Truly amazing. I cannot stop visiting KZbin to see this movie over and over again. I feel like even holiness of some kind, like sharpening and scraping their body and soul. I am grateful to Clammbon and their colleagues for creating such a great song and am holding awe with the thought or story included in this song. This feeling always cheers me and I think I will just do my best today. 本当にすばらしい。何度も見に来てしまいます。肉体と魂を削って削ってその先に生まれたような、ある種の神聖さまで感じます。クラムボンとその仲間の皆さんがこんな楽曲を創ってくれたことに感謝しつつ、この曲に込められた思い・ストーリーに畏敬の念を抱きつつ、さて今日もがんばろうって思います。