Congrats to the winner! Loved how genuinely excited he was to win. Seems like a positive guy! And congrats to JDZ, Bluetooth, Wink, and everyone else for a successful GGP!
@bobthebuilder94164 ай бұрын
This was wild to see a goat format tournament this lit irl!!! Watching from home looks like a great time. And of course props to jdz for doing so much for the love of the game 💯💪 thank you 🙏
@T-Ret19904 ай бұрын
Thank you JDZ! I had a blast. Finished in 12th at X-2 after that beating on stream round 3 😂
@tariqgareau86914 ай бұрын
Was a great time! Thanks for setting it up JDZ! hopefully next time around can be in the main area! Looking forward to potentially running a GGP Vancouver w Mikey!
@franciscosolano66774 ай бұрын
Let’s go Sevilla!!!
@ElMagoTothedoomed4 ай бұрын
Trust the gears brummm brummm ⚙️🏍🤖love this deck Good effort c spare!
@jayromero244 ай бұрын
When is the next irl GGP? Much love & respect to you JDZ for everything you do for the community. "And you will get a quality suck in" 9:20:39 🤣
@jmVMAX_4 ай бұрын
Sykotic from DGZ?
@enndo75944 ай бұрын
Could you do a best-of-1 tournament next time: People have tried alternate ban list and it has its perks but it's not to everyone's liking. Best-of-1 is in the rules of YGO. Master duel is played in a best-of-1 fashion. Everybody is accustomed to this way of playin. The reason why it could be interresting in goat format is because side deck are the reason why the best decks are so ubiquitous. Turbo doesn't have a good matchup game 1 against warrior and burn. Against rgt it depends on their draws. Rgt and burn can get destroyed by warrior. Warrior and earth can get destroyed by control. Control isn't necesseraly great against turbo or burn. Getting rid of side deck would make the format circular again and it's not clear that playing turbo would be the best strategy. Everybody would also have to play tech card depending on what they think the field will look like. It would force some creativity. I'm absolutely sure it would be impossible to solve this format.