If you were me, what would you do? | Japanese From Zero! Video 134

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Learn Japanese From Zero!

Learn Japanese From Zero!

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@rons3634 Жыл бұрын
I don't always appreciate the directions you take your channel, but I do admire you for trying different approaches. You've changed channel content, you've branched out into other languages, etc. You didn't stay stagnant doing the same thing over and over for years. I'd just say keep doing what you're doing. No particular style is going to please everyone, so if you have varied approaches you can please a wider audience who can pick out the type of content they prefer. This is from someone who is a KZbin subscriber, has purchased access to your online content and has purchased almost all of your books.
@qwerty4324ify Жыл бұрын
I disagree! EVERYTHING MUST BE REDONE WITH TALKING INSECTS! Ok, actually I agree. Changing things is fine, but going through the book (or website) and (P)reviewing with a spoken video helps so much.
@mesoesmo897 11 ай бұрын
I believe the main reason your videos dont get interactions like other japanese/language youtubers is because you post actual lessons and great content that requires the viewers effort and attention. with all due respect the rest are mostly "how long does it take to be so and so, how much japanese can you learn in xx months?, never do this before you start learning that" and you end up watching 100 hours of content only to get a mild amount of amusement, and a hypothetical what if I started learning. I wish you the best going forward.
@scottbeveridge4626 Жыл бұрын
Your videos are epic George. Coming across Japanese From Zero has been the best thing for my Japanese language journey. Keep doing what you do and what you enjoy. ありがとうございます。 Every comment from me here on out will have Japanese in it until the day I can comment to you fully in the language. Hope you’re well, Stay safe, stay well and have an awesome day man!
@autisticscreeches5688 Жыл бұрын
Your videos literally gave me the motivation to keep learning Japanese and not give up even when I felt like I wanted to. I'm already a year into my Japanese learning journey and its all thanks to your channel. I think your videos are very inspiring. Whenever I encounter someone who is also trying to learn Japanese, I always recommend your channel. Thank you!
@GrimlyAlbion Жыл бұрын
I love your casual and relatable style of teaching. You have so much experience in both teaching and learning language, so please continue posting videos!
@stormtrooperholds Жыл бұрын
I think because you have such a well thought of learning approach, people save your videos because they want to have the time to study, but they never get the time
@maureenmiaullis6427 Жыл бұрын
I know. I have all the books saved to my library and it will take me about 20 yrs to go through them all, since I keep repeating the first videos several times to make sure I have the concepts down. 😆 I love the series. I am definitely love the new Kanji videos. I try not to miss those.
@RK-hu3dd Жыл бұрын
Hi George, I never comment here, but I need to tell you, that I know you from the time of Keiko and George. You inspired me a lot, and I love your energy. I actually love the way you are and I feel always more positive on my bad days when I watch your videos. Please never stop uploading!
@avim5016 Жыл бұрын
I started studying Japanese in middle school to watch Naruto without subtitles, and now I've just taken JLPT N3 a few days ago and am applying to university in Japan (although not 100% in Japanese of course haha). The strong foundation I've built is 100% thanks to what I learned from the "Japanese From Zero!" books and especially these videos. Thank you so much for what you have been doing, I hope you can continue to make videos like these to help others, as you've certainly helped me more than I can say :)
@Said-uz4wz 8 ай бұрын
I loved the bugs part of the video, and I know it takes a lot of time for you to make those parts, but for me it is way more than enough having a video from you for each part, even if is just you reading the book to the camera, so I'm really grateful for the effort you put for us.
@rosmelguti Жыл бұрын
there is this Thing on the internet where, people just put all their opinions on comments and the content creator has to managed the responses. same as Music, I think you should do what you enjoy the most the way you like it. I love your videos. I'm learning japanese and work with a branch office in japan and I love the cool things I learnt with you and use at work. making a ton of friends over there. cheers man. do what you Enjoy.
@victorshilin9360 Ай бұрын
Hi George, just wanted to drop by and thank for putting all the effort into the lessons making them as entertaining and useful as they are. I started my journey on learning Japanese about 9 months ago and a big part that motivated me not to stop is your way of teaching, making Japanese look easy (so far I've been following and going through book lessons without problems). Back in the days I wasn't sure where to start from and I'm glad I found the best channel on learning Japanese. Thank you!
@Will-xq9dk 6 ай бұрын
Ive watched all your book series videos so far. I think the new style is great. Thanks for all your effort.
@a2te45 Жыл бұрын
I can tell from your videos George how passionate you are about teaching. It's just so obvious with how you present yourself, how you try tons of different styles of educational content. I appreciate it a ton and hope to one day be half as inspirational as you have been for no doubt tens of thousands of Japanese learners. Cheers!
@Sydsustain 11 ай бұрын
The bug skit with Yukari was amazing George, you guys nailed it! Awesome voiceover work!
@japanesefromzero 11 ай бұрын
It's funny because first Yukari did it so normal and I said it needs to be more ridiculous and then she did that voice. Then she was a bit bothered that I just used my normal voice. :P
@nmitsthefish Жыл бұрын
Loved every single thing about this video. I could watch a whole series in exactly this format. The multiple separate sections keep your attention moreso than one long lecture, its funny (like usual), its interesting/unique, it has creativity as well as real world examples complete with 分析. I even like the new outdoor setting for the intro and outro. Its like a breath of air 😉 lol. Anyway, you were able to have all of those elements and still maintain a clear and concise lesson on a specific grammar point. I loved it, thanks George!
@Macieks300 Жыл бұрын
I also love the different approaches you try to take, George. You always make me inspired to learn Japanese!
@SoulmateParis Жыл бұрын
Your videos helped me in the very initial stages of learning japanese and also about the culture. Thanks for the reminder - I’ll watch more often !
@adgeq Жыл бұрын
JLPT yesterday was a BREEZE thanks to your videos, George Trombley! I've watched, (starting from the 2nd Japanese from Zero! series), learned, and laughed... NOT skipping a video! Your explanations and the live conversations with your wife are SO helpful and I also agree that 2023 doesn't appreciate 2000時代 mentality. Merry Christmas!
@noyaV_ Жыл бұрын
Those video/stream examples are incredibly useful to see how the grammar is used, keep it up George!
@animeprince7866 Жыл бұрын
I speak for myself I love your videos. I dunno why people had issues. You always present Japanese in an easy to understand way. I havent had a lot of time for studying, watching, and interacting for a while due to work. Great video as always
@kitsune1291 Жыл бұрын
An idea could be walking around places in Japan (even just local walks) and showing the view and explaining what you see and referencing these to parts seen in your books. That way people are able to see where they are used in the real world. Also the walks create their own content 😊 Or create a scenario conversation between two people as you walk around.
@parkourchrispk Жыл бұрын
i want vlogs!!!! i would love to see you talk about food and culture while teaching vocab and phrases!
@ThatCodeFrog Жыл бұрын
For me, I see your uploads as soon as I wake up in the UK, they always seem to be uploaded overnight. And first thing in the morning before I have work, I have not got time to study and watch a whole video. So i'll save the video for later, but not come back to it as I did this when I was asleep and forgot it existed.
@Thing-vc2qm Ай бұрын
This channel is such a complete banger for anything japanese. Casual learning but still learning. There are stuff for learners of all levels. You make learning such a difficult language as fun as it can be. Keep on delivering awesome content.
@japanesefromzero Ай бұрын
I appreciate the kind words.
@Axurias Жыл бұрын
I started with the first book this wednesday and I haven't skipped a day until now from studying in it. Your videos always really helped me so in my opinion your videos are great. I am surprised how fast I am making progress with this difficult but beautiful language. Thank you for everything George and Yukari.
@shiubshiushiu 11 ай бұрын
Thank you George, I really enjoyed the new format. The bugs conversation was interesting, I also enjoyed the native video clips. Please continue to make video in this new format!
@AdanSensei Жыл бұрын
Hi George! I ultra miss your george and keiko style content! When I first saw you speaking mega fluent Japanese with Keiko, in such a fun and high energy content you inspired me on a core level to want to be like you in Japanese! It was fun, high paced, but packed with a ton of words and culture insights that only YOU had.
@derkatzenfuerst6077 10 ай бұрын
Hi, casual Japanese learner from Germany here. In my opinion, you are the best Japanese teacher on KZbin. I love the the energy of your videos, the humour and the hard work that clearly goes into producing them. By the way, I started the series from video one and watched one of them each day. Thanks so much for your hard work and the educational and entertaining content!
@JapaneseBeginner-oh4hg Жыл бұрын
subscriptions dont seem to matter as much as they used to. youtube does not always recommend me videos from channels im subed to , seems to be more just what I have been watching recently . Have recently found this channel and will help me learn Japanese so thank you for the content
@Kittencrunchies Жыл бұрын
I just started my first Japanese from Zero book a few weeks ago and I’ve been enjoying the videos so far. They’re informative and easy to understand. Thanks George!
@BMCartoons Жыл бұрын
i recommend, every time you put a video out, make a youtube community post about it with an interesting screenshot from the video (preferably with your face in it) & link the video in the description. i bet people will see your face & think "hey i haven't watched him in a while!" i hit the bell for all of your videos years ago & i am almost never notified when you upload! i've noticed when views slow down on one of my videos, i'll sometimes do a post for it & it will boost views. i should do it every time... i see in your community you don't post very often & often without photos of your handsome mug that all of us recognize. i originally started watching your videos back when it was you & Keiko. i really enjoyed the comedy element, the banter & the overall casual feel of the show. your natural & casual ability to be funny is a huge strength. even though i was studying Japanese pretty hard, your humor was the main thing that kept me coming back to your videos. i assume a lot of people have stopped watching your channel because they just aren't studying Japanese anymore, or don't have time to practice like they used to, or, like i said above, they aren't being notified when you upload. the algorithm & people's lives are unpredictable. maybe try making videos based on trending events/topics? trending topics are tough, though, because you've gotta get the video out within the lifespan of the trend... you could also try getting a channel audit from a professional auditor. you might get some helpful feedback & ideas on things you can do to increase views. i look forward to seeing what you do with the channel, dude!
@br5448 Жыл бұрын
George, I think your videos are simply excellent. You bring humor and your self to the videos. I know for me the reason I subscribe but haven't watched is only because I find that I do not retain what I learn while in the USA, for the most part. So I do not study enough. I haven't figured out a way to get past the level I am at unless in Japan. Thank you for your great work.
@asaelduartesalazar3058 4 ай бұрын
This video was so good, i enjoyed a lot the youtubers part and the rasshopper's stories
@human47134 Жыл бұрын
I love your videos George. Unfortunately I’m not always in the “learn Japanese mode”, but when I am, you’re the first person I turn to! Don’t be discouraged ❤
@hesabmozayaf9723 Жыл бұрын
well.... that wasn't expected, but I like it and think it should be part of every lesson going forward
@russellward4624 10 ай бұрын
34:29 so with the んだったら its saying if we finish doing this thing then blah blah blah right? Which is why its in the past tense, because its a future action that needs to be completed first. Right?
@ArchangelGavriel Жыл бұрын
The point is to keep going. Someone is getting something from your lessons.
@courtneytakahashi8833 Жыл бұрын
Nailed it! Thank you very much!!! I always like the videos and this one was excellent 😊
@AbnerIMAlvarado Жыл бұрын
WOW! I loved this video. Seeing how words and grammatical points are used in a conversation makes them easier to understand. I liked Kabuto-san and Kamakuri-san.
@geruto17760 Жыл бұрын
Love the new format, George. It's fresh, is well paced and inspiring, too. Great to see you shifting gear and kick-starting the channel again. Your trip to Japan seems to have done you lots of good.
@Yokaiu. 10 ай бұрын
how did he not crack at 5:28? even though I had to take a break from Japanese due to school I still appreciate the dedication he has for this channel and how easy he makes it to jump back in p.s Ikebukuro did open one of the larger Animate stores last year when I was there so maybe that's why it was used.
@Bart12x Жыл бұрын
I really liked this format, especiallyゆた and かまき. It was funny/cute to the point I wanted to watch the rest because it made me forget I was learning. 😂 I agree with what others are saying, keep doing what you’ve been doing. Some of the same, some experimentation. I keep coming back to the channel for the way the lessons are structured and everything explained (it’s one of the first places I started), your energy mostly, and life lessons 😊 There were a few times where I’ve asked my friends “you know those Japanese textbooks I buy (I have all but 1-2 so technically “bought” now) this is the author! So you get the books and then you can learn additional stuff in the lessons and they’re pretty good!”
@GaryBrowntoybox Жыл бұрын
3-year Japanese student and I own several of your books...I want to chime in. In this video, you talk about if. It so happens that I just had a discussion with my Japanese friends this week about how to use たら、と and ば. I asked native speakers, "How do I know when to use each of these?" When I study a subject, I try to master the basics so I will be in command of the subject when I use it. However, there are many grammatical points in Japanese that I don't really have a mastery over "when to use one or the other". So, here is my input to you, it would be of great value to me and maybe others as well to have videos that cover just 1 grammar point, to teach it so well that a person really gets how a Japanese person thinks when they use the grammar point. Thus, this would be useful to truly become fluent in Japanese. Reading a book is one thing, but listening to a teacher go over the fine details with the goal of mastery is much more than a book can communicate. A response would be appreciated from you on this comment. I think you are doing a great job as a teacher, and I am one of those who subscribe but don't watch often....but, if you provided very in-depth videos that cover just 1 grammar point or situation at a time with the goal of developing mastery, I definitely would tune in to all of them. I hope this helps.
@verylowpoly Жыл бұрын
I really like the way you did this video! It's fun to go through native clips and have a breakdown of those too! This way of approaching videos is definitely more work, I'm sure :/ but that was really enjoyable and thank you for the lesson!
@fay2212 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, watching the skit with the bugs was really interesting, and it lets me hear some natural Japanese. I really enjoyed this and would like more.
@icarlyon3754 Жыл бұрын
Hey George, your content is genuinely amazing. I’m definitely gonna snag your books soon. The artistic genius behind Yuuta and Kamaki puts even Spielberg to shame. I did notice a caption mistake in the video however. At 1:05 and 22:11, Kamaki says 「見つけたら」って言ったよ!but the caption says 「見つけてら」って言ったよ!Aside from that, I’m glad to have yet another banger of a video.
@christac1526 Жыл бұрын
Your videos are always super inspirational, so are your books.
@mattb4576 Жыл бұрын
Hey George if you mean new videos, I never watch any, I'm still at book 2. But I watch your videos every day. Keep up the good work.
@aaronpn9928 8 ай бұрын
I don’t know, because I haven’t been around for a while, but I’ve been subbed since book 1-3 videos and fell off waiting however long it was before book 4 videos came. But I stayed subbed because you’re the best, and I can’t get into the other teachers. They just seem boring and uninteresting in comparison. Now I’m back and I was trying to find a place to start, but I was running across so many private videos in the playlists I wondered if they’re even worth watching sequentially. I thought maybe I’ll just not pick Japanese up again, but I landed on this video and I’m hooked again. I’ve loved anything in the book 1-3 style, and the hitokoto’s. Going to continue on with the other similar cover photos 😄
@japanesefromzero 8 ай бұрын
Oh! I did private a bunch of videos. But none of the teaching videos should be private. Can you tell me which playlist you are having issues with and I’ll fix it. I stream 2-3 times a day on @PolyglotGeorge channel while I revise the book series. It’s not a lesson but some people find it entertaining.
@Glass2006 Жыл бұрын
I liked the old format, and I like the new format. The new format is fresh and entertaining. I like the use of real examples. Your way of explaining always makes it cristal clear. Thank you! Ps: you nailed it!
@donnadietz 10 ай бұрын
I liked you before (well since 2 weeks ago, but the old videos) and I like you still. Your videos were and are great because of the experience you bring. They don’t need to be flashy.
@imfred08 Жыл бұрын
You nailed it George!! I just want to say your videos are always inspiring. They are interesting and easy to watch as well. Btw I have all Japanese from Zero textbooks and I subscribed to Fromzero. Great work! 👍🏻👍🏻
@martian-sunset Жыл бұрын
You have great on-screen personality, charisma, excellent language skills, effective teaching methods. All good. For me personally, no matter how great the teacher or method may be I get frustrated and overwhelmed with disorganization...when there's too many videos, old videos, new videos that update the old videos (but the old ones are still there!), too many playlist categories etc. I begin to feel lost in a sea of content. I think many people look for some type of structured hand-holding and step-by-step to keep them involved.
@japanesefromzero Жыл бұрын
Interesting. I had thought the playlists were organized in a way that led to structured learning. Maybe I should have another channel for the random videos? Because the biggest videos are all part of the Japanese From Zero! series which is order. This makes me think.
@geruto17760 Жыл бұрын
Yes, the playlists are well structured. I took that to be a revised video for vol.4 chapter 11. Even if the videos are released at different times, it is fairly straightforward to follow the lesson structure of the book.
@erikpeterson778 Жыл бұрын
I think your main problem with the algorithm is that you have long breaks every now and then. That absolutely destroys being recommended to others.
@GlaceonIce Жыл бұрын
0:06 It is an honor to join you for this video 😎
@uzhukova 8 ай бұрын
I am so excited for you, dear Glaceon!
@GlaceonIce 8 ай бұрын
@uzhukova Thanks Ulyana! 😎
@IndyTheoryCrew1 Жыл бұрын
8:53 “if you get old” 😂 sounds existential 😂
@thejapanadian1814 Жыл бұрын
Hey George ! I've learned Japanese a few years ago to a comfortable level thanks to you and your multiple books and videos .keep doing what you're doing. i am sure your videos will help more and more people in their early japanese learning stages. the reality is that, a lot of people in North America don't really have a strong connection with Japan (Aside from Manga and Anime). just as an example, I am from Montreal, Canada and my wife is Japanese... and we're still very.....very exotic out here lol.
@obiarne Жыл бұрын
I like this style as well, as long as I learn or review Japanese with you, I'll always watch it! #WeAreThe1Percent Having said that, one piece of feedback: I would like the audio during powerpoints to be a bit louder. I usually watch these videos outside and I have to turn my volume in the red zone to hear you just clear enough. When a video pops up or an add, I have to be quick to lower the volume and then turn it back up when you come back. It's a small detail, but I wanted to share it.
@ewe6096 Жыл бұрын
I really like where this format is going. I like the real life/storytelling examples. I’m still on book two. I wish the format was a bit more like this. Alternatively, you could create smaller videos using the storytelling format or real life examples to showcase the basic grammatical concepts. You could also consider getting your viewers involved by asking them to make their own videos and then highlighting what they did correctly and correcting any mistakes.
@Silvqr Жыл бұрын
@koopanique Жыл бұрын
Very nice video on the "ifs" in Japanese
@Sakura_Mirai23 Жыл бұрын
Great Video again :)
@pebbie510 Жыл бұрын
Wdymm ive been on ur course for the past month. Your simple english makes people who learnt english as a 2nd language find it more intuitive. Youre doing fine just keep it up. You dont have to make daily videos. Dont burn out your self
@Vladiator Жыл бұрын
I’m generalizing here, but the best language teaching YTers gain success from entry-level videos and simple “how to say” with a little bit of sensationalism through in there. “You won’t understand Japanese without THIS”. This is already from language teaching YTers that struggle getting 10% of views from the amount of subs they have. Language learning is inherently something millions want to do, but only thousands commit. Unfortunately that’s just the nature of your channel. That, and hiatuses kill your channel in the algorithm, which you do a lot. You have many ideas, but only so many will catch on with people in such a niche community already. What I highly respect about you is that despite all these whacky, off-topic ideas you have where teaching isn’t the obvious focus, you STILL find ways to teach in those videos. That’s your moat, you don’t deceptively teach the bare minimum to hook viewers into easy entertainment, you fully commit to your mission.
@uzhukova 10 ай бұрын
So cool!
@SzDream 11 ай бұрын
hi George-san, i want to ask you: How do you know when to use 'nara'/'tara' or 'baai'? In anime mostly use 'nara'/'tara' but sometimes they use 'baai' which quite rare. When I learn the grammar it's so confusing between those two coz it translate the same
@japanesefromzero 11 ай бұрын
It’s not an easy answer because imagine I flipped the question. When is it better to say “If it were you…” or “In your case…” Sometimes there are two or more ways to say the same thing. Just like English. This is where getting more Japanese listening from native sources will give your brain more sense of when one way might sound or flow better than another. In the meantime just be able to understand all the ways it’s said and choose one you like for when you speak. You can always change it as your Japanese improves and grows.
@SzDream 11 ай бұрын
@@japanesefromzero I see... Thank you very much! It didn't occur to me if I was to flip the question. Now I can see it clearer. もっと勉強やらなきゃ😆ありがとうございます
@TheSaladTozzer Жыл бұрын
Tough to say George, I'm subscribed to you because I used to watch your videos when I first started learning, and they were very helpful, however after six months or so i moved on to reading manga for practice. I rarely go back to watching youtube videos now. By far my biggest complaint with most of the creators is the lengths of their videos, I think this is an issue with KZbin though (the algorithm?). I think for some reason the algorithm favors longer videos. but the lengths of a lot of videos are INSANE for what they are covering. Like Misa ammo or whatever her name is had 2 videos explaining something with the と particle and it was like 2 parts and each part was like 25 or 45 minutes each and when i realized that i just closed the video. I could spend hours every day watching videos teaching me rules and explaining japanese particles or i could spend that time actually immersed in japanese material. To me, you should study when you are a beginner and then you should practice through immersion after you have got a foot in the door. Been learning for a little over 4 years now and I always recommend that to anyone. Your videos, your textbooks, and the Genki textbooks, all helped get me to reading manga though. Thank you.
@lindaellis9040 Жыл бұрын
Damn .... really!! Only 1% of your subscribers actually watch your videos?? !! Argh..!! That is surprising to me and disappointing. I have no idea why as personally I love them. Started learning Japanese at the start of this year and the reason I did that was virtue of finding your videos. I had wanted to learn for a long time and watched many different presenters on KZbin some awful, some good, some even very good I love the way that Miki presents for example but despite that I couldn't stick with it. When I found you , your manner and the way you present the material just resonated with me and I was hooked. I subscribed, watched dozens of videos from the Japanese from Zero series, day in day out and within a couple of weeks ordered the books as in ordered ALL the books for Japanese all at once, including the katakana and kanji ones. I decided that if I was going to learn then it was necessary to make a commitment not just mentally but financially to keep me on track. They still sit on my dining room table in a pile and are all very well thumbed a couple even beginning to fall apart lol. When I am in the middle of cooking I go sit for a moment and look at something, going out to the garden when the weather is good and I just going to sit and relax I grab a book on the way out and relax and read at the same time. Downloaded every video I could find, put them on the laptop and whether in the house or outside put them on playback so even if I am busy and cannot watch I can still listen. I love your work and you never get complacent , always striving for better, you are always looking for new things to try, new ways to present, so keeping it fresh. With the books and the videos you are also always going back and updating them , again trying to find better ways of getting your point across. Basically give yourself a pat on the back and a hug, you, your wife and your team are and always have been doing a great job. Thank you George I for one am forever grateful that I found that first video of yours, I am an old woman now and might not get enough time to ever become fluent but because of you I shall enjoy the learning journey for as long as it lasts. 💜
@Fenrir-hw3lm Жыл бұрын
I really have been meaning to watch more i just slacked off on my studies 😓, thanks for the many years of great lessons!
@OneIdeaTooMany 10 ай бұрын
Are there any plans to turn the Japanese from zero web course into an app? It'd be cool to have the japanese from zero course in my pocket wherever i go because even after living in japan i still come back to these lessons for a refresher.
@japanesefromzero 10 ай бұрын
The website is mobile friendly. We eventually want an app but it’s low on priority.
@andresrosel821 11 ай бұрын
So far, Japanese From Zero is in my top 2 japanese learning resources, the only feedback I would suggest for videos is for them to be more straightforward and less small talk or tangents, for me honestly it's kind of frustrating when I don't have a lot of time or when I want to re-watch a video, currently on book 3 videos. In general for the books and website, I think there's too much vocabulary given in the vocabulary groups, and some lessons content too much information. Great work and resources overall!
@thtuskey Жыл бұрын
If it weren't for your videos, which led me to get your books and join your site and do the work there, I probably would have given up on my effort to learn Japanese. I'm on the last chapter of Book One, and although sometimes time constraints make it hard (adult learner with limited time - have to have Final Fantasy XIV time every night...lol) I'm looking forward to continuing with book two and beyond. Keep going, they're great!
@madmax8620 Жыл бұрын
We shall NEVER be entertained enough!!!
@SM-ok3sz 9 ай бұрын
22:19 Is this a typo? 「見つけてら」
@japanesefromzero 9 ай бұрын
What do you think it should be?
@SM-ok3sz 9 ай бұрын
@SM-ok3sz 9 ай бұрын
@@japanesefromzero Was I wrong?
@valentinoleynik1255 9 ай бұрын
Like it, thank You, 先生
@Rody_le_Cid Жыл бұрын
this was a good video, I like the various ways of helping to learn Japanese using other people's videos is a good way to keep the viewer's attention you used to do more Japanese game plays too.. but switching around other people's videos helps to snap your attention back, specially for a 45 minute video..
@johnrf554 Жыл бұрын
I enjoy your channel because you provide the gaijin perspective to the language as well as your personal experiences that support your reasoning. I have not bought your books (or any other Japanese books), but have just studied through youtube and a few applications. Since most of the your videos I have seen are focused on the book, without using your books it's hard to tell what's going to be in your video. Most videos I have seen of yours covers a lot of ground that may not be in the title of the video, so I feel like have to watch the whole thing to find what I am looking for. Perhaps shorter bite-size videos that focus on specific concepts would lead to more views? Also, I think many of us Japanese learners are striving towards JLPT certification as a measure of our abilities and there is a ton of youtube content focused on it. What the available content doesn't do well is explain the why. Your channel doesn't seem to have anything focused on the JLPT tests, but judging by the audiences of many of the other channels I follow, this is also an area to consider providing content. This is purely constructive criticism, your videos are awesome; I learn a lot and enjoy your humor. Thanks!
@toshtosh4712 Жыл бұрын
I've said this before you offer without a doubt hands down the best Japanese language instruction found anywhere. You are offering Mercedes level instruction to Toyota Corolla students...lol. On a different note I recently visited Tohoku for the first time in over 30 yrs. Misawa Airport has changed very little. And I stayed at what used to be Komaki Onsen. Hachinohe is not as big as I remember. But most disturbing is that my Japanese still sucks. My point is that the problem is not you.
@japanesefromzero Жыл бұрын
Hachinohe does indeed feel smaller as an adult! I hadn’t thought to visit Komami though! But you realize it looks like we were in Misawa at the same time right? I lived only a few clicks from Misawa airport and often went to the Kuukou Onsen by bicycle.
@toshtosh4712 Жыл бұрын
@@japanesefromzeroBack in the day the closest McDonald's was in Morioka. On my trip I also went to Lake Towada. It looked a bit run down now. I also downloaded the AFN go app so I am able to listen to the Misawa base radio station when I miss Tohoku...lol
@TheSoupHero 10 ай бұрын
Just want to comment and say I don't need all the frills, I'll keep watching your videos regardless.
@uzhukova 8 ай бұрын
I do remember this video ❤
@ModernRetroTech Жыл бұрын
@janeaustin2469 Жыл бұрын
I'm cracking up i am loving these touch grass videos
@Livio-g7h 4 ай бұрын
Nice Video but did not realise from the thumbnail that this is a continuation of the jfz book series. Maybe that would let me jump right into the video earlier. However, as said before, nice content! 🎉
@N-Coherent2 Жыл бұрын
I actually liked your videos.
@Vladiator Жыл бұрын
Please someone gives me sources that are similar to George’s live translation of listening practice. Following a story told line-by-line in Japanese then English is an amazing way to strengthen listening practice IMO. So fun!
@Erik_001 Жыл бұрын
I liked this video.
@madmax8620 Жыл бұрын
Nice mushi, but I seem to only understand and can ONLY learn Japanese, when referencing "BUTTS" and "FARTS" ...why??!
@samanthagardstein3543 Жыл бұрын
I'm inspired it's why I study
@SupremacyGamesYT 9 ай бұрын
From all the videos ive watched on ならvたら。Am I okay in thinking you should just think of なら as IF and たら as When and After. Because that's what it seems like it boils down to? thank you
@madatyoutoob Жыл бұрын
I don't think you're the problem.. the fact that my subbed channels keep mysteriously unsubbing themselves and no notifs are coming through.. is the problem!
@AlwaysStreams Жыл бұрын
Thumbs up as per
@chezz.1 Жыл бұрын
「なら」の言い換え、場合 「たら」の言い換え、た時
@insmart_ua Жыл бұрын
Learning a new language simply can't be a super exciting journey since it implies a lot of hard work, motivation, patience, and self-discipline. Of course, a freat teacher - that you really are - can ease this pain but anyway... It's learning. And sometimes it's damn hard. As a Ukrainian, it's pretty complicated for me to visit Japan. But wathing videos about the country (not only about Japan), its culture, traditions, history, new trends, technology, and other stuff, makes the country much closer. You are insanely charismatic, George, and fun to watch, and I truly believe that you'll get many more views in case you make a slight change in your personal brand and shift the focus a little bit to become not only "the fluent Japanese language speaker and teacher" but "a cool guy, who teaches Japanese and Korean languages, travels these countries, talks about them, and knows a lot of things that you, nerds in front of a laptop, only wish to see someday". But that's my pesonal point anyway. I wish you the best of luck! And thank you for your amazing work with "Japanese From Zero"!
@christac1526 Жыл бұрын
Hope you and your Family are ok .
@Macieks300 Жыл бұрын
Just to nitpick as always: 10:09 As a person who had to learn English as a second language there's definitely not just one way to say "if" in English. It was always a nightmare to remember all the conditionals and the grammatical structures used in each for tests at school. Look up "zero conditional sentences" up to "third conditional sentences" to see what I'm talking about.
@japanesefromzero Жыл бұрын
I think what I mean is we have “If” as only one word. Are there more that I’m missing? I’m sure there are many ways to use “if” but is there another word?
@Macieks300 Жыл бұрын
@@japanesefromzero Not as basic as "if". Although I can think of some wordy phrases or words like "supposing".
@cynthiafuhrman544 Жыл бұрын
​@@japanesefromzeroWhether, as in "I don't know whether he will go or not."
@parkcityhuman 7 ай бұрын
Hey again, George, I learned the たら and なら forms on another channel (Japanese Ammo with Misa) before watching this video, and upon watching your video, I thought I remembered that Misa-sensei went into a usage of なら that does not require the second action to happen first. I just went and rewatched her video, and I did, in fact, remember it correctly. It seems as if the usage she described is like, "If it's given that A is going to happen, then B will happen." It's at about 11:30 in this video if you'd like to check it out: kzbin.info/www/bejne/m5DGZIlubZeUo5Ifeature=shared
@byebyemeinherr Жыл бұрын
your videos are perfect I started watching loads of teachers now it's just you and game Gengo tbh, but you've given me the most entertainment and laughs, I'll be here no matter what. Plus I have a little crush on you lol
@ahhmayzingKurea Жыл бұрын
Hmmm... It's too bad if your videos aren't getting the interaction that you're hoping for. You are the only reason that I was able to continue learning Japanese and am doing so well now. I really love that you never pressure learners to remember things and that you encourage us to learn what interests us and to come back to things if we need to and that there's always time to learn or relearn things, and that it's okay to get things wrong too. Also, I loved the little bug dialogue section. That was very cute. Unfortunately I'm one of the subscribers that hasn't been watching too much lately. But that's because I got kind of behind with the book for videos and I wanted to catch up so I just haven't been watching. My own comment here reminds me that that's okay though. 🤡 Also, a lot of your videos are pretty long and I don't always have 20 minutes to an hour to sit down and learn something and I don't like to watch only half a video. Sprinkling in a few more 10 minutes or less learning (vs personal experience or story) videos would be super.
@neoxochitl Жыл бұрын
Your videos are inspiring but since these are for learning people have to actually sit down and watch when I think a lot of people sometimes use KZbin for background. I love your videos but am a bad student. :( I go through phases where I study every day and then stop for months.
@rocklol2335 Жыл бұрын
more bugs dialogs please;]
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