Ercan sees the man and comments that he is interested in Gülperi. Tülay asks that they let him create a problem so that they can benefit. Emir is going to visit Uncle Hasan, he tells Yigit that tomorrow they will go for a walk in the forest. Yigit says that he is fine, so maybe tomorrow Gülperi will want to go with them. Emir: what if she doesn't want to come? Yigit: I think so, so tomorrow will help me find out. Emir: but we have some rules. Yigit: he can fulfill them, he knows flowers and trees better than you, his grandmother taught him. You know? She says that her mother is the person who has loved her the most in this world, but I told her that my father and I love her very much. When I told her she ran away from her, but I think she knows, do you love her too dad? Emir: come on little one, it's time to go, Uncle Hasan is waiting for me at the hospital. Gülperi: (thinks) Tülay found out that he is carrying her on his shoulders. She has relieved a bit. The best thing is that this marriage ends, my God, so they can build his house, so that I can get rid of him completely. Yigit asks Gülperi to accompany him on an expedition. Every morning with her father they go out and discover many new things in the forest. She told her father that she would go and he did not object as she believes that she has magical powers. Yigit manages to convince her, the man follows them. Kemal informs those of the house that Narin is out of danger, if they don't bring her in time you could have died, they should thank Mert. Minuvver: God bless you son, a thousand times bless you. Hasan tells Emir that he asked the man he told him about and he would ask who can take care of Gülperi, so he will call him to find out the answer. Yigit wants to take a flower, but Gülperi says no, it is poisonous because it smells like almonds, and if it doesn't smell like that, there is another way to know, if no animal has eaten it, it is because it is also poisonous. Yigit: I told my father that you knew more than he did, she got a little upset. Yigit is hungry and they go to get some fruit. Hasan talks to his friend, but nobody wants to accept, they don't want to have problems with Gülperi's family, but he will keep trying. Emir: well at least there is hope. Hello Melike, yes, Tülay is the most worn out with all this, I go immediately. See you man. Yigit: right in this place with my dad we found very valuable treasures you know? I found a stone and fell, but my father told me not to cry, it was a minute of happiness, because the smallest thing can make a person happy. Gülperi: my grandmother made me dolls with pineapple cones when I was your age, and that made me very happy. Everyone cries for Narin, Kemal asks that they calm down from her is the only way to help her, Mert begins to realize the consequences of her actions and is sorry. Kemal: nothing bad will happen my wife is the strongest woman in this world. When Minuvver says that she won't move until her daughter is better, she faints. Mert calls a nurse. Emir: When she didn't come back, Sister Melike was curious and she called me, she was worried, I said I'm going to go see you. Gülperi: it's my fault. Emir: it's late, let's go back now. Yigit: but the excursion is not over. Emir: it is too late to eat. Yigit: Today the fairy girl gave me a lesson about animals and plants. Sefer informs Kemal that Mrs. Minuvver is fine now, some things were stolen but the security cameras weren't working so they can't really know what happened. Kemal: a thief broke into the house, what kind of unscrupulousness, what kind of humanity, how can a person do such a thing, only a few goods? Emir: for you, it's because of Yigit, they were late today, so I won't worry because I'll know where and how they are, I'll leave it here. You can call when I need it or you can call Melike or Uncle Hasan, save the numbers. So I won't be thinking about you. I need to tell you how to use it. Mert calls her friend and threatens him, if something happens to the doctor no one will be able to take it out of her hands. Emir explains how you can make a phone call, they do a test Emir: when they call you you touch this green button, you push it and you answer. Now you try, let's see. Gülperi: what if I press the wrong place? Emir: nothing will happen, do not fear, now call me. Gülperi: what is it like? Emir: like this. I will show you how to take a picture. If you love nature, you can photograph it. You press here and the camera is activated ok, you see, when I press this button it takes the picture. That's it, your first photograph. Do you always carry the phone with you? In case of emergency or when you need it, call me. Kemal: Who can nobody take away from you? who did this to Narin, I feel the same, you're tired, go home. Mert: I'll be here until the doctor wakes up. Kemal: when she finds out that you saved her and you haven't moved from here she will be very happy. Emir: Hello, you hear me, I thought about making the first try, Gülperi: listen, but I can't get used to it. Emir: You are starting a new life. You cannot live far from everything. Good evening. Narin has a crisis. Kemal: Narin I beg you, don't leave me. Yigit: Papa Gülperi has a telephone, it is very beautiful. I think she loved it. She won't leave, she will make me a happy baby. Emir: happy baby? I need to answer. Oya: sister-in-law is just a phone, such a basic need. Ercan calls Tülay to tell that Emir bought the girl a phone, she must move faster if she doesn't end up losing. The man approaches and asks for the girl. Tülay asks him to send him to the girl that is a quick solution. Ercan obeys. Mert does not see Narin and thinks the worst, Kemal responds that they will have to operate again it is urgent. Gülperi: back off, stay away, help! Man: you broke my face I will destroy you. Kemal remembers that he told her to talk to Mert at night, but he didn't want to wait, he bought a gift for him to forgive her, but everything was ruined. But it will be fine, it will be an opportunity for Mert and Narin. The man chases Gülperi. He calls Emir on the phone, hears Gülperi's cries for help, Man: this time you won't be able to escape from my hands, this time I'm going to hurt you. Gülperi remembers when a man attacked her and she is paralyzed. Man: catch you, here I have you. Emir: it's over, don't be afraid are you okay? don't be afraid, get up, he can't do anything to you, come on. Kemal: When the nurses came in I was very scared. Narin: you think it will be so easy to get rid of me. Kemal: there is someone who wants to see you, he never left here. Mert! The young man comes to see Mert at the hospital, Mert threatens him and the young man says that she is as guilty as him. The police arrive to take the statement for the incident. Emir: Ok, don't be afraid of Gördes, he can't hurt you anymore. Nobody can do anything to you anymore. Come on, you'll make your statement, then we'll go home. Woman: this handsome and ruined boy. Emir: sorry you said something. Woman: no, he didn't say anything. Police: Mrs. Narin, did you see the thief? Narin: I remember something vaguely. Mert saved my life.
@melocoton16593 жыл бұрын
continuation chapter Emir: This man is behind bars. Now don't worry, he can't do anything. Don't be afraid, Melike asks what happened and Emir tells her that she was attacked in the forest by the man who does small jobs on the farm. He asks Melike to accompany her and does not leave her alone for long. Ercan: Sister, he's messy here again. Kemal and Narin thank Mert for saving her, they thank him that he entered their lives. Mert: I'll go have breakfast. The doctor communicates that Narin will be discharged at night, after the medical check-up. Melike: do not be afraid, you are not alone here, thank God Emir came and saved you from that man, do not think about it, okay, here I am with you, I wait for you, come on, close your beautiful eyes, sleep peacefully. Gülperi enters schok, Melike asks Emir for help. Emir: look at me, take a deep breath, you are safe, he continues to breathe deeply. Melike calls the doctor, it happened. Narin comes home everyone is happy and they thank God and Mert for saving her, they sit at the table to celebrate, Narin: Mert, I think they come sit or your own hands will come and sit on you. After treating Gülperi, the doctor says that she should take tranquilizers regularly and she will improve, it is very important that she is not alone for a long time. In a few days she will visit her again. Narin: everyone at the table pleases me, but there is only one person to be pleased, it is Mert. Minuvver: Mert is our hero, Mert: everything is very good, but I'm not hungry. Emir: Okay, there is nothing, it was the wind, there is no one, do not worry. Kemal: the most beautiful woman is thirsty, now she sleeps. Narin: I will sleep if you sleep next to me I am already well. Melike: Good morning how are you daughter, come on, you will take medicine, but first you need to eat something, I brought you breakfast, I'm coming. Melike informs Emir that Gülperi hasn't said a word but she's better. He also asks Emir to get some rest since he hasn't slept all night and he doesn't see well. Ercan informs Tülay that Emir did not sleep all night taking care of Gülperi, Emir: if there is a problem you inform me. A friend of Cavidan calls, she found out what happened, "we had never heard of such things in our town until now, we were very surprised how it happened" Oya: I guess Ayse is a traveling newspaper. Ayse: we heard one more thing, is it true or not? They say that she is Emir's wife, Cavidan: if you don't mind I have to cut. All this happens to us because of everything we have had to live and because of your engagement and wedding. Look at the situation you are dealing with. Sheriye has her phone wrong, Mert will fix it, Kemal asks. Narin appreciates the opportunity and the change of treatment that she has had, Kemal says that it is because he has shown a change since he saved her. The brother of the man who attacked Gülperi comes to speak with Emir says that if he had known that she was his wife he would never have done that. Emir: do you listen to what you say, my wife or not what is the difference. Your immoral brother has no right to make any woman experience this. Man: you got me wrong. Emir: your brother will be punished. Tülay: I know very well why you are upset, Aunt Cavidan, but please don't worry, everything will be fine of course, but God forbid if something happens to you Cavidan: Oh my girl so merciful and kind-hearted. I swear, she's an angel, If she was someone else, I wouldn't look at that girl's face, she was upset and she came running. Tülay gets upset with Yigit for hitting her with a ball, she apologizes, but she says that sometimes mothers raise their voices with her children. Yigit: my mom went to heaven. Ercan: the man keeps saying that if he knew that she was your wife it would not have happened. I went and asked, everyone says that if they knew that she is your wife it would not have happened, Emir: how can you give a man like that a job. Gülperi, keep crying. Melike: Emir will never allow something like this to happen again. Cavidan: What's the end of this? I can't bear to see you meditating like this, I said that we had resolved this matter. You left. You took Tülay away from yourself. Don't you realize that every time you ignore your own life, your future slips out of hand? Emir. I know you want to help, I am proud to have a child like you, but you cannot continue like this, things got out of control, you know you have to stop this situation, right? Emir: I know. Tülay: Oh Gülperi, you look very bad, but it is very normal, you have endured all this very well, I could not handle it. Fatma's sister's betrayal, your uncle's threats, being trapped among people you don't know and what you lived yesterday. Thank God Emir is strong and if they had hurt him. god forbid. Or how did you drop a plague on your shoulders? It is not like this? We've been through so much since you arrived. Yigit: my dad told me that you are sad, look, I made you a happy baby. Gülperi: he is very beautiful. Yigit: now you can be happy right? Kemal will not go to work, he will take care of his beautiful wife if she is not bored of seeing him. Narin: (laughs) it may be so. They call from the police, they have caught someone, Narin: good, it bothered me that it didn't happen. Emir remembers everything he has lived with Gülperi, he makes a decision. Cavidan: Oh look what happened to us, what are we dealing with as we rush towards the wedding preparations for the two of you? Oya: My dear sister, look, your blood pressure will go up a bit, try not to think about it, you will be fine, right? Tülay: I'd better get you some lemon water. Cavidan: even if I don't think about it, everyone talks, that Ayse woman can't stop talking for an hour. Emir: No one can gossip anymore, no one can speak. Look, I've made up my mind. A decision that I think is the best for everyone. I will announce my marriage to everyone ...
@shahid7623 жыл бұрын
Thank you 👍
@mamudijamorina92393 жыл бұрын
@@melocoton1659 Hvala puno za prevod nije loša serija naš je Emir fenomenalan glumac nema šta i svi su baš ce biti interesantno i
@maricelbolonias36923 жыл бұрын
Thank you so very much,Melocoton...
@tanseelou8063 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!!!
@josievillarin9030 Жыл бұрын
Kemal and Narin are perfect matched,
@levaillant13 жыл бұрын
I have no idea what that little guy is saying but he is so "expressive and articulate" I smile the whole time I am watching!
@tanseelou8063 жыл бұрын
Wow Kemal demonstrating his fierce love for Narin- super ❤️❤️🌹🌹
@cucyxyducucucu45653 жыл бұрын
@dadiduda7183 жыл бұрын
Finally, Yigit himself tells us his mother went to heaven. Anyone? 😁😁😁😁
@曾美女-h6n3 жыл бұрын
Why did Ferid marry Umit?
@Redmia-rb2ui3 жыл бұрын
Мне Гюльпери нравится. Если её стелисты оденуть нормальную одежду, она будит красивой.
@dadiduda7183 жыл бұрын
@@Redmia-rb2uiI like her too, she's beautiful. Emir's character suit her. I don't know, I saw like that.
@MuhammadAsif-cb8ul2 жыл бұрын
what did Tulay said to Yigit??
@elsiedlembula3130 Жыл бұрын
@@曾美女-h6n running away from EMIR.😀😀not sure or maybe she was trying to right her first wedding🙈🙉
@mercyn55242 жыл бұрын
Oh God, i love you Emir, thank you so much for that decision. My regards to Yigit, Melike and Oya, not forgetting Gulperi.
@haneymoon52723 жыл бұрын
I am sorry writer but I am very confused what is going on in your mind for the past ten episodes is nothing but men attacking Gulperi like ninja warrior. I understand you wanted to highlight the welfare of a woman in the society but it is too much like every men have the intention to attack Gulperi . I feel all your male characters are savages abuse girls and the female characters are evil and mentally deluded so instead of Yemin I think you need to change your scenario into saving the ninja warrior . Your scenario will be great because the setting in the forest 🌳 and you will attract the young viewers who would like the action part of it .
@selenajane88003 жыл бұрын
So true about ninja warriors 😁
@yaaf4833 жыл бұрын
Ninja warrior 😂😂😂😂
@luanalbello3 жыл бұрын
😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂
@iyahsimangan62983 жыл бұрын
No one can replace Reyhan's character. Emir bey and Reyhan they deserves happy ending and reunite with their son yigit! Ozge and Gokberk I really admire them and I love this lovely couple. Love from Philippines 🇵🇭💗💗
@bushshorizvi8650 Жыл бұрын
Oh yes tha a wonderful idea to make season 5
@ГулбаханЕсимхан3 жыл бұрын
Narin cok guzel 💋💋💋💘💘💘💞💞💞🌹🌹💐💐💐🌺🌺🌺💯💯
@ayshaboujemaa64473 жыл бұрын
bravooooo superb episode of today NARKEM are PERFECT and GULMIR are VERY GOOD and YEMIN 4 is BEST and ALL THE CAST
@lorebethvillegas60283 жыл бұрын
I am not a fan of Gülperi,but I did not hate her. She's an actress and only doing her role,We people watching and following this series Yemin we shouldn't throw hard comments to Gülperi, people are getting too rude towards her.. criticizing her appearance,blah blah blah, which is not good.. let's allow her to play her role without throwing harsh words 😉
@hanajakovljevic86073 жыл бұрын
Bravo ! And, it is very early to be her fun. I like her .Let"s give her a chance !
@lorebethvillegas60283 жыл бұрын
@@hanajakovljevic8607 exactly..!
@elsiedlembula3130 Жыл бұрын
Love her shame👏👏👏
@titinacicchirillo96323 жыл бұрын
Prodiccion!!! Cambien el vestido de Gulperi hace 3 semanas que se acuesta y se levanta con el mismo vestido cuiden los detalles si el personaje es pobre pero se puede cambiar vestuario!!!!
@luzjeanethfernandezmoreno5873 жыл бұрын
Siiiii 👍 y bien feo que es el vestido 😃
@treseliza93253 жыл бұрын
@nusafilip15873 жыл бұрын
Va da ți seama ce regizor au!!
@bellaprados82193 жыл бұрын
Pobre chica nunca se baña ni se cambia de ropa
@cherryblossom86263 ай бұрын
Eso mismo comenté yo, se vei muy mal tantos dias lo tanta excenas con el mismo vestido, hasta llegué a sentir asco cuando veía a gulperi
@dadiduda7183 жыл бұрын
Huwaaaaa..... I'm crying watching Kemal hug Mert.
@darlenepaul26303 жыл бұрын
People you don't need to be rude and stupid. The actors are doing their jobs well. It's not real life. Give them a chance .
@elizenel84383 жыл бұрын
I agree. All this people wants to rewrite the show as they wish it to be. It is just a story. The actors are trying their best to perform excellent. The actord replacing is always getting the hard of it. Hive them a change. They deserve it and work hard for it. Please stop the nagging and just enjoy the show.
@treseliza93253 жыл бұрын
The actors doing their job but the writer not ,copying 1 and 2 it's insult.
@hanajakovljevic86073 жыл бұрын
@@elizenel8438 Bravo !
@introbeth05073 жыл бұрын
Exactly. Its just an act, they don't need to be rude. They can criticize the acting or or maybe the story line but the not the actors.
@anitacintas52833 жыл бұрын
@@treseliza9325 👍🌹
@island_girl972 жыл бұрын
I believe the mistake that a lot people were doing at the time was comparing Setenay and Ozge. Those are two beautiful women who are acting totally differently from one another. No need to be rude or mean to Setenay because you want Ozge to be back. She chose to pursue other things and further her career in a different way. That's her choice. However now that we have a new leading lady, give her chance. She is not playing Reyhan but Gulperi. Those two characters are totally different from each other, with different upbringings and they both met Emir at different stages of his life. Emir not mentioning Reyhan to Yigit, can you guys try for one second to be in Emir's shoes? The man has suffered a deep loss and took 4 years to grieve, not just his wife but also father. On top of that, he was shot too. It is not easy to cope with everything and raise a child who wishes he had a mother. The child knows his Mom is in heaven. Maybe Emir is scared that Yigit blames himself for his Mom's death. But please, stop with the narrative that Emir is selfish or that he never loved Reyhan just because it looks like he is interested in another woman. That type of logic is indeed foolish because it means that he doesn't deserve to move on and fall in love again because his wife died. That's crazy.
@sutirahsutirah16892 жыл бұрын
I agree with you. I thought the same. Even, Yigit needs a mother, just like Gulperi. I like Setenay, she is very beautiful ❤️
@MayaMaryDrama2 жыл бұрын
@island_girl972 жыл бұрын
@@MayaMaryDrama oh Canim!!! 😘😘😘 And the nonsense and hateful comments still continue regardless. I feel like common sense is not common anymore.
@island_girl972 жыл бұрын
@@sutirahsutirah1689 I don't understand the mean comments. Setenay is just doing her job
@MayaMaryDrama2 жыл бұрын
@@island_girl97 so true! Annoying and never ending! As of it would bring back the characte. Life teaches us to move on but some one the drama land is not allowed to or what! 🤦🏻♀️
@sonalisisodia51283 жыл бұрын
Gulperi smile when phone rings😁😁
@dadiduda7183 жыл бұрын
Yigit is a smart kid. He can recognize you are fake or not TULAY. Otherwise, he can't heal the trauma his PERI KIZI.
@mayd.82183 жыл бұрын
The fact that there is no chemistry between Emir and Tullia and Emir shows no emotions or even an interaction with her is so puzzling as to why she even exists in the story. She is the one to be eliminated as she is such an unnecessary part of this story. I mean they cause enough drama without her and her useless brother in the scenes. The story line is getting worse than season 3 for sure. Why there has to be so much attempt on Gulparie? For sure a simple girl from a village should not have this much attempts on her life for god’s sake. And then leaving the guy without making sure that he is taken to custody. I mean Goberck deserves better than this. 😒😒😒😒
@jeninbarbe59033 жыл бұрын
I agree with you...But when will they ever give Gulperi a change of god its been going on forever she's wearing the same dress forever..
@khairiehel-ghouch8633 жыл бұрын
يمين حلقه 361 قسم 1 مترجم تولاي: أنت تقول إنهم هددوك. جولبيري: بحياة يجيت. تولاي: لهذا شعرت أنك مضطره لمواصلة هذا الزواج. لا يا عزيزتي ماذا قلت لك دون أن تدري؟ أنا حقا آسفه. إذا كنت أعرف فقط نوع التضحية التي تقدميها. جولبيري: لا أحد يعرف ولا يجب أن يعرف. تولاي: من المستحيل أن يعرفوا أنه ربما سنجد جميعًا حلاً. جولبيري: لا. تولاي: في الوقت المناسب لمصلحتك ، ميرت: دكتور ، لم أرغب في أن يكون الأمر على هذا النحو ، أنا آسف جدًا. ميرت يستدعي سيارة الإسعاف. أمير: هناك شيء خاطئ. تولاي: نعم ، قام محامو الطرف الآخر بتغيير بعض بنود العقد. أردتك أن تلقي نظرة. أنت على حق ، إذا اكتشف أنه قد تعرضت للتهديد بهذه الطريقة وكذلك ابنه ، فلن يتوقف. من الأفضل عدم إخباره. هل يتغفري لي؟ جولبيري: ليس هناك شئ لاغفر له . تولاي: عندما أراهم بجانب بعضهم البعض ، فإن أي امرأة سترد على هذا النحو وستكون قد أساءت تفسيره. (لا يمكنني السماح لهذا الجرذ الغبي ان يجعلها أمير بطله. لا تقلقي من أن هذا السر سيذهب معي إلى القبر) لا تزال جافيدان مستاءًه وتقول لتولاي إن على أمير اتخاذ القرار لأن حياة الفتاة في خطر ، لكن لم يتغير شيء ، حيث أن جولبيري لا تزال تعيش في مخزن الحطب وسينتهي الزواج. تولاي: أنا مدركه تمامًا ، ستنقذ حياة الفتاة ، صدقوني أن أمير كبر في عيني. لقد أغلقت دفتر الزواج تمامًا بهذه الحادثة. إذا لم يكن مع أمير فلن يكون مع أي شخص آخر. جافيدان: لا شيء مغلق ، سأبذل قصارى جهدي لإعادة كل شيء إلى ما كان عليه من قبل. ستستمر حياتنا من حيث تركناها. تمام. يصل صديق إركان الشاب الذي يذهب للبحث عن القمامة التي يجب أن يرميها بعيدًا. يسأل الرجل من هو جولبيري ، ويقول إركان إنه لا يجب ان يهتم بمن هي ، فقط يجب أن يقوم بعمله. كمال: ماذا فعلت بها؟ انظر إذا تلف خصلة من شعرها ، لا أعرف ماذا سأفعل بك. دكتور كيف حال زوجتي. الطبيب: حسنًا ، شكرًا للفتى الذي أحضرها في الوقت المحدد. كان من الممكن أن تفقد زوجتك. لقد فقدت الكثير من الدم ، ولكن منذ أن أجريت لها العملية وفي الوقت المناسب تم إنقاذها. بمجرد أن تستيقظ سنعرف أفضل. كمال: هل وجدتها؟ ميرت: اتصلت على الفور بسيارة الإسعاف. كمال: شكرًا لك ، لولاك ، ربما ... أخبرت تولاي إركان أنها اكتشفت سبب عدم حصول جولبيري على الطلاق. لم ينتهي شيء ، لقد بدأ للتو. ذهبت بسبب تهديدات عمها ، لكن لا ينبغي لها أن تقول أي شيء ، لأنه إذا علم أمير أنه لن تسمح لها بالرحيل. حتى جافيدان يمكنها أن تعلنها أميرة وستتلف خططها. يرى إركان الرجل ويعلق على أنه مهتم بـجولبيري . تطلب تولاي السماح له بخلق مشكلة حتى يتمكنوا من الاستفادة. أمير ذاهب لزيارة العم حسن ، أخبر يغيت أنهم سيذهبون غدا في نزهة في الغابة. يقول يغيت إنه بخير ، لذلك ربما ترغب جولبيري في الذهاب معهم غدًا. أمير: ماذا لو أنها لا تريد أن تأتي؟ يغيت: أعتقد ذلك ، لذا غدًا ستساعدني في معرفة ذلك. أمير: ولكن لدينا بعض القواعد. يغيت: يمكنه تحقيقها ، انه تعرف الزهور والأشجار أفضل منه ، علمتها جدتها. أنت تعرف؟ تقول إن والدتها هي أكثر من أحبها في هذا العالم ، لكني أخبرتها أن والدي وأنا نحبها كثيرًا. عندما أخبرتها هربت مني ، لكنني أعتقد أنها تعرف ، هل تحبها أيضًا يا أبي؟ أمير: هيا يا صغيرتي ، حان وقت الرحيل ، العم حسن ينتظرني في المستشفى. جولبيري: (تعتقد) اكتشاف تولاي للحقيقه انزل حملها من على كتفيها. لقد ارتاحت قليلا. أفضل شيء أن ينتهي هذا الزواج يا إلهي ليبني بيته حتى أتخلص من ذلك نهائيا. يطلب يغيت من جولبيري مرافقته في رحلة استكشافية. كل صباح مع والده يخرجون ويكتشفون أشياء جديدة كثيرة في الغابة. أخبر والده أنه سيذهب ولا يعترض لأنه يعتقد أن لديه قوى سحرية. ينجح يغيت في إقناعه ، ويتبعهم الرجل. يخبر كمال أهل المنزل أن نارين بعيدة عن الخطر ، إذا لم يحضروها في الوقت المناسب لكان من الممكن أن تموت ، يجب أن يشكروا ميرت.
@khairiehel-ghouch8633 жыл бұрын
يمين 361 قسم 2 مترجم . مينوفير: بارك الله فيك يا بني ألف مرة. يخبر حسن أمير أنه سأل الرجل الذي أخبره عنه وأنه سيسأل ما اذا يمكنه رعاية جولبيري ، لذلك سيتصل به لمعرفة الإجابة. يغيت يريد أن يأخذ زهرة ، لكن جولبيري تقول لا ، إنها سامة لأنها تشبه رائحة اللوز ، وإذا لم تكن رائحتها هكذا ، فهناك طريقة أخرى لمعرفة ، إذا لم يأكلها أي حيوان ، فلأنها كذلك. أيضا سامة. يغيت: لقد أخبرت والدي أنك تعرفي أكثر مما يعرفه ، لقد انزعج قليلاً. يغيت يجوع ويذهبون ليحضروا بعض الفاكهة. يتحدث حسن مع صديقه ، لكن لا أحد يريد القبول ، فهم لا يريدون مواجهة مشاكل مع عائلة جولبيري ، لكنه سيستمر في المحاولة. أمير: حسناً على الأقل هناك أمل. مرحبًا مليكه ، نعم ، تولاي هي الأكثر تهالكًا مع كل هذا ، سأذهب على الفور. أراك لاحقا. يغيت: في هذا المكان مع والدي وجدنا كنوزًا قيّمة جدًا كما تعلمي؟ وجدت حجرًا وسقطت ، لكن والدي قال لي ألا أبكي ، لقد كانت دقيقة من السعادة ، لأن أصغر شيء يمكن أن يسعد الإنسان. جولبيري: صنعت لي جدتي دمى مع مخاريط الأناناس عندما كنت في عمرك ، وهذا جعلني سعيدًا جدًا. الجميع يبكي من أجل نارين ، يطلب كمال أن يهدأوا و هو السبيل الوحيد لمساعدتها ، تيدأ ميرت في إدراك عواقب أفعاله ويأسف لذلك. كمال: لن يحدث شيء سيء زوجتي هي أقوى امرأة في هذا العالم. عندما تقول مينوفر إنها لن تتحرك حتى تتحسن ابنتها ، يغمى عليها. ميرت يستدعي ممرضة. أمير: عندما لم تعد ، كانت الأخت ميليك تشعر بالفضول واتصلت بي ، وكانت قلقة ، وقلت إن أذهب لرؤيتك. جولبيري: هذا خطأي. أمير: لقد فات الوقت ، لنعد الآن. يغيت: لكن الرحلة لم تنته بعد. أمير: فات الأوان للأكل. يغيت: اليوم أعطتني الفتاة الخيالية درسًا عن الحيوانات والنباتات. يخبر سيفر كمال أن السيدة مينوفير بخير الآن ، بعض الأشياء قد سُرقت لكن الكاميرات الأمنية لم تكن تعمل لذا فهم لا يعرفون حقيقة ما حدث. كمال: لص اقتحم المنزل ، أي نوع من انعدام الضمير ، أي نوع من الإنسانية ، كيف يمكن لشخص أن يفعل مثل هذا الشيء ، فقط بضع سلع؟ أمير: بالنسبة لك ، هذا بسبب يغيت ، لقد تأخرتوا اليوم ، لذلك لن أقلق لأنني سأعرف أين وكيف انتم ، سأتركه هنا. يمكنك الاتصال عندما تحتاجي إلي أو يمكنك الاتصال بميليكة أو العم حسن ، وحفظ الأرقام. لذلك لن أفكر فيكي. أريد أن أخبرك عن كيفية استخدامه. يتصل ميرت بصديقه ويهدده ، إذا حدث شيء للطبيبه فلن يتمكن أحد من إخراجه من يديه. يشرح أمير كيف يمكنها إجراء مكالمة هاتفية ، ويقومون باختبار أمير: عندما يتصلون بك ، تلمس هذا الزر الأخضر ، تضغط عليه وتردي. الآن حاولي ، دعنا نرى. جولبيري: ماذا لو ضغطت على المكان الخطأ؟ أمير: لن يحدث شيء ، لا تخافي ، اتصلي بي الآن. جولبيري: كيف يبدو الأمر؟ أمير: هكذا. سأريك كيف تلتقطي صورة. إذا تحبي الطبيعة ، يمكنك تصويرها. تضغطي هنا ويتم تفعيل الكاميرا ، حسناً ، كما ترى ، عندما أضغط على هذا الزر ، تلتقطي الصورة. هذا كل شيء ، صورتك الأولى. احملي الهاتف معك دائما؟ في حالة الطوارئ أو عند الحاجة ، اتصلي بي. كمال: مَنْ لا يسلب منك أحد؟ من فعل هذا لنارين ، أشعر بالشيء نفسه ، أنت متعب ، اذهب إلى المنزل. ميرت: سأكون هنا حتى تستيقظ الطبيب. كمال: عندما تكتشف أنك أنقذتها ولم تنتقل من هنا ستكون سعيدة للغاية. أمير: مرحباً ، تسمعني ، فكرت في المحاولة الأولى ، جولبيري: اسمع ، لكن لا يمكنني التعود على ذلك. أمير: أنت تبدأي حياة جديدة. لا يمكنكي العيش بعيدا عن كل شيء. مساء الخير. نارين تعاني من أزمة. كمال: نارين أتوسل إليكم لا تتركني. يغيت: اعطى بابا لجولبيري هاتف ، إنه جميل جدًا. أعتقد أنها أحبت ذلك. لن تغادر ، ستجعلني طفلاً سعيدًا. أمير: طفل سعيد؟ أريد أن أجيب. أويا: زوجه أخي انه مجرد هاتف ، إنها حاجة أساسية. يتصل إركان بتولاي ليخبرها أن أمير اشترى للفتاة هاتفاً ، وعليها التحرك بشكل أسرع او ستخسر في نهاية المطاف. يقترب الرجل ويسأل عن الفتاة. تطلب منه تولاي أن يرسله إلى الفتاة وهذا حل سريع. إركان يطيع. ميرت لا يرى نارين ويعتقد أنه الأسوأ ، يرد كمال أنه سيتعين عليهم العمل مرة أخرى ، فهذا أمر ملح. جولبيري: ابتعد ، ابتعد ! الرجل: لقد كسرت وجهي وسأحطمك. يتذكر كمال أنه قال لها أن تتحدث إلى ميرت ليلاً ، لكنه لم يرد الانتظار ، اشترت هدية له لكي يغفر لها ، لكن كل شيء دمر. لكنها ستكون على ما يرام ، ستكون فرصة لميرت ونارين. الرجل يطارد جولبيري. تتصل بأمير على الهاتف ، ويسمع صرخات جولبيري طلبًا للمساعدة ، الرجل: هذه المرة لن تتمكني من الهروب من يدي ، هذه المرة سأؤذيك. تتذكر جولبيري عندما هاجمها رجل وأصيبت بالشلل. الرجل: أمسك بها ، ها أنت ذا. أمير: انتهى ، لا تخافي ، هل أنت بخير؟ لا تخافي ، انهضي ، لا يمكنه فعل أي شيء لك ، هيا. كمال: عندما دخلت الممرضات كنت خائف جدا.
@khairiehel-ghouch8633 жыл бұрын
يمين361 قسم 3 مترجم نارين: تعتقد أنه سيكون من السهل التخلص مني. كمال: هناك من يريد أن يراك ، لم يغادر هنا قط. ميرت! يأتي الشاب لرؤية ميرت في المستشفى ، ويهدده ميرت ويقول الشاب إنه مذنبة مثله. وصلت الشرطة لأخذ المحضر الخاص بالحادث. أمير: حسنًا ، لا تخافي من جوردس ، لا يمكنه أن يؤذيك بعد الآن. لا أحد يستطيع فعل أي شيء لك بعد الآن. تعالي ، ستدلي ببيانك ، ثم سنعود إلى المنزل. المرأة: هذا الفتى الوسيم ومدمر. أمير: آسف هل قلت شيء. المرأة: لا ، لم اقل أي شيء. الشرطة: السيدة نارين ، هل رأيت اللص؟ نارين: أتذكر شيئًا غامضًا. ميرت أنقذ حياتك أمير: هذا الرجل وراء القضبان. الآن لا تقلقي ، لا يمكنه فعل أي شيء. لا تخافي ، تسأل ميليكه عما حدث ويخبرها أمير أنها تعرضت للهجوم في الغابة من قبل الرجل الذي يقوم بأعمال صغيرة في المزرعة. يطلب من ميليكه مرافقتها ولا تتركها بمفردها لفترة طويلة. إركان: الأخت ، يوجد فوضى هنا. أواصل غدًا انشاءالله
يمين قسم 4 مترجم يشكر كمال ونارين ميرت على إنقاذه لها ، ويشكرانه على أنه دخل حياتهما. ميرت: سأذهب لتناول الإفطار. أخبر الطبيب أن نارين ستخرج ليلاً بعد الفحص الطبي. مليكة: لا تخافي ، أنت لست وحدك هنا ، الحمد لله جاء أمير وأنقذك من ذلك الرجل ، لا تفكري في الأمر ، حسنًا ، ها أنا معك ، أنتظرك ، هيا ، أغمض عينيك الجميلتين. ، نامي بسلام . جولبيري تدخل في صدمه ، وتطلب مليكه مساعدة أمير. أمير: انظري إلي ، خذ ي نفساً عميقاً ، أنت بأمان ، استمري في التنفس بعمق. ميليكه تستدعي الطبيب ، لقد حدث ذلك. نارين تعود إلى المنزل ، الجميع سعداء ويشكرون الله وميرت لإنقاذها ، يجلسون على الطاولة للاحتفال ، نارين: ميرت ، أعتقد أنهم يجلسون نارين تطلب من مارت الانضمام اليهم . بعد علاج جولبيري، تقول الطبيبة إنها يجب أن تتناول المهدئات بانتظام وستتحسن ، من المهم جدًا ألا تبقى بمفردها لفترة طويلة. في غضون أيام قليلة ستزورها مرة أخرى. نارين: الجميع يسعدني على الطاولة ، لكن هناك شخص واحد فقط اريد اسعاده ، هو ميرت. مينوفير: ميرت هو بطلنا ، ميرت: كل شيء جيد جدًا ، لكنني لست جائعًا. أمير: حسنًا ، لا يوجد شيء ، كان صوت الرياح ، لا أحد ، لا تقلقي. كمال: اجمل امرأه عطشانه الان هي نائمة. نارين: سوف أنام إذا كنت تنام بجواري أنا بالفعل على ما يرام. مليكة: صباح الخير ، كيف حالك يا ابنتي ، هيا ، ستأخذين الدواء ، لكن عليك أولاً أن تأكلي شيئًا ، لقد أحضرت لك وجبة الإفطار ، أنا قادمه. تخبر ميليكه أمير أن جولبيري لم تنبس ببنت شفة لكنها أفضل. كما تطلب من أمير أن يأخذ قسطًا من الراحة لأنه لم ينم طوال الليل ولا يبصر جيدًا. يخبر إركان تولاي أن أمير لم ينم طوال الليل وهو يعتني بـجولبيري ، أمير: إذا كانت هناك مشكلة فأبلغني بذلك. اتصلت إحدى صديقات جافيدان ، واكتشفت ما حدث ، "لم نسمع قط بمثل هذه الأشياء في بلدتنا حتى الآن ، لقد فوجئنا كثيرًا كيف حدث ذلك" أويا: أعتقد أن عيشه هي صحيفة متنقله . عائشة: سمعنا شيئًا آخر ، هل هذا صحيح أم لا؟ يقولون إنها زوجة أمير ، جافيدان: إذا كنتي لا تمانعي يجب أن أقطع المكالمه. كل هذا يحدث لنا بسبب كل ما كان علينا أن نعيشه وماذا تسبب لخطوبتك وحفل زفافك. انظر إلى الموقف الذي تتعامل معه. يسأل كمال أن هاتف شيريا لا يعمل ، وسيقوم ميرت بإصلاحه. تقدر نارين الفرصة والتغيير في العلاج الذي حصلت عليه ، ويقول كمال إن السبب هو أنه أظهر تغييرًا منذ أن أنقذها. جاء شقيق الرجل الذي هاجم جولبيري للتحدث مع أمير يقول إنه لو كان يعلم أنها زوجته لما فعل ذلك أبدًا. اأمير: هل تسمع ما تقوله يا هذا زوجتي أم لا ما هو الفرق. لا يحق لأخيك الفاسد أن يجعل أي امرأة تختبر هذا. الرجل: لقد فهمتني بشكل خاطئ. أمير: أخوك سيعاقب.
@abeersadek90063 жыл бұрын
Gok super 👌 ❤ 😍 ♥ 👏 🌟 ⭐ star
@elsiedlembula3130 Жыл бұрын
Sorryyy Tulay for loozing such a beautiful man. It's your fault. You sturbed your own hand
@floraliyeva55673 жыл бұрын
Narin ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🌹Kemal supersiz🌹🌹👍👍👍👍
@dadiduda7183 жыл бұрын
Every word he said she listen. She call him if emergency. She did what she has been told. And she only reacts to Yigit and Emir. No wonder both father and son tag team to protect and love her. And she likes MALIKE ABLA.
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
They make Reyhan Life hell with pain and torture to come gulperi out of nowhere and have happily ever after... . . We viewers ain't fool, We did not forgot what happened in season 1 and 2. Reyhan Emir deserve happily ever after more than anyone.
@rhodalopez41473 жыл бұрын
hayst! you know what? I'm get tired sering your toxic and bad comment every uploaded episode..what's your problem dud? just go watch another drama,we don't need your bad comments or opinions because we enjoying the series unlike you who can not move on with reyhan. go convince her to come back or watch her anotther drama series.
@sktgfk92293 жыл бұрын
Reyhan isn't coming back, even as a flashback. That said I think you guys should give Emirs new flame a chance. Their story is actually interesting if you give them a chance
@helloworldwassup3 жыл бұрын
@rhodalopez41473 жыл бұрын
best comment ever! that's what I thought too.
@iyahsimangan62983 жыл бұрын
That's what I thought too coz Emir and Reyhan deserves happy ending.
@elsiedlembula3130 Жыл бұрын
@elsiedlembula3130 Жыл бұрын
So true👏👏👏👏👏👏❤❤❤
@abdallahosama27512 жыл бұрын
لماذا كل هذا الجفاء من الكاتبه لذكري ريحان هل بعد كل هذا الحب والتضحيه لايتذكرها امير ولو قليلا...في اي موقف عابر..او عندما يخلو لنفسه وحيدا..او عندما يكون في الغابه وسط الطبيعه التي كانت تحبها ريحان
@bazylianowak11353 жыл бұрын
Wydaje się ze Emir bey wyszedł na ''prostą'' powolutku. Pożegnał i odwiedził ukochaną żonę na cmentarzu. Zaakceptował syna. Kocha Go. Honoruje mamę Cavidan. Nie ważne, że usiłowała zabić ojca, zleciła zabójstwo byłej żony o reszcie nie wspomnę. Matkę trzeba szanować, zgoda. Odprawił narzeczoną, bo jest żonaty to akurat b.dobrze, no i honorowo. Jest nieźle ale nie rozumiem dlaczego scenariusz, nie ściąga Mu z twarzy tej ''kamiennej maski.'' Raczej jest na to gotowy. Jeżeli jest inaczej to może jakaś podpowiedź od scenarzystki w dowolnej formie. Niech widz wie, czy rana w Jego sercu się zabliźniła czy ciągle krwawi.[ Bywa że takie rany się nie goją.] A może to wyrzuty sumienia nie pozwalają mu się uśmiechać, po tym jak ''potraktował'' łopatą pamięć o Reyhan a pamiątki po Niej zmieszał z błotem. [Dosłownie.] Nie wiadomo o co chodzi bo mina mówi co innego niż czyny. Skoro ''powstał z martwych'' jak powiedział do Peri, obecnej żony to niech się cieszy życiem a widzowie razem z Nim. Nie wiem czego Emir oczekuje od życia, to się dopiero okaże, ale wiem czego ja oczekuję od scenariusza. Powrotu Reyhan. Zanim posypią się gromy na moją głowę, że to głupota, wytłumaczę o co mi chodzi. Film a zwłaszcza serial potrafi czynić ''cuda.'' Oglądając serial mogę ''bezkarnie'' połudzić się nadzieją ,że ulubiona postać powróci, w realnym życiu niestety, nie mogę. Dla mnie Emir bez Reyhan jest i będzie''niekompletny'' niezależnie od tego co zrobi ze swoim życiem.
@evaseremak6313 жыл бұрын
@halinasobczyk79003 жыл бұрын
Pani Bazylio jak pięknie to pani wszystko opisała.
@wiesawaczajkowska81903 жыл бұрын
Też tak uważam ze slubu powinien się cieszyć przeciez to jego wybór nikt mu jej narzucał. A ten kamienna twarz. Brakowało mi na grobie Reyhan chociaż jednej łzy. O Czvidan nie wspominam krew mnie zalewa. Jaką ma krótką pamięć o krzywdach jakie uczyniła jego byłej żonie. Teraz zapewne bedzie wszystko widział. Myślę że mamusia nadal będzie wredna. I cóż marzyć można Reyhan wróć bo to jedyne co może przywrócić rankig. Ciekawe co pokażą w 5 sezonie jak tu tak szybko ślub. Kolejna żonę nr 3
@elzbietapytlakowska94393 жыл бұрын
Witam .Co do Reyhan to trzeba się pogodzić z tym ,że nie żyje i już nie wróci .Zawsze będzie zajmowała ważną część w Jego sercu i duszy a za każdym razem kiedy spojrzy na Yigita będzie w jakimś stopniu widział Reyhan. Co do uśmiechu to wydaje mi się ,że jeszcze nie raz zobaczymy go na twarzy Emira . Jak to mówił klasyk ....Będzie jeszcze pięknie.
@elzbietazalewska91393 жыл бұрын
@@elzbietapytlakowska9439 Może też się okazać, że ta jego nowa żona cierpi na stres pourazowy tak silny iz nie bedzie w stanie mu zaufać jako mężczyznie i małżenswo będzie non consumatum- nie skonsumowane.
@mariacarmenmoraru59013 жыл бұрын
There are some scene between Emir and Gulperi so romantic. Very interesting episode...👍👍👍💕💕💕🥰🥰
@abeer95363 жыл бұрын
Gok berk🔥🔥👍 number 1 star 👌🦁 Good luck🙏 really Love you ❤♾😘😘😘
@rajithavalapadasu48533 жыл бұрын
Emir keep on marrying someone untill he son grow and he marry
@haneymoon52723 жыл бұрын
Gokberk well done I am really happy to watch your acting it feels like it is coming from your heart. 👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️
@elsiedlembula3130 Жыл бұрын
It's from his heart👏👏💖💖💖
@heyatgozeldi1093 жыл бұрын
Bu Dizden o qeder sirin Danisir Munever😍xanim.Azerbaycan Danisiqi😍Cox sirindi seni Cox isdeyirem💖Yasasin Azerbaycan Turkiye qardaslarmiz💙💙
@eleonoragabriel95603 жыл бұрын
Congratulations Naz and Emir for continuing tô believe in this Wonderful project that IS Yemin. This fourth seasin os fabulous. Way better that the third. I came back to love Yemin!
@helloworldwassup3 жыл бұрын
@mariacardo853 жыл бұрын
@Stockmarketbeginner.3 жыл бұрын
Kemal narin love from india 🇮🇳
@Leyla372303 жыл бұрын
@abdallahosama27512 жыл бұрын
هل من المنطقي في المسلسل انا لا يكون مجرد صوره لريحان في غرفة يجيت..او امير يحكي له عن امه في اي مشهد...هذا ظلم كبير للموسم الاول والثاني..من الكاتبه..والمخرج
@elsiedlembula3130 Жыл бұрын
Yigit is so cute and grown up beautifully. Dad and son relationship I like than the new girl Gulperi
@mehemed-09783 жыл бұрын
♥️♥️♥️KemalNarin♥️♥️♥️ 🌼💥💥🌼Supersiz🍯🍯🧿🧿
@abeersadek90063 жыл бұрын
Yamin season 4 very good drama 👌 👏 👍 😀 🙌. I liked it 😀
@mehemed-09783 жыл бұрын
Kemal Narin sizi cok sevyoruz 🇦🇿🇹🇷
@РозалияАхмедова-у7в9 ай бұрын
Yigit (Ahmet Ömer Akıner) gələcəyin fenomen oyunçusu olacaq, inşaAllah.🇦🇿🇦🇿
@aquilesanomar10K23 күн бұрын
Reyhan hizo a Emir tan feliz❤desde el primer encuentro. Su vida juntos en la habitación fue tan bonita
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
Until Reyhan Emir get happy ending, Yemin will always remain incomplete
@haneymoon52723 жыл бұрын
I don’t agree with you in life nobody life is complete. It is a series sometimes the actors will stay to finish their series or something they don’t so it’s like any other job basically. We all would like their story to go on but it didn’t Gokberk is an actor he is capable to work with any other actors so do Ozge For me as long as Gokberk and Ozge are happy in their relationship in a real world that’s enough.
@faisalmehmood40482 жыл бұрын
Sai baat hai ❤🇵🇰
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
@darlenepaul26303 жыл бұрын
Please give us an English translation thanks
@chinidp3 жыл бұрын
So i was a little sad thinking of how Emir raises his voice and humiliated Reyhan many times on the 1st season of Yemin. And pains to see that in this season Emir soft heartedly embraced this new girl Gulperi in his life without any doubts. I feel sorry for Reyhan that until now she has not been in anyones memory. Not even her child Yigit knows her mother’s name. Yemin is promoting the “women’s welfare” i got it but isn’t it time to give Reyhan attention since they gave her a role that is beyond inhumane until her death? I still remember how Emir hated her (reyhan) on the beginning of season3. Reyhan as a WOMEN who sacrificed everything in season 1 & 2 she deserves an attention and give her the proper humane treatment of a women that suffered and died without any justification. It is the only thing that we viewers are waiting for so long. The violence against women, the violence that they have put on Reyhan’s shoulder is still unanswered and that is what we seek.
@levaillant13 жыл бұрын
Very well said. I have been thinking similar thoughts. However, from an acting point of view, Emir has talents beyond the expectation of an actor. The violent Emir was hard to take, the soft side of Emir is stupendous. He will go down as one of the greatest actors of all time.....if that is his future.
@rhodalopez41473 жыл бұрын
that is because reyhan choose to leave this series and make another drama..if not she will be still with her handsome husband emir and cute little boy better go convince her to come back but I doubt she will because she is in another drama again
@chinidp3 жыл бұрын
@@rhodalopez4147 the show she’s into will end oct. 19. We don’t wish for a comeback we just want to clear her name in the series since Reyhan left a legacy. We just wished that the writter will have an episode where Emir will have a good conversation with his son reminiscing the times when Reyhan was still alive. Her story was left untold. Unless they purposely did it bec.they ( producers) personally hated her for living the series.
@hanajakovljevic86073 жыл бұрын
@@rhodalopez4147 And again she didn"t success... Just because of that people want to see her as a Reyhan..But it is impossible.She left the series.. It is not fair to hate other actress near Emir.
@rhodalopez41473 жыл бұрын
@@hanajakovljevic8607 exactly! that's my point dear..we have to give other actress a chance to shine like we did to reyhan. and the emir character became matured,I think he learned a lot already from his past mistakes like them and reyhan..she treated her badly but deep in his heart his head overheels inlove with her. so now that he is given another chance to feel inlove that's maybe the reason for him to be very careful in every thing he speak and do.
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
There is something special about Reyhan Emir, love them soo much
@baranovaelena10803 жыл бұрын
Любовь вот ,что у них особенное Эмир ➕ Рехан и Игит сынок 💕
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
@masraninaning55193 жыл бұрын
Emir yigit super..👍season4 👍
@mehemed-09783 жыл бұрын
⭐⭐Kemal Narin⭐⭐ 👑👑NarinKemal👑👑
@staystrongqeenlady83663 жыл бұрын
I don’t like any advice from Cavidan the bad mother in law snake 🐍 Leave Emir make her one choice and decisions about Gulperi leaves him alone,I don’t forget why you make suffer the beautiful Rehan by your liar,manipulation,insult and many torturing this innocent Girl.
@sennalina29553 жыл бұрын
Gavidan the big snake that she had the nerve to call the other snake a mercyful and a good hearted girl when they were having their daily Coffee and when tülay walked away gavidan told oya iam telling you she is like an angel an angel i say how does gavidan manage to say those words about tülay without choking in her Coffee amazed me really . The fact that she will help tülay to get back with emir will make us hate her all over again.
@haneymoon52723 жыл бұрын
@Neity Cavidha is a selfish greedy old wicked witch mothers from hell and I don’t trust her motherly mood it is all fake. She knows well Emir will not tolerate her evilness like in the past . I am wondering how Cavidha and Oya getting along very well
@selenajane88003 жыл бұрын
Emir and Yigit bonding is the highlight of this season. Reyhan must be proud of the father Emir has become but please writer Emir deserves better than this fairy who is only bringing troubles to his life and so does Yigit deserve a better motherly figure.
@rosadepiano52983 жыл бұрын
truly ,how many times have you heard emir talk to the child about the mother , or maybe yagit trips only dropped from the sky? i don t know in turkey , but an my country is always talked about especially when the mother of child dies . from the third season and the fourth emir will continue , not to mention the mother ,and not even the child asks about the mother ,now it exists only gulpery , very shame story.
@haneymoon52723 жыл бұрын
@@rosadepiano5298 I agree with you in some parts that we should see the story of Reyhan should be mention in the series but I think Yigit have a clear idea who she is because when he speak about her he is quite confident how much she means to him.
@doreencamilleri42293 жыл бұрын
@selena Jane are you serious?I hope that you're joking.Emir is the most selfish unloving man in the world.4 or 5 years have passed since the death of his wife (yigit's mother) and he never spoke with him about her.There is not even a single memory of his mum not a single picture.I have kids and honestly if I did the same with my children by now they've sure have hated me and cursed me all their life for not speaking about their father!!!! What kind of love is this?forgetting his wife in a blink of an eye having relations with different women while his son is left their in the dark not knowing his late mother?If you think that Reyhan must be proud than sorry you don't know the meaning of love cos love means truth and loyalty which Emir had no idea what this means.
@selenajane88003 жыл бұрын
@@rosadepiano5298 dear the case is different here, Reyhan didn't die naturally rather she chose to die so there is a big difference in the situation of what you are mentioning versus what is happening here. I m waiting for some of the episodes to go on and then I have reasoning as to why there is no mention of Reyhan the way many viewers demand.
@selenajane88003 жыл бұрын
@@doreencamilleri4229 Where on earth is Emir having "relationships" with different women? As someone practicing psychology for the last 10 years I can assure you I have seen common people behaving the way Emir has behaved after Reyhan's death and they are absolutely not evil or bad people. As a woman, I sympathize with Reyhan but as a psychologist, I sympathize with Emir and Yigit the most. I get Emir is not a legendary character he has had his own flaws since the beginning but what Reyhan did by choosing to die is not a praise-worthy sacrifice at all. There are multiple responses to trauma/tragedy and Emir's case is one of them.
@Stockmarketbeginner.3 жыл бұрын
Only watching for narin
@susangrassi85043 жыл бұрын
Me too. I only watch the scenes with Kemal and Narin.
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
Reyhan Emir are soulmates. They give us soulmates vibes. Reyhan Emir are the best thing about yemin. One cannot live without same yemin cannot live without REYHAN EMIR ❤. Reyhan Emir make us smile. Reyhan Emir are themselves definition of love.
@nem51363 жыл бұрын
Oh pleaseeee Get over yourself! Get a life and move on! Its just a dizzyyyyy
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
@@nem5136 @Rhoda lopez Look they could have given us happily ever after and let everyone be happy than nightmare... We viewers want nothing but only reunion. We want to free from this cruelty. This is totally unfairness. And about how to bring her back... On the serious note,they can with twist and different plot and using some brain which could make sense, we don't need woman after woman, we gave our two years to get nothing in the end???? They need to reunite reyhan emir and let viewers remember yemin as a good series rather that a nightmare. We are ready to get reunion even in the last episode, we just want reunion because we deserve at least this
@valkira3 жыл бұрын
@dadiduda7183 жыл бұрын
Every decision he made, like he knew who behind this. One more thing, Yigit and his father sharing everything. They are talking together about everything from nano to huge matters. My dad says, my dad told me and it's just between us. The way he talks to Gulperi about his father. He knows how, when and why his father happy and upset. How come he didn't know who his son choose or not. When they want to abroad before he marry her, Yigit didn't ask to bring TULAY together. He thinks his son, he knows what decision he must take. And how about, one fine day he know she stay because of his son?
@haneymoon52723 жыл бұрын
I like your comments it shows that Emir is very open with his son and he is the only one who is responsible for his up bringing. It shows also the friendship and trust that is between the father and son. Yigit is happy with his childhood as his father balancing Yigit imagination and reality and loving the people around him with out fear. I like his confidence when Yigit supports Gulperi to be strong and when he told Tuliy that he has a mother who is died so you can’t replace my mother kind of answer. The way Emir apology to Yigit that he didn’t have a time to do things with him and Yigit say it’s okay and he is going to busy with Gulperi. I feel Yigit is the heart of this series like his father.
@honeyfm13 жыл бұрын
Gülperi you are with the most caring man in Turkey 🙂 Please trust him quickly because we want to see him happy in love ☺️☺️
@queennaomi41293 жыл бұрын
this girl gulperi makes me really pity and these are the stories that exist in our societies i love this season 4💘💞💞 soooooo much
@carolynvandine52392 жыл бұрын
Continuation episode 361 please! So frustrated!
@alirazaraza59653 жыл бұрын
I am totally addicted for gokberk😘😘😘😘😘😘
@sach5406 Жыл бұрын
Cavidan parle de son expérience dans la vie et oublie de préciser le caractère délictueux de cette expérience 😂😂
Emir kralj glume svaka cast🤲🤲🤲💞🌻🌻🌻💝💝💝🇹🇷😍🙏🙏💋💖💖💖🌸🍀🍀🍀💐💐
@lidarexhepaj10583 жыл бұрын
Reyan & Emir 💥💥❤❤
@carolynvandine52392 жыл бұрын
Is there no part 2 translation of this episode?
@Dorthy324 ай бұрын
Cavidan is the same In the session 1st she didn't like it Reyhan wife Emir. I hope she will be love Gulperi ❤️ ❤
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
Nazmiye bringing feride tulay gulperi But Genuine audience will always love REYHAN EMIR
@evemartins18613 жыл бұрын
Até que enfim trocaram o vestido dela🙏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
@Redmia-rb2ui3 жыл бұрын
Наконец то ей платье хоть поменяли
@Redmia-rb2ui3 жыл бұрын
Егит мальчик умный, я обожаю когда он разговаривает.
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
Reyhan Emir deserve to be happy with together. Hope creator's understand and reunite reyhan emir after ozge getting free from other show
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
@carolynvandine52392 жыл бұрын
Melocoton is there part 2 translation for this episode?
@p.v.r.prajakumar55073 жыл бұрын
Your so beautiful person Emir
@vaniateixeira333 жыл бұрын
Onde está a Masal e bebé de Kemal e Narin ainda não se viu nos novos episódios
@evemartins18613 жыл бұрын
Masal está estudando em outro país, Narin perdeu seu bebê não se sabe como, Zeinep virou poeira, e Taci tbm alguém sabe algo desse povo?????
@reyessanchez57193 жыл бұрын
el bebé por lo visto murió porque no entiendo el no comentar nada del niño y masal creo que con tantos años que ha pasado estará estudiando en la universidad nose digo yo jaja
@josefaaguacil21683 жыл бұрын
La han desaparecido
@ТахминаМамедова-й7ю3 жыл бұрын
Peri kizi koktu su kiyafata 😝😝😝😝😜
@ТахминаМамедова-й7ю3 жыл бұрын
Ya bi bakin ya Dus ektu ya eve girmier dus almaga sinirlenierum
@abdallahosama27512 жыл бұрын
مازلت..احب..وافضل..الموسم الاول والثاني
@sowmyargopalan3 жыл бұрын
I think in our excitement to see Emir saved from Tulay and Emir saving Gulperi and Yigits happiness and the misleading romantic gazes and scenes, we all ignore what is good for Gulperi. For someone as traumatised as that poor girl, marriage is the last thing she needs. She needs rehabilitation and not a husband. She needs women friends and as long as Tulay pretends to be a friend, she's going to fall prey to all her schemes. Marriage was not a solution to begin with and if Naz doesn't get around to conveying that, this could become an unconvincing plot. Ironically, almost all marriages have happened in this series for all the wrong reasons and that's why they didn't work long. And even more ironic is FerEm bgm in the scene where Emir thinks to make the marriage public. It's like Feride hoping that staying close to Emir and Yigit will be enough, now Emir seems to think keeping Gulperi close to himself and Yigit is enough. There's something about the scenes with Gulperis Amca that I feel is not yet revealed fully. Or maybe I misunderstood. I think there's more baggage to Gulperis story than has been told so far. And if so, Gulmir marriage might fail on its own, even without Cav or Tulay. That's not how trauma works, we can't fix our pasts with a marriage even with the best intentions. If Tulay can convince Gulperi that Yigit will be safe even if she divorces, and Gulperi agrees to divorce since she has never wanted this marriage anyway, oh boy we are going to hate fairy so much 😂 And Yigit will once again stand to lose because of his parent's irrational decision. For Yigits sake, I hope I'm wrong.
@rhodalopez41473 жыл бұрын
oh,your imagination of thinking is way way far than the script writer of the series. but we will hope that through the kindness and extra caring of emir yo her (gulpari) she will overcome her trauma and learn to be in love..also yigit is always there to make them closer day by day..we will hope for the better of their marriage/relationship despite of all the hindrances and obstacles on their way.
@sowmyargopalan3 жыл бұрын
@@rhodalopez4147 Well yes I can get carried away my imagination sometimes 😁 but when has this been a fairytale romance story? You think someone like Gulperi who has had no experience with society will survive in the high society such as the Tarhuns? I'd be overwhelmed if I were her. Cav gave a hard time to Reyhan for the same reason. At least Reyhan was eligible for college and continued studies later. What is Gulperis future in those aspects? Unfortunately I'm not a romantic and I cannot romanticise with the notion that her kind of psychological trauma can be fixed with marriage. But I'm not saying women who have suffered such trauma have no hope. It's just that like tulay said, Gulperi is in unfamiliar surrounding and she didn't want to be there at all. Reyhan voluntarily came while this wasn't Gulperis choice. Though the forced marriage scenario is the same in s1 and S4, there's an ocean of difference between mental framework of Reyhan and Gulperi. And that will determine how far Gulperi can endure. She needs a sense of self worth and confidence. She's not going to get that making tea in the house being married to a guy who doesn't go to work himself. Hope they give her a job of some sort, make her brave and prove me wrong.
@rhodalopez41473 жыл бұрын
@@sowmyargopalan what if emir tarhun will send her to school like what she did to reyhan,only this time it's him who persuade gulpari unlike reyhan that she was the one insist to continue her studies
@sowmyargopalan3 жыл бұрын
@@rhodalopez4147 That's exactly what I'm saying. 👍 Unless she gets education and can take care of herself, there'll always be someone to hurt her. Marriage is not a solution to anyone's fear or self esteem issues. And she cannot be a good mother if she herself is not brave.
@haneymoon52723 жыл бұрын
@@sowmyargopalan my dear friend your comments make sense and you nailed it marriage is not a solution but unfortunately Nazmiya is trying to convince her unrealistic world with this kind of outcomes . Nazmiya marriage and love story starts wired way into a transformation of romance that we find hard to understand because her scenario doesn’t back her ambition and it’s all for a wrong reason.
@dragicazarevac23293 жыл бұрын
💕💕🥀REJHAN EMIR IGIT💕🌷⚘🌷❣🌷⚘💔❤💔🎎🧡💋💋
@schahimaseddiqi31843 жыл бұрын
Yigit annesi gibi tatli illi bircock ve baasigibi nazik 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
@cion62783 жыл бұрын
@bellaprados82193 жыл бұрын
Pobre Narin no tiene ni un minuto de paz
@sihameljaouhari45953 жыл бұрын
Amazing season
@nafisbin42893 жыл бұрын
I miss reyhan🙂💔
@abeersadek90063 жыл бұрын
الحلقة جميييلة 💋💞💕💝
@zebababur87503 жыл бұрын
Harika 👏👏👏🌝
@grazynapakula81413 жыл бұрын
Mam radę dla scenarzystów Powróćcie do filmu Rejchan ,albo zmieńcie tytuł. Przecież nie pokazanego było jak Rejchan umiera Drugi sezon kończy się jak Rejchan zostaje postrzelona, bez , żadnego sensownego Zakończenia. Dlatego scenarzysta może wykorzystać to
@halinasobczyk79003 жыл бұрын
Pod koniec 3 sezonu odc 350 pokazała Nazmye grób Reyhan i Emira przy grobie. Przyszedł po to żeby się rozgrzeszyć przed kolejnymi ślubami, które pewnie pani Nazmye jeszcze kilka mu przygotuje. Do emerytury daleko.
@oneydacastro4271Ай бұрын
Y no supimos como tuvo el bb se supone que no muere con el disparo todo está inconcluso
@wieslawamichalak35223 жыл бұрын
podoba mi sie scenariusz gra Emira i Golprti super pozostali aktorzy tez fajnie odzwierciedlaja swoje role widac ze Emir po ddoswiadczeniach zyciowych kieruje sie sercem i wlasnym rozumem
@wiesawaczajkowska81903 жыл бұрын
Nic nowego scenarzystka nie wymyśliła powtórki powtórki i co ma się podobać. Emir z powodu dlugu wdzięczności wziął ślub teraz wesele a twarz kamienna. Powinien tryskac radością to przecież jego decyzja. Damie współczuję przemocy ale chyba nie na wspolczuciu opiera sie wspólną przyszłość. Życia jak pokazują nie miała usłanego różami ale robić z niej dzikuskę, która nie wie niby do czego służy telefon otrzymany od Emira gdy wczesniej swietnie się nim posługiwała rozmawiając z Fatmą czy jak jej tam było to robienie z widza idioty.
@wieslawamichalak35223 жыл бұрын
@@wiesawaczajkowska8190 od Fatmy miala zwykly telefon- nie rozumie jaki wogole scenariusz by wam odpowiadal chyba zaden jedynie ten ktory macie ulozony w swojej glowie
@rindusajadahrs98363 жыл бұрын
please cast emir and reyhan
@denizcatalbasoguzpece17343 жыл бұрын
Kemal Pişman Oldu Ama Özür Dilemedi
@gs-lk1jt3 жыл бұрын
reyhan ve emir en guzel artist onlar bu filmde oynasin ler
@treseliza93253 жыл бұрын
The writer making funny and horror season 4,no originality, the best season 1 and 2.
@Dorthy324 ай бұрын
Gulperi ❤❤Emir ❤❤
@carolynvandine52392 жыл бұрын
Someone please explain what happens in the second past od this episode
@dianarembert34903 жыл бұрын
Yes. We all know Reyhan and Emir were great. But she ain't there no more. So let it go already like Frozen. Also I believe Ozge CHOSE TO LEAVE this role, they didn't fire her, SHE let it go so we should let it go too. It's sad cuz no matter what she plays in, she will always be known for this role. Guess they feel if they keep harping on it enough they'll bring her back. But even if they do she might not comeback as Reyhan but a long lost twin or cousin. Who knows. Some people do find love a second time.
@zulmapereira18005 ай бұрын
The translator whomever it was, does not use HE for guys... SHE for girls, it makes a difference on the translation....