You should vote NO on the PVP ARENA poll in OSRS

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@ItsOveeer 2 жыл бұрын
Budget a friend but i lovet it keep it real
@CreamerMusic 2 жыл бұрын
@yakgames2454 2 жыл бұрын
Im sorry you feel this way man but the already small pvp community is being sufficated by spite voters. Also the second question on the poll for each question allows anyone to vote not just pvp players.
@avatarofcloud 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an iron that was eligible to vote in the last poll because of LMS. I don't mind PVP updates, everyone likes what they like, but man that update was filled with a lot of straight up bullshit. Humble Piety? Great Value Brand Barrows Gloves and Fighter Torso? The armor sets being completely fucked? How am I supposed to vote yes to that shit? PVP'ers constantly say "Oh you don't have to go to the wildy, you're not being forced to go there to get a dragon pickaxe you're going there willingly." Yeah you're right. You're also not forced to go to BA to get a Fighter Torso or to do quests to get gloves, you choose to do those things. Why is it so hard for them to just put in a fucking ELO system with cosmetic rewards and call it a fucking day? PVP doesn't need a bunch of fucking nonsense gear that lets people stack you out even harder than they do already, it needs an entry point and a ranked system so people can practice PVP on people of their relative skill level so they can actually get better at it and before you know it you have more people capable of PVP instead of yet another batch of lure content added to the wildy.
@omegalugia9 2 жыл бұрын
I have a maxed account (2277) and do actually participate in PVP at the Revenant Caves both fighting players and fighting back. I was not able to vote in any of the 3 pvp polls. My pure also wasn't eligible to vote. Jagex is rigging the voting system in their favor.
@Vitalflea 2 жыл бұрын
it's almost like they can do whatever they want with their own game
@AntonioACK 2 жыл бұрын
If you ask any other person who Pk’s it seems like every poll that gets asked gets a ton of no votes from woodcutting Andy’s. So it makes sense if you don’t PvP why is everyone voting no for something that will just stop other players from having fun in the wilderness. Does anyone else remember the sailing poll? That was supposed to be the greatest thing that happened to RuneScape, the mods said it was already done and all that would have to happen is for it to get voted yes to be put into the game. It sadly didn’t pass because people were not open enough or just didn’t read how amazing of an update it would have been.
@seasons9766 2 жыл бұрын
soo, you have to realize a few things - PvMers don't just vote no to say f the pkers (some do but, no most don't). Now, with that said. You also have to realize a majority of the PvP updates generally ruin PvM content in the wilderness. if you make it easier to kill an already easy target it would make sense for the PvMer to vote no. Now, I agree and think EVERYONE should be able to vote equally but, it goes both ways. Last thing to note, the PvP community is generally some of the most toxic communities there is, they hack, rat, scam, ddos, phish, lure, cheat, betray, etc. all for a bit of gp they eventually RWT off (RoT is one of the biggest cheating during several jagex hosted events with even a JMOD doing it too). I mean show me just a few pking content creators that don't say, "sit faggot retard" after they kill someone.. most people just don't want that crap in our game but, even then we dont' just vote no no no unless it affects PvM.
@sweis12 2 жыл бұрын
It was polled too early. Back then people wanted to preserve the game . Now we are so far gone from 07 and players are now much more open to bigger updates. I honestly think it would pass now if it was revamped and repolled.
@ryanscott658 2 жыл бұрын
@@seasons9766 Yes they do though... The last posed pvp gear / prayer additions were actually pretty cool and provided some much needed variety. Yet it failed... (This was because pvmers / weirdo 07 purist andys spite voted against it. There were over 50k voters. As someone who actively pks there are absolutely not that many active pkers. Enter spite voting...) This is a pointless spite vote. Why didn't you guys do this crying for raids 3 and the "pOwEr CrEeP" that it's bringing? (Speaking to the pvm only / 07 purist Andy's crowd.) Why cry about not getting a vote on something YOU DON'T EVEN DO...? I do ALL aspects of the game so I have 0 problem speaking on either subject.
@ryanscott658 2 жыл бұрын
@@seasons9766 Also, no the pk community is not the most toxic, not even close. A few loser clans just yap alot louder than the normal pkers and give us a bad name. The truly most toxic players in this game, and this is coming from a max caper, are the 07 purist Andy's, followed by the elitist iron memes. Just because someone tells you "sit" or "ty" for killing you in a place YOU ARE LITERALLY WARNED YOU CAN BE ATTACKED / HAVE TO WILLINGLY ENTER doesn't make them toxic. 🤦‍♂️
@ryanscott658 2 жыл бұрын
@@seasons9766 BTW streamers that pk constantly and don't say what you said : Framed, Torvesta, Sparc Mac, Nish, Westham, Rhys, Rdawg, Donator, Swede, C Engineer, Doichev, etc. You clearly don't participate in the activity and base your opinion off a few idiots. The reason pvp votes should be separate is because it's a YOU have to place yourself in danger / can be attacked at any time type of deal. Why give a vote to someone trying to take part in the benefits the wilderness has to offer just because they are mad they got killed for 300k doing their mage cape 2??? High risk high reward. Just like noone forces you to do raids noone forces you ro go in the wildy or pvp worlds.
@MrTriqks 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't mind seeing the old sets. The battlemage robes. And those sort. And the mini game it came from. Also the berserker shields. And the degradable gloves. All of these items are degradable, and gave power boosts for the lower levels, roughly right around the sets they kinda introduced with similar level thresholds if I remember correctly. The berserker shields would be a nice addition to zerk accounts. And at that they had a adamant one and a rune one. Both ( unless it was the square spike shield ) required 35 and 4t defense I think. I would love to see these back in somewhere.
@dragonxz61 2 жыл бұрын
First of guthix
@realhashbrown 2 жыл бұрын
You popped up in my recommended and I am glad I took the time to click and watch. As I sit here doing slayer tasks, being a player that has been active in the game for 17 years, I look at the polls as a laughable activity like penguin hunting in RS3. I was happy to see that the OSRS team was separate from the RS3 team when OSRS came out in 2013. It was refreshing to see that people that care about our little community actually want to make things better. Now, it seems like Jagex just wants to cater to their PK and gambling addict portions of the community. Everything you touched on is 110% cold hard facts. Keep on keeping it real, you earned a sub and I cannot wait to watch you grow.
@AntonioACK 2 жыл бұрын
Bruh jagex doesn’t cater to the PvP community, that’s how I can tell your not interested in PvP because you don’t realize OSRS never gets PvP updates because of everyone who doesn’t PvP just votes no on it lmao
@realhashbrown 2 жыл бұрын
@@AntonioACK You're right. I've never been huge on PvP, mainly because my RNG is trash, but that's a different story lmao. Personally I would like to have the wildy open with no PvP type content besides in PvP designated worlds or certain levels. There is content I want to try in the wild, but am nervous bc of getting PK'd. I guess it's really a lack of knowledge of PvP that turns me off on it.
@ryanscott658 2 жыл бұрын
@@realhashbrown That is an awful idea and defeats the purpose of the wilderness... Wilderness = high risk high reward. Just like noone forces you to go into the wilderness noone forces you to do raids. Matter of fact, you are even warned, and have to willingly place yourself in danger in the wilderness. Please play all aspects of the game before you speak on them, vote on them, or pitch wonky ideas coming from relatively no, or minimal knowledge of them. It's like an f2p only player telling a max caper how raids should be structured / updated...
@CardboardCabin 2 жыл бұрын
Mods like Goblin are actively in a discord with big pkers taking on feedback throughout this whole process. The pkers pass on a lot that they're recommended to discuss. This is the type of above and beyond I remember old Jagex to be. This video doesn't help the situation, it keeps the cycle of going.
@dirtybobbyOSRS 2 жыл бұрын
I totally felt the same way! if PVP was an isolated activity like in other games where you had to accept a duel then they might be able to justify a selective vote like they do for UIM rules. but since you can attack almost anyone in certain areas without consent they probably cant get and don't have a statistic for "PVP".
@Gengarlegend 2 жыл бұрын
You have a statistic for pvp to show a k/d ratio in edgeville.
@XxSylasxX 2 жыл бұрын
I hope they do pass it. I’m sick of pvm kids voting no to everything pvp
@fanbat 2 жыл бұрын
@@XxSylasxX I'm a pvmer, but I pvp a little and I'm also sick of people voting no to pvp updates. PVP is part of the game whether pvm nerds like it or not and pvpers deserve to have new content and updates just as much as everyone else
@aleksd286 2 жыл бұрын
Problem with pvmers is that if they see ANYTHING pvp related they insta vote - NO. So I think Jagex did a good thing by having this requirement. Wilderness is for pvp
@joco2362 2 жыл бұрын
That's called democracy. You some kind of Nazi?
@TurnipThrower223 2 жыл бұрын
@XxSylasxX 2 жыл бұрын
You realize they didn’t get rid of duel arena right? We just move it to pvp worlds and discords and the he is the tax.
@ultrawow65 2 жыл бұрын
Election systems are built for the freedom of choice, not profit. But not every player is a good worldbuilder. If Jagex truely wanted the player base to actually decide on the future of the game, then they had to give them the power to do so - even if it meant that some changes would never happen or would be choices that are generally bad for the game. However, the reality is that Jagex cannot give the players this much power. Because if the game's value go could go down with every new poll, then investors wouldn't ever buy into such asset, especially not for this much money, as it's a constant risk that a force out of their control would de-value their asset in the blink of an eye. The polling system started as a damage control, to make people return to the game they loved. But as the game expanded and became the monster that it is today, far away from the structual integrity its start - and super-mega-hyper profitable - the power of the community got taken away, voting became redundant and more of an illusion of choice rather than an actual tool for the community to decide on anything substantial.
@Theviewerdude 2 жыл бұрын
Tldr, too many stupid and ignorant voters that would make terrible game devs. I agree entirely. It's also why democracy is a fundamentally broken system. Too many people who make poor choices.
@Misaki896 2 жыл бұрын
well, its true that the community's desires might not reflect what investors want. But at the same time, what is your game without a community? Ignore your community for the sake of appeasing investors, community revolts and leaves, investors see loss in earning potential, they leave.
@ultrawow65 2 жыл бұрын
@@Misaki896 Exactly. That's the only reason why riots actually work.
@MrTriqks 2 жыл бұрын
Also I feel like the purposed duel arena fix would have been a better fix for bounty hunter imo.
@MorgAntix 2 жыл бұрын
They tried over and over, couldn't make it profitable because bots would find a way to circumvent whatever they tried to combat it... what pker would do a bad money maker when they can make mills elsewhere
@jimrizzy 2 жыл бұрын
i personally don't think mini game kills should count towards the requirements for pvp updates.... if they count lms they might as well count soul wars and castle wars/clan war kills
@Theviewerdude 2 жыл бұрын
All of those activities are pvp. I mostly play soul wars because I think wildy needs work and I prefer playing casually without insane risk. But I can tribrid and hold my own with the best. People like me have valuable input on pvp related polls...
@HamOSRS 2 жыл бұрын
I follow a lot of OSRS content creators on KZbin. I only recently discovered your channel a month or so ago, but you're already one of my favorites. Keep up the good work and the spicy takes.
@Gengarlegend 2 жыл бұрын
I see time and time again of people saying "I'm voting no on this poll because it does not affect me" in regards to updates for lower level accounts, ironmen, etc. PVP updates have been constantly spite voted by people who don't pvp, so it leaves the pvp community with only little to no updates. If the spite voting did not occur, do you think that they would be taking measures like this? If you were a game company and you had 10% of your players really enjoy a specific aspect of the game, but the other 90% of the people playing the game constantly spite voted them to no updates, how would you approach this situation? You and I both know that if this update was polled to all players, many players would spite vote for no reason and cause no updates to happen- even if the proposed update was a good update (personally I am indifferent on it). Is the fact that they've limited polls to certain players a bad thing? Yes, but look at the issues that happened before that caused them to resort to these measures. My only account is a 1 def pure, but I vote yes or decline to vote on updates that do not apply to me. I want this game to last a long time and I don't let my personal bias to what content that I play sour my voting when voting for updates that affect others. I have no desire to play an ironman account, but many youtube series based on ironmen accounts have been interesting to me, while I don't personally benefit from ironmen updates, I get entertainment from them. I don't get benefit from new armor sets getting added to the game, but my friends that I play with do and enjoy them and keep them interested in the game, I don't benefit from the content but when I get to raid with a buddy who wants to try out torva in raids I get enjoyment from it. Some people may not benefit from pvp content, but taking that as a reason to spite vote no on every update is demotivating to many and has caused people to leave the game.
@Theviewerdude 2 жыл бұрын
I mostly only play soul wars for pvp and I've been eligible for all of these polls 🤷‍♂️
@voiceofreason7558 2 жыл бұрын
soul wars seems like it would be good PVP practice but I only did it for slayer helm upgrade
@gabebarbieri194 2 жыл бұрын
Soul wars doesn’t count as PvP imo. It’s got to be LMS or actual pking
@voiceofreason7558 2 жыл бұрын
@@gabebarbieri194 pvp boot camp
@gabebarbieri194 2 жыл бұрын
@@voiceofreason7558 I wish more people would try PvP. Knowing how to PK and learning to click quickly and accurately will help players in PvM or skilling, too
@stephensmith4124 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who has never really Pked and not even ever voted on whatever the polls have ever offered let alone "spite voted", I find it funny how it's the go to response to say oh spite voting made it say no!. Let's now look at sample size, 10% of players get to vote, but not 100% of that 10% play everyday, so how many of that 10% voted and is it enough to get the 75% success rate - even taking spite votes into consideration and taking those out would it hold up? I'm guessing the answer is no, again I don't bother voting so thus isn't a moan or spite thing, because I go out in wildi on my HC - yet to actually die there to a pker too, die in other areas like a wally but that's me. So have your PVP updates - infact let's talk about how using tick manipulation to take out 75+ hps (75% of MAX HEALTH) in one go swapping into certain weapons to completely swamp your enemy and make it impossible to even tick eat (meaning 0.6sec recation timed perfectly) to stop it if at all just because your hp fell by 25 points... can we get a pvp update that stalls spec weapons timers or bigger food in one bite to prolong fights to show back and forth? These are the updates I'm waiting for, to make it a FAIR FIGHT funny, guessing no-one will agree with me though
@kitkup8570 2 жыл бұрын
I can't vote on it, I enjoy Castle Wars. All I have to say.
@Urbex_key 2 жыл бұрын
Cool video bro
@tannerfromhigh2346 2 жыл бұрын
Great explanation!
@adryanpatrciotrevino7785 2 жыл бұрын
idk why im able to vote on this if i have never kill a single player
@ebayaccount675 2 жыл бұрын
PVP used to be big. Then they didn't get updates.
@cosmokramer9139 2 жыл бұрын
I left once the bots voted in the grand exchange, knew the game would go down like a brick since then.
@iwillpku75 2 жыл бұрын
Lol the ge was the best update imagine it not being in the game
@cosmokramer9139 2 жыл бұрын
@@iwillpku75 It wasn't in the reboot, and the devs said they didn't intend on bringing it back, then the poll came, and the grand exchange got more votes than the entire member playerbase because bots were given membership to vote it in. Prior to GE botscape, players would have to actually find other players who gathered the desired resources, and then keep them in their contacts to keep their trades going, same goes for merchants, who would buy inventory in bulk, and sit in banks to sell. It took out 3 broad ways of playing the game, resource gathering for a good profit like miners, woodcutters, and hunters, secondary skillers like smithers (that's what I was), and merchants, notice how as soon as the grand exchange came about, everything for low levels went to high alchemy prices, which in turn made drop-only items skyrocket in price?
@cosmokramer9139 2 жыл бұрын
The first time it was introduced, I thought it was great, because all I did was pk, and had no idea how it would effect botters, but then they deleted the wilderness, and I was stuck without a game. Then they brought in bounty hunter, which was fun, I could actually make a range tanker and get kills for once, and then they got rid of that with the EOC update, which I quit soon after. Then they put in old school runescape, started smithing right away, I was in the top 80 smithers for a while, and was climbing the charts fairly quickly because I started a network, and then the GE came in, and ruined that playstyle too, so I was just done with the entire game.
@slowwbie 2 жыл бұрын
happy belated
@conahlestrange9794 2 жыл бұрын
I do think the duel arena is bad but if you’re taking out a loan to gamble with at the duel arena how could you blame jagex for your own stupidity
@Lolatyou332 2 жыл бұрын
Probably isn't stupidity at that point other than gambling addiction. Casinos make a majority of their money by a small percentage of people who can't control themselves because they are addicted.
@H2Kosrs 2 жыл бұрын
During this video you was completing an elite clue, which has nothing to do with PvP. You have no right to tell nobody what to vote. The fact that you telling everybody to vote no is still a spite vote. You PVMers always talking about something that has nothing to do with you.
@cloudy4l989 2 жыл бұрын
I would argue that its gatekeeping for the sake of the pvpers in the community bc they've been shafted for so long lol. I don't see a problem with it as long as they dont go overboard and keep doing it. It's obviously designed with specifics in mind but if they keep gatekeeping and going forward like this then we complain and get them to change it but pvp needs new things/ideas
@vannoy420 2 жыл бұрын
This voting system is as secure as the US governments 👍
@vladizle 2 жыл бұрын
Slippery slope arguments in here. But you’re still right. Restricting votes to specific players is not fair nor does it make much sense.
@darwinjackson3560 2 жыл бұрын
Changes to the wildy shouldn't even go to the poll, this is like the mouse (pvmers) and the cat (pkers), the pvmers won't vote for better weapons so they can get killed faster, and pkers will obviously vote for things that make pking easier for them, it's just dumb
@JayVeeDee 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with the your opinion on gatekeeping, but this isn't new. Just look at the ironman polls where some have definitely affected normie accounts (just look at how skilling is now a shit money maker because of all the monsters that drop those supplies to appease irons)
@SeansSkateChannel 2 жыл бұрын
It's because all of the anti pvp new kids just spite vote no to all pvp updates because they don't know how to pk
@ryanscott658 2 жыл бұрын
I got killed for 300k getting my mage cape 2 😭 IM VOTING NO TO ALL PVP UPDATES! - Every pvm only brainlet ever. Actually imagine getting mad about dying in an area you are literally warned you can be attacked in. Just like noone forces you to do raids noone is forcing you to go into the wildy.
@LowValueMan 2 жыл бұрын
I see no issue with restricting voting no one bats an eye the fact that ironman updates are restricted. Then the excuses come in only players that use ironman mode can understand how their updates affect the game the same can be applied to players that only do pvp. Imho the pollling system should’ve been removed years ago to keep the game healthy. Polling should only be used to gage interest in ideas and concepts before they put a ton of time into an update.
@ThaGreatWhite813 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure that was just ultimate ironman, I could be wrong
@crafterlula1328 2 жыл бұрын
I don't really understand your worry. For example, asking people who hate PVM to vote on new bosses would be pointless. They aren't going to engage with the content and likely have no frame of reference to judge the content. This vote seems like that, unless I'm missing something. You never included the poll, so I can only go off what you showed in your video
@jordanslachta2692 2 жыл бұрын
No lie I have like 17 accounts (only bond 2-3 at a time) anyway my main whom I very often appear in famous streamer and pker vids…. My main account(usually the one in seen on daily in the wilderness everyday is also last I looked rank 340 in lms) was not able to vote in pvp update polls lmao… however both of my other accounts one being a skiller lvl3 (have never played lms not even completed lms tutorial) WAS allowed to vote on the pvp polls also my iron man whom has never entered combat with another player was also allowed to vote… Fagex doing some lowlife shit….
@codyheisler6766 2 жыл бұрын
I mean, I haven't really pk'd in years and I have access to the poll so... I don't see the point in this video.
@Misaki896 2 жыл бұрын
The requirement should be having actively engaged in any pvp content in the last [insert] period. Regardless if its a minigame, wilderness, or otherwise. If you engaged with a player before the polls were announced, you're in
@brandonmecklenburg6102 2 жыл бұрын
Jagex can’t have their cake and eat it too. If you’re going to say it is a community game with community pole updates you better stick to them.
@juodasisgaidys8431 2 жыл бұрын
they made this change cause they know pvmers dont want pvp updates. cause better pvp gear means they will be killed more
@nick-dreyer 2 жыл бұрын
So it affects more than those who do pvp. Noted.
@jimrizzy 2 жыл бұрын
@@nick-dreyereffects everyone who partakes in wilderness activity.. entering the wilderness to do something is "wilderness activitys"
@nick-dreyer 2 жыл бұрын
@@jimrizzy Oh, I know. I was being sarcastic but can definitely see how it doesn't seem that way, my bad
@troytrick3325 2 жыл бұрын
@@nick-dreyer if ur scared of the wildy dont go drop ur clues use god cloaks and cry elsewhere
@nick-dreyer 2 жыл бұрын
@@troytrick3325 Not scared of the wildy, just againt the restrictions on votes like this. More people are affected than who are allowed to vote
@KempQ 2 жыл бұрын
The issue is spite-voting. The pvp side of the game has been neglected for so long that almost everyone that would vote yes on pvp updates have left the game, and we are greatly outnumbered by spite voters. What solution do you have to make pvp content when spite voters keep shutting them down? It’s impossible to hit 75% yes when a lot of people that hate pvp don’t want to see that aspect of the game grow. It’s unfair. What’s your solution? Also, creators criticize Jagex constantly. Torvesta and Framed have made multiple videos about this topic. I also have e.g. duel arena.
@KriibusRS 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Kemp, Thanks for taking the time to comment. The best solution I would have is just to add it in without polling. The arena is coming anyways, might as well include the rewards. Like I said in the video, I would also like to see these items in the game. And I know that sounds hypocritical as I'm literally asking people to vote NO but it's not because of some sort of hate against PVPers, it's because the way Jagex is handling this entire situation is shameful to say the least. You're completely right, the PVP community is getting smaller and smaller each day, that's why I think this half-assed solution of restricting voters is not the right way to go about it. All it does is set a dark rabbit hole for future updates where Jagex might twist the rules of polling however they want which could affect every single player in OSRS, not just the PVP community. ADD the current rewards as integrity update with the PVP arena, they already said some people are gonna be upset either way, there is no winning here no matter what Jagex chooses, might as well go with the plan where PVPers are happy and the integrity of polling stays how it's always been. And yes I know you guys have criticized jagex on multiple occasions when It's necessary, I've mentioned you and Torvesta's videos in multiple videos of mine when talking about the Bounty hunter or Frontline fiascos. What I meant by my statement in video was how the general playerbase has a hunch where most content creators get special treatment from jagex and in return they won't criticize whenever jagex fucks something up which I think is wrong. Everyone should be held accountable if needed. Including Jagex. I completely understand how annoying it must be to rarely see new PVP updates and then you have some random stranger asking people to vote NO on the new PVP rewards but hopefully you understand my point of view as well where I think this sets a very bad precedent if Jagex goes through with twisting the polls to exactly how they want it to be, that was never the intention when OSRS started 9 years ago.
@Theviewerdude 2 жыл бұрын
Didn't really hear a good reason the entire video. I'm voting yes
@SwedeenXBL 2 жыл бұрын
I dont think the pvp arena is gonna change anything. The amount of PVMers that said they would start pking once the wild became singles+ 1% probably actually started, it was all just sugar coating their opinions on a place they had 0 knowledge on and don't plan on interacting with. The other side of the update killed clans and communities that have been going 10+ years strong. People can hate on clans as much as they want, but these communities held some of the most knowledgeable people when it comes to pvp and alot of these people have sadly quit the game. You also mentioned trust building where if you break ones trust it is very difficult to build that back if not even impossible in some cases. This is exactly what has been going on inside the PVP communitys relation with Jagex for years. Promises of updates and discords where clan leaders and big time PVPers and KZbinrs left hundreds of suggestions and ideas. These discords were disbandoned iirc and the suggestions didn't see the light of day. I have since now quit playing but I think a PVPers perspective could shed some light. I have no opinion on Jagex's choice to restrict voting because I don't plan on ever hopping back on OSRS but I would like to be consistent and say that this is how I would expect raid updates to be done. If you've never raided or consistently raid you shouldn't have input on gameplay changing raid updates like difficulty etc. I would also like to add that in 8/10 times PVPers do the same type of content 99% of the playerbase does i.e PVM, Skilling etc. But 8/10 times 99% of the playerbase doesn't PVP or interact with wilderness mechanics the same way PVPers do. That's just my 2 cents, great video overall but encouraging your viewers to spite vote with an obviously biased view feels iffy to me. Keep it up.
@superretard5650 2 жыл бұрын
Voting is limited because the pvp community is so toxic people auto vote no to pvp updates out of spite. Even if I could vote, I’d vote yes just to get rid of the desert casino, regardless of what the replacement would be.
@christopherrodgers8505 2 жыл бұрын
default yes is just as bad as default no
@FirstLast-le7cx 2 жыл бұрын
Is this honestly that big of a deal....?
@unlimitxyourxself 2 жыл бұрын
No, it's not. It's a good idea, and this is what people been wanting to train 1v1 pking skill. I do agree that restricting voting to certain groups can be a problem but I wouldn't vote no to a good idea.
@afunnyperson 2 жыл бұрын
@princevegeta8126 2 жыл бұрын
Man the best thing i ever did was quitting this game with over 4000 hours clocked id rather just stare at the wall now. watching this video proved it to me this game legit destroyed my eyes ough
@externalboss9404 2 жыл бұрын
Just remove polls already
@gzmane6741 2 жыл бұрын
I vote no to a pvp stuff thanks to the lurer who got me
@AJ_Ol 2 жыл бұрын
Don’t worry, it’s a PVP update, so it won’t pass anyways.
@ONLYtheTruthMatters412 2 жыл бұрын
It is a TERRIBLE UPDATE. Creators all hyping a ridiculously useless update. Once again missing the pvp mark. Pathetic
@ralphmaldo3023 2 жыл бұрын
L o l new sub here
@EskaOF 2 жыл бұрын
I don't really get why players who use a male character model have been allowed to shoot down the female arma helm rework TWICE when it *literally* doesn't affect them, but players who don't voluntarily pvp don't get to vote despite being directly affected by the changes. For most of the time I've played OSRS I've wished that voting thresholds could be dropped to 55% and more commonsense updates could be implemented unpolled, but this one... naaahhh. This one takes the piss.
@celiafrostborn 2 жыл бұрын
If they are gonna single out PvP polls for everyone they should do the same for Skilling and PvM. If you aren't an accomplished skiller no vote for you and no major PvM experience should mean no vote for you. You can't just do it for PvP! My reasons for voting no if would be simply because they are doing it unequally...
@Galermolat 2 жыл бұрын
Ur first
@troytrick3325 2 жыл бұрын
True pkers dont even want the new gear bc its too broken we want the wildy expansion!!!!
@sammackinnon1744 2 жыл бұрын
Completely disagree on almost every level. Restricted voting got used for UIM polls, why not include everyone, as everyone can make a UIM? The result of you choosing to target pkers/pvpers by voting no on their polls furthers the atmosphere of impotent dislike that pvmers/pvpers feel. It perfectly illustrates why jagex limits polls to pvpers, because you have a much larger section of the population voting no to "make a point". As was correctly highlighted in the follow up to the last poll on pvp rewards, LMS is still used by ironmen who are completely uninterested in all other aspects of pvp and who continue to vote down pvp content, just out of spite, when given access to do so. Saying that it's not going to be liked by the community shows that Jagex actually have the nerve to make changes to improve the game, because they know more about game development and have been consulting for months on this. Having their time wasted by people voting no out of spite is not a desirable outcome. EOC is absolutely nothing like this, and arguing that it is, is both bad faith and factually incorrect. EOC came from the top of jagex downwards, just like squeal of fortune and other appalling updates of that era. These things are designed and made by devs who are super invested and knowledgeable about the game and who have spent thousands of hours thinking of, and developing content that you then come out and say to vote down out of sheer spite. Shame on you.
@villaini7499 2 жыл бұрын
the game has been dying consistently over the last couple years, so the playerbase polling isn't really working. jagex should just make the decisions - the current dev team is talented and wouldn't make any EOC like mistakes.
@Theviewerdude 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. I've been saying this for years. Brought the idea to reddit but the spergs there downvoted it into oblivion. No other game does this. It's so inefficient and senseless. Devs need to be able to develop freely... they can always do polls and ask for feedback, I don't see them ending that... but every update should be an "integrity update"
@scofer13 2 жыл бұрын
the game has been dying over the last couple years so the playerbase polling that has been implemented for 10 years clearly is not working. Room temperature IQ take
@villaini7499 2 жыл бұрын
@@scofer13 of course there's more factors, but have you actually been satisfied with the new content over the years? seems to me the playerbase rarely likes change, so the game has gotten rather stale.
@miguelberetta7887 2 жыл бұрын
I used to play back in early 2000s, the game has been in a wayyyyy worse state than what I've been observing in these videos
@rangerheir5821 2 жыл бұрын
Idk why u guys pass osrs as dieing. Honestly don't even tempt to say it. This game is a 1 of 1. No private server has EVER replaced it. Be grateful and positive, and just maybe the right ears will listen.
@ryanscott658 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but if you don't utilize certain content you have no business having a vote on that contents updates... I mean hell with your logic we may as well let f2p people vote on members updates. Gotta be inclusive right? Pvp is unfortunately incredibly polarizing, BUT it is what this game was built off of, dating all the way back to RS1. Pvp also gets spited to hell by people that never do it and cry over losing a couple 100k in the wildy. (A PLACE WHERE YOU ARE LITERALLY WARNED YOU CAN BE KILLED BY OTHER PLAYERS.) I personally play ALL aspects of the game. That said, if I don't do a particular bit of content, or have no plan on using it, I DON'T VOTE ON IT. Since I have no business getting a say in something I won't use. Not rocket science, and since pvp is a, "I'm not asking you I'm gonna attack you.", type of deal in which you voluntarily have to place yourself in the dangerous areas, it doesn't mean just because you are sad / mad about getting clapped you should be given the reigns to spite vote it no. Grow up pvm only kids. Seriously.
@stephenm707 2 жыл бұрын
Comparing this to eoc is both hyperbolic and kinda sad. Your own slippery slope hypothetical kinda shows how silly the whole thing is “what if they restricted who could vote on raids 3 rewards?” Well those rewards have an extremely low chance of not passing since there isn’t an entire community of anti-raid and anti-pvm players who have a history of blocking and spite voting every new boss or gear upgrade. “Jagex knows a majority of people are going to be upset with this update” well yeah if they don’t like the wilderness then obviously they’re not going to like the update but on the other hand pretty much all the pkers are going to be upset if Jagex continues to ignore them and not give them any updates. If the only way to give pkers a real update is to restrict pvp related polls to only those who pk like they’ve already done before with the polls that only effect uim then so be it.
@KriibusRS 2 жыл бұрын
"The only way to give pkers a real update is to let only pkers vote" - Is that why in the last vote convincingly majority of the pkers didn't want this? As shown by data jagex shared. And like I said in the video, I would love to see Pkers get new updates, I have nothing against that. But this gear affects much more than your average pker and there are a lot of players who can't vote even though it does affect them. I would like to think the voting system was set up so that if a big game update affects you, you have the right to vote Yes or No if you want that update? That's my take at least.
@stephenm707 2 жыл бұрын
​@@KriibusRS The affects of the gear is pretty minor especially for non pkers, which is part of the reason why many pkers didn't care about the armor. They're basically a qol update for people who want to make new pvp accounts and want to jump into pvp sooner. For pkers it isn't anything special because they've already done all those grinds on multiple accounts. And again, I don't see how this is some scary slippery slope when Jagex has been very transparent with these polls going so far as to show the data that you pointed to, even pkers didn't vote for the armors. The weapons and armors that pkers actually want are more OP than what was proposed in the blog: Korasi, VLS, corrupted ancient warrior armors, etc. All those things have zero chance at ever passing a poll if you allowed non pkers to vote.
@noahokayama3825 2 жыл бұрын
@@KriibusRS pvm community has spite voted against the pvp community for years and will likely never stop. It’s not like we just have to wait for them to grow up as mature. We’re all adults now and they still act like this. We have to learn how to work around those neckbeards if we’re ever going to get meaningful pvp updates again. And if that means they can’t vote anymore on pvp content, I’m with it. Fuck them at this point, they’re intentionally sabotaging game development for us and have been for years. They lost their right to vote on our shit as far as I’m concerned, because they’ve proven to lack integrity for years straight with no end in sight.
@danlc3520 2 жыл бұрын
Nah I disagree give people a good place to learn to pk so I’m looking forward to it
@Zxv975 2 жыл бұрын
Just get rid of polls honestly
@noahokayama3825 2 жыл бұрын
I see your point but again if pvmers weren’t such toxic little shitters, Jagex wouldn’t be excluding them from voting. Because their miserable asses will vote no just out of spite. The level of petty and childishness present in the pvm community is actually next level, and Jagex has to gatekeep them on some level or our pvp community will never get an update again. Good on Jagex, this is not Eoc.
@colonian83 2 жыл бұрын
true. would not care if this was an integrity change and i don't pk
@smashingblumpkins100 2 жыл бұрын
I think you're being dramatic.
@Last_Brew 2 жыл бұрын
“Vote no on the pvp update because pvmers who don’t ACTUALLY pvp can’t vote.” Two seconds later... “But don’t spite vote” This is literally the reason why this poll is the way it is.
@Last_Brew 2 жыл бұрын
@I got a jar of dirt you can literally make a baby gmauler in 2 weeks and have your gmaul +1. Cost is not a barrier for entry. Get over it, you’re wrong. The arena is supposed to use an ELO system and is free so again your barrier for entry to learn argument doesn’t hold water. I swear people like yourself are in a mass psychosis. And for the pvpers only voting is because NOTHING pvp would ever pass because there are to many mid-game wannabe iron men like yourself that would just flat out vote no.
@Theviewerdude 2 жыл бұрын
@I got a jar of dirt i taught myself how to nh a year ago and can roll with the better nhers now. It's doable for sure, but the game doesn't have anything built into it to help you learn really. This duel arena thing could potentially be it. If they add more ways to practice in game then more will get into pvp.
@KriibusRS 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, maybe it's my thick accent or I can't make proper sentences in English but I'll try to clarify. What I meant with that statement was that if you do wilderness bosses, play soul wars, castle wars, LMS or clan wars, I think you should be able to vote on this poll since all the gear jagex proposed affects these players as well, thats it. I didn't mean to make it PVM vs PVP fist fight or something, I just believe that if a new significant game update affects you as a player, you should be able to vote on it, that's it. Right now Jagex disagrees with that.
@MeepsPeeps 2 жыл бұрын
as an RS3 player I still find it kinda weird that OSRS devs make polls for everything
@mkiplm 2 жыл бұрын
pvp is stupid anyway.
@noahokayama3825 2 жыл бұрын
Your channel is just now blowing up, I don’t advise giving controversial takes until a little later in the growth of the channel first since you don’t want to split your viewer base at least this early on. If you were to keep pumping out videos like this I’d unsub bc I really disagree with your take. Because it doesn’t take into consideration that 9/10 pvp updates never happen and it’s not bc of the pvp community. It’s the toxic part of the pvm community which is more than large enough to gatekeep new content for our pvp community. And since they love gatekeeping so much they can deal with it when Jagex does the same to them. Fuck them.
@Ructions 2 жыл бұрын
I'm voting no simply because Mod Kirby asked everyone to vote yes and hes an absolute joke of a mod. We don't want clowns like that running the most important games in our lives. The arena is dead content before its even here
@l0lan00b3 2 жыл бұрын
Great now give people a place to fight and learn to pk with out getting rushed or attacked by accounts 15 levels higher
@hugmynutus 2 жыл бұрын
LMS is right there
@l0lan00b3 2 жыл бұрын
@@hugmynutus IT completely removes the requirements and unique styles of pking out side of main welfare nhing. It's a different concept. A lot of pkers don't want to nh or brid, or they don't want to max an account out and risk millions just learning to pk.
@joshdorrance8821 2 жыл бұрын
Lms is trash, people just tree hug and overuse freezes. Lms with veng would be way better.
@KonaneStyle 2 жыл бұрын
The chinese management is already showing
@stephenm707 2 жыл бұрын
The Chinese company sold Jagex over 2 years ago?
@KonaneStyle 2 жыл бұрын
@@stephenm707 is that true? I thought they acquired it not so long ago, maybe i'm not up to date lol
@noahokayama3825 2 жыл бұрын
If such a massive chunk of pvmers weren’t constantly spite voting any and all pvp content for years and will continue to do that for the rest of their miserable lives, I’d agree with you. But they have been doing it and will never stop. If this game falls apart thanks to new voting structures like this, you can blame toxic pvmers. Don’t blame Jagex for trying their best to actually look out for the minority of us who love pvp.
@iplayoldschoolrunescape 2 жыл бұрын
Unpopular opinion : The duel arena wasnt the problem jagex just couldnt do their job so they had to delete the whole activity. Just like when they deleted free trade to combat rwt back in the day. Most if not all the people who play osrs are over 18 we shouldnt be making decisions for adults. You cant protect everyone just like in real life.
@stephenm707 2 жыл бұрын
No the duel arena was definitely a problem, so much so that it was potentially going to get Jagex into legal trouble with the UK government over new anti-gambling laws for video games.
@2ambaby198 2 жыл бұрын
I voted yes
@Tzikguu 2 жыл бұрын
We are thinking about implementing an update where you can steal the gear others are wearing. ah only scammers are allowed to vote btw. What do you mean you didnt want this to be in the game???? The vote passed with 92%!!!
@Theviewerdude 2 жыл бұрын
Waaahhhh pkers are scammers, pls Jagex make the game SafeScape :( because I choose to go in the only pvp area in the entire game and get mad when people attack me :(((((
@benhighum1219 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe if PVM players were emotionally mature enough to not just shit on any pvp update because someone killed them for their spade, Jagex wouldn't have to go to these lengths.
@kerbstar 2 жыл бұрын
@Tory-JJ 2 жыл бұрын
Tired of pver's making no votes on PVP votes. That simple.
@naya90816 2 жыл бұрын
Stop cry victim
@Osrsezgame 2 жыл бұрын
They are slowly ruining the game again…
@motrolleur7368 2 жыл бұрын
Biggest victim take if ive ever seen one ngl.
@michaelspencer4929 2 жыл бұрын
Ima vote yeah, pvp is Sheit
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