Hi Ms KwanXin U’ve mentioned that’s our Lives n Lucks are totally separated.Many’s accepted these Logics or Factors as I had gone through several Decades of Life n understanding never depends on Luck n Fortunes for the achievements.U’ve to put your Hearts n Souls along the long Journeys.of Hardworking,Toughness n Harshness before U’re able to reaches the Destinations.Once U’re stabilised the Luck,Wealths n Fortunes will flow towards U.
Hi Ms KwanXin U’ve taken the historical eg. here U’ve mentioned the moment we came to the World our Lives already Fixed.while the wealth n Fortunes will totally dependence on individuals.These are Real n True for all the Peoples.Any person in the societies in order to achieves Wealth n Fortunes,U must put your Hearths n Souls togetherness Hardworking before U’re able to receive the Achievements.