IF they ever bring back pro league, I hope they have you as an announcer/caster/commentary person for the matches.
@stryderlao11 ай бұрын
They nerf it too much without giving it any compensation to make up for it. They could of just nerf just the damage numbers/ticks for it
@pro_gemer11 ай бұрын
Not really What made it so insane is that it applied anti heal for really long
@Mr.Ford335011 ай бұрын
It allows you to see people through walls and helps keep cauterize in play for longer. It was never about the damage itself, it's still not without its uses.
@Thenarratorofsecrets11 ай бұрын
Caut is only applied to left mouse button attacks, or has that changed
@Playtiempo11 ай бұрын
Nah betty deserves more nerfs
@awoooga585711 ай бұрын
@pro_gemer it applies cauterize? Really I thought it was just extra dmg
@happyhoppip915911 ай бұрын
She has an Azaan talent issue where even though that talent got gutted it's the only one that does not give her some kind of negative benefit to her kit.
@deadwalke958811 ай бұрын
But the decay meter of Azaan being full and never really going away is not a bad talent though. Tempering is just garbage due to its Atlas cooldowns and it does NOTHING to actually accentuate nor amplify his other abilities in it.
@happyhoppip915911 ай бұрын
@@deadwalke9588 i actually prefer tempering. Just get used to the longer CDs with chronos. But that's exactly what I'm saying, both have negative benefits to them and that's why you see persistence being so popular on him bc no one wants the negative drawbacks when the base kit does enough
@mobas0711 ай бұрын
The reason I use fiery dispostion isn't even because it's good. It's because it's now the only betty talent which doesn't have some stupid downside.
@happyhoppip915911 ай бұрын
Exactly same for me too!
@mikesimmerman445711 ай бұрын
Buy movement speed fixes it
@happyhoppip915911 ай бұрын
@@mikesimmerman4457 but now you only have 3 slots for items just to get back to base/slightly above base speed. Still a negative overall
@ScreamQueenLaurie11 ай бұрын
Gotta Bounce is the only talent i’ve ever used for Betty. I love being mobile, so jumping around my enemies while shooting very frequently was the way to go for me. Glad players will see the value in that talent now lol.
@Mestari1Gaming11 ай бұрын
The developers really need to buff the Controlled Fury talent of Betty because it just makes your Hail of Bombs worse.
@awhitney306311 ай бұрын
I genuinely don't get why Betty's middle talent is 'Make hail of bombs AOE smaller' when you don't get any other benefits. It doesn't double the damage of the hail of bombs, you don't get a reduced cooldown that's worth anything on it, you just get a smaller radius for your hail of bombs. Um, isn't there a card that makes her explosion radius BIGGER? Why would I want it to be smaller??? Especially if there's no trade off - it's already way too easy for people to literally just... walk... away... from the hail of bombs and get zero value out of it - so why on earth would she want it to be smaller? It's absolutely stupid.
@melonman127611 ай бұрын
I think the idea is to adjust the aoe with the help of the card and reduce the cooldpwn of hail of bombs overall
@pjz.R611 ай бұрын
Love the sound effects you give to the abilities 😂😂
@santii256411 ай бұрын
i used to play gotta bounce before i got into fiery disposition, id play very agressively with increased distance vertically and horizontally at 3 each but i stopped playing it bc of the debuff, yes its true you gain mobility but the slow movement speed debuff its incredibly bad as it makes you vulnerable for those seconds your ability is on cooldown
@mikesimmerman445711 ай бұрын
Max nibble fixes that
@Imsleepeebruh11 ай бұрын
These betty nerfs are very much welcome. Betty with that talent doesn't even have a role other than "spam, hail of bombs, cluster, bounce (x3). She was doing massive damage up close with base weapon, hail of bombs would cover such a wide area for seconds at a time, her mobility was crazy with near 100% uptime, etc. All while being CC'd because her stupid abilities would give knockback and fire-y disposition would delete your health before you realized it. I hate betty and a good amount of champions released these past couple years. Not all of them, but some felt too braindead to be as good as they are or were.
@topkid86811 ай бұрын
And this is why the game is trash now, OW > Pal and i quit both. Nerf nerf nerf and the game just keeps getting worse
@hassandabo628811 ай бұрын
OW2 is also garbage.@@topkid868
@Imsleepeebruh11 ай бұрын
@@topkid868 lol ok game that requires you to buy the battle pass for new characters
@javanniphipps484511 ай бұрын
16:17 PAISE this. Pose to be a family friendly channel. Have some decorum
@ashzerodude11 ай бұрын
Controller. Bounce was always the only option. I can never hit shots with her and I'm usually just spamming areas. Gotta bounce is the only way to survive flanks
@taco_sensei11 ай бұрын
I think they should buff the DOT now if it only applies to her weapon shots
@fuadqasimov245611 ай бұрын
What i can suggest is to keep it like it is now but it should deal like 10% of max hp per tic or smth
@tman19xx11 ай бұрын
FD should at least apply to the cluster. It’s literally part of the grenade launcher too
@henriqueraimundodrummond678711 ай бұрын
The bad thing of this talent is hit the target jumping like a crazy. It need a lot train.
@killingthemood200011 ай бұрын
I used to play the Gotta Bounce talent on her release so I'm just going back to normal basically
@Vinn011 ай бұрын
I don't understand why they can't just make it do a lot of fire damage in Exchange for some upfront damage. Make this the tank shredding talent but make it so she can't defend herself so easily.
@cynicalnightmare110811 ай бұрын
Literally just make the fire not affect the explosion from her bounce, and maybe the hail of bombs. Taking it away from the cluster is just mean, though
@wateredbread9786 ай бұрын
Andrew got them luscious locks.
@diputsnoob381511 ай бұрын
Fiery Deposition is still better than Controlled Fury Should they buff Fiery Deposition to previous state, more damage? Controlled Fury need buff like Idk, Hail Bomb now give knockback since base hail bomb used to knockback before getting nerf
@stopsliding835511 ай бұрын
@karlomanasemogus774111 ай бұрын
"i have ult again... VIKIIIIIII
@KinqLegxndary11 ай бұрын
It might be too much, but I wouldnt be mad to see less of this talent
@oro639911 ай бұрын
lowtiergod: you should stop using this talent, NOW!
@ALONE-pe4mf11 ай бұрын
I'm so happy they nerfed her so big she was just doing lots of damage just spamming the bombs
@soikano11 ай бұрын
I think you should consider making a Q&A again
@gregwillams832411 ай бұрын
They seem to be doing a lot of nerphing this season. Hope they confiscate later on for the talents they've nerphed so far
@trailmix101311 ай бұрын
Okay, you have convinced me, as Betty one of my mains, I need to switch to bounce. :)
@rexpowercolt821611 ай бұрын
How you can main this champ, she is boring spam
@spongebobsdisapproval11 ай бұрын
Yeah I get it but Betty is still crazy with dmg which is her only role. She’s easily the most braindead character in paladins and I’m glad this nerf is real. I hope they don’t change it.
@lWeBeatIt27811 ай бұрын
I went up against a team full of support and we lost
@bigcsbigbrother368511 ай бұрын
Lol thats happened to me a couple times b4 too. It's usually because your team is, well, not good lol. There aren't many team comps that should lose to a team of healers, But here my team is, dying over n over and oh look, we lost 😂
@rexpowercolt821611 ай бұрын
@@bigcsbigbrother3685I had that problem too, but when i started playing BK, it became easy to destroy 5 sups, really
@Archbishop_of_the_Noodle11 ай бұрын
Gotta Bounce chads are smug right now.
@Lunabliz11 ай бұрын
I run fiery disposition cause i feel the other two talents are awful and actively make the character feel worse.
@Lunabliz11 ай бұрын
Plus it makes it even longer between taking damage and starting auto-heal
@KIINGTRELLY11 ай бұрын
Thats nothing compared to koga adrenaline junkie nerf🤓🤓
@devilchomps329511 ай бұрын
Can they stop nerfing the champs i want to start maining? Beating the shit out of people as drogoz is getting kinda boring
@bobbobkinz995811 ай бұрын
@mikesimmerman445711 ай бұрын
Max nimble fixes it
@hassandabo628811 ай бұрын
Nice, as if dredge wasn't already the better pick usually. Thanks for nerfing my main once again, back to dredge I go. Paladins balancing team is on something
@georgej936611 ай бұрын
wouldnt mind having betty nerfed for 2 seasons, she can get pretty annoying
@samisverified918811 ай бұрын
1/26 💀💀
@melonman127611 ай бұрын
Just play her 3rd talent now
@SniperMayer11 ай бұрын
This is the worst change ever introduced to the game.
@xanderson111 ай бұрын
Still like Dredge better imo
@labossdaone819411 ай бұрын
Maybe betty players will aim now
@Thenarratorofsecrets11 ай бұрын
Nerf was unneeded, character was mid even with that talent
@ALONE-pe4mf11 ай бұрын
Bruh really? she was doing 200 k 300k dmg every game highest thatn any damage how was she mid?
@psychoherobrine340611 ай бұрын
Damn, andro diff
@zoekid614311 ай бұрын
glad it’s gone the concept sucked anyways just remove the talent entirely matter a fact just remove the whole character