Yemin 463. Bölüm | The Promise Season 4 Episode 463

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@perlachan659 2 жыл бұрын
Traducción de las escenas Gulmir Parte 1 Savas: Mamá, qué dijiste, escuché mal, ¿no? escuché mal Beyhan: Vale, está bien, te vas a casar. Savas: Mamá, ¿te das cuenta de lo que estás hablando, cuál es el punto de casarse? Beyhan: Lo quiero así y no te hice ninguna pregunta, dije que te casarías, eso es todo. Savas: Lo que sea que tengas en mente, olvídalo, Madre, porque no habrá tal cosa. Beyhan: habrá. siéntate Savas: Deja que Baran te lo lleve porque si me quedo aquí por un tiempo, no lo querrá. Beyhan: te dije que te sentaras hojas de sava Beyhan: Savas, ¿es este tu respeto por mí? Baran: Hermano, ¿pasó algo? Savas: lleva a mi mama a la finca no me preguntes nada mas Beyhan a Gulperi: mírame, Savaş quería, gritó, llamó, no te relajes, te vas a casar con él, levántate, nos vamos, ¿qué debería hacer contigo? Por eso no te quería, mírate, no llores en el funeral, no juegues en la boda, solo camina. fidan: bienvenido Beyhan: Baran, puedes irte. Beyhan a Fidan: estás parado aquí, ocúpate de tus asuntos Beyhan a Gulperi: vamos. Recuerda lo que te dije, tarde o temprano todo saldrá como yo quiero. Emir está escuchando desde la escalera. escena retrospectiva gulperi: yo emir: tu Gulperi: no puedo casarme contigo final del recuerdo emir: estas bien? gulperi: estoy bien Emir: Vi como estabas cuando llegaste a casa, apartas la mirada, lo entiendo por el temblor de tu voz. Entonces, ¿qué te pasó? de nuevo o lo entiendo de nuevo La Sra. Beyhan hizo algo esta vez, dímelo. Cuántas veces tendré que decirte que no estás solo, pero parece que no importa. Me quedaré aquí hasta que me digas qué está pasando. Yigit: padre Emir: Creo que hay alguien por ahí que no duerme cuando ya ha llegado la hora de acostarse. Yigit: Esperé a dormir con la niña hada, ¿podemos dormir juntos? Emir: Hola, vamos a dormir juntos hoy. Además, te compré un libro nuevo, vamos a leerlo. Yigit: ¿es un libro de aventuras? Emir: mmm Yigit: Está bien, tenemos un trato esta noche. Dormiré contigo mañana chica hada gulperi está de acuerdo Yig:buenas noches Gulperi: Que Dios te de consuelo querida Emir a Gulperi: Terminaremos nuestra conversación inconclusa. Vas a decirme lo que está pasando. Emir a Yigit: Vamos Gulperi para sí misma: ¿cómo puedo decírtelo? ¡¡No puedo!! ¡¿Qué hacer?! Beyhan para sí misma: Traté de decir por la palabra de tu madre, Savaş, esto nunca sucedió, pero también sé cómo corregirte. Fidan: Es hora de su medicina, Sra. Beyhan, pensé que tendría algo para comer antes de eso. Beyhan: no lo hago Plantones: esta es tu medicina Beyhan: Depende de ti pensar en mí, qué cosa tan sin sentido, los tomas y no interfieres conmigo El recuerdo de Gulperi Beyhan: Lo quiero así. Savas: lo que tienes en mente mamá, porque nada de esto va a pasar Beyhan: será Fin de la retrospectiva Gulperi: Fidan Fidan: Le traje comida a la Sra. Beyhan para que no tomara su medicina con el estómago vacío, pero se enojó conmigo, siempre me hace esto. Gulperi: no te preocupes por sus palabras, Fidan, conoces a mi tía Fidan: De todos modos, pensé que te lo diría. Gulperi: está bien, me avisas, dámelo, yo la convenzo. Fidan: Ella también te regañará, luego te romperá el corazón. Gulperi: Dame la bandeja Beyhan: Llegó el primer tonto, y aquí viene el siguiente. no te quiero ¿Ella no entiende? Gulperi: Tía, no tomes tus medicinas con el estómago vacío. necesitas comer algo Beyhan: no lo quiero con medicinas, ven y vete, vamos Gulperi: Acabas de salir del hospital Beyhan: No como ni bebo porque vas a venir aquí y casarte. Gulperi: Vi como se enojó. Beyhan: No te pedí un consejo, dije que hay dos opciones frente a ti, puedes contraer matrimonio con Savas o gulperi: pero no lo quiere, ya ves, no es dificil, mira, come tu comida, te vas a enfermar si no tomas tu medicina, no hagas esto Beyhan: No voy a aprender de ti que hacer, que la empresa no te vea. Vamos. Salir. Emir ve a Gulperi derrumbarse y está a punto de ir hacia ella, pero Yigit lo llama. Yigit: Papá no pude dormir emir: aqui estoy Continuará
@perlachan659 2 жыл бұрын
Parte 2 Fidan: ¿No es esa la bandeja de ayer en tu mano? Gulperi: Sí, no comió ni un bocado, se fue en la puerta. Fidan: Yo también salí, pero no me atreví a llamar a la puerta. ¿Qué vamos a hacer? gulperi: no lo sé. Ella me dijo lo que te dijo, luego me echó Retoño: Si tan solo hubiera tomado la medicación Gulperi: Espero que ella lo tomó. ¿Está desayunando? Fidan: tu lo preparaste, yo lo preparé para ella. Pero mis pies van hacia atrás, tengo miedo de que se enoje. Vuelve a ser lo mismo, pero no te preocupes, yo se lo llevaré y sé que reacciona más contigo. Gulperi: Fidan, ¿puedes revisar sus drogas también, averigüemos si las tomó? Retoño: por supuesto Fidan: Sra. Beyhan, ¿estás bien? Beyhan: trae el tensiómetro Fidan: No comiste nada, no tomaste tu medicina, por eso te preparé un delicioso desayuno. Beyhan: no puedo soportarlo Fidan: Tengo miedo de que te enfermes, Dios. Beyhan: (No entendí lo que dijo) Retoño: Es demasiado alto. Esto no es nada bueno. Llamaré a un médico. Beyhan: llamar a Savas Fidan: Déjame llamar primero al médico, luego a Savas. Beyhan: haz lo que digo, basta con hablar. Savas responderá. Vamos Fidan: está sonando, pero nadie contesta Beyhan: Inténtalo de nuevo Fidan: Todavía no hay respuestas Beyhan: Me está ignorando. Baran: hermano, que pasa, no lo hagas!!! que haces tu mano esta herida no lo hagas hermano dejame ser victima Savas entra Baran: Que Dios nos bendiga a todos. Gulperi: ¿Pasó algo Fidan? Fidan: La respiración de Beyhan se volvió irregular, porque ella no tomó su medicamento para la presión arterial. Gulperi: voy a ir a ver Fidan: para, ella no te quiere, hay una orden estricta de todos modos, ella no te dejará entrar aunque vayas Gulperi: Bueno, no puedo dejarla así. Déjame llamar al Dr entonces Fidan: Ella no quiere un médico, quiere al Sr. Savaş. También llamé pero no pude comunicarme con él. Gulperi: Baran puede alcanzarlo Gulperi ve a Emir Gulperi: ella necesita verlo, su presión arterial no es nada buena emir: bueno entonces baran: querido Fidan: Hola Baran, esto es urgente. Dile a Savas que necesita venir aquí, es por la salud de la Sra. Beyhan. Baran: Hermano Beyhan Hanim Savas: que paso con mi madre? Baran: De repente recibí una llamada para informarte. No ha tomado su medicina, y no ha pasado nada desde anoche. Su presión arterial ha subido. Ella no quiere la ayuda de nadie. ella quiere verte Fidan: tal vez pueda convencerla de que tome su medicina Emir a Gulperi: ¿Qué pasa? Gulperi: Está bien, mi tía es terca, no toma su medicina Emir: Eso es todo, pero no creí lo que dijiste, debo estar ciego. ¿qué te ha pasado? Gulperi: No pasó nada. lo siento mejor subo a verla Savas: ¿Qué le pasó a mi madre? Gulperi: Ella no ha tomado sus medicamentos desde ayer y no comió en la cena. Por mucho que rogué, no pude convencerla. Savas: Lo sé cuando te lo dije, lo supe y no me dijiste ¡Por qué! Entonces como puedes aceptar esto, te pusiste el vestido, te callaste, viniste al restaurante solo porque mi madre te lo pidió. Estás acostumbrado a que otras personas tomen decisiones sobre tu vida, ¿verdad? Porque de eso se trata tu vida, ¿verdad? emir: que haces le estas gritando!! Quién crees que eres Savas: ¿Quién eres, Emir Tarhun, con qué derecho la defiendes? Fidan: Sra. Beyhan, será mejor que se dé prisa adentro. Emir a Gulperi: No te dejaré ir a ningún lado hasta que sepa qué está pasando. Emir: Sí, estoy esperando una respuesta a lo que está pasando y estoy contigo. Incluso dime qué pasó entre tú y Savas. No huyas porque no te dejaré. Te estoy escuchando. Dime Savas: ¿Qué es esta terquedad, madre? mira, llamaste. Vine sí vamos no más de no comer. no es bueno Mamá, toma tu medicina, eso es todo, hablamos después Mamá, me presionas demasiado, no lo hagas. No me pidas que haga cosas que yo tampoco haré. ¡Vamos! Mamá no dejará que te mates Beyhan: Estoy vivo, hijo mío, ¿no estoy respirando en mi funeral? Savas: estas bien mama estas viva vas a vivir Beyhan: no me interrumpas Te calenté en mi seno y te puse a dormir Me enfermé al principio, me desperté al comienzo de la escuela primaria, eras un bebé, tus amigos me golpearon, vine detrás de ti, dije, esta es la madre de Sabri, tal vez no soy una buena persona, pero yo te dio una buena vida Savas: No solo eres buena conmigo, también eres mi madre, así que no digas eso. Beyhan: Rompieron mi brazo, mi ala, y ahora los tiraron al suelo antes de que puedan ver su reloj de mí. Eres el único que queda, eres el único Savas Harás lo que te diga, si quieres obtener mi bendición, te casarás con Gülperi. Es suficiente, darás a tus bebés a este regazo en lugar de a mis hijos. Gulperi para sí misma: Dios, ten piedad de mí, te lo suplico, muéstrame un camino porque no puedo hacerlo sola. Emir: No hay adónde huir ahora y no trates de negarlo, sé que algo está pasando. Me lo vas a decir ahora mismo. Fin.
@hildavioletavega4509 2 жыл бұрын
Muchísimas gracias perla por tomarte el tiempo y trabajo para poder disfrutar gracias a ti
@carmenmedina3461 2 жыл бұрын
Gracias por la traducción ❤️
@myriamschiavoni567 2 жыл бұрын
Mil grscias❗❗
@gladisesterescalante1019 2 жыл бұрын
Que mujer ridícula y amargada Behyan!!!😡
@yaimery3076 2 жыл бұрын
"Narkem Scenes Translations 463". (Part 1) "At the Hospital". Doctor: Lowered his fever. This also removes the infection in the blood ok it shows that it's not serious right now. Narin: There is nothing to be afraid of, its very battered. Doctor: Of courses the sleeplessness will recover the tears, then the body will recover. Mert: When the water wakes up, we can go home. Doctor: Check it now, we'll tell you what's left, young man, I know the festival, but there is no need to work for now. Narin: : I'm telling the truth, it's best for him to stay in the Hospital and he'll recover better and we're with him. Doctor: Somehow you'll say it's the moon, but we don't need to stay here, go home, rest. Kemal: Masal was alone enough. I wanted to do it too fast. Narin: We'll see. Doctor: You already know it's half fresh we can't risk more infection. Don't worry I won't miss. Doctor leave. Kemal to them: Masal is safe at it's gates, I can't tell you how comfortable it is. Narin: Let's go home, we'll go to the mountains. Mert: Then I'll buy one thing for all of us. Kemal to Mert: You go home and have a rest and have a cup of tea Mert: No, I want to stay here. And my mind will stay with you. Narin to Mert: How you need to rest with you giving blood . Look how inside sleeping well. Mert: Please I want to understand the water treatment since you've gone too. Kemal: Bade. Bade: Brother hello I couldn't stay at home because of curiosity. How are you Masal? Narin: Good doctors told you this fever has dropped. Kemal to Bade: Maybe we could convince. Bade to Mert: You Aunt, Aunt is at home.They are waiting for news. Actually, it wouldn't be better if you gave the news percent. Mert: Kemal brother. Narin: Please Mert, if you want us to be peaceful too, go home please, you need to rest too. Mert: Okay, but if anything happens,. Narin: I will let you know.. Come on, cyst time, good night. Kemal to Narin: And those crazy kids different.. Gentleman, if I say it's a fairly tale, it's old, it's like an old fairy tale How much shoot with them. Narin: I can't hear it brother I deleted it. "Continue".
@yaimery3076 2 жыл бұрын
" Narkem Scenes Translation". Narin to Kemal: I'll be relieved (I don't understand this part) Kemal: Will burn don't worry. Thank to you, you didn't let go even in the most difficult moments. Narin: I wouldn't call yourself if it weren't for you, we saved the part together. I didn't show it, but I was so scared, act like a nightmare. Kemal: They're kissing and I wonder they're going to penalize the person who did this with his. Kemal's cellphone is ringing. It's the lawyer. Lawyer to Kemal:Sr. Kemal Bey, good night. Kemal: Good night. Lawyer:I bothered to inform you that Oktay Tepe will appear in Court tomorrow. Kemal: Ok you can send me the court time. I will be here tomorrow. Thank you.. End of Call. Kemal to Nain: Then is a Court tomorrow we will go to the right one monthly don't worry they will find it anyway. Narin: The table will be found after what you've done the caster prison he. "Continue".
@glorializetegonzalez4613 2 жыл бұрын
@@yaimery3076 gracias por la traducción 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@ajuendarwati248 2 жыл бұрын
@Yaimery dapat kah Anda meneruskan terjemahan Narkem yang tersisa di episode 463 ini ?
@rubyjeandeleon812 7 ай бұрын
Where is the continuation @yaimery3076? 🥺🥺
@island_girl97 2 жыл бұрын
Gulmir Translation Parts 1 - 6 (episode done) Savas: Mom, what did you say, I heard wrong, didn't I? I heard wrong Beyhan: Okay, it's right, you're going to get married. Savas: Mom, do you realize what you're talking about, what's the point of getting married? Beyhan: I want it like this and I didn't ask you any questions, I said you will get married, that's all. Savas: Whatever is on your mind forget it, Mother, because there will be no such thing. Beyhan: there will be. Sit down Savas: Let Baran take it to you because if I stay here for a while, he won't want it. Beyhan: I told you to sit down Savas leaves Beyhan: Savas, is this your respect for me? Baran: Brother, did something happen? Savas: take my mom to the farm don't ask me anything else Beyhan to Gulperi: look at me, Savaş wanted, shouted, called, don't relax, you're going to marry him, get up, we're going, what should he do with you? That's why he didn't want you, look at you, don't cry at the funeral, don't play at the wedding, just walk. to be continued
@island_girl97 2 жыл бұрын
Part 2 Fidan: Welcome Beyhan: Baran, you can go. Beyhan to Fidan: you are standing here, mind your business Beyhan to Gulperi: come on. Remember what I said, sooner or later everything will be the way I want it. Emir is listening from the stair flashback Gulperi: I Emir: You Gulperi: I cannot marry you end of flashback Emir: are you okay? Gulperi: I am fine Emir: I saw how you were when you just came home, you look away, I understand from the shaking of your voice. So, what happened to you? again or I get it again Mrs. Beyhan did something this time, tell me. How many times will I need tell you that you are not alone, yet it seems like it doesn't matter. I'm going to stay here until you tell me what's going on Yigit: father Emir: I think there's someone out there who doesn't sleep when that bedtime has already come. Yigit: I waited to sleep with the fairy girl, can we sleep together? Emir: Hi, let's sleep together today. Besides, I bought you a new book, let"s read it. Yigit: is it an adventure book? Emir: hmm Yigit: Okay then, we've got a deal tonight. I'll sleep with you tomorrow night, Fairy Girl Gulperi agrees Yigit: good night Gulperi: May God give you comfort dear Emir to Gulperi: We will finish our unfinished conversation. You are going to tell me what is going on. Emir to Yigit: Come on Gulperi to herself: how can I tell you? I can't!! What to do?! To be continued
@sandraherrera2247 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Island Girl 🌴😊
@island_girl97 2 жыл бұрын
Part 3 Beyhan to herself: I tried to say for your mother's word, Savaş, this never happened, but I also knows how to bring you right Fidan: It's your time for your medicine, Mrs. Beyhan, I thought that you would have something to eat before that. Beyhan: I don't it Saplings: this is your medicine s Beyhan: Is it up to you to think about me, what a meaningless thing, you take them and do not interfere with me Gulperi's flashback Beyhan: I want it like that. Savas: what's on your mind mom, because nothing like this will happen Beyhan: it will be End of Flashback Gulperi: Fidan Fidan: I brought Mrs. Beyhan food so she wouldn't take her medicine on an empty stomach, but she got mad at me, she always does this to me. Gulperi: don't worry about her words, Fidan, you know my aunt Fidan: Anyway, I figured I would tell you Gulperi: it's good, you let me know, give it to me, I'll convince her Fidan: She will scold you too, then break your heart Gulperi: Give me the tray Beyhan: The first fool came, and here comes the next one. I don't want you. Doesn't she understand? Gulperi: Aunt don't take your medicines on an empty stomach. You need to eat something Beyhan: I don't want it with medicine, come and go, come on Gulperi: You just got out of the hospital Beyhan: I don't eat or drink because you are going to come here and get married. Gulperi: I saw how he got angry. Beyhan: I didn't ask you for advice, I said there are two options in front of you, you can either enter the marriage with Savas or Gulperi: but he doesn't want it, you see, it's not difficult, look, eat your food, you will get sick if you don't take your medicine, don't do this Beyhan: I'm not going to learn what to do from you, let the company not see you. Come on. Get out. Emir sees Gulperi breaking down and is about to go to her but Yigit calls for him. Yigit: Dad I couldn't sleep Emir: I am here to be continued
@migusiekijm9329 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Island girl 🌻🥰
@island_girl97 2 жыл бұрын
part 4 Fidan: Isn't that the tray from yesterday in your hand? Gulperi: Yes, she didn't even eat a bite, she left at the door. Fidan: I just went out too, but I didn't dare to knock on the door. What are we going to do? Gulperi: I don't know. She told me what she said to you, then she kicked me out Sapling: If only she had taken the medication Gulperi: I hope she took it. Is she having breakfast? Fidan: you prepared it, I prepared it for her. But my feet are going backwards, I'm afraid she will get angry. It's the same again but don't worry I will take it to her and I know she eacts more to you Gulperi: Fidan, can you check her drugs too, let's find out if she took them Sapling: of course Fidan: Mrs. Beyhan, are you okay? Beyhan: Bring the blood pressure monitor Fidan: You didn't eat anything, you didn't take your medicine, that's why I prepared a delicious breakfast for you. Beyhan: I can't take it Fidan: I am afraid that you will be sick, God. Beyhan: (I did not understand what she said) Sapling: It's too high .This is not good at all ,I will call a doctor Beyhan: Call Savas Fidan: Let me get the doctor first, then Savas Beyhan: do as I say, talk is enough. Savas will answer. Come on Fidan: it's ringing, but no one is answering Beyhan: Try again Fidan: Still no answers Beyhan: He is ignoring me Baran: bro, what's going on, don't do it!!! what are you doing, your hand is wounded, don't do it bro, let me be a victim Savas goes inside Baran: May God bless us all To be continued
@rahilerahile6075 2 жыл бұрын
Can bey iyi bir oyuncu,Yagmur gozellik remzi,ela birlesme,mutlu olsunlar...
@ayselmemmedova1480 2 жыл бұрын
@ayselmemmedova1480 2 жыл бұрын
@rahmamohammad3519 2 жыл бұрын
Emir 💔💔love 💔❣💘💘💘💞💋love hic💕💕💞💞love you fiirom Ethiopia 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇹🇷🇹🇷
@OumayaAmina Жыл бұрын
ቋቋ አስተምሪኝ
@carolinabenitez1616 2 жыл бұрын
Aquí en mi país hubo una tienda de ropa que se llamaba “El Gran Emir”, así debería de llamarse la serie, todo gira al rededor de la vida del pobre Emir, él ha sido la víctima en todas la temporadas. Nunca consigue una mujer que tome decisiones por ella misma, solo lloronas le ponen a la par.
@luissergiopennati5179 Жыл бұрын
E porque a história e dele....
@luisasantiago7864 Жыл бұрын
Desde que conoció a gul puro llorar y llorar paga culpas ajenas
@rosalbamartines4761 2 жыл бұрын
Seguro que está escritora salió del manicomio 🤣🤣🤣
@anabrito4442 2 жыл бұрын
Foi expulsa do manicômio! Por que nem lá aguentaram tanta loucura
@mutiaramaznah7266 2 жыл бұрын
@sofialondono3447 2 жыл бұрын
Yo creo que si o está más loca que la mamá de sabas será que no le gusta qué los demás sean felices
@lindadantasporto Жыл бұрын
@ГулбаханЕсимхан 2 жыл бұрын
Narin kemal cok guzel yakisiyur😍😍😍😍😍👍👍👍👍👍
@rufinaramosjimenez2052 Жыл бұрын
Ppa s de no v como
@hiennguyen-be1nu Жыл бұрын
Hat off to Savas, a man of poise and pride
@musarratnawaz766 2 жыл бұрын
Oh...what this Masal will not able to talk for next 50 episode....this is only we saw in previous 4 years ...
@masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 жыл бұрын
باز که سر و کلت پیدا شد. تو رو هر از گاهی چه کسی میفرسته تا مغزها را شستشو بدی. 😏 هر چند تو تنها نیستی که بیننده را شستشوی مغزی کنی تا مسئله را از واقعیت با کلمه ( عجب داستانی ) دور کنی. یمین ۳ ، ۴ 🤡🎪🤡🎪👎👎👎👎👎🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢 با فریده غورباغه 🐸🐍 و این کولی جنگل 🧟‍♀️🦍🦎حقیقت رو نمیشه پنهان کرد.
@tanseelou806 2 жыл бұрын
Finally justice is served: Ozan is found guilty 🥳🥳🥳
@christinafan4476 Жыл бұрын
Emir has dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep
@pherozahdhuny6160 2 жыл бұрын
I noticed that there r many left handed in this drama.
@khadijasaaed4833 2 жыл бұрын
this is the worst show I never see all is so stupid a woman came American house and do what she was t no body can do any thing amber has to get her out of his house that is all
@khadijasaaed4833 2 жыл бұрын
the lady came Amir home he should throw her out because she is no bady finish his problem the story is stupid and nansen garbage
@lushiladi9673 3 ай бұрын
Mer bravo mori pergjegjesin ,per motren, njeri mezemer te madhe ❤
@tanseelou806 2 жыл бұрын
Eish, Masal! Another problem?? How will Narkem spend quality time?? 🤦‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
@christinafan4476 Жыл бұрын
Emir is not passionate with his love for gulperi, it’s because yigit loves gulperi n gulperi loves yigit unlike his deeper love for reyhan
@gunnikamson4890 2 жыл бұрын
Good savas hit back the right words to his mother, cus he knows that emir and gulperi are in love each other so much. Savas is the real man who doesn't care for girls much, he cares for gulperi as brother. Now gulperi should talk to emir openly and honestly without any fear and tell emir not to say anything to savas and beyhan, but emir should be with gulperi even though she try to ignore emir.
@samiraomar7566 2 жыл бұрын
Just finished the episode, todays ep had more narin and Kemal scenes so we didn’t get that much Gulmir scenes. However I did enjoy the Gulmir scenes from todays episode, emir hearing what beyhan said to gulperi when they came from the restaurant. He heard beyhan say that whatever she wants will happen no matter what, so emir immediately knows something is up. And he has a flashback of gulperi saying she can’t marry him and that makes emir realize that beyhan has to do with that. He knows that gulperi is hiding something from him and I loved how he enters her room to talk to her, and the look he gives her is just so beautiful. Gulperi looked so beautiful with her hair on the side and the blue dress looks extremely beautiful. She looks sad but relieved, she’s relieved that savas said that won’t ever happen and he rejected what his mother said, but she sad because she knows her aunt will continue to insult her and force her to marry savas even though he said no that won’t ever happen. I loved when emir told hee he wasn’t leaving until she tells him everything and what happened, I think she was going to speak but she couldn’t say anything. And when emir saw gulperi crying in the hallway he desperately wanted to go to her and comfort her but yigit said he couldn’t sleep, emir only want back into yigit room after seeing gulperi enter her room.
@omerqarazade4953 2 жыл бұрын
@elmeddinxanlayev145 2 жыл бұрын
@elmeddinxanlayev145 2 жыл бұрын
@Dorthy32 6 ай бұрын
Gulberlinin didn’t love Savas because of his mother. Sorry about that.
@darlenepaul2630 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure if I liked tonights show, felt sorry for Gulperi and even Savas as his mother told him they will marry, But he said no and I hope he sticks to it!!!!!!!! Maybe now Gulperi will tell Emir about what her aunt is blackmailing her to do and why. May Emir and Savas work together to free Gulperi and himself. Then take his mom fat away. Let Gulperi and Emir and Yeight live a happy life!!!👍😊🤗💜♥️💕
@sandraherrera2247 2 жыл бұрын
@herobest9308 2 жыл бұрын
Darlene: gulperi must to tell emir the problem l know emir will do anything immediately to marry gulperi
@elsiedlembula3130 Жыл бұрын
I hope so
@geanesantos4006 2 жыл бұрын
Esses dois casal sempre está em poblemas
@sandrapayano1387 2 жыл бұрын
Love Emir ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏
@kristine_chzarhinemadlen 2 жыл бұрын
I think Masal can't speak because of what she knows about the past of her father when she's abroad on how Oktay manipulate her mind to believe that her father is a killer 🥺🥺🥺
@ayshaboujamaa8919 2 жыл бұрын
@kristine_chzarhinemadlen 2 жыл бұрын
@Mahra 082 yeah yeah I watched it in the trailer of episode 464 It's good that Oktay didn't make up his mind that his father was a murderer but it sad for her that she back to her family but there's another problem again
@olivianow2002 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know this language. Could someone write me what Masal said at the end? I would be very grateful
@olivianow2002 2 жыл бұрын
@Mahra 082 at the end as she lies in the hospital saying something to Narin and Kemal
@olivianow2002 2 жыл бұрын
@Mahra 082 thank you 🙂
@suzim3981 2 жыл бұрын
Por favor, algum colega pode traduzir em português ou espanhol? Eu não consigo a tradução no KZbin. Agradeço!
@sylviabhritto8105 2 жыл бұрын
Tem opção português vc clica,eu sempre faço assim
@suzim3981 2 жыл бұрын
@@sylviabhritto8105 aonde tem essa opção que eu não vejo. Você pode dar uma dica? Eu clico em configurações eostra o idioma automático em turco e outra opção em inglês. Não aparece a opção de outros idiomas. Tem alguns vídeos, não desse canal, que aparecem várias opções como a nossa língua. Dá uma dica.. eu agradeço!
@raminadgozelov8994 2 жыл бұрын
Doktor Ukrayna prezidentinə oxşayır
@sylviabhritto8105 2 жыл бұрын
@@suzim3981 ao lado dos comentários tem escrito português você clica e fica tudo em português eu faço isso nas legendas das falas
@rosangelareispereira467 2 жыл бұрын
Wow tutti i capitoli sempre Yemim sta urlando a Gulperi sono Stancato desta série non c,e niente do Novita 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
@misbahnisar6733 2 жыл бұрын
What type of writer she is, she herself a woman but always portrait female characters v naive crying with low self steam and on the other side v crual and in human. Never writes a balanced female character
@beeicecream 2 жыл бұрын
The writer did a good job in Emanet in the character of Seher. She was a fighter who had a strong personality that stood against the main character in many ways.
@fernande1172 Жыл бұрын
Tele novellas are modern versions of the old fashioned fairy tales. Typically a Prince falls in love with a defenseless girl who is generally an naive orphan mistreated and abused by her step or foster family. There are many who try to prevent the relationship to flourish, most of the time, an obsessed person in particular who will even commit murder to separate the lovers. There is always a sage or a close friend that gives advise using paraboles instead of being straight forward . Usually it ends well, the couple marries, live ever after and have many children. Here are some famous fairytales, to name only a few. Cinderella Sleeping Beauty Snow White Today novellas are financial enterprises that run for 500 + episodes. Needless today there going to be a lot of the same absurdities, flashbacks, and nonsense. The biggest concerns for the networks are the ratings. They also get into disputes with the actors who often walk away, they too worried about ratings, their images and ultimately their careers. This is the topography of thre terrain or if you prefer the anatomy of the tele-novella. We watch because they are therapeutic when we’ll written and played but lately they are becoming annoying. If it become nerve wracking, find a light hearted comedy or read a hot romance novel to relax.
@josefaaguacil2168 2 жыл бұрын
Cuando habrá un capítulo en que Gulperi no llore está temporada debería llamarse la llorona
@sandraherrera2247 2 жыл бұрын
Desesperante totalmente desesperante
@anabrito4442 2 жыл бұрын
La llorona,🤣🤣🤣🤣
@anabrito4442 2 жыл бұрын
Eu queria muito ver pelo menos uma vez a Gulperi reagir, e dar uns bons gritos no Savas,na tia bruxa e até no Emir.
@luisasantiago7864 Жыл бұрын
Yo ago más corajes por culpa de gul se me reventara la bilis
@ГулбаханЕсимхан 2 жыл бұрын
Savach guzel aktior👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯💯
@marilucasanchez6500 2 жыл бұрын
CAPITULO 462/463 Parte 1: Mancillar a la princesa: En Yemin 1: La historia de Emir comenzó con la imposición de un matrimonio con una campesina hermosa y virtuosa. Su padre por amor a su frívolo hijo le exigió se casara con Reyhan, y con el tiempo y luego de mil intrigas terminaron enamorados. Emir era un joven exitoso, amado y admirado por muchos, particularmente por su familia, todo un playboy. La joven era huérfana de padre y madre, pero era muy querida por todos los que la conocían. A Gülperi y Savaş los obligan a casarse pero movidos por el ODIO de una VENGANZA. Gülperi es una joya, un alma pura y de gran virtud, belleza y dones. Sin embargo esta joven a la que Beyhan ofrece como esposa Savaş en virtud de ser pariente, es fruto del amor y paciencia de Emir. La Gülperi de Beyhan era una joven destrozada por el maltrato, azotada, padeció la carencia de todo lo material y sobre todo de afecto. Hace unos días en la cocina le dijo a Emir que antes, carecía de todo y que siquiera tenía una sola persona que la amara y ella pudiera amar. Sin embargo la Gülperi después de Emir siente el amar y lo que es ser amada. Aquella joven incapaz de mirar al rostro de una persona muestra en su mirada lo que vive en su interior, por eso y por tanto Emir la ama. La lentitud de Emir al declarar su amor provocó que Beyhan volviera al control de su vida? No, el sentimiento de gratitud a malvados es el causante de esta crisis y de todas las vividas por Gülperi . Ella, que precisamente fue condenada a morir por no aceptar casarse con el hombre escogido Kasin, es condenada a casarse con el enemigo de su gran amor para evitar que lo asesinen. Gülperi tiene el alma destrozada, ella ama tanto a Emir y por primera vez estaba lista y anhelante de ser feliz. Para una mujer como Gülperi el amar a Emir le hace experimentar ansias que siquiera sabía existían pero todo se multiplica cuando se da cuenta que él la ama y están a un paso de ser esposos La ilusión de toda mujer enamorada por casarse con quien ama es una de las más hermosas, para Gülperi mucho más porque estrenará tantas emociones humanas, Ella estaba tan feliz por el abrazo de Cavidan , imaginemos lo que será para ella vivir el amor con Emir? En su fantasía Gülperi se imagina tomada de la mano de Emir, abrazada con Emir correteando con globos, pero en las fantasías de Emir? Emir le dejará a Yiğit los globos y los juegos, él la quiere como mujer, la suya para cederle la administración de su vida. Emir lleva años de celibato y está dispuesto a esperar por Gülperi pero anhela ser su esposo. Para Gülperi aceptar la propuesta de Beyhan es peor que morir. Ella por Emir es capaz de todo, pero nunca se imaginó en brazos de Savaş teniendo hijos con él. Casarse con el peor enemigo de su amado es insufrible, padece por ella, padece por Emir. El vestido que le regaló Emir lo usa para celebrar estar con el otro . Eso es Gülperi para Beyhan como ese vestido, lo usaron así quiere Savaş la use para parir y regalarle sus hijos . Para convertirles en otros seres malvados como, Savaş. Gülperi ha vuelto a bajar el rostro, a esconderle la mirada, para evitar que descubra lo que sufre. Sin embargo Emir está como su sombra, la mira, la espía, y como detective descubrirá la verdad.
@dloci7746 Жыл бұрын
Gülperi is an abused woman and despite being helped by Emir through marriage - Emir arranges the marriage as a last resort to ensure she lives and is safe (that's noble) - she returns over and over to her abuser. No matter how much Emir protects, saves and encourages her, he cannot truly save her because she must want it for herself. Her sense of worth and belief must come from within her. Only when she is resolute in rejecting the abuser, is she able to overcome and be the woman fit for marriage. She can still feel afraid while standing against the evils that haunt her. Then Emir can bring his strength to protect and support her. The evidence is there. She repeatedly went against her husband's wishes to "help" her abuser and suffer the worst humiliation. She has deep psychological wounds that Emir is incapable of healing. She needs professional help. It would be a travesty for them to marry at this stage as she carries too many fears that are destructive to a good marriage and parent relationship. Emir will be worn out and Yigit needs a mother who not only showers him with kisses and caresses but a mother who is mentally and emotionally strong so he can develop as a well rounded individual. I feel Emir's pain and I congratulate him for his response that was devoid of shouting and intimidation. He must wait for her to be willing to shed the clothing of abuse so that they can enter into a marriage that is not haunted by her past. That does not mean that her abusers have to die before she rids herself of her torment. Even in their deaths, she would still be tormented. She must claim her worth as a person in order to overcome her torment. Then she can truly live even with them being alive. She may still be fearful of any physical abuse and that's where her husband can protect her, but they would no longer be able to infiltrate her mind with their abusive behaviours. She is not noble in her action, rather, she is foolish and ignorant. She does feel and long for love with Emir but pure love is a principle based on openness and truth. Gülperi has not yet understood that. Despite her best intentions, she does not realise how much her decision to offer herself up to Savas deeply hurts Emir and Yigit. That's why it is not a noble action on her part. I admire Savas' response to his mother who is evil personified. If only Gülperi could have stood her ground. Savas' is a man who is usually so well composed (Emir will do well to adopt that quality, he is so hot headed, my goodness! It is a terrible character flaw in the man, and if he is not careful it will overshadow his positive traits). So the idea of a forced marriage to a woman who does not love him and whom he knows is certain of her love for another, has destabilised him so much so that he is unable to show his marksmanship at the shooting range. This tells us the depth of the negative impact. The evil that is his mother, does not recognise that by her action, she is destroying her son, hurting him far more than she is hurting Gül. For Gül shares reciprocated love with two males in her life but Savas does not know the feeling. His mother's evil is despicable to him. But she, being evil, cannot understand love and wants to breed in her son dominance, fear and all the other negative qualities to control a woman. Essentially, her action shows that she fully endorsed those of her husband. Part of me hopes she will choke on her evil in a public place. But I digress because my focus is on Gül. She needs to be in a "far country"and when she has found herself, she can return being able to truly give herself fully to Emir and Yigit. Until then, all she gives falls short of what she and they need and can realise. And while she is in her far country (treatment centre), Emir would do well to see a psychologist too. The man lacks self control. He must learn to use his head rather than his fists. Lastly, they need help in communicating effectively. Uncle Hasan is a wonderful and wise man but they need more.
@dignarosannadelossantos3637 Жыл бұрын
Grasias por traducir al español
@rahilerahile6075 2 жыл бұрын
Masal iyi olsun,Kemalle Narinin huzuru duzelsin,Emir muradina catsin,Tarhunlara hos gunler gelsin,insallah...
@BiBoFan 2 жыл бұрын
@gulzartagiyeva608 2 жыл бұрын
Bəlkə də Ozan həbsxanadan qaçıb Narinə bir zərər verəcək.Ümid də qaçmışdı, məltəm də.Ozan da qaça bilər.
@bouchrabenouaili8222 2 жыл бұрын
Emir ve gülperi ❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥 sonsuza kadar 💕💘
@lew3093 2 жыл бұрын
💞 Reyhan 💞 Emir 💞👏👏👏👏👏
@vasifdunyamalyev378 2 жыл бұрын
Helal Gökberk demirci sana ❤❤❤🤟🤟🤟👍🏻👍🏻🦾🦾🦾🦾🦾hhheeelllaaalll
@sujathasridharan8245 7 ай бұрын
Emir should just dump gulperi and tell her to go to hell.why is he after her when she doesn't tell him anything
@moqudsamunir9757 2 жыл бұрын
So sadden for Emir and Gulpari 🥺😥😥how will he tolerate that...😔😔😔
@dloci7746 Жыл бұрын
Gülperi is an abused woman and despite being helped by Emir through marriage - a unilateral decision made out of desperation to save the life of a girl who was incapable of protecting herself from the enemies who pursued her, the marriage being the last resort since Emir had run out of options - we see her return over and over to her abuser. No matter how much Emir protects and encourages her, he cannot save her because she must want it for herself. Her sense of worth and belief must come from within her. Only when she is resolute in rejecting the abuse, is she able to overcome and be the woman fit for marriage. She can still feel afraid while standing against the evils that haunt her. Then Emir can bring his strength to protect and support her. The evidence is there. She repeatedly went against her husband's wishes to invite abuse and the worst humiliation by "helping" her abuser. What is worse is that she deceives herself in believing that she is the only one who can help (a paid helper will not do, because Gül is a saviour!) and perhaps her actions can redeem her aunt who is tormented more by hate than by her grief. Gül has significantly deep psychological wounds that Emir is incapable of healing. She needs professional help. It would be a travesty for them to marry at this stage as she carries too many fears that are destructive to a good marriage and parent relationship. Emir will be worn out and Yigit needs a mother who not only showers him with kisses and caresses but who is mentally and emotionally strong so he can develop as a well rounded individual. I feel Emir's pain and I congratulate him for his response to her refusal of marriage; his reaction was devoid of shouting and intimidation. He must wait for her to be willing to shed the clothing of abuse so that they can enter into a marriage that is not haunted by her past. That does not mean that her abusers have to die before she rids herself of her torment. Even in their deaths, she would still be tormented. She must claim her worth as a person in order to overcome her torment. Then she can truly live even with them being alive. She may still be fearful of any physical abuse and that's where her husband can protect her, but they would no longer be able to infiltrate her mind with their abusive behaviours. She is not noble in her action, rather, she is foolish and ignorant. She does feel and long for love with Emir but pure love is a principle based on openness and truth. Gülperi has not yet understood that. Despite her best intentions, she does not realise how much her decision to offer herself up to Savas deeply hurts Emir and Yigit. That's why it is not a noble action on her part. I admire Savas' response to his mother who is evil personified. If only Gülperi could have stood her ground. Savas is a man who is usually so well composed (Emir will do well to adopt that quality, he is so hot headed, my goodness! It is a terrible character flaw in the man, and if he is not careful it will overshadow his positive traits). So the idea of a forced marriage to a woman who does not love him and whom he knows is certain of her love for another, has destabilised him so much so that he is unable to demonstrate his perfect marksmanship at the shooting range. This tells us the depth of the negative impact. The evil that is his mother, does not recognise that by her action she is destroying her son, hurting him far more than she is hurting Gül. For Gül shares reciprocated love with two males in her life but Savas does not know the feeling. His mother's evil is despicable to him and upsets his composure beyond the obvious. He is deeply pained and angry. But she, being evil, cannot understand love and wants to breed in her son dominance, fear and all the other negative qualities to control a woman. Essentially, her action shows that she fully endorsed those of her husband. Part of me hopes she will choke on her evil in a public place. But I digress because my focus is on Gül. She needs to be in a "far country" and when she has found herself, she can return, being able to truly give herself fully to Emir and Yigit. Until then, all she gives falls short of what she and they need and can realise in a healthy and happy union. And while she is in her far country (treatment centre), Emir would do well to see a psychologist too. He is truly noble in his actions to protect Gül but the man lacks self control. He must learn to use his head rather than his fists. Lastly, they need help in communicating effectively. Uncle Hasan is a wonderful and wise man but they need more than his wisdom.
@jacquelinedray9835 5 ай бұрын
Superbe cette dance de mariage Reyhani
@المواملالبلوى 2 жыл бұрын
نعم لا يمكن ان تكون الحياة دائما في مشاكل وبعدين المسلسل صار مافيا وخطف مو حب وعد
@marisolperez2813 2 жыл бұрын
Porfavor traducción en español gracias
@fatimamarques9222 2 жыл бұрын
Mais um capítulo nada bonito parece que estão sem saber o que fazer com o Emir, quase não aparece deram protagonismo a família Kemal ao Savas o Emir ficou em segundo plano que tristeza enfim vamos ver se os próximos capítulos voltam a lhe dar protagonismo e ele aparece mais quebrando a cara do Savas expulsando a jaraca da tia e ficando na boa com a Gulperi e formando a família que ele é o filho querem!!! Isto também é o que eu quero o personagem sofrido é o Emir está pagando tudo o que fez com a Raiane e a Feride só ele já tinha se arrependido deixado a infantilidade com a Raiane e a revolta com a Feride já tinha mas agora a maturidade lhe trouxe uma carga bem pesada enfin são histórias que imitam a vida turca e outras é nos gostamos de ver e de sofrer com eles sonhar com eles namorar com eles!!!??? É bem assim????
@биляисмаилов 2 жыл бұрын
@биляисмаилов 2 жыл бұрын
@биляисмаилов 2 жыл бұрын
@creusafeliciano2954 2 жыл бұрын
O capítulo de hoje foi Horrível só tristeza e ódio......
@trandafirulmovtarot 2 жыл бұрын
Masal plînge pentru că este îndrăgostită de Ozan . Ozan a fost arestat este la pușcărie .
@gunercelik8542 2 жыл бұрын
İmdaaatttt...😡şu gülperi karakterini bitirin artık sinir sahibi olduk yahu..😬
@masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 жыл бұрын
GulGuli Gulka 🧟‍♀️🦍🐒🦇🦎🕷🕸🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎🤡🎪
@christinafan4476 Жыл бұрын
Someone give gulperi some pajamas n slippers so she can sleep in comfort
@fatmebekir6032 2 жыл бұрын
Bu ne biçim ana intikam diyor başka bir şey demiyor
@lindadantasporto Жыл бұрын
É tudo menos mãe,essa alma sebosa
@ankakowalska1623 2 жыл бұрын
@SidritGjyla 10 ай бұрын
@miodragmitrovic4025 Жыл бұрын
Svaka cast za seriju
@GordanaDamjanovic-v4e 10 ай бұрын
oh OMG can’t believe this woman “her ant”’
@Palomam.52 2 жыл бұрын
Traducción en español , gracias.
@ildikotothne4200 2 жыл бұрын
Dominika 463Finalmente, Sawas obtiene lo que su madre espera de él. Ella quiere que se case con Gulperi. Sawaś definitivamente se niega. Beyhan insiste fuertemente. El ambiente está hirviendo. Sawaś abandona a las mujeres y se va. Le dice a su hermano que los lleve a casa. Beyhan, mientras aún está en el restaurante, comienza a burlarse de Gulperi de lo desesperada que está porque su hijo no la quiere. Las mujeres se van a casa. Beyhan está furioso. Sigue insultando a Gulperi. Emir observa esta escena desde lejos. Beyhan se niega a comer o tomar medicamentos y, como resultado, su condición empeora. Emir siente que algo importante ha sucedido entre las mujeres, pero no sabe qué. Le pide a Gulperi que le diga. Él le dice que el hecho de que ella se negara a casarse con él no cambia nada en la relación entre ellos, que todavía puede contar con su ayuda y apoyo. Yigit llega y exige irse a dormir, lo que interrumpe la conversación entre ellos. Al día siguiente la situación se repite. Beyhan se niega a recibir alimentos y medicamentos y, como resultado, tiene la presión arterial muy alta. Le dice a Fidan que llame a Sawas. Fidan llama desde su teléfono, pero Sawaś no responde. También está en un mal estado mental y necesita aliviar su furia. En vista de lo anterior, Fidan llama a Baran y Sawaś finalmente acude a su madre. Se encuentra con Gulperi en su puerta. Él está resentido con ella por aceptar el matrimonio. Él le pregunta con qué chantajeó a su madre. Emir lo ve. Él defiende a la niña. Luego se pregunta qué está pasando. Porque ve que algo importante sucede entre ellos, y no sabe qué. Gulperi no le responde. Bayhan está hablando con su hijo. Ella le reprocha todo el cuidado por él desde la infancia hasta esos días. Ella lo acusa de ser desagradecido con ella. Dice que tiene que casarse con Gulperi porque quiere saber que las cosas van bien en su familia. Sawaś está en silencio. Reflexiona sobre las palabras de su madre. El estado de Masal sigue siendo malo, pero el médico da esperanza a los padres. Kemal y Narin están esperando afuera de la puerta de la habitación donde está acostado Masal. Ella todavía no se despierta. En la casa de Kemal, Mert y Bade hablan sobre el curso de los acontecimientos. En algún momento, Mert se enferma. Bade explica que es porque le dio su sangre a su hermana. Szechrie Abel y Minerwan están felices. Dicen que Mert y Masal ahora son verdaderos hermanos porque comparten la misma sangre. Un abogado llama a Kemal y anuncia que el juicio de Ozan se llevará a cabo mañana. En el juicio, Kemal actúa como asistente del fiscal. La sentencia está en curso. Ozan tiene mucha confianza y provoca a Kemal. En la sala del tribunal, el abogado de Ozana demuestra que el niño tiene un paquete de Gran Bretaña, donde estaba recibiendo tratamiento, que tiene una enfermedad mental y no puede responder a la corte. Kemal está muy molesto. Ella lo interrumpe muchas veces. Sin embargo, en lo que respecta a su discurso acusatorio, presenta con mucha honestidad la historia de su relación con la hija de Ozana. Enumera muchos argumentos que prueban que Ozan es una persona muy inteligente que siempre actuó de manera sistemática y planificada. Esto contradice la idea de que tiene una enfermedad mental. El tribunal anuncia el veredicto. Ozan es enviado a prisión, donde se evalúa su estado mental. Kemal está satisfecho con el veredicto, Ozan está enojado. Kemal regresa al hospital. El tribunal informa sobre su feliz veredicto. El médico sale y dice que Masal está despierto. Puede que esté aturdido, pero está en buena forma. Kemal y Narin dicen lo felices que están. Después de un tiempo, sin embargo, ya no están contentos porque ella no les responde. No contesta y llora.
@elsafirpi4410 2 жыл бұрын
@@ildikotothne4200 Mil gracias!
@herobest9308 2 жыл бұрын
Those who make the iscrip of season 4 they are crazy they don't know how to make iscrip the writer of yemin season 4 why you make like this series do you know the follower's of yemin season 4 they don't like to see yemin season 4 not good bolum 460 -461-462-463-all this bolum not good now the follower's are sadness you writer you finish contrac its better finish. Now yemin season 4 don't show the bolum 464 make final this bolum 463 writer is to much crazy
@UMPJOD73 2 жыл бұрын
I'm Pakistani love you ♥️♥️♥️♥️
@qnastoqnova2958 2 жыл бұрын
От трите сезона най естествена много много красива Гюлпари. СЕНЕНАЙ Суюер Естествена и истинска браво момиче най красивата си 💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗❤🧡🧡❤❤❤❤❤👍👍👍🥰🥰🥰🥰
@luisasantiago7864 Жыл бұрын
Al principio se me ISO muy masculina pero hoy la veo muy bonita
@susanswartz6529 10 ай бұрын
I think Gulperi"s acts are completely annoying and abnormal, cause no normal woman will tolerate and do what she's doing.
@gokkusag7882 2 жыл бұрын
Ne musibet bir kadın Ana dediğin çocuğunun mutlu olmasını ister Zorla evlendirecekleri kıza eziyet etmez. Uğursuz kadın.
@Sulejmani123 2 жыл бұрын
Emir and & Gulperi ❤❤👍
@Aya-u3e4 2 жыл бұрын
Next week this guy brother will come for intikam and next month his cousin 😀😀😀
@gigileblo363 2 жыл бұрын
How come Emir s left eye is red?? It has been like this for a while??
@gigileblo363 2 жыл бұрын
Hope emirs eye condition is not serious ❤️😥
@Vedia-z7h 2 жыл бұрын
Its not emir's infection it was Gokberk's eye infection 😥
@christinafan4476 Жыл бұрын
Lack of sleep
@paulineperera8969 9 ай бұрын
Inflammation of the eye i suppose
@samiraomar7566 2 жыл бұрын
Me personally I feel like savas isn’t in love I feel like he just genuinely cares for gulperi. There’s a difference between loving someone and caring for someone. Loving someone is when you are constantly thinking about them and you constantly are around them. We see how much emir constantly thinks about gulperi every single day and how much he wants to be with her and the things that he does for her, and especially from the way he looks at gulperi is just shouting out how much love he has for her and protecting her. And caring for someone you don’t think about that person a lot you think about them once in a blue moon, and you look out for them and protect them, they’re like your family but also close friend, that right that is savas he looks out and protects gulperi because she’s family and not only that but because he sees himself in her. He relates to her because he himself is an orphan but also he endured the same abuse as gulperi being beaten by kasim, the only difference is that he got accepted because of beyhan, and she treats him like her son. I think savas thought in the beginning after learning that Gulmir marriage was only on paper he thought most likely that emir was playing gulperi, but he slowly realized that emir is deeply in love with gulperi but at that time he didn’t think gulperi was in love with emir he thought she was staying because of the oath she made to kadriye, but he soon learned that gulperi was in love with emir. He only helped her because he didn’t want her to think he has something to do with emir kidnapping. So that is the difference we know emir is in love with gulperi and we know that savas just cares for her, like she’s his responsibility
@mariyamargretjose 2 жыл бұрын
Well, if u have seen the trailer, Savas has agreed to the marriage. All thanks to Hassan 😤
@blandinemekpo5944 2 жыл бұрын
I think that surrender is a make beyhan believe that they get order to make her take her meds. THERE WILL BE NO WEDDING BELIEVE ME!
@masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 жыл бұрын
چی شد....‌ دیگه توپ هوای شلیک نمیکنی!!!!!!؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
@beeicecream 2 жыл бұрын
I think Savas has feeling for Gulperi but his pride is telling him to say no to Behan's idea, because he knows Gulperi has feeling for Amir.
@marysupelario7936 Жыл бұрын
Beyhan should follow the path of kaydre or tulay
@haneyuzun9112 Жыл бұрын
Bu savaş niye delirdi Gülperinin onunla evlenmeyi kabul etmeyeceğini düşündüğünden mi yoksa annesinin onu evliliğe zorladığı için mi bu kadar kızgın
@mariacarmenmoraru5901 2 жыл бұрын
No women no cry........Bob Marley song.......and in this movie is .....No Gulpery no cry....Offff....💔💔💔💔💔💔
@torach4478 2 жыл бұрын
@mohanieramsaran6555 Жыл бұрын
You're right too much crying and can't open her mouth to speak and tell the truth
@kushumalam455 2 жыл бұрын
Emir & Reyhan 👍👍👍
@tasbeehmohamed9201 2 жыл бұрын
Gulmir for ever ❤❤❤❤❤
@elsiedlembula3130 Жыл бұрын
And ever Amen👌👌👌❤❤❤❤❤
@cemiledryana7717 2 жыл бұрын
Eter artik Gulperi sinir oluyrum nezamanakadar yalan soyleyceksin biktim artik dogrulari soyle Emir haketmez senin susmana ve yalanlarina.
@bazylianowak1135 2 жыл бұрын
To dość poniżające dzielić swój dom z megierą Beyhan, bez względu na to jak go zdobyła. Emira mam nadzieję, stać chociaż na wynajęcie domu by zapewnić dziecku, rodzinie komfort psychiczny i dopiero wtedy dochodzić swoich praw w sprawie domu. Negatywna energia tej kobiety działa na wszystkich wokół. Scena z Yigitem wołającym ojca i z płaczącą obok Gulperi, dosyć wymownie pokazała priorytety Emira. Wybrał syna, ale mam wrażenie że tylko dlatego że Gulperi odeszła sama, zanim zdecydował się podejść.
@halinasobczyk7900 2 жыл бұрын
Witam. Ten 4 sezon od początku nie ma nic wspólnego z rzeczywistością. Naiwność i głupota scenariusza przekracza wszystkie dozwolone normy. Do Bayhan dołączy jeszcze tatuś Gulperi. Się wplatał Emirek na własne życzenie.🤣🤣🤣
@bazylianowak1135 2 жыл бұрын
@@halinasobczyk7900 Witam. Tatuś za przeproszeniem to kto? chyba się pogubiłam. Emirek się wplątał bo inaczej musiał by zostać z Reyhan na cmentarzu, ew. poświęcić się jedynie synowi.
@halinasobczyk7900 2 жыл бұрын
@@bazylianowak1135 tatuś Gulperi dopiero się pojawi w którymś odcinku bo były zjawki. Widać, że Gulperi podobało się to, że Savas się postawił matce i może spojrzy na niego przychylnym okiem.
@halinasobczyk7900 2 жыл бұрын
@@bazylianowak1135 Emir jest pod silnym wpływem Hasana bo to on go znalazł na cmentarzu. Hasan ma jakąś politykę chyba w stosunku do Emira.
@wiesawaczajkowska8190 2 жыл бұрын
@@halinasobczyk7900 To Gulperi ma tatusia a ja sądziłam, że jest sierotą.
@azamhakim1036 2 жыл бұрын
جرا دنيا را اينقدر كثيف نشان ميدهيد براي نسل جوان دنياي سينما مسئوليتها زارد بر^ي اجتماع متأسف ههستم من سه سال هست بيينده متبت أين شو هست، و هر وقت ميخواستم خوشحا ل شوم سيزن ١. ٢. را با رها ميد يدم❤️🙏🏻
@dadiduda718 2 жыл бұрын
Show me only one who succeeded take her away from him?
@blandinemekpo5944 2 жыл бұрын
🤣🤣🤣No way, there will be no wedding ANYWAY...People don't get it. Even if Savas caved and surrender. It may also be a plan he exposed to uncle hassan, to protect Gul. And stopped the revenge mission, and push beyhan to leave Gul. alone. And in order for Beyhan to take her med. It will ve at least a fake wedding...Emir did it to protect her for Kasim and Savas for Kasim wife...
@dadiduda718 2 жыл бұрын
@@blandinemekpo5944 As long as he says he doesn't allow it. Don't dream of taking Gulperi from him.
@krystyna9008 Ай бұрын
Savas nie zgadza się z decyzją matkie,ale podejrzewam,że ulegnie ponieważ w tych kręgach obowiązuje posłuszeństwo starszym,a on zajęty pracą nie ma dziewczyny.Gulperi nie może powiedzieć o szantażu ze strony ciotki (że zabije Emira) ponieważ mężczyżni wzieliby pistolety.Ozan był bardzo pewny siebie.
@lushiladi9673 3 ай бұрын
Njerzit negativ duhet te ndeshkohen rend tu behet mesim
@missbananenzuckersu1308 2 жыл бұрын
Ben Gökberk oğluma açıyorum zavallı Emir ne yapacağını şaşırdı hem dizide hemde gerçek hayattın da ben inanıyorum peri kızına ÇOK aşık ve kalbindeki sızı hep sancıyarak yaşamaya devam edecek
@masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 жыл бұрын
@gulzarmammadov8460 2 жыл бұрын
@sach5406 Жыл бұрын
Dans la vie, Gökberk est un homme très populaire, connu pour sa gentillesse et son humanisme, a été soutenu par des millions de téléspectateurs dans le monde suite au décès de sa mère et de son frère.
@kristine_chzarhinemadlen 2 жыл бұрын
Ano pa ang silbi Ng abogado ni Kemal kung Siya rin ang nag tanggol Ng sariling kaso nila, ni Hindi nga nakasalita ang kanyang abogado laban Kay Oktay hanggang upo lang Siya ano bang klaseng abogado Yan 🤔🤨🙄🤯
@herobest9308 2 жыл бұрын
Teka kabayan pati pla ikaw ay sumusubaybay sa yemin series *** galit na galit ako ky Neslihan ozturk beyhan seytan tiger pat ky savas galit ako mas lalo ako galit sa taong gumawa ng istorya marami ako comment na masasama sa beyhan seytan at kay savas ang iscrip writer tanga hindi marunong
@torach4478 2 жыл бұрын
@kristine_chzarhinemadlen 2 жыл бұрын
@@herobest9308 nakakairita panoorin kung Hindi lang dahil SA NarKem tandem Di nalang ako manonod niyan mas gusto ko pang panoorin ulit ang 1,2,3 season kaysa ngayong season maraming ups and downs na Hindi maintindihan kung ano ba talagang problema Meron ang pamilyang iyan
@masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 жыл бұрын
این زندگی امروز امیر و جاویدان همان جهنمی هست که جاویدان به ریحان وعده داده بود.✋ بیهان از جاویدان هزاران برابر بهتر هست. همه ما جاویدان را در فصل ۱ و ۲ دیدیم که چه بلای سر خانواده آورد. بنابر این امروز به جاویدان مدال افتخار ندهید.
@sunitasinha3328 Жыл бұрын
Gulperi Chachi ko dawai khilane ke liye pareshan hai Jo uski zindagi mein jahar hi bharti Rahi hai,use jahar na de de😊
@HiHaniusia11 2 жыл бұрын
Yemin eden dizi benim türk dizim👍
@faqanquliyev2084 2 жыл бұрын
Bele dizi olar? Savasin annesi delidi. Gulperinin annesinin axirina cixdilar, indide qizinin axirina cixacaqlar. Bu senari yazan ne qeder uzadacag. Bele anneler yer uzunden yox olsunlar. Inwaallsh.
@beeicecream 2 жыл бұрын
Savas may have feeling for Gulperi but his pride is telling him to say no to Behan's idea, because he knows Gulperi has feeling for Amir. He is also right when he told Gulperi you are used to have people make decisions for you. Maybe the is another reason he said no.
@sujathasridharan8245 7 ай бұрын
If you have no spine no will of your own and no trust in emir,she should be kicked out of his house.she has no business tormenting emir like this.doing things behind his back.not telling him anything. How many times has emir saved her protected her ?she is not being honest with him.a terrible portrayal of a woman.i am ashamed to be a woman after seeing gulperi
@Dorthy32 5 ай бұрын
Go Gulperi leave her alone please
@masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 жыл бұрын
♥️🦋 REYHAN 🦋♥️
@richelleguleng4652 2 жыл бұрын
Yes rayhan is the best in this series..bring back the original cast..
@gunnikamson4890 2 жыл бұрын
This beyhan part is so irritating, she talk so rude and she hates gulperi like anything she even doesn't want to see gulperi and she still call her and she like the way gulperi take care of her what a character 🙃😁
@graceandia2832 2 жыл бұрын
She is very selfish
@radojkagregoric4411 2 жыл бұрын
@masomehmohammadzadparvin4589 2 жыл бұрын
@auricaandronachi858 2 жыл бұрын
@karolinaswiderek1919 2 жыл бұрын
Jeśli savas chcesz się troszczyć o gulperii to zrób coś żeby matka nie robiła już więcej zła i nie straszyła niej zostaw dom emirowi i zabierz matkę z stąd niech oni będą szczęśliwi nie słuchaj matki tylko sam siebie dobrze wiesz że gulperii kocha emira to więcej zrób coś żeby oni mogli się cieszyć sobą z daleka od wariatki oni chcą być razem szczęśliwi niech ona zniknie trzeba z nią zrobić porządek i to szybko emir musisz działać odzyskaj dom i wyrzucić behan że swojego domu i rodziny a wy na spokojnie musie się skupić na waszej miłości do siebie bo ona jest taka głęboka nie może ktoś albo coś popsuć waszej miłości do siebie ona nie może żyć w ciągu strachu że coś się stanie emirowi powiedz prawdę że behan ci groziła że coś się stanie emirowi emir i savas musie działać żeby pokrzyżować plany behan zabierz nią z daleka od gulperii i emira on nią zabierze i będą razem
@halinamikowska7370 10 ай бұрын
EMIR 💘💘 GULPERI Piękna, dojrzała, sprawdzona i wzajemna miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝 FOREVER LOVE 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 GULPERI 💘 EMIR 💘 YIGIT 💘💘 SUPER FAMILIA 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝
@marisanavarroirrebaria2907 2 жыл бұрын
Download all episode until the end Please w English subtitles
@ildikotothne4200 2 жыл бұрын
Dominika 463. Finally, Sawas gets what his mother expects from him. She wants him to marry Gulperi. Sawaś definitely refuses. Beyhan strongly insists. The atmosphere is boiling. Sawaś abandons the women and leaves. He tells his brother to bring them home. Beyhan, while still in the restaurant, starts mocking Gulperi how hopeless she is that her son does not want her. The women go home. Beyhan is furious. He continues to insult Gulperi. Emir watches this scene from afar. Beyhan refuses to eat or take medications, and as a result, her condition worsens. Emir feels that something important has happened between the women, but he doesn't know what. He asks Gulperi to tell him. He tells her that the fact that she refused to marry him does not change anything in the relationship between them, that she can still count on his help and support. Yigit comes and demands to go to sleep, which interrupts the conversation between them. The next day the situation repeats itself. Beyhan refuses food and medication, and as a result has very high blood pressure. He tells Fidan to call Sawas. Fidan calls from her phone, but Sawaś does not answer. He's also in a bad mental state and needs to relieve his fury. In view of the above, Fidan calls Baran and so Sawaś finally comes to his mother. He meets Gulperi at her door. He resents her for agreeing to marriage. He asks her what she blackmailed her mother with. Emir sees it. He stands up for the girl. Then he asks himself what is happening. Because he sees something important happening between them, and he doesn't know what. Gulperi doesn't answer him. Bayhan is talking to his son. She reproaches him for all caring for him from childhood to those days. She accuses him of being ungrateful towards her. She says she has to marry Gulperi because she wants to know that things are going well in her family. Sawaś is silent. He ponders his mother's words.
@alinkusmaenah6711 Жыл бұрын
Iam Emir n Gulfery❤❤❤❤
@dorotalis8907 2 жыл бұрын
Gulperi czy możesz wreszcie myśleć i nie dawać się szantażować zacznij walczyć jesteś jak te ciele tańczyć jak wiedzma zagra a potem płaczesz myśl....walcz o siebie i swoje szczęście...
@aliciabonastre4610 2 жыл бұрын
Habla Gulperi, por favor!!!!!!!
@anabrito4442 2 жыл бұрын
Ela não sabe falar,só chorar
@premlatapatankar217 Жыл бұрын
even when she tortures her sooo much?
@cemiledryana7717 2 жыл бұрын
Gulperi susmaktan hic birse bilmiyorsun ......
@srm4240 2 жыл бұрын
گلپری قرارداد بسته تا فقط گریه کنه...😭😔😔شخصیت ضعیف....ytar artk
@MariaHelenaDaSilvaNarcis-nb8ey Жыл бұрын
Es su papel el es umgran actor
@tariona 2 жыл бұрын
Kochane Wiedźmy! ✌ VICTORY!!! ✌ Choć na początku mogło się niektórym wydawać, że porwałam się z motyką na Słońce, dzięki wam stało się to realne.❤ Flagi nie ma i nie będzie! O to przecież chodziło! Coś, co do niedawna wydawało się tylko pobożnym życzeniem - stało się faktem. Zrobiło się naprawdę spokojniej. Doceńmy to. ◾Każdy ma prawo u siebie pisać co chce i jak chce. Jeśli nie będzie nikogo obrażał - to już nie nasze zmartwienie. Dopóki taki stan się utrzyma, naprawdę BARDZO PROSZĘ, nie zamieszczajcie więcej żadnych wpisów w „tamtym ogródku”. ◾ Myślę, że zawsze, któraś z nas może otworzyć swój, reszta go znajdzie! Na pewno będzie nam tam wygodniej a przede wszystkim, nie zniknie w niewyjaśnionych okolicznościach. Co innego wejść i poczytać.😁 Do tego wręcz zachęcam, trzeba wiedzieć co "wrogie siły" wypisują.😉 A przecież pisać każdy może (trochę lepiej lub trochę gorzej)…Prawda? Do wszystkich Pań 😉Do niedawna w niektórych ogródkach „zabawy plenerowe” polegały na „kopaniu dołków” (najczęściej pod kimś) i obrzucaniu się błotem. Jeśli zabawa polegała tylko na odbijaniu piłeczki (wymiana argumentów) to niejednokrotnie przypadkowy gość był narażony na to, że dostanie kamieniem w łeb, bo panie bardzo często zamieniały piłeczkę na kamień. Gdy i to nie pomagało, zazwyczaj takie wtargnięcie, narażało „intruza” na to, że dodatkowo ktoś chluśnie w niego pomyjami. W piknikach brały też udział panie, którym zabawy te - nie do końca się nie podobały. Jednak wolały być głuche i ślepe na to, co dzieje się dookoła. A szkoda, wystarczyły 3 tygodnie żeby osiągnąć porozumienie. Podobno został nam ostatni miesiąc… Postarajmy się aby taki stan trwał jak najdłużej - chyba warto.😃 Tym razem udało się krócej. Pozdrawiam wszystkie panie bez wyjątku!
@migusiekijm9329 2 жыл бұрын
Oczywiście pozdrawiam wszystkie Panie.
@dorotas8678 2 жыл бұрын
Witam wiedźmo jednak co u siebie to u siebie . Wiesz mam taką jedną myśl jeszcze "kilka chwil temu " co niektóre panie o mały włos a utopiły by Goka w szambie jakie mu stworzyły a teraz czytając ich komentarze typu " Ozge Gok kochamy was "to nie mogę się nadziwić jak mogą być tak obłudne , zakłamane i fałszywe . Teraz to z poczucia przyzwoitości powinny powiedzieć jedno z trzech czarodziejskich słów przepraszam . Tak mi się wydaje że nigdy nie będzie ich na to stać . No dobra jak sobie życzysz to nie będę chodziła do tamtego ogródka i obiecuje że będę grzeczna .
@tariona 2 жыл бұрын
@@dorotas8678 Ależ chodzić możesz, tylko nie zadepcz!😀 I na przepraszam też bym nie liczyła, niewiele osób na to stać.
@dorotas8678 2 жыл бұрын
@@tariona też tak myślę ale człowiek zawsze ma nadzieję .
@dorotas8678 2 жыл бұрын
No wiesz nie chcę zachwalać ale jak tutaj ładnie , spokojnie ,pełna kultura
@umaamadoradeseriesturcas3770 2 жыл бұрын
Uma coisa essa velha fez de bom mudar o visual de gülperi
@efsanehesenova9685 2 жыл бұрын
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