I found a lot of my old friends on facebook because they put the school name and year in their profile. You know, some friend we lost contact sine we finished from school.
This is not always true because my 2 Korean friends write their university names on their Instagram. One was from Yonsei Uni and another wrote a foreign university name where he went as an exchange student. Maybe generation gap. They were around age 20.
For seating, we avoid crowded train if not in a hurry. Some think that it is unhygenic to stay in crowded space. Some Thais, especially young male, actively avoid sitting on the empty seat because there used to be a case that random judgemental people would take a photo of you and upload on social media for the purpose of gaslighting (ie. not giving up a seat to people "in need"). Nowadays, we have PDAP law. So public shaming situation is improved a bit.
I am amazed by how Thai culture values higher education very much. It seems that children are inspired by their parents to pursue academic excellence and earn respect from the society. I can relate to many of my Indian friends where education or working for big tech companies are also seen as a key to success and a source of honor. I have noticed that some people like to display their degrees or titles behind their names, such as MD or PhD. This reminds me of how some Thais used to have the suffix “ณ.อยุธยา” to indicate their origin from the remarkable Ayuthaya era. I’ve not seen any Thais list their alma maters if they are not from prestigious schools. This obviously not the Korean’s culture-value. 😊
@jnhkz Жыл бұрын
Very reputable companies are one thing but as a Thai we live with a connection. When I applied for a job, if I am grad from the same uni or top3 uni as them, they will consider it very nicely than the one who not. The uni and school are said about what background of your family and how much is your knowledge.
@kitkaneth Жыл бұрын
For working, some Thai companies do background checks on personal social media as well. For business, relatable background can lead to better business opportunities. For dating, education background is relevant to selection process of some Thais. Heritage, history, and backgrounds are valued by Thais; therefore, it is common for Thais to include such things in their profiles.
@Grandma2465 Жыл бұрын
If have ณ.อยุธยา It's his real surname. Not that anyone can use it. He will be of royal descent.
대학은..좋은 대학 나온 분들은 쓰기도 합니다..? ㅋㅋㅋ 근데 태국인들보단 살짝 덜한거 같기도 합니다 ㅎㅎ / 맞아요. 저도 식당이나 상점가면 그냥 피 캅~해요. 아무리 어려보여도 남이니까 넝이라고 못하겠더라고요. / 새끼손톱은 저도 몰랐던건데..현지 거주인의 눈썰미가 이정도였군요🤠 / ㅋㅋㅋ 저도 유니폼 있는데 출근해서 갈아입어요. 근데 태국인들은 출퇴근시 무조건 입고 다니더라고요. 처음엔 회사를 자랑스러워해서? 라고 생각했었는데ㅎㅎ / 14:00 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 낑겨타는거는 태국인들과 동아시안의 차이가 드러나는 질문이었던거 같아요. 국민성이라고 할 수도 있을거 같고.. / 18:00 제비뽑기하는거 영상 몇개 봤었어요! 러더는 처음 들어봤네요. 한국으로치면 예전 교련수업 비슷한거 일거 같네요. 근데 한국은 교련을 들었다해서 병역대체가 되진 않..습니다ㅋㅋㅋ.. / 신발 얘기는 처음 들었습니다. 확실히 국민성의 차이!ㅎㅎ / 30분이나 되는 긴 영상이었는데 진짜 시간가는줄 모르고 봤습니다. 2탄도 기대할께요! 😃
@YeoninBangkok2 жыл бұрын
역쉬 갓BJ님 ~~~ 답글이 넘 늦었습니당 🥲 저도 늘 피카~~~하지만 요즘엔 눈치보면서 넝 카😏를 써보기도 하고있슴니다 😆 러더는 저도 이번 기회에 확실히 안 것 같아요 ! 담에 또 궁금한 것들 2탄 만들어봐야겠어요 !!!! 긴 영상 시청해주셔서 감사함니다 🥰