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Tpm Sunday service pas teju | 25 ஜனவரி 2025 | the pentecostal mission| TPM chennai | TPM ARAISE AND SHINE #sundayservice #tpmsundayservicelive #tpmsundayservice #tpmsundayservicepasteju #tpmsundayservicepasdurai #tpmsundayservicelivetoday #sundayserivelive #thepentecostalmission #tpmaraiseandshine #tpmsongs #tpmmessage #tpmworship #tpmpastordurai #tpmmessages
Praise the lod..
This channel main vision is to spread the truth gospe; to all children of god....
Kindly Support TPM ARAISE AND SHINE Ministry with your prayer.
TPM MESSAGES | TPM SONGS | TPM SHORT MESSAGE | TPM ARAISE AND SHINE | TPM NEWS | tpm pastor durai | tpm pastor luke | tpm pastor teju | tpm pastor thomas | tpm pastor m t thomas | the pentecostal mission | tpm chennai | tpm vijayawada | tpm trichy | tpm nagercoil | tpm palayamkottai tpm madurai | tpm kerala | tpm coimbatore | tpm adayar | tpm