Capítulo 386 Español Tülay: Cuando cambió su voz en el teléfono, me di cuenta de que había sucedido algo malo. Dejé el trabajo y vine enseguida. No lo entiendo ¿qué puede pasar entre ese hombre y Gülperi? Cavidan: no puedo entender tal vergüenza. Llegan del hospital, Cavidan le dice a Yigit que ya es todo un hombre y que se cambie de ropa para comer algo. Yigit: que me cambie la chica hada. Emir: ok socio después te cambiaré de ropa. Yigit: no, tú nos acompañas pero la chica hada me cambia. Cavidan quiere hablar sobre el asunto inmediatamente pero Oya le dice que no, tendrán invitados y leerán la oración, deberá esperan el momento adecuado. Cavidan: No, quedarse callado como si nada hubiera pasado es más frustrante. me darás esas fotografías. Yigit: Sabes, estaba el chaleco que compramos juntos, quiero ponérmelo, papá. Emir: será muy lindo, pensaste bien. Después pide su camisa y zapatos con cordones. Yigit: me dejarás comer papas fritas, no he comido en mucho tiempo. Emir: No mentimos aunque sea una broma, ¿verdad? qué quieres decir con que no he comido en mucho tiempo, dilo en forma honesta, creo que engañarías a la abuela aunque yo no te dejara comer. Yo me encargaré de todo, mi hijo debe atender a los invitados. Kemal: Sra. Yıldız. Hablaremos un poco con mi esposa. ¿Podría esperar en la puerta inicial? Narin: No necesita esperar porque la película no cambiará. No necesito que alguien la mire. Ojalá me lo hubieras dicho antes de traer a la mujer. Kemal: Si te lo hubiera dicho, sé que te hubieras opuesto. Lo hice de esta manera porque no creo que pudiera convencerte. Narin: lo siento no dejaré que des por hecho algo, es mi madre. Kemal: piensas en tu madre, lo sé. Estoy pensando en los dos, espera a probar y verás, si no te gusta, puedes despedirla. Meltem descubre la grabación y la destruye amenaza a Bade con destruir a todos si alguien se entera. Bade: Mert dónde estás, necesitamos hablar. Cavidan: ven conmigo, hablaremos. Supongo que tienes una explicación para esto. Dime, que quiero escuchar. Emir: los invitados han llegado y el tío Hasan y el Sr. Hafız comenzarán a orar aquí pronto. Dé donde sacaste esto. Cavidan: entre a tu oficina, lo encontré por casualidad, pero me alegro de que lo haya hecho, de lo contrario no habría sabido nada. Emir: ok, no es nada. Cavidan: qué quieres decir con que no es nada, estoy esperando una explicación. Emir: No hay nada de que hablar mamá. Cavidan: cerrar este tema no es tan fácil, explicarás. Emir: Yigit vendrá pronto, comenzaremos cuando él venga. Tülay: estarás de vuelta en tu pantano rata leñera. Emir le comenta a Hasan que su madre se ha enterado de todo. Hasan: no prejuzgues a mi hija, Qué dijo Mevlana ¿no cuente a las personas sólo como lo que ven? cuando no pueden verlo, es sólo una visión externa de la verdad, si hay una calumnia, entonces has cometido un gran error, hijo. La calumnia del honor es como ninguna otra. El pecado tanto del padre como del creyente es muy grande. Por eso deja todo a un lado y mira lo que busca el corazón. Narin: Te entiendo, tú también me entiendes. Mi madre no necesita una enfermera. Necesita mi cariño y atención. No puedo hacer otra cosa, al menos déjame hacer esto. Kemal: Es muy difícil llevar esto sola. tu amor está por sobre todo, la señora Yildiz sólo te ayudará. Tengo miedo de que tu cuerpo no soporte. Necesitas estar fuerte y descansar para poder ayudar a tu madre. Narin: Ok, vamos a intentarlo. Van a hablar con la mujer y le indican que queda aceptada y le cuentan los detalles del trabajo. Bade se reúne con Mert para contarle pero llega Meltem , envía saludos a Kemal y Narin, pero sus intenciones son atemorizar a Bade. Meltem: oh Bade, lamenté mucho escuchar que la tienda de tu padre fue quemada, que todo quede atrás. Dios no lo quiera. Narin: ¿hay algo más que quiera preguntar? Yildiz: No, explicó todo de forma clara y detallada. Narin: no se olvide de mantener la ventana abierta, el oxígeno es muy importante. Yildiz: no se preocupe. Kemal: ahora podemos ir al salón la señora se quedará. Sheriye le traerá un adaptador. Yildiz: De ahora en adelante estará a mi cargo. Meltem: Finalmente recibiste la llamada. Morí por curiosidad. ¿Qué hiciste? Yildiz: Acabo de empezar a trabajar. Estoy con nuestra preciosa paciente en este momento. Meltem: De ahora en adelante, ustedes son mis ojos y mis oídos en esa casa. Termina la oración. Una de las mujeres: La esposa del novio es hermosa y muy tranquila. Ahora, una novia respetuosa y decente como tú no se le concederá a nadie, hija mía, que Allah te proteja del mal de ojo. Gülperi: déjame ayudar hermana Melike. Se juntan todas en la cocina Cavidan dice que está muy nerviosa con lo de las fotos. Tülay se ofrece a ayudarla a llevar comida al salón. Gülperi: no es lo que aparece en esas fotos. Oya: Ya no sé muy bien en qué creer. Estoy realmente sorprendida Gülperi. Kemal piensa comprar una nueva estantería pero, Narin: iré a ver, ¿qué está haciendo? Yildiz: Sra. Narin, ¿hice algo mal? Entiendo tu sensibilidad y respeto tu experiencia, pero he sido enfermera durante años, no haría nada malo No te preocupes. Narin: No se trata de cuántos años has estado haciendo este trabajo, es cómo tratas al paciente. Mamá estás bien, te duele. Kemal: cálmate la señora tiene buenas referencias. estas demasiado sensible. Narin: tienes razón, reaccioné con dureza, pero debe tratar bien a mi madre. Kemal: bueno iré a Sapanca. Narin: No llegarás tarde, ¿verdad?. Fatih vendrá, examinará a mi mamá y se quedará a cenar, si estás solo, no dormirá. Kemal: no te preocupes estaré aquí. Emir despide al tío Hasan: Gülperi, no te preocupes tanto hija, todo estará bien, lo conseguirás. Gülperi: me temo que mi destino será igual al de mi madre. No puedo quitarlo de mi pensamiento es muy pesado. Hasan: la prueba es pesada niña. La de tu difunta madre también es pesada pero Emir no se parece a esos hombres. Se revelará la verdad, sólo ten paciencia hija. El Señor te ayude, facilita la prueba, pero ayúdame, una palabra es suficiente. Cuando necesites ayuda mi puerta está abierta. Yildiz hace creer a Narin que tiene deudas y la quieren llevar a la corte, todo esto lo planea con Meltem para evitar que sea sacada de la casa. Meltem y Kemal viajaran a Sapanca, Meltem habla con un hombre para hacer algo al auto después de que lleguen a Sapanca. Meltem: Una escapada romántica en Sapanca será buena para los dos Kemal. Cavidan: Nuestra conversación fue interrumpida. Callas pero tengo mucho que decirte. Te trajimos a esta casa porque tienes un gran problema, gracias a ti, nuestra casa fue arrasada, volvimos de entre los muertos. Mi hijo renunció a su futuro solo para que no te pasara nada, no fue suficiente, se casó contigo para salvarte la vida. ¿Qué hiciste frente a toda esta bondad? Traicionó a las personas que te abrieron su casa. Sin vergüenza traes a tu oscuro ex bajo este techo. Ahora abre tus oídos y escúchame bien, tu matrimonio con mi hijo puede no ser real, pero llevas el apellido Tarhun. Siempre que lleve su apellido, lo tratará como le corresponde. Desearía tener el poder para sacarte ahora mismo, pero no puedo pasar por sobre Emir. Tan pronto como él diga te vas, te irás, hasta entonces, inclinarás la cabeza. Emir: qué le dijiste madre. Cavidan: Dije esta es la recompensa por todo lo que hemos hecho por ti, le pedí que explicara su ingratitud hacia nosotros. Lo que sea que hayas hecho hasta ahora, siempre te apoye hijo, pero esta vez es demasiado. No te merecías esto, ¿qué le diré a la gente cuando se escuchen sus acciones? ¿No está todo claro en las fotos Emir? Bade intenta decirle a Mert lo que pasa pero por miedo no puede, hablan sobre el incendio. Mert: cómo se enteró mi hermana. Bade: como no podía localizarte se dio cuenta de mi voz y le dije. Se despiden , se verán más tarde. Narin ofrece su ayuda a Yildiz, propone darle un adelanto, pero la señora no acepta dice que se encargara de todo poco a poco, estuvo mucho tiempo desempleada pero ya lo arreglara. Narin: bien, si necesita algo, dígamelo. Meltem hizo que descompusieran el auto. y tardaran en llegar a repararlo. Meltem: no se preocupe la señora Narin será comprensiva ¿Te gustaría disfrutar del paso del bosque en lugar de molestarte? Tülay llama a Ahmet para ejecutar otro plan ya que este no resultó como esperaba. Ahmet: pero esta vez no me escaparé de la ira de Emir. Tülay: qué paso, tu sabes cuando mayor es el riesgo , mayor es el dinero. Ya no puedo soportar ver a esta mujer. Se asusta porque la escuchan pero resulta ser Ercan. Gülperi intenta comunicarse con Ahmet pero no puede , Yigit la llama , le regalaron una bicicleta pero no puede usar , Gulperi le dice que debe ir al baño. Yigit no quiere porque aún le duele orinar, pero igual tiene que hacerlo. Tülay: No tienes derecho a estar con Yigit. No puedes hacerte la inocente, no puedes engañarme ¿Qué se escondía debajo de ese rostro angelical? Puede que no sea importante para ti, pero para los Tarhun, el honor y la dignidad es lo primero. Estoy en lo cierto. Oya: Que lo resuelvan entre ellos, aunque sea en el papel, son marido y mujer. Meltem: es un bonito lugar. Kemal: con Narin tenemos hermosos recuerdos veníamos aquí y dábamos un paseo cuando queríamos estar solos. Meltem: es un hermosos amor el de ustedes. pospondré la reunión, tengo que estar en casa. Meltem: ¿pero no sería penoso posponer la reunión? Kemal: como dije no puedo estar en la reunión pero lo prometí tengo que estar en casa esta noche. Gülperi envía un mensaje "Por favor llámame, solo tú puedes ayudarme" Ahmet: estoy tan avergonzado que no puedo enfrentarme a hablar, no podía levantar tu teléfono, ahora no pude soportarlo cuando vi el mensaje.
@melocoton16593 жыл бұрын
Lo lamento tanto Emir apretó mi garganta tanto que no pensé en otra mentira. Gülperi le pide que le diga a Emir la verdad es la única forma de ayudarla. Ahmet acepta y quedan en reunirse en una plaza cerca del hotel donde se hospeda. Gülperi: gracias a Dios todos sabrán la verdad. Tengo que ir con él. Emir: Sí, estoy aquí, pero dijo que el archivo no está abierto. ¿Qué hay? Gülperi: podemos hablar. Emir: Tengo trabajo, no puedes ver, sale. Tülay: finalmente el pájaro volará del nido. Oya: Gülperi adónde vas, Gülperi: junto a Ahmet , voy a conseguir que diga la verdad o sino no podré mirar a la cara a ninguno de ustedes. Oya: Está bien, pero ve con Emir, no vayas sola. Mert llama a Bade para que lo ayude con una tarea, pero Bade dice que no quiere ir porque siempre ella está ahí y le da vergüenza , quedan en juntarse en el parque. Kemal: lo siento, no pude llegar a tiempo, pero como dije en el teléfono, el auto se descompuso, no estaba bajo mi control. Narin: Al menos puedes llamar y avisarme, ¿verdad? por Fatih , es una pena. Kemal: como te dije no pude llegar a tiempo, suspendí la reunión, llamare a Fathi ¡qué dijo, cómo está tu madre? Narin: No importa, no es nada importante. Kemal: no hagas esto. Al llegar al parque Ahmet llama a Gülperi y le pide que se reúnan en el hotel. Gülperi: no es imposible, dijiste que me ayudarías pero no puedo ir ahí. Ahmet: cómo quieras, pero mira, me voy esta noche. Gülperi: No me dijiste que te iba a ayudar, no puedes irte sin hablar. Ahmet: Si vienes a mí, hablaremos, encontraremos un camino, Al recordar las acusaciones decide aceptar ir. Ahmet a Tülay "ya todo está en camino, prepara las monedas" Ahmet se pone de acuerdo con el recepcionista, le da unas pocas liras, a cambio hará pasar a Gülperi y avisará cuando Emir llegue. Al reunirse Mert dice a Bade que sabe que le esconde algo, y no la dejará ir hasta que se lo diga. Gülperi llega y el recepcionista la envía a la habitación 114. El recepcionista llama a Emir y le indica que su esposa está ahí, siente que está un poco complicada y por eso le avisó. Ahmet hace ingresar a la fuerza a Gülperi. Meltem: En casa, Narin, en el trabajo, Narin, ya es suficiente. ¿Dónde estás, por qué no contestas tu teléfono? Narin: soy Narin. Gülperi: ¿Qué estás haciendo? No me vuelvas a tocar nunca más. Ahmet: No tuve mala intención, Lo hice para protegerla. Cuando vi que estabas sola para que nadie te viera. porque Emir podía estar tras de ti. Gülperi habre la puerta para sentirse más segura. Gülperi: ¿Por qué me hiciste esto? ¿Cómo puedes jugar con mi honor? ¿qué querías de mi qué significa calumniar? ¿Cómo lo haces? ¿No podrías encontrar otra manera? Limpiarás esta mancha negra, lo contarás todo, dirás que es mentira. De lo contrario, no puedo vivir con esa calumnia, no puedo vivir con esta mentira. Iremos juntos a él. Si dices que no vendrás, lo llamarás aquí conmigo ahora mismo y le dirás la verdad. Emir llega y el recepcionista le indica que debe subir a la habitación 114. Ahmet: (escucha la señal) ¿tu amas a ese hombre? Incluso si lo amas, ríndete, ven conmigo, salgamos de aquí tú y yo. Gülperi: ¿qué estás diciendo? ¿a qué te refieres con vamos? Ahmet: lo digo por tu bien. no me crees pero si vienes conmigo. Gülperi: lo dirás, confesarás que es una calumnia , que fue una mentira. ¿Qué estás haciendo? ¡Déjame!
@Palomam.523 жыл бұрын
Muchas gracias ya lo he visto,que pases un buen fin de semana
@nelidarodriguez46743 жыл бұрын
Hola, Melocoton!😍 Muchas gracias.....muy amable. Que descanses......que tengas una bonita y bendecida noche junto a tu familia.🙏😇
@yaimery30763 жыл бұрын
@hildamcewan66233 жыл бұрын
@tanseelou8063 жыл бұрын
Narin heard Meltem voice on the phone but I bet she won’t even recall and will still get played… just laugh that’s all 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ridiculous and pathetic… the writers are really killing these beloved characters.
@munoaxmed40603 жыл бұрын
I think she will discuss to kemal for this matter but I bet that was a reason for kemal to exploded on her in the trailer cuz he doesn't want to talked about any negative things from Meltem 🤔 even though still narin doesn't knows the nurse come from Meltem side so tonight's episode there will be another useless quarrel between them 🤦♀️ which will makes Meltem to continues her plans.
@tanseelou8063 жыл бұрын
@@munoaxmed4060 I know Narin’s upset and not thinking straight but she’s overreacting with giving Kemal the cold shoulder. From his side yes she was not happy about the nurse but she agreed to try and now yes he missed dinner but these things happen, it was beyond his control. He tried his best to come and he apologized. Kemal needs to give her space. I think the trailer was about another set up that Meltem made up to make Narin get jealous and doubt Kemal. ( it’s the same you don’t trust me argument Kemal gives Narin, they need to resolve this and not bury it like last time) . Narin is not ok she’s going through a lot. I love this couple but I think they need to break up to find their bearings and Narin needs to discover she’s pregnant while they are broken up. There is a deep love so they will come together after the storm. I hope Mert discover about his sister. It’s taking too long..
@munoaxmed40603 жыл бұрын
@@tanseelou806 absolutely this issue about this psycho Meltem is taking too long to comes out plus she is the only one who is created her nonsense 🙄 and also she is controlling kemal for everything that he is doing 🤦♀️..... yeah they need to break up because their situation is getting complicated now, kemal doesn't want to see Meltem true face nor narin wants to stop being mean to him because as you said sometimes she is bit overreacted and ignored him when he wants to help her ..... I don't think the pregnancy plot will coming because first kemal needs to see this psycho who is trying to destroys his family and marriage..... yeah I'm counting on Mert also , hopefully he will discover the truth 🙏.
@philipsylvia3 жыл бұрын
So, what is Gulperi's position? Did the writers remove her brain and stick it somewhere else? I really do not understand this series. Gulperi is timid and shy, yet she meets a man in a hotel room. Ha ha ha. Isn't she supposed to be the head of the show? Yet still you portray her and the clown . Bravo. And why is Melten the grasshopper still acting like she is in charge? Please please please, don't do that. Cam I sincerely say that we're not impressed.
@melocoton16593 жыл бұрын
Chapter 386 English Tülay: When he changed his voice on the phone, I realized that something bad had happened. I quit work and came right away. I don't understand what can happen between that man and Gülperi? Cavidan: I can't understand such shame. They arrive from the hospital, Cavidan tells Yigit that he is already a man and that he change his clothes to eat something. Yigit: let the fairy girl change me. Emir: ok partner, then I'll change your clothes. Yigit: no, you accompany us but the fairy girl changes me. Cavidan wants to talk about the matter immediately but Oya says no, they will have guests and they will read the prayer, they will have to wait for the right moment. Cavidan: No, staying quiet as if nothing had happened is more frustrating. you will give me those pictures. Yigit: You know, there was the vest we bought together, I want to put it on, dad. Emir: it will be very nice, you thought well. Then he asks for her shirt and lace-up shoes. Yigit: will you let me eat fries, I haven't eaten in a long time. Emir: We don't lie even if it's a joke, right? What do you mean, I haven't eaten in a long time, say it honestly, I think you would cheat on Grandma even if I didn't let you eat. I'll take care of everything, my son must attend to the guests. Kemal: Ms. Yıldız. We'll talk a bit with my wife. Could she wait for her at the front door? Narin: You don't need to wait because the movie won't change. I don't need someone to look at it. I wish you had told me before you brought the woman. Kemal: If I had told you, I know you would have objected. I did it this way because I don't think I could convince you. Narin: I'm sorry I won't let you take something for granted, she is my mother. Kemal: you think about your mother, I know. I'm thinking of both of them, she waits to try and see, if you don't like her, you can fire her from her. Meltem discovers the recording and destroys it and threatens Bade with destroying everyone if anyone finds out. Bade: Mert where are you, we need to talk. Cavidan: come with me, we will talk. I guess you have an explanation for this. Tell me what I want to hear. Emir: the guests have arrived and Uncle Hasan and Mr. Hafız will start praying here soon. Where did you get this from. Cavidan: I walked into your office, I found it by chance, but I'm glad I did, otherwise I wouldn't have known anything. Emir: ok, it's nothing. Cavidan: what do you mean it's nothing, I'm waiting for an explanation. Emir: There is nothing to talk about mom. Cavidan: closing this topic is not so easy, you will explain. Emir: Yigit will come soon, we will start when he comes. Tülay - You'll be back in your woodsy rat swamp. Emir tells Hasan that his mother has found out about everything. Hasan: don't prejudge my daughter, what did Mevlana say don't you just count people as what they see? when they can't see it, it's just an external view of the truth, if there's a slander, then you've made a big mistake, son. The slander of honor is like no other. The sin of both the father and the believer is very great. That is why she puts everything aside and looks at what the heart seeks. Narin: I understand you, you understand me too. My mother doesn't need a nurse. She needs my love and attention. I can't do anything else, at least let me do this. Kemal: It is very difficult to carry this alone. your love is above all, Mrs. Yildiz will only help you. I am afraid that your body will not support. You need to be strong and rest in order to help your mother. Narin: Ok, let's try. They go to talk to the woman and tell her that she is accepted and tell her the details of her work. Bade meets with Mert to tell him but Meltem arrives, sends greetings to Kemal and Narin, but her intentions are to frighten Bade. Meltem: oh Bade, I was very sorry to hear that your father's shop was burned, that everything is left behind. God forbid. Narin: is there anything else you want to ask? Yildiz: No, she explained everything clearly and in detail. Narin: don't forget to keep the window open, oxygen is very important. Yildiz: don't worry. Kemal: now we can go to the living room the lady will stay. Sheriye will bring you an adapter. Yildiz: From now on she will be in my charge. Meltem: You finally got the call. I died out of curiosity. What did you do? Yildiz: I just started working. I am with our precious patient right now. Meltem: From now on, you are my eyes and my ears in that house. End the sentence. One of the women: The groom's wife is beautiful and very calm. Now a respectful and decent bride like you will not be granted to anyone, my daughter, may Allah protect you from the evil eye. Gülperi: let me help sister Melike. They all gather in the kitchen. Cavidan says that she is very nervous about the photos. Tülay offers to help her carry food to the classroom. Gülperi: It is not what appears in those photos. Oya: I don't really know what to believe anymore. I'm really surprised Gülperi. Kemal is thinking of buying a new bookcase, but Narin: I'll go see, what is he doing? Yildiz: Mrs. Narin, did I do something wrong? I understand your sensitivity and respect your experience, but I've been a nurse for years, I wouldn't do anything wrong. Don't worry. Narin: It's not about how many years you've been doing this job, it's how you treat the patient. Mom, you're fine, it hurts. Kemal: calm down the lady has good references. you're too sensitive Narin: you're right, I reacted harshly, but you must treat my mother well. Kemal: well I'll go to Sapanca. Narin: You won't be late, right? Fatih will come, examine my mom and stay for dinner, if you are alone, he will not sleep. Kemal: don't worry I'll be here. Emir dismisses Uncle Hasan: Gülperi, don't worry so much daughter, everything will be fine, you will get it. Gülperi: I'm afraid my fate will be the same as my mother's. I can't get it out of my mind, it's very heavy. Hasan: the test is heavy girl. Your late mother's is heavy too, but Emir doesn't look like those men. The truth will be revealed, just be patient daughter. The Lord help you, facilitate the test, but help me, one word is enough. When you need help my door is open. Yildiz makes Narin believe that she has debts and they want to take her to court, all this she plans with Meltem to prevent her from being taken out of the house. Meltem and Kemal will travel to Sapanca, Meltem talks to a man to do something to the car after they arrive in Sapanca. Meltem: A romantic getaway in Sapanca will be good for both Kemal. Cavidan: Our conversation was interrupted. Shut up but I have a lot to tell you. We brought you to this house because you have a big problem, thanks to you, our house was razed, we came back from the dead. My son gave up his future just so nothing would happen to you, it wasn't enough, he married you to save your life. What did you do in the face of all this goodness? He betrayed the people who opened their house to you. Without shame you bring your dark ex under this roof. Now open your ears and listen to me well, your marriage to my son may not be real, but you carry the surname Tarhun. As long as he bears his last name, he will treat him as he deserves. I wish I had the power to get you out right now, but I can't get past Emir. As soon as he says go, you will go, until then, you will bow your head. Emir: what did you say mother. Cavidan: I said this is the reward for everything we have done for you, I asked him to explain his ingratitude towards us. Whatever you've done so far, always support you son, but this time it's too much. You didn't deserve this, what will I tell people when their actions are heard? Is not everything clear in the photos Emir? Bade tries to tell Mert what is happening but out of fear she cannot, they talk about the fire. Mert: how my sister found out. Bade: since she couldn't locate you, she noticed my voice and I told her. They say goodbye, they will see each other later. Narin offers Yildiz her help, proposes to give her an advance, but the lady does not accept, she says that she will take care of everything little by little, she was unemployed for a long time but she will fix it. Narin: well, if you need anything, let me know. Meltem had the car broken down. and it will take time to repair it. Meltem: don't worry, Mrs. Narin will be understanding. Would you like to enjoy the passage of the forest instead of being disturbed? Tülay calls Ahmet to execute another plan since this one did not turn out as he expected. Ahmet: but this time I will not escape the wrath of Emir. Tülay: what happened, you know the greater the risk, the greater the money. I can't bear to see this woman anymore. She freaks out because she listens to her but she turns out to be Ercan. Gülperi tries to communicate with Ahmet but she can't, Yigit calls her, they gave her a bicycle but she can't use it, Gulperi tells her that she should go to the bathroom. Yigit doesn't want to because it still hurts to urinate, but she still has to. Tülay: You have no right to be with Yigit. You can't play innocent, you can't fool me What was hiding under that angelic face of hers? It may not be important to you, but to the Tarhun, honor and dignity come first. I'm right. Oya: Let them solve it between them, even if it is on paper, they are husband and wife. Meltem: it is a nice place. Kemal: With Narin we have beautiful memories we used to come here and take a walk when we wanted to be alone. Meltem: yours is a beautiful love. I'll postpone the meeting, I have to be home. Meltem: But wouldn't it be painful to postpone the meeting? Kemal: like I said I can't be at the meeting but I promised I have to be home tonight. Gülperi sends a message "Please call me, only you can help me" Ahmet: I am so embarrassed that I can't face speaking, I couldn't pick up your phone, now I couldn't bear it when I saw the message
@melocoton16593 жыл бұрын
continuation chapter I'm so sorry Emir clenched my throat so much that I didn't think of another lie. Gülperi asks him to tell Emir the truth is the only way to help her. Ahmet agrees and they arrange to meet in a plaza near the hotel where he is staying. Gülperi: thank God everyone will know the truth. I have to go with him. Emir: Yes, I am here, but he said that the file is not open. What's up? Gülperi: we can talk. Emir: I have work, you can't see, it goes out. Tülay: finally the bird will fly from the nest. Oya: Gülperi, where are you going, Gülperi: next to Ahmet, I'm going to get him to tell the truth or else I won't be able to look any of you in the face. Oya: Okay, but go with Emir, don't go alone. Mert calls Bade to help him with a homework, but Bade says she doesn't want to go because she's always there and she's ashamed, they arrange to meet in the park. Kemal: I'm sorry, I couldn't make it on time, but like I said on the phone, the car broke down, it was not under my control. Narin: You can at least call and let me know, right? by Fatih, it's a shame. Kemal: as I told you, I could not arrive on time, I suspended the meeting, I will call Fathi, what did he say, how is your mother? Narin: It doesn't matter, it's nothing important. Kemal: don't do this. Upon reaching the park Ahmet calls Gülperi and asks him to meet at the hotel. Gülperi: it's not impossible, you said you would help me but I can't go there. Ahmet: whatever you want, but look, I'm leaving tonight. Gülperi: You didn't tell me I was going to help you, you can't leave without talking. Ahmet: If you come to me, we will talk, we will find a way, Remembering the accusations he decides to agree to go. Ahmet to Tülay "everything is on the way, prepare the coins" Ahmet agrees with the receptionist, gives him a few lire, in return he will show Gülperi in and notify when Emir arrives. Upon meeting Mert tells Bade that she knows she is hiding something from her, and she won't let her go until she tells him. Gülperi arrives and the receptionist sends her to room 114. The receptionist calls Emir and tells him that her wife is there, he feels that she is a bit complicated and that is why she warned him. Ahmet forces Gülperi in. Meltem: At home, Narin, at work, Narin, enough is enough. Where are you, why don't you answer your phone? Narin: I am Narin. Gülperi: What are you doing? Don't ever touch me again. Ahmet: I had no bad intention, I did it to protect her. When I saw that you were alone so that no one would see you. because Emir could be after you. Gülperi will open the door to feel more secure. Gülperi: Why did you do this to me? How can you play with my honor? What did you want from me, what does it mean to slander? How do you do it? Couldn't you find another way? You will clean this black stain, you will tell everything, you will say that it is a lie. Otherwise, I cannot live with that slander, I cannot live with this lie. We will go to him together. If you say you won't come, you will call him here with me right now and tell him the truth. Emir arrives and the receptionist indicates that he should go up to room 114. Ahmet: (hears the signal) Do you love that man? Even if you love him, give up, come with me, let's get out of here you and me. Gülperi: what are you saying? What do you mean come on? Ahmet: I say this for your sake. you do not believe me but if you come with me. Gülperi: you will say it, you will confess that it is a slander, that it was a lie. What are you doing? Let me!
@darlenepaul26303 жыл бұрын
Thankyou for helping us understand 😊
@delwarasultana59803 жыл бұрын
No worries dear take your time❤
@Palomam.523 жыл бұрын
@@melocoton1659 has quitado el capítulo 386
@melocoton16593 жыл бұрын
@@Palomam.52 no hasta donde yo se está ahi y lo estoy viendo, porque estoy a punto de terminarlo y lo iba a subir ahora
@tanseelou8063 жыл бұрын
I’m smiling at the fact Meltem romantic plan for Kemal did not work. All the time he’s talking of Narin. Kemal is blind to Meltem intentions but he clearly loves Narin ❤️♥️
@ИгорьГетман-ь2э3 жыл бұрын
Kemal is stupid. The family has a rule: to avoid contacts and communication that offend the partner and cause jealousy in him. He knows perfectly well that Meltem is unpleasant to Narin, he might not have got into such situations - why go in the same car? in Turkey that anyone can easily ruin the car of a rich businessman? no cameras, no guards
@sowmyargopalan3 жыл бұрын
@@ИгорьГетман-ь2э The road to any major plot twist in Naz's wacky story is full of mind-numbing illogical sub plots where characters who were smart till then will suddenly become totally blind, stupid and events will make no sense. Naz is forcing a Narkem separation or divorce or some other ridiculous twist.
@tanseelou8063 жыл бұрын
@@ИгорьГетман-ь2э I agreed. It seems he ignore Narin’s feelings. I wonder which university allow Kemal to graduate lol I can’t believe a lawyer cannot see the scam in front of him. Off off Kemal Bey 😤😤😤🤦🏻🤣🤣🤣
@mahvashrowhani9632 жыл бұрын
Love the manner Yidliz calls his father so sweet to hear
@tanseelou8063 жыл бұрын
Narin right now is highly emotional, she’s going through a lot with giving up her job, doubting herself as a dr, blaming herself for her mother’s illness. Accepting a hire she doesn’t really want but to please her husband. ( The husband who is only trying to help) Dealing with broken promises from her husband. ( he’s only trying to help) She’s trying to stay strong but she’s clearly rattled. Soon she will reach breaking point. Poor Narin 😭😭😭😭😭
@v.marinova16993 жыл бұрын
Если Кемаль продолжит встречаться с Мельтемом по поводу компании и будет слеп и глух к подозрениям Нарина, ему снова придется работать водителем такси 🥺 Однозначно Емиру придется искать другую работу от действий Тулая и Кемаля, к сожалению 😥
@RadmilaIdimum3 жыл бұрын
@@v.marinova1699 Браво... 🥺
@876michie53 жыл бұрын
The writer let Narin & Kemal look stupid, or unless it's time for them to go through with Methem, what Reyhan & Emri went through with Cemre. Although Cemre didnt try to poison/kill Reyhan.
@yaqutq.41913 жыл бұрын
Tüləy sevgi üçün yox, pul, sərvət üçün mübarizə aparır
@rhicaflorpaglinawan99513 жыл бұрын
oh ghad! why did you go into that place without emir gülperi🤦 now it's hard for emir to listen to you and understand your explanations anymore🤦 how can you convince emir now that there's nothing between you and ahmet🤦😔
@tanseelou8063 жыл бұрын
Also when Ahmet push on the bed why she didn’t scream and yell get off me or shout for help so Emir can come running to save her. Instead she just looking confused… I can’t believe Gulperi’s slow reaction especially after her abuse history
@yaimery30763 жыл бұрын
@@tanseelou806 Pienso que él se movió muy rápido y ella no tuvo tiempo de reaccionar a tiempo Es lo que llamarían Factor Sorpresa que en este caso resultó muy bien porque cuando él la empuja y ella cae en la cama,se ve que ella se quedó como anonadada,no sé esperó que él fuera a hacer eso y automáticamente cuándo empieza a forcejear, a reaccionar Emir ya está dentro del cuartos Así es como interpreté esa escena Él supo hacerlo bien movimientos rápidos conjugados con el factor sorpresas y ahí tienes ella no pudo reaccionar.Ademas ella le dijo:Suéltate antes de caer.
@tanseelou8063 жыл бұрын
@@yaimery3076 nice try but still Gulperi is supposed to be on guard with all men and nobody supposed to touch her. How this Ahmet can grab her closed her mouth and put her in the bed and her reaction is shock and confusion is beyond me. She’s supposed to be quick and fight him and bite him and kick him and scream for her life. Her survival instincts should have kicked in, not this reaction of “ what’s going on” What happen to the Gulperi that didn’t let no man touch her and will protect herself at all costs? I expected her wild girl persona to come out. Her kill or be killed instincts to set in. She’s supposed to not trust men so why she trust this Ahmet fool is beyond me.. Poor Emir have deal with this..🤦🏻♂️
@yaimery30763 жыл бұрын
@@tanseelou806 Yo entiendo tú punto de vista y estoy de acuerdo contigo en algunas cosas.Mira es la forma en qué yo cómo exportadora interpreté la escena y me pareció muy interesante cómo se cojugo el factor sorpresa en este caso. Todos sabremos cómo es la Sra Nasmiye y ella hizo la escena de manera que luzca que a los ojos de Emir Gul lo esté engañando. En capítulos anteriores hemos visto a una Gul defendiéndose de los hombres cuándo han querido lastimarla.Yo pienso que quizás cómo Gul conoce a Ahmet desde que eran niños a lo mejor nos le tiene miedo cómo le tendría a otros hombres..Porque ella lo conoce bien o cree que lo conoce cosa que no es así Fíjate que ella hablaba con el bastante normal cuando trabajaba en la mansión por eso Emir llegó a la conclusión de que se conocían porque ella no habla con extraño por sus traumas.Por eso ella no pensó que el pudiera ser tan cruel y de ahí su sorpresa y su forma de comportarse en el hotel. Mira es solo mi opinión y quizás soy yo la que está errada. Creo que me extendí mucho. Saludos 🤗 🤗 🤗
@ananemah26293 жыл бұрын
@@tanseelou806 She believed Ahmet.He is her old friend ,Fatma"s brother .She wanted to help him. And went there to hear the truth . He didn"t have intention to hurt her . He listened Emir"s steps and when he heard Emir in front of the door he jumped on her .It was matter of seconds. He will tell only the part of the truth..He will not involve Tulay. He will tell that he wanted to take revenge for his sister. And Tulay will stay un the house .. 😱
@RadmilaIdimum3 жыл бұрын
I've seen all sorts of things in Turkish series, but this is absolutely absurd. Cobras and insatiable pythons live the lives of good people, smart and educated. Zero...!
@sameneshamsuddin24513 жыл бұрын
Yes ,it the same in Emanet,same writer,evil always win..
@RadmilaIdimum3 жыл бұрын
@@sameneshamsuddin2451 Yes, everything is similar. I don’t watch that series, from Shooting the Heart of a Husband Who Made a Princess and Who Loves Her. She is like a stone to him and everyone else matters! Here in the Oath, something is wrong. What do the writer and the screenwriter tell us about these events without scruples, mafias and everything else. As I watch the series, I wonder: How do young Turkish girls gain wealth, mafia and turn important people around their little finger so quickly? When they finished college, internship, salary in countless bills. What they say about me in Serbia: "They pay and don't ask for the price!". Greetings from Serbia and sorry for the grammar ... :)
@ahmedgamerw1ahmedgamerw1333 жыл бұрын
@@sameneshamsuddin2451 وفى الجزء الاول والثانى الشر والظلم فاز وريحان الطيوبه الجميله ماتت وألموجود كل الاشرار
@RadmilaIdimum2 жыл бұрын
@@ahmedgamerw1ahmedgamerw133 That's right, I don't know where this story leads and whether there is a positive turnaround, or will it be Emir's fight for justice until the end and he still loses?
@natavanrafiyeva74133 жыл бұрын
Məltəm sınırlarımız ilə cokmu oyun oynayacaq😡😡😡😡😡
@MsIsma223 жыл бұрын
How the hell Cavidan and Tulay sit at the prayer meeting knowing their hearts are evil?
@sameneshamsuddin24513 жыл бұрын
@verailza11733 жыл бұрын
@latamenon2252 жыл бұрын
@angelapersad46542 жыл бұрын
Good question?
@elsiedlembula3130 Жыл бұрын
Other villains they carry their beads for prayer but they evilise people killing shooting and praying. Do they pray to get strength to kill or what
@ayeshasiddiqua30243 жыл бұрын
I like the way Emir kicks Ahmet for doing evils to Gülperi🤣🤣🤣
@v.marinova16993 жыл бұрын
Я не поняла 😟 разве больница и Кемаль не сообщили в полицию, чтобы выяснить, кто вошел в дом, не взломав дверь, хотел ли «вор» убить Муневвера… Произошло почти то же самое, что и с Нарином, но тогда Полиция просмотрела камеры на улице☝ Или сейчас все в пользу сценария... 🙃
@vladomnnakov6673 жыл бұрын
Сериалът е пълен с абсурди, но явно за сценаристите това не е проблем
@xuramanmustafayeva40133 жыл бұрын
@ИгорьГетман-ь2э3 жыл бұрын
там какой-то компьютерный гений по звонку Мельтем удалил записи камер с сервера. и Мерт все время пытается их восстановить. а полиция в сериалах Назмие - идиоты. сейчас камер полно и на соседних домах и на улице + свидетели. большой особняк как проходной двор. и Кемаль не сделал вывод с нападения на Нарин. лошара.
@dadiduda7183 жыл бұрын
Gulperi, after this you don't smile at him for a month. You drive him even more crazy than his storm. Don't cook and don't make him a coffee. He asks for it, you ask Malike Able to make it.
@yaimery30763 жыл бұрын
@bazylianowak11353 жыл бұрын
''Kochana'' Cavidan, skoro synuś wybaczył wszystkie podłości jakie były Jej udziałem, to powinna schować się w mysią dziurę i żyć własnym życiem. A najlepiej by było, aby zaliczyła serialowy niebyt jak jej ofiara o imieniu Reyhan, a nie udawać święte oburzenie i wtrącać się w sprawy syna mając sumienie czarne jak smoła.
@ildikotothne42003 жыл бұрын
jego wąż jest zapominalski
@wiesawaczajkowska81903 жыл бұрын
Bo to jest mamuska6i jej jest wszystko wybaczane. A Emir podobnie jak ona ma krótką pamięć. W końcu to jej ukochany synuś.
@bazylianowak11353 жыл бұрын
@@wiesawaczajkowska8190 To nie jest miłość matki tylko obsesja, odkąd Ją znamy. Ten babsztyl nie kocha nikogo oprócz siebie. Jej motto życiowe z 1i2 sezonu brzmiało, ''wszystkich was wykończę''i robiła dużo żeby spełnić swoje zamiary. Kto wie co Jej teraz chodzi po głowie, no chyba że to już stuprocentowy anioł.
@wiesawaczajkowska81903 жыл бұрын
@@bazylianowak1135 obsesja to łagodnie napisane i do tego miłość do pieniędzy. Cóż wnuczka może wychowa zgodnie z obietnicą na swoje podobieństwo już manipulant i stawia na swoim. A Emira życie nic nie nauczyło. Więc aby podnieść ranking teraz trzeba zrobić szybkie wybaczenie Gulperi odwiedzin zgodnie ze zwiastunem w hotelu i może konsumpcja malzenstwa🤣🤣🤣. I fotografia Gulperi przy łóżku dziecka tam gdzie powinna być fotografia matki. Ale na to ani Emir ani mamuśka by nie pozwolili. Dla matki niegodna syna a dla męża nie warta pamięci bo oszukała. Oboje i on i mamuśka są siebie warci niestety.
@cacioccion8432 Жыл бұрын
הבן אמיר חייב להעמיד את אמו במקומה. ולהתעורר לגבי גולברי.
@dadiduda7183 жыл бұрын
Oh CAVIDAN, give me a break. If he is just married her to save and protect her, he will never change into Hulk and smash everything. Your son furious and barking at her, which caused the hair on the back of her neck to stand up, because your son was interested in her, he was falling hard. Not because she carries Tarhun's name, it is because she is his wife. His real wife. Their marriage is real and legal.
@helloworldwassup3 жыл бұрын
Love it, your comments are so good!👍👍👍💟💟💟🔥🔥🔥
@rahilerahile60752 жыл бұрын
Narin o durumda ki,Kemala qulaq asa bilmez,Yildizin tecrubeli oldugunu kim dedi,Meltemmi,ah Kemal efendi iyice kaptirdin...
@rosalbamartines47613 жыл бұрын
Que desepciónante escena !!! Cada vez peor esta novela , Emir que nunca fue capaz de ver tantas maldades y mentira que hay a su alrededor, y la cuadrúpeda de madre que tiene ya se tardaba para sacar las garras , miramos las novelas para distraernos , no para amargarnos , que es estos ??? Que escritor@ es esto parece escrito de un psicópata de una persona frustrada ....
@evemartins18613 жыл бұрын
Com certeza a Sra Nazmye é uma grande psicopata, desde a primeira temporada ela só escreve e cria personagens medonhos e psicopatas iguais à ela, é incrível a capacidade de escrever tantas maldades, principalmente com os personagens infelizes que ela cria! Primeiro foi Reyhan, depois Feride e agora a Gulpery! EMIR é um boneco de ventríloquo que é manejado por por todos que o rodeiam principalmente sua mãe, bandida, assassina, ladra e misturada à toda a escória do submundo turco! Affffff cansei de tantas cretinices em uma série que já era pra ter terminado no casamento dele com Feride!
@sandraherrera22473 жыл бұрын
@maznahmahadi69953 жыл бұрын
Well, as I've discovered and concluded in each episode, this nazmiye is most surely a psychopathic screenwriter!!! What a shame to Turkey and its people.
@mildredalvarado717610 ай бұрын
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con su comentario, la primera psicopata es la escritora,pobre mujer no tiene si no maldad en su mente y como lo comente en una oportunidad eso lo trae de su crianza, esa señora quieran o no verlo y como muchos escritores turcos solo ven maldad, no lo critico pero eso es lo que han vivido en su pais. Maldad, abuso hacia las mujeres, mafia, droga, que se puede esperar.
@kheyrineprado19923 жыл бұрын
Gulpire u can’t talk? They are accusing u but ur still silent.. why u don’t defend ur self to them. Even they are not believe u, but at least u defend ur self.
@asillisa4243 жыл бұрын
I can't. The guy (Ahmet) has lied on several occasions. You know Gülperi he lied to Emir and you think its wise to meet him alone? THINK!!!
@sandraherrera22473 жыл бұрын
The writer terrible episode
@asillisa4243 жыл бұрын
@@sandraherrera2247 Let's hope tomorrow's episode will be a positive one!👍😁 Porque estoy cansada de la tristeza.😔
@mariacali47553 жыл бұрын
Avidana a risvegliato il mostro che le dormiva dentro ? Come si permette di interferire di nuovo nella vita di suo figlio ..emir non lo deve permettere ....oya presensa inutile potrebe almeno lei aiutare la ragaza ......a me gulperi non piace e spero sempre che yemin finisca con reyan pero non sopporto le ingiustizie. Cavidana doveva marcire in prigione per quello che a fatto inbece e ancora li a fare la signora spero veramente che torni reyan e la faccia rinchiudere. Ma sicuramente la scritrice non ci dara questa sodisfazione 😣🇮🇹
@mariacali47553 жыл бұрын
@@marygonzalez2133 tanto peggio per la scrtrice e la produzione karamel tanto e gia una serie come la 3 e 4 un fallimento
@valdirlenematos9863 жыл бұрын
Voltar dos mortos??
@kamranxelilov53773 жыл бұрын
Dunyada gorduyum end kotu dizi uzatmayin Allah xatirine by me bele naxilda yoxdu
@mariaandrade50333 жыл бұрын
Emir esqueceu todas as maldades da mãe dele? Como pode dar ouvidos pra essa cobra que fez de tudo pra Reyhan perder o bebê, e muitas e muitas outras maldades.
@yaimery30763 жыл бұрын
Lo que pasa es que sufre de amnesia todas las maldades qué hizo su mamá se les borraron.Pufff!!!!
@danielhosszu8384 Жыл бұрын
Nu inteleg cum Emir a uitat tot ce a facut Cavidan si nici iubirea Nairei pentru o mama care revine in viata ei cu tot felul de nenorociri iar in sezonul 4 devin mame ideale!Asa o fi la turci,doamne fereste!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤
@cavidkerimov21833 жыл бұрын
Sisenaridə ən böyük səhv Cavidanın süni olaraq yaxşı insan kimi dəyişməsidir.Oteldə Əmirə xəbər verilməsi də sünidi.
@ases.prestij19953 жыл бұрын
Bu kino bawdan ayaga sünidi.bizde 3ildi mal kimi baxiriq
@renayusubova5413 жыл бұрын
Məhv etdiniz sevgini ,yazıq deyilmi Narın Kemala,?Gülpəri de Narın kimi ,O ne gözəl Tulaylar ,Meltemler Ahmetler at oynadın meydanda ,gözəl insanlar isə eziyet ceksinler
Nazmiye PR had started how gulperi is... . . But genuine audience will always love REYHAN EMIR
@darlenepaul26303 жыл бұрын
What did Emir say when in the hotel room , in English was it stop? thanks
@tanseelou8063 жыл бұрын
Minerver took on the role of Hikmet Bey
@MsIsma223 жыл бұрын
For sure
@samsungalaxy4343 жыл бұрын
True! Meltem will be discovered only when she gets up.
@rahilerahile60752 жыл бұрын
Yad bir kisi ve bir kadin isle bagli da olsa hep yan-yana olurlarsa...Meltemin kaynaklandigi kibi olmalidir.. ..Narin hec kesden oz dileme,Kemalden ve Yildizdan asla...
@danielhosszu83843 ай бұрын
Bravo Kemal ai adus spionul in casa!!!!Chiar nu mai poti rezolva nimic fara ajutorul lui Meltem!!!!😂😂😂😂
@yaimery30763 жыл бұрын
Estoy indignada cómo Cavidan que es el 😈 puro se atreve a hablarle así a Gul cuando ella es la menos indicada para hacerlo Con qué moral?Será qué a ella le hicieron un lavado de cerebro y no recuerda de todas las atrocidades que cometió en el pasado.😡😡😡😡
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
Nazmiye bringing feride tulay gulperi But Genuine audience will always love REYHAN EMIR
@sabinabaxtiyarova42213 жыл бұрын
Final olsun artig, bos yere cox uzanir menasizdi
@renayusubova5413 жыл бұрын
Merttttt ,bir oyan artıq Narine yardım et,!!!!!!
@h.52563 жыл бұрын
badenin ev sahneleri de herhalde konakta çekiliyor, sizce de öyle mi
@pilarcoromotogonzalezperez89202 жыл бұрын
Madre mía, en esta serie los perversos se reproducen más rápido que las cucarachas. A Cavidan se le olvidó que estuvo en la cárcel, y por lo que estuvo, no tiene fuerza moral para recriminar absolutamente nada a Gülperi. Los actores magistrales, bravo👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
@danielhosszu8384 Жыл бұрын
Cavıdan in rol de mama model ;e prea mult ,,,,
@mrvesunsha6899 Жыл бұрын
Bu gülperide suskunluğu ile beni bitirdi. Konuşsana yahu
@bellaprados82192 жыл бұрын
Emir que va como puedes creer en esas mentiras
@ЗараАмбалова3 жыл бұрын
Почему непоказывают Массал, где она что с ней.
@Elena-zn2qj3 жыл бұрын
Её отправили на учёбу за границу. Наверное к Суне.
@ИгорьГетман-ь2э3 жыл бұрын
@@Elena-zn2qj а Суна даже не приехала на похороны отца. пропала девочка.
@Elena-zn2qj3 жыл бұрын
@@ИгорьГетман-ь2э это Вы смотрели сериал от начала и до конца. А есть комментарии где пишут ,что они начали смотреть с третьего,а некоторые и с четвертого сезона. Вот для таких и пишутся эти сценарии. Чтоб не было лишних вопросов. Мы всё удивляемся, что у всех отбили память. А она всё правильно делает. Она просто их продаст за границу как отдельный фильм. Не захотят весь брать , возьмут отдельными сезонами. Об этом уже есть комментарии.
@nailseyidova47473 жыл бұрын
Cavidanın Hikmət Tarhuna yaptıqları yadından çıxıb.Tarhun soyadı indi yadına düşüb.
@marialuat14783 жыл бұрын
You need to fight back Gulperi and expose Tulay for the evil that she does.
@samsungalaxy4343 жыл бұрын
The fact that she asked Emir to let Tulay stay in the mansion after she shot her is so crazy. I hope she finds out that she is behind her being slandered too.
@marialuat14783 жыл бұрын
@@samsungalaxy434 I hope their evilness ends soon.
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
Until Reyhan Emir get happy ending, Yemin will always remain incomplete
@pawecierpich17543 жыл бұрын
Emir co z Tobą się stało gdzie jest ten Emir z 1 i 2 sezonu co grałeś z piękna Reyhan wycofaj się bo Cie szkoda bo twój wizerunek na tym ucierpiał okropny 4 sezon Polska 🐱🐱
@fatimabora19933 жыл бұрын
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
Yemin is for Reyhan Emir, Yemin was for a reyhan emir and will always be for Reyhan emir❤
@bettytodd1619 Жыл бұрын
.double standard, he has T. In the house. Not fair playing.
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
@ases.prestij19953 жыл бұрын
Bu Emir bir arvad tapmadiki tapmadi
@mehribanabdullayeva37983 жыл бұрын
У неё такая роль, молчать. Просто ужас. Невозможно смотреть. Бедный Эмир. Как он всё это терпит.
@СветланаБайбанова3 жыл бұрын
Молчит, потому рот стыдно открывать. И говорит то сквозь зубы.
@фоти-р9м3 жыл бұрын
🧕gulperi güzal👍👍👍🌸🌸🌸🌸
@СветланаБайбанова3 жыл бұрын
В каком месте? 😄
@remziesalim56863 жыл бұрын
Emir kir Ahmedin somani soylettir ona her sheyi
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
Original always remain Original, Love Reyhan Emir in the yemin ❤
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
Reyhan Emir :- Pain, torture and injustice. Gulperi:- getting happily ever after.. . . WE GENUINE AUDIENCE WILL ALWAYS LOVE REYHAN EMIR ❤
@dianagavrilidu29883 жыл бұрын
Когда сериал удлиниют он доходит до обсурда,теряет смысл,потому что повторяются одни и тоже ситуации нет разнообразия.
@Abirat.sabil12343 жыл бұрын
لدي سؤال لماذا عائله امير ترهون لن تجتمع مع عائله كمال ترهون لا في الحفل الختان والعائله امير تزور عائله كمال لان ام نارين تعبانه في المستشفى
@deia31653 жыл бұрын
هههههههه و لا كانهم اقارب 🤣🤣🤣 مسلسل مسخرة
@danielhosszu8384 Жыл бұрын
Filmarile sant facute in pandemie ,din motive de securitate cele doua echipe de filmare nu se intalnesc !!!
@dogrudansan98183 жыл бұрын
bu kemalı artık akıllı biri sanmıyorum.nasıl da aldanır .narine deyil de tanımadığı birine inanıyor.narin kızım sakın anneni tek bırakma
@s.e53813 жыл бұрын
Cavidan içinden yine yilan çikti
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
Kemal bey,niye Yildiz Meltemin mesleheti ile bu eve girdi niye?...Kemalin hec bir addimini duzgun gormuyorum ,bagislamaq da olmuyor...Narine uzuluyorum,az kala demek istiyorum,her kesi kovla,Nain,sen hemise haklisan!...
@mariaandrade50333 жыл бұрын
Kemal e Narin , abusam de serem tão sem noção, agora mais uma bandida cuidando da mãe dela, vai acabar matando a coitada😢😢😢
@josefaaguacil21683 жыл бұрын
Lo dicho en esta serie todo lo hacen a favor de los malvados siempre salen beneficiados hasta cuando por favor
@sofialondono34472 жыл бұрын
Estoy muy de acuerdo hasta cuando descubren a los malos siempre tienen que estar ganando
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
@liafigliolia8783 жыл бұрын
Cavidan basta credi solo a Tulay la tua pupilla 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
@lala-og7qb3 жыл бұрын
Ahhh I don't like to see this episode....
@angietrinidad7094 Жыл бұрын
Poor gulperi.... If emir don't want listen to u.. Just leave it
@rahilerahile60752 жыл бұрын
Kemal bey,sizin ozunuz bele oz elinizde deyilsiniz,Meltem size guzelce sahiblendi...
@island_girl972 жыл бұрын
These photos seriously didn't prove anything though lol
@ayoubelghabbassi96356 ай бұрын
Cavidan❤ Dunya ❤ Melike
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
@zaaratteaicha42583 жыл бұрын
Cette quatrième saison ils ont donner trop d'importance au deux sorcières l'histoire de viens fatigante les acteurs principaux sans devenu ennuyeux il y a pas d'action
@SamsungGalaxy-yu3du3 жыл бұрын
S4 IS SO BAD 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
@gulluhmdov86983 жыл бұрын
Kötülerı teblig etmək ne derece dogru
@jambread60563 жыл бұрын
@jambread60563 жыл бұрын
@latamenon2252 жыл бұрын
The same scene with feride,i hope emir has brain cells this time How did the receptionist know gulperi his wife?? From where he got the mobile number??? It is a give way
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
They make Reyhan Life hell with pain and torture to come gulperi out of nowhere and have happily ever after... . . We viewers ain't fool, We did not forgot what happened in season 1 and 2. Reyhan Emir deserve happily ever after more than anyone.
@rustmliyev5773 жыл бұрын
Ben anlam veremedim neden Kemali bkdar anlmay adam cekmiş ablakat iş adamı bkdarm anlamaz sizin icin
@joannakucharzyk41033 жыл бұрын
Proszę przetłumaczcie to na Turecki niech zakończą ten serial to jest koszmar .Wiem że to tylko film ale tak nie może być skąd oni mają pieniądze na te przekupstwa SZOK
@ankakowalska16233 жыл бұрын
Zgadzam się.i popieram.👏👏👏👏
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
Women and love are not tissue paper whenever you use and throw. . . REYHAN EMIR ARE LOVE ❤ We Love Reyhan Emir 💖and we won't accept injustice, unfairness and cruelty . Reyhan Emir always and for forever ❤
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
There is something special about Reyhan Emir, love them soo much
@jambread60563 жыл бұрын
@rajakadil19703 жыл бұрын
When Narin got pregnant so where 's their Baby who is she/he?
@MsIsma223 жыл бұрын
Gulperi is pretty but she needs a good dentist to scrub them teeth.
@oneydacastro427126 күн бұрын
@radhakrishna2973 жыл бұрын
Gulperi sympathy story start , how gulperi got hurt, everyone want to hurt gulperi poor poor gulperi 😂😂😂😂 but we didn't forgot Season 1, 2 of yemin. Reyhan Emir are the original and yemin start with them, no one come and take away our love and yemin from Reyhan Emir ❤❤Always going to Love Reyhan Emir ❤
@linakahina4349 Жыл бұрын
Pefff Pefff peffff
@haneyuzun9112 Жыл бұрын
Bunca olandan sonra Gülperi adama nasıl güvenip tek başına buluşmayı kabul eder bir insan bu kadar mı aptal olur
@روبيروبي-د5ت3 жыл бұрын
يعني اسوا شي واللامنطق انو الواحد عم يتهم باخلاقو وبشرفو وبضل ساكت متل الاخرس موطبيعي جولبيري ماسحين شخصيتها بالمسلسل وكانو وحدة مريضة نفسية اوغبية وبتتقبل الاهانات ومابتعرف ادافع عن حالها قدام الكل بس بتسكت وبتتعصور بعيونها يعني مولهالدرحة الاستخفاف بالعقول والمبالغة يعني هالجزا عبارة عن حرق اعصاب واستخفاف بالعقول ومرضى نفسيين .
Nazmiye PR started praising gulperi by giving most likes on her comments 😂😂🤡 keep trying keep trying 😂 PR Priority is to give most like on the gulperi comment but they don't know This won't change anything 🤭🤭🤭🤭 I am laughing so hard, they are trying everything to make gulperi look good.. . . Always going to love Reyhan Emir ❤
@Liv-qf9mt3 жыл бұрын
Hahahaha... How naive and nonsense...unreal...couldn't you have thought of anything better? Come on... Please, a little more respect for us who are still watching this annoy
@tanseelou8063 жыл бұрын
Agreed. The writers keep writing stupid nonsensical storylines…
@ФатимаГулямова-ю3в3 жыл бұрын
Amaaan bu kadarda diyil artik,her kez aptal galiba,sinir buzuçi,sayratmakda istamas kimse
@gigileblo3632 жыл бұрын
Ok!!! Now I understand ceremony because of yildiz
@zofiaszyposzynska3 жыл бұрын
Bardzo wspaniali aktorzy pięknie grają swoje rolę życzę dużo sukcesu i szczęścia Emir Gulperi Yiğit to bardzo wspaniali aktorzy
@mospqoon99023 жыл бұрын
مسكين امير ازوچ ريحان ع مود حكمت و فريدة ع مود امة وشيتا ع حسن و كلشي ماحصل فد المشاكل
@shidsbuhi54973 жыл бұрын
Gülpəryə yazğım gəlir artığ o cadolozu setən çıxarın day əsəblərmiz pozuldu