Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Has a Problem.

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Team APS

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@mitsucor8491 Жыл бұрын
Main issue I've experienced is the sheer amount of rookie crushers making it impossible to earn the gems necessary to keep making more decks and my money is going to bills
@mitsucor8491 Жыл бұрын
I don't mind the competition because it forces me to get better but I shouldn't even know what tearlament or runic even is in rookie
@TraaaaaasshBooooaaaatttt Жыл бұрын
What do you mean rookie crushers? It's super easy to get to gold or platinum. Even with a jank deck. Past gold 1 plat 4 is where it really gets hard. If you want to get past rookie quickly just dont play a really shit deck tbh.
@BlindBison Жыл бұрын
Very good point, you know there's a problem when you're in the lowest rank the game lets you go and you're facing tier 0-tier 1 meta lists. There's just no sport in pairing Dark Magician against, say, Tearlaments or even branded in most cases. At this point I just instaconcede the moment I see the archetype I'm playing is outmatched by more than 2 tiers on the tier lists. What I wish they would start doing is something like Pokemon's SMOGON rules where archetypes are tiered based on statistics and aren't matched against archetypes far far outside their power level. For example if Tearlaments is tier 0 then it should not be going up against tier 7 or tier 8 decks, it's just gonna be a joke of a match every time because the disparity in card power level is just that severe now. But Konami will never do something like this because they want their whales to enjoy curb stomping Mr. Newbie with their starter deck. It's by design just like power creep. They know exactly what they're doing and don't seem to care one bit about the games balance or quality long term only the money.
@dragojess Жыл бұрын
I feel like that problem comes from players being demoted a bunch after not playing for a while and then ending up with their strong deck in rookie rank
@TraaaaaasshBooooaaaatttt Жыл бұрын
@dragojess yeah thats true. I used to feel bad stomping red eyes decks within swordsoul whenever i got demoted back down to rookie. But fortunately for rookie players top deck players dont even stay in rookie for long anyway. Some people jusy have to be the unfortunate fodder for competitive players to go back up
@davidsosa6056 Жыл бұрын
You guys got me into Yu-gi-oh during the lock down and i thought id give the TCG a whirl and realized and started collecting cards but as soon as Master Duel came out i just decided to stick MD cus i have so many fun decks that they arent competitive i find fun and have paid 0 dollars to make.
@TeamAPS Жыл бұрын
I think they need a mode where those decks can still hang. Casual Mode kind of works, at least.
@davidsosa6056 Жыл бұрын
@TeamAPS yes definitely. I totally agree on casual mode letting you accrue the daily tasks. I was really excited when casual mode was announce but I kinda want the incentive of gems to play which is the only reason i play ranked.
@hidekins Жыл бұрын
Biggest issue with Maxx C is that I could play triple Ash Blossom, triple Droll, double Called By, double Psyframe, the one Crossout, and then that's just 11 cards to counter a single triple-of card my opponent will activate after they went full combo.
@izzexalmori2310 Жыл бұрын
Paul Team aps here from TCG land is "Ok" with flawed card design that is Maxx C. He's certainly in the mental minority for casuals
@darkira2129 Жыл бұрын
ngl as f2p player and not playing very often too, It's the good things about Maxx c isn't banned. but like after I have more tech cards... yeah.. I hope it got banned to.
@izzexalmori2310 Жыл бұрын
Yes but realize that in every other 🎮 video game of Yugioh Maxx C has been banned. && for good reason,, it's a flawed card design. Check out Legacy of the Duelist, ,World Championship,. Every YGO Video game.
@bdenneysr85 Жыл бұрын
As an OG Yu-Gi-Oh player that is trying to come back and play the current game the biggest problems I see are the paragraph long abilities, and the very extended turns. It makes it so hard to understand and it’s so daunting to try to learn.
@loganc8132 Жыл бұрын
The main issue with maxx c is that it ruins deck diversity, everybody runs ash blossom, called by the grave, and maxx c of course. A card is an issue if the entire meta revolves around it. If every deck but floo has to build their decks to counter one singular card then it is a major issue. With the whole going second and how hard it can be to win because it is a best of one there is in my opinion more interesting tools that promote a bit more diversity. Though you've said that there is counter play that is untrue. In this game 1 or 2 cards can make a whole difference. Pot of greed is banned and pot of prosperity limited for a reason. It gets tiring when each time you're going to build a deck you have to go through the same motions of adding max c, ash, and call by the grave but in a world where max c was gone you can pick and choose hand traps or maybe you choose to run some board breakers, or some cool inventive tech. Maxx c in a lot if not most of circumstances makes it harder to go second because the other player could just drop maxx c on you with a full board with 5 negates now you have to contend with that. Maxx c should be banned, there is no reason it should be legal
@Witcher96 Жыл бұрын
One thing I wish they would start doing is to turn the expired selection packs into secret packs after they expire.
@ZeothTheHedgehog Жыл бұрын
And even if not immediately, at least do it a month after the pack was over at least.
@jhall2264 Жыл бұрын
I usually auto-surrender if my opponent drops Maxx "C" on me and I don't have a means of dealing with it. It's not worth my happiness to play a match where I'm under Maxx "C"--especially if my opponent went first and set up a huge board.
@hyperlink6547 Жыл бұрын
What most people bring up when talking about Maxx "C" is that it has outs, there are counters. In Magic, what some people will say to argue that a problem card isnt a problem is that it "Dies to removal" which means it has no form of protecting itself on the card. This, however, doesn't actually excuse the issue because the problem card is still a problem, its just that said problem can be easy to deal with if you draw an out. And at a surface level, that would seem like enough, but thats not the real issue with Maxx "C". The actual issue is how much advantage is being generated from a singular card. By that I mean "How many cards in a given match does this 1 card deal with, or generate?" Dying to removal is a way to say that a card isnt broken because the opponent can always kill it, or counter it thus making it a 1 for 1. I cast 1 creature, you cast 1 spell to kill that creature and there you go. 1-for-1, an equal exchange. However, problem cards are cards that break that balance too much. For example, Accesscode Talker is a monster that at the cost of roughly 4 other monsters it can deal with anywhere between 1 and 6 cards, so the resources spend to create him can either be 'less' than the number of cards he deals with, or 'more' than the number of cards he deals with. Either way, he is only ever at most going to go 1.5-for-1, you spent 4 resources and the opponent lost 6, so you go +2 in card advantage overall (the problem with this card is how generic it is, something Maxx "C" Shares as well, but not the point here). He never goes outright 2 for 1, because that would mean he can answer 8 cards on board, which he just doesn't. Maxx "C" is a slightly different problem because it doesnt outright remove cards on field or in hand by itself, so it can go 1 for 1 if the opponent uses a card like 'called by the grave' or 'ash blossom', which becomes a net neutral (+0) in card advantage, or they dont and you go anywhere from +1 to +10 from 1 card. Lastly, they could just not special summon and you go -1, but its not like Maxx "C" would matter at that point anyways because by then your just gonna do your own degenerate combo so it might as well be neutral because it doesnt protect your cards. At the cost of 1 singular card at quick effect speed on either players turn, you have now answered either *every* card in their deck, or simply forced them to spend a singular resource from their hand. Maxx "C" will almost NEVER let you go negative in card advantage, and is always either neutral or positive. Now, by itself that wouldnt be an issue if the amount it could draw was limited to 2 or 3, but the fact that its not limited is what makes it insane. It is either A) the best floodgate in the game by forcing your opponent to not play the game at all or in a very limited capacity, or B) one of the best draw spells in the game by drawing you upwards of 8+ cards to ensure that your next turn goes perfectly, not to mention it drawing you hand traps in the middle of your opponents combo potentially stopping them in their tracks or protecting you on your turn to ensure that all your effects go off. It simply does TOO MUCH at such little cost to run it that regardless of it having outs its never a BAD card to play. You should never NOT play Maxx "C" because its never a dead card and its never gonna cause you to go negative in card advantage in any real way.
@nightmarearcade2663 Жыл бұрын
It also limits deck building options almost every single deck runs 3 ash,3 maxx c,2 called by, and 1 designator. You have to put 9 cards in your deck to counter 1 card and that just isn't fun and limits creative deck building.
@Dawumpni Жыл бұрын
​@@nightmarearcade2663Preach! I remember a time when cards got Limited or Forbidden because of how much they over centralized the meta (Pot, Raigeki, Duster, IO, etc.). What happened to that?
@Efgand0894 Жыл бұрын
@@nightmarearcade2663 I've been saying this from the start, all those cards are just but a bandaid that hurst casual/rogue decks more. Also your wasting resources to counter 1 card that could have used for other cards
@Mage_Nichlas_ Жыл бұрын
Just because a card has counters, even if there's like a 3 or 4 to 1 counters ratio per Deck, doesn't mean the card is healthy for the game. Konami will Limit and outright Ban cards for the sake of Deck Diversity so that every Deck doesn't have to come prebaked with the same 11+ copies of cards that almost entirely exist to be their own little Mario Party minigame apart from the main game and Decks at play. Although I can't really get upset with you Paul. You explain yourself fairly well and level headed.
@cooblur Жыл бұрын
I would love it if... Yu-Gi-Oh had a format option. I love the synchro and xyz era format. If I can only play using those rules and card restrictions, that will bring me back to the game
@NotKD214 8 ай бұрын
Hell I stopped watching by Zexal so guess how I feel when I use a 2010s Hero deck vs Branded decks or Links lol
@missingLEGACY Жыл бұрын
The biggest problem I've encountered is that the meta is just too powerful for rogue decks to stand against, it makes the concept of being creative with your deck almost impossible if you intend to win at all. I have been playing Yu-Gi-Oh for over 20 years, and even I have difficulty creating decks that are even remotely competitive against the onslaught of meta decks that you face in master duel. Dragon maid, evil twin, strikers, and otk exodia decks, every recent meta has been too powerful for the idea of anybody new to the game to be able to beat them in any reasonable capacity and they drain the fun from anybody going against them. 90% of games that you play on Master duel will be 10 minutes of you watching your opponent play cards until they either win or scoop, I have many different decks, but only one that I will play outside of my friend group, because it is the only deck I have that can stand up to the metas without completely removing the fun from the game. I honestly don't know if there is a solution to the problem, but the problem is easy to see. Edit: I actually just thought of solution that might work, what are people's thoughts on assigning deck costs to specific cards? Make it to where you can only play against other players whose Deck cost is in the ballpark of your own. You could also increase the cost of cards in a specific archetype based on how many other cards are also from that archetype in your current deck, that way people won't be instantly discouraged to put specific architect cards into a rogue deck while experimenting. So as an example: Blue-Eyes White dragon 5 points add 10 different support cards for the blue eyes, all Blue-Eyes cards are now +5 each. Obviously the example numbers wouldn't be balanced, but that would be a general idea of how it works.
@eduardoe007 7 ай бұрын
I whole heartedly agree with that sentiment of the meta being too strong for rogue decks, Yugioh has so much potential for creativity but you don’t really see any of that, a staggering amount of the Yugioh scene plays the same meta strategies. I honestly can’t tell if I’m playing against a different people, no uniqueness at all. A whole bunch of duplicates, One of my pet peeves with Yugioh is that so many cards are so powerful and so generic. It's pretty lame seeing everyone play the same cards. There's very little variety in a game with so many cards. I have been playing on and off for about 20 years and I have about 20+ different decks in real life (each one playing different from the next) none of my decks played that same cards with each other. I tried to keep them as pure to the archetype as possible too, my Blue Eyes deck did not use any Galaxy Eyes Xyz, those were in my Galaxy Eyes deck, Cyber Infinity was not in my Galaxy Eyes Deck either, that card was in the Cyber Deck. Destiny Hero Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer, he’s where he belongs, in my Destiny Hero deck and nowhere else. I understand this limits the full potential of the decks but it makes for a different experience. The generic side might help weaker decks keep up with the stronger decks but the problem is that those already strong decks can add these generic cards and further increase the power gap. I wish they made these hand traps, or boss monsters archetype specific. For example: Baronne De Fluer is a strong generic boss monster almost everyone plays, it's an evolution of Chevelier De Fleur but it has no ties to it at all. I'd say keep Baronne's effect the same but make at least one of her materials a Fleur monster or even a Wind Synchro. But realistically that won't happen and it'll probably make the gap worse. The biggest issue is that a lot of these newer cards are kinda designed to be Meta from the jump. Most of the cards have 3+ positive effects and very few downside's if any, and then spend more time playing on the opponents turn. Compare something like Skyscraper 1 and 2 to Orcustrated Babel or Runick Fountain
@leonfire99 Жыл бұрын
The most difficult and important effect they need to track is lingering protection effects like IP Masquerena. In my experience its so easy to lose track of those and make a misplay from it.
@mcmisterhd1920 Жыл бұрын
I believe there is an influence button for every card where it shows what other cards influence it like for example IP, but you need to actively click on it. I think if the game showed every lingering effect, it can get overwhelming and at some points its unfortunately just a skill issue.
@ZeothTheHedgehog Жыл бұрын
​@@mcmisterhd1920pretty sure it only shows up when something is giving a new effect, not a trait, and Masquerena is the latter.
@kelvinsantiago7061 Жыл бұрын
And here I am playing Legacy of the Duelist Link Evolution (what a mouthful of a name).
@sonicun9907 Жыл бұрын
They had the same exact system for the duelist cup invitation in duel links, it was shit back then and I can’t believe they imported it into master duel, u wanna know who is REALLY the best duelist in a region? Give duelists limited duels per day and make them matches. As for competitive vs casual, dragon ball legends has this great system where they also have ranked and a casual mode, but with casual mode u can play it daily to earn a reward that u cant get anywhere else, that way casual players can still play casual while feeling like they’re actually doing something productive in the game, that’s be something nice to add to md
@rogertheman8308 Жыл бұрын
Dedicating a fourth of my deck to either winning against Level 2 EARTH Insect/playing it, isn't fun. Period.
@genoman3 Жыл бұрын
HardlegJoe made a fantastic video about his reasons for why Maxx'C NEEDS to be banned. Sorry, but the roach needs to die for the good of the game.
@Minifigcreator97 Жыл бұрын
My biggest issue is the cost of decks. Like I want to play Traptrix, but half the deck is URs all of the extra deck is UR. Almost ever deck you play is filled with UR which means pay is money to get enough ur dust to craft them all. And if you want to try a new deck, now you gotta do it all over again. It’s pretty lame to have to constantly craft, trash, and buy cards in the digital game.
@flamboyantwarlock7101 Жыл бұрын
"And if you want to try a new deck, now you gotta do it all over again." This is probably my biggest gripe. I've played a lot of this game, but never spent a penny on it, and I still only have two "complete" decks. The only way to get cards without gambling your real money is to trade them at a three for one ratio, and it makes it impossible to just try something out. Turns out the deck you spent all that time grinding for sucks? Too bad, that's the only one you're allowed to play now.
@SalazarSlytherin-es9bo Жыл бұрын
My biggest problem is that in “casual” people go and don’t play casually! I guess everyone has their own definition of casual, a traditional summon, set pass. Or more of like, after 1 turn you summon a synchro,xyz or your boss monster, while others even think it is a deck that is good, bunch of summons, blah, blah, blah. But is not viable in the current master duel meta. And Konami cannot fix people’s mentality on “casual” so casual is just a weaker “ranked” at this point unfortunately.
@Divergence Жыл бұрын
Its the most brutal season. I've never had so many loses. Its just all Tear. tear, tear.
@andrewjoseph2749 Жыл бұрын
Paul starts talking about Maxx C, insert Goblin (Hardleg) Joe's video about Maxx C,
@Funlu Жыл бұрын
This guy bricked yesterday going first, I had the duel in the bag. On my turn, turn 2, I impermed him while under maxx c. by the end of the turn, he drew enough cards to play imperm against me, but failed because it was in the negated column. He didn’t quit though, he drew into another one later and shut me down to win the duel. Crazy
@camharkness Жыл бұрын
I love master duel a lot, but honestly i have more fun with duel links.
@Sigmaairav Жыл бұрын
Duel links has more balance than master duel imo. duels feel more snappy and expedient. way more fun, and there is just more stuff to do outside pvp
@camharkness Жыл бұрын
@@Sigmaairav and you get to play as the characters.
@the24thcolossusjustchillin39 Жыл бұрын
The game needs something other than ranked duels, not giving any rewards whatsoever for casual play just feels wrong and I can’t help but feel like it should be a thing.
@mobilegend.. Жыл бұрын
I feel like a big question the company is missing. What demographic does master dual appeal to?
@Dualities 9 ай бұрын
sure not to classic yugioh players
@NotKD214 8 ай бұрын
For sure not old school players lol
@gamesmoney1025 Жыл бұрын
One thing I've noticed is that Everytime I test my hand, I get a great hand but then when I duel alotof times , I get the worst hand ever
@barryhill2836 9 ай бұрын
Biggest issue I've had with Master Duel is all the hand traps. Seeing as they're essentially all unlimited every deck has between 6-15 of them it's just way too oppressive. Sucks the fun out of actually playing.
@ThisWeekNerdStuff Жыл бұрын
I do appreciate the fact that Master Duel does tend to regularly update the card pool every 6-8 weeks. So it kinda has its own Meta that will eventually catch to how whatever deck your using will run in the TCG. Maxx C is a very interesting example because you’re right. We’ve reached that point in the TCG where there are numerous ways to counter a card (honestly, I feel Pot of Greed could be limited to one copy at this point). Appreciate you making this video bro 👍🏾
@ECKohns Жыл бұрын
Well I’ve been trying to improve my deck so that I actually have a chance of winning. Though I sometimes fear I’m making my deck worse. Especially since I don’t want to have more than 40 cards. And that leaves me unable to include cards that can increase my monster’s attack points or destroy my opponents monsters. So at this point if I don’t see a viable strategy for me, I just surrender and try to find a different opponent. Cause that gives me a better chance of finding a weaker opponent and getting dealt a better opening hand.
@RobRuckus65 Жыл бұрын
Most outside of archetype cards that increase monster attack or destroy a monster aren't very good. Mass wipes like raigeki or lightening storm are preferred. What decks are you playing with?
@ECKohns Жыл бұрын
@@RobRuckus65ve been using Magician of Pendulum. I’ve been able to pendulum summon multiple high level monsters at once. But none of them have attack points higher than 2500. Multiple times I’m in a situation where my opponent is able to Ritual Summon Blue Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon. A card that not only have 4000 attack points but also can’t be destroyed by effects. So the only way to beat someone with that card is to have a Monster that’s over 4000 attack points. Since the only way to destroy that card is by battle. Some of the Performapal Cards in this Deck can increase Attack Power. But they always only last for 1 turn and I can never get that to happen on turns where I can attack nor get a large amount of Performapal Monsters on the field at once.
@RobRuckus65 Жыл бұрын
@@ECKohns Ahh a pend player. Chaos max is easily outed with a kaiju or with extra deck monsters like underworld goddess, avramax, barrelsword dragon, and quite a few more. Or having some form of interruption and just stopping it from hitting the field is also an option.
@RobRuckus65 Жыл бұрын
Negation not interruption.
@aerodriguez122 Жыл бұрын
The biggest thing for me is how community made projects have built amazing programs that add soooo much more than Konami has ever added in a game in a long time. Community made projects offer such an amazing amount of customizable options that would benefit players and content creators. You can host your own choice of what banlists to use, tag modes, boss modes, challenge modes, even modes like 1v2 or 2v3. That's not even including when programs have put cards with all versions of it. For example they put card of sanctity with both anime effect and tcg effect. The possibilities are just far more in free community made projects that to me it feels like Konami always gives the bare minimum. VR YUGIOH (you don't need vr btw to play it) is more basic, but even that has the monsters come out of the card. Even Konami's previous game Legacy of the duelist has a summoning video for ace monsters, and not just a gif of the card being played and just yeeting itself to the opponent when attacking. I say all this when communities DON'T have the resources that Konami does.
@BrutuxMusic Жыл бұрын
Thanks for adding a link to the shirts man. I appreciate ya.
@chrisissick3147 Жыл бұрын
The biggest issue is the net code. Compare COD or FGC net code. I can play cod or sf with no lag or delay. If I can have frame perfect connection on these other games, I don't understand why a card game gives me lag/delay/disconnects 100x more that an fps or fgc game. Wtactualf?
@ColeTrainStudio Жыл бұрын
Yugioh is a single eternal format, which no other tcg is and for good reason. Eternal formats are notoriously hard to balance and have extreme power levels. Turn 0 wins aren't something any game ever wants, but yugioh has in spades. There's two solutions multiple formats (like Edison) or rotation, preferably both. There's a lot of pushback online saying that you "split the player base" by introducing new formats, but attracting the player base is the issue. You don't have enough players because you don't have variety. MtG is the poster child for this. There's numerous sanctioned and supported formats for all levels of play and MtG is still wildly popular.
@R055LE.1 Жыл бұрын
They need a TCG mode, an OCG mode, a way to play with cards without spending thousands of dollars, maybe not demand so much of your time on quests. And I'd still love a format selector, play Goat format, Teledad, Synchro launch etc
@arrownoir Жыл бұрын
The game doesn’t demand a lot of your time on quests…at all.
@R055LE.1 Жыл бұрын
@@arrownoir those festivals and events sure as hell do
@Bebobob1 8 ай бұрын
They could add a rematch feature at the end of a match allowing you to play again up to 3 times. That way people can’t get boosted ranks an would let you duel a best of two at least.
@taurusshelton448 Жыл бұрын
Did you know that Exo Sisters synergize with Time Thieves?
@PokeBubba15 Жыл бұрын
I love this channel! I'm back to yugioh after about 20years and I'm shocked at how insane it's changed. I love Master Duel, it's helping me learning the new rules and playing different free decks. My son is 8 and kicks my ass so it's definitely a good teacher lol. We play the ancient gods deck in person and it's definitely a hassle compared to the convenience of playing master duel.
@TeamAPS Жыл бұрын
Glad to hear you're both having so much fun with the game. Master Duel really rocks!
@jrspringston Жыл бұрын
I like to play cardboard yugioh with friends. We use the starter God decks a lot and your definitely right about the convenience of master duel. When we play on paper and I have to shuffle my deck myself I'm borderline offended 🤣 MD sure has pampered us haha
@PalkiaDialgaGiratina Жыл бұрын
I really like the thought about making past Festivals in Casual Mode, it's a different take I haven't heard for a while. Legend Anthology Festivals were particularly enjoyed by players, I'm sure a lot would like to relive it. As for casual rewards, maybe like very small gem rewards? like 5-10 gems for a win. That way you would still have to grind a LOT to get enough to buy a pack.
@rokmare Жыл бұрын
Having no side deck make duels more luck base than skill if you had a bad match up there is nothing you can do but lose
@YugiohPwnZ Жыл бұрын
These are honestly amazing suggestions. I’m a casual yugioh play (only play master duel). Currently sitting in diamond 1. I have all these same issues with the game but I wasn’t sure the best options to fix them but this seems good!
@igorcoutinholeandro5689 Жыл бұрын
I'm a casual player, I will hop and play for some weeks and then got enough frustrated to not open the game for few good months The only 2 reasons I play ranked mode, quest rewards and some of the money from gain levels, but most of those levels come because it's quite easy to win outside of the top tier rank I want to enjoy my dumb thematic decks without staple-meta cards. Blue eyes, red eyes, buster blade, generic warriors and whatever dumb deck I want to play. I love the single player content added to master duel, a quite amount of people are tired of playing the same story over and over, but at the same time I think they're missing a market of older players, who probably have more money to spend on nostalgia. Give the old arcs, give what if scenarios, reimagine duelist kingdom with all those new cards I'm on the small group of players who loved Power of Chaos game series, I would love to hear the Voice actors while playing against their characters. JP, US and whatever language they throw in
@JaviusSama 5 ай бұрын
My main problem is something that this game carries from the physical version: it's too damn complex, making it absolutely boring (and unfair) to the casual player. I'm tired of the opponen making 20 combos in one turn and another 5 in mine.
@davidwyatt6565 Жыл бұрын
I Joined Duel Links because I loved the idea of having a digitised card library and PvPing players across the world. When Master Duel was released I was forever put off from playing as they released it as a seperate entity to DL. Duel Links takes up enough of my time as it is without having to manage two seperate car libraries. Bad decision on Konami's part not to merge the card pool library from your account with DL and Master Duel in my opinion.
@Deoxys_Used_Mimic Жыл бұрын
I’ve got nothing to say about Maxx “C.” Hardleg said it all.
@Honest_Mids_Masher Жыл бұрын
And he says it well. Someone who actually understands the effect the card has.
@davinator1212 Жыл бұрын
Paul out here with the "dont like maxx c? Skill Issue."
@jaleenbrown662 Жыл бұрын
The biggest problems would be gems and balancing . Honestly it’s not enough gems to keep the normal regular person playing or building decks (which is honesty what made yugioh fun for me when I first started playing ) like for only 67 gems is its like 2$? For not even a full pack bullshit off the bat . But in terms of balancing its a lot tougher to play against decks when everyone has a maxx c and ash blossom it’s everywhere and the really good cars are never ever hit this is why tears,branded and labrynth are all over the place. Not only are these decks tier1 + super opposing but you only make them better adding amazing banned cards in the mix .Also my biggest irritation in this games is having cards in your deck that just not work no matter if the conditions are met . Successor soul was a big one
@thejankenthusiast1285 Жыл бұрын
The Arguement for Maxx "C" in short is "Just draw the out"
@numberoneappgames Жыл бұрын
I had told Konami to do an offline mode a year ago. They still haven't done it yet. :(
@Alma-kz4zo Жыл бұрын
Sorry, Paul, Maxx "C" not a card that works in any format, I would rather have it banned.
@Ressel_ Жыл бұрын
about the cards pool, i do understand one thing, konami needs to make money out of this game, so they release the cards in sequence, and being extremely cheeky about it too. remember when tearlaments is out? with relatively unlimited ishizu on the side? everyone using it, everyone spending to build that deck, you go platinum above rank, all you find is tearlaments. and then? right after that, they released the hard counter. bystials. while also limiting the ishizus. this weakens tearlaments so much and now everyone scramble around to get bystials and go for despia or dragonlink deck. while tears still playable, its just badly nerfed. so yea... i understand their strategy, they need to "sell" something, so they nerfed the popular deck, released the counter, and everyone would buy it. its just usual day of meta shifting. if anything, my main concern is just.. why the hell we cant chose which background music we want? we can choose the mate, the field, the sleeves, the case, everything. but not the music? i mean, as a matter of fact, we all agree that they have some really good musics, and they probably spent a lot to produce em, so why didnt they sell it? i would pay some gems to get the music i can freely play with. just add it in the shop man, just like the fields and sleeves. or well.. i can just open up youtube on the side and play whatever background music i want.
@RezokukenVIII Жыл бұрын
Even with the new update people still activate stuff in the imperm column.
@funtimefafnir967 8 ай бұрын
On the topic of Maxx C, Would it be better for Them to make a new card that functions the same as Maxx C but with a card draw limit say up to five cards, Or to discard the same number of cards if possible from your hand to the graveyard, Would this help or further the problem? And I am confident someone else has Already come up with ideas Like these and better, But I thought I'd ask anyway.
@Bergsen_Bun-sense Жыл бұрын
I like maxx c, most of the time it only draws 1,2 maybe 3 cards. I do think it could be limited to 1. It makes you think about how you play the game, its an interesting effect
@Sillimant_ Жыл бұрын
nOMEGALUL then maxx c becomes a sacky blowout card, it needs to be at 3 or 0, and *nothing* else. either expect people to play around it, or take it out behind the woodshed. it's the same problem I have with called by in the tcg, you could expect it to come up at three and play around it, it's much more potent at one due to how unexpected it is
@majickman Жыл бұрын
Try 20 cards. Not every deck special summons the same amount of times.
@loganc8132 Жыл бұрын
@@Sillimant_ I agree, maxx c would just become more sacky kind of like called by and red reboot(was). 3 or 0 with these type of cards(preferably 0)
@Bergsen_Bun-sense Жыл бұрын
@loganc8132 can you explain what you mean by that please? Like it would be just more luck based to draw it? I think drawing another max c or other hand traps from drawing is the strong part
@richbadguy Жыл бұрын
More importantly where did paul get that cool af shirt??!?!!?!?!! I need it
@ForyoutubePremium-i9j Жыл бұрын
Don't be afraid to say it guys, There are too many toxic decks and cards in md. If you want wins the only way to do so is to fall in line and play the same cards everyone else does. That's the problem. I hate waiting 350 seconds watching my opponent run thru their entire deck on the first turn brooooooii
@ripscrew4135 Жыл бұрын
Lol yo I'm wit you bro😂 he didn't talk about the real problem.
@mitchelfritsche2472 Жыл бұрын
Since reprints aren’t a thing on MD I would like to see Konami lower the ratites of some of the older decks as time passes with updates no reason for irrelevant decks like VW to still be one of the most expensive decks old UR cards from 5-6 packs ago can be SR now
@chappy9245 Жыл бұрын
I only use casual mode to test & learn new decks since it doesn’t count against my rank
@bchavez149 Жыл бұрын
Why walk around a problem when you could just ban it? It exists to help people that need it to win and to help people that have to go second in a game where there is no game two. They should just make the games best 2 out of 3 and remove the need for it and ban the card, why keep it just to make going second easier and ruin the other person's time and deck build just to play around it and take back the duel? Card is stupid, why defend it, nobody will defend you when you get Maxx "C"'ed, so why defend the people Maxx "C"ing?
@sepheiba Жыл бұрын
they disabled the finniest secondary card effect, no one was complaining
@sanic007 Жыл бұрын
What's funny about the Infinite Impermanance change is that sometimes people will activate it in the middle column and immediately forget that it negates spell cards in that column. Therefore, they'll activate the spell, it gets negated, then they facepalm. I've done it at least twice. It's probably because players are psychologically inclined to activate cards in the middle.
@emanuelmoreno2272 Жыл бұрын
Irl i actívate at the right most zone, but the middle problem is bc the Game auto puts things in the middle first
@sanic007 Жыл бұрын
@@emanuelmoreno2272 That is true.
@chrisholmes4353 Жыл бұрын
The maim reason I prefer playing the single mode is because I always seem to play meta decks no matter what and loss every time because I don't play modern yugioh
@RJJones1992 Жыл бұрын
I really want to see Time Wizard formats on Master Duel. Being able to load in to a Goat format or Edison format should be as easy as them setting a ban-list for the varying events they have. i wanna load up a Goat Chaos deck in Master Duel and play with period correct rules, and erratas. Similar with Edison. Part of the charm of these formats is they have rulesets which differ somewhat to the current game. And with these historic formats, the card pool shouldn't be an issue whereas adding a TCG/OCG option for Master Duel will be problematic due to the release schedule of cards in Master Duel. I want to be able to play my current TCG Chaos Synchro deck. Can't do it because (Dis Pater and Chaos Angel aside), we don't have Core of Choas; Shell of Chaos; Chaos Beast - these cards came out in February (TCG). But Master Duel had added Assault Synchron to it's pool before it was released in the TCG last month.
@Dust_iz_TCB-gaming 6 ай бұрын
Bro if you can help me please I can't play my Yu-Gi-Oh master duel because it's giving me a error an internet signal issue but it's connected and it's not working it's not connecting to the servers is it the game or my PC
@Synlidwirh Жыл бұрын
I have had fun with it and only really played more then casual matches and solo... which the solo just gets annoying at times. I just don't follow much of the meta so some of the duels can go from fun to... first turn the guy special summoned,link summoned, XYZ summoned a full field and then did it again and milled his card down to five.... on the first turn but field of powerful monsters.
@CallMeNevermore Жыл бұрын
Matches with siding. I really want that.
@aixznx6573 Жыл бұрын
Ayoo Paul where you get those fire shirts from??
@Honest_Mids_Masher Жыл бұрын
Your take on Maxx C being alright is something I cannot understand especially considering that most players in higher ranks DO run the outs to the card but the problem is when you're running soo many outs to the card you're unable to run counters to the meta decks of the format. Right now for example we have tearlaments. Ash is useless really against them due to chainblocking however you HAVE to run ash because of Maxx C existing. Also those cards you run to out Maxx C could've also overall improved the deck you're playing by improving consistency or running board breakers as well but once again Maxx C forcing you to shove the same 9 cards in the deck is an issue. As for playing around Maxx C first of all the chances of you surviving after passing or giving your opponent 10 cards is extremely and utterly low if your opponent is playing even a semi competitive deck those suggestions you've provided definitely wouldn't stop a bystial dragonlink player for example from wiping the board with you and the thing is even if you try to shorten the combo to like say 4-5 special summons your opponent still drew that many which is honestly still game winning on it's own.
@nilesrodriguez4343 Жыл бұрын
I have a love/ hate relationship with drinking the meta but ultimately Master Duel is a great game and great for the community.
@DrakeSilver Жыл бұрын
biggest issue i could see why they wouldn't just let festivals be available forever is mainly due to the player pool would be insanely split across the board which would make playing those modes essentially... difficult to the least. I think they should let you choose them in duel rooms though. Missions imo definitely need to be able to be completed outside the regular ranked mode. There is very little reason to go back and play solo mode once you beat a gate as there is literally zero rewards for doing so. Team battles are just a joke imo as well, get rid of it and replace it with tag duels or a tournament style thing. I think the legacy pack thing needs to be reworked entirely, it doesn't provide anything useful for players and just seems like random fodder to give to players in an attempt to make them feel like they are earning something. Either add better cards or better yet get rid of it and add key fragments that you could exchange a specific amount for a free pull from whatever pack they choose, would be a neat way to give those less desirable packs some pulls so that people might go "oh hey this looks interesting let me pull some more!"
@28kingofkings Жыл бұрын
when Casual mode was announced, the first thing that came to my mind anyway, is that it would become a place where players test their newly built cards without affecting their ranks. few hours the option became available, I was right.
@abdulmalik2388 Жыл бұрын
im still waiting for the last of the dark m support like mana girl and the rest of the chaos, maybe magi magi?
@adamclockwork486 8 ай бұрын
Now I tried doing a reddit form in this (bad idea) explaining how bad it can be for older Yu Gi Oh players I started watching the show when it first started, and I stopped after 5DS since duels/the shows in general wasn't getting any better including their decks. So I never really took the serious side of the game, and still don't but when I play Master Duel it does feel like TCG to fast/doesn't really have balance in both sides. Im also so old I'm use to just one to two effects that usually make sense for Monster Effects however I don't like Monster Effects being way better versions of Spell/Traps to me it just makes those Spell/Traps useless.
@matthewriddle2698 Жыл бұрын
I wish the TCG would legalize Maxx C again, PURELY because I KNOW a lot of players in my locals have ZERO problems running three Ash, so those guys have ZERO rights to complain about it giving us a fighting chance against them. I got Ashed multiple times when trying to use Magikey World or Magikey Mafetea. So NO, it's not a problem for them, I know it.
@Happy_Magician Жыл бұрын
check it.. I think there's a tag duel mode now?
@themod0518 Жыл бұрын
I have a 5 summon cap on master duel. After that I quit. That's the new yugioh mechanic I will never support. I'm not interested in sitting there for 20 min before I can even go and everything I do is negated.
@Superbootsk1 Жыл бұрын
I think master duel could promote other ways to play the game like Goat format, Edison format, Pegasus rules, or 4 way duel or 2v2.
@plasmadog2716 Жыл бұрын
What is the best yu gi oh game
@plasmadog2716 Жыл бұрын
I’m curious on what one to get
@Bvetrayed Жыл бұрын
Yugioh the falsebound kingdom 😅
@plasmadog2716 Жыл бұрын
@@Bvetrayedthanks any recommendations for pc switch or mobile
@ECKohns Жыл бұрын
@@plasmadog2716Well on Mobile you can play Master Duel or Duel Links. Although the former can also be played on PC and Console. Switch exclusive games include Go Rush and Legacy of the Duelist. I might have read somewhere about Nintendo Online adding some of the Gameboy Advanced games but I don’t use Nintendo Online. I’m not paying a subscription.
@plasmadog2716 Жыл бұрын
@eeveongaming9597 Жыл бұрын
dude we need a cube format in master
@sirbauldwin1318 Жыл бұрын
So I've tried master duel but I played a few games with the starter deck and I wasn't enjoying it. I want to build my plunder patroll deck but I don't know how to do that. How long and how much would it cost to build a full deck?
@Ragnarok540 Жыл бұрын
If you account is new, about two hours and it would be free.
@Heinrich-k1u 11 ай бұрын
The sad thing is that they’re just sleeping. They could do so many cool events and develop Tag dueling and improve the lobbies. And maybe make a little open world lobby or world chat at least. But it’s realistic making a open world lobby to talk and perhaps see other people decks and inside that open world lobby you can duel. It’s not that hard. I know that they can do it in 6 months.
@cwalser544 Жыл бұрын
Who TF is asking for a Two out of Three when you need 50 straight wins to get to diamond tier. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What a joke.
@shakeweller Жыл бұрын
Yo Paul, why dont you stream and talk to us a bit? I think id be fun
@khiemvu8510 Жыл бұрын
How to fix the game? Well, here’s a weird take, but Yugioh is just fine as it is. I am a new player a few month ago. At first I understand nothing about it. I was under the impression that the game is complicated and there’s a bunch of things to learn. But then I learn the whole game in a week or so and now I have been able to craft my own competitive deck. I think the problem is not with the game itself, it is more of the player base problem. People just don’t bother spending time dedicated to learning the game at all. Synchro summon, Xyz summon, Pendulum and Link summon are all very simple, but people just don’t care enough. The value of the game is not like those kind of FPS where you shoot people, you score a kill and that’s cool. The value of the game comes from your problem solving ability, if you make right play and you win then you will feel joy. That’s it.
@Super-qr7wm Жыл бұрын
What i hate most is that alot of the time it seems like im just fighting top decks if they actually incorporated a tiering system that players can work around we can have fun without having to fight the tier 1 deck that is tearlaments
@lobotomiseme1653 Жыл бұрын
Maxx C is totally fine, coming from playing other TCGs, YGO's combo game is extremely absurd - and Maxx C doesn't even stop it, it just penalises you for it.
@crunchgd4924 Жыл бұрын
The optimization for this game for android users, tablet and phone, is absolute trash. It was clearly made for ios and simply transferred over. Each effect takes seconds to actually go off and is super slow and not fun for either the android user or whoever he or she is playing. Solo mode runs fine but the online play is rough. This has probably made so many new players quit.
@heartoftheswag2534 Жыл бұрын
The imperm column animation effect makes it worthless.
@OnePok3monMast3r4gam3rs Жыл бұрын
Wish master duel had a proper story mode like the nds games of the past
@taserking3712 Жыл бұрын
MD need more room or space for bookmarking more cards.
@sousukesagara-im3td Жыл бұрын
I love your idea of making festivals a permanent thing cause I really do think formats would help the game alot. I just had a thought like that myself regarding formats. Alot of people try out Master Duel either because they are fans of the anime or they used to play x amount of years ago and want to get back into it. That's why there are so many Dark Magician Decks, Blue-Eyes Decks, Cyber Dragons etc. Why not enhance casual mode so that you can play select formats based on era such as goat for example. Konami could select the banlist based on year and each of these formats could have a rotating list of loaner decks to keep it fresh, while also allowing your own decks built for that mode and it gives people a way to avoid the meta for a bit as cards that were not yet released at the selected year wouldn't even be playable in the mode. A few other things I would like to see are random AI bots for solo mode. (I like to test my decks in solo mode, but I'm not a fan of picking a solo duel myself cause I know what to expect a little too much.) Also let people earn gems in every mode. Even solo mode why not?
@TeamAPS Жыл бұрын
So interestingly enough, they've had those Legend Anthology events that are basically anime-deck events. I usually enjoy them, especially since some were themed around DM, or GX, etc. Keeping that kind of event available in perpetuity would be great. If I'm feeling like some Dark Magician vs Gaia the Fierce Knight, I can just queue into that, and so on.
@sousukesagara-im3td Жыл бұрын
@TeamAPS it would definitely great, even if they have to rotate casual festivals there has to be something they can do. Right now as it is casual mode is such a toss up and you get nothing for engaging with the mode. You just never know what you're gonna get. I have been enjoying playing the new Labrynth archetype, but I would never take that into casual cause I know people want somewhere to break away from the meta a bit (including myself), but even there you still have to contend with meta decks and I've seen it when I've brought Dark Magician and my Dinosaur deck into casual and saw lots of tearlament decks. I just want the game to be fun for both me and my opponent.
@6210classick Жыл бұрын
Yeah, lemme Droll myself real quick so that opponent won't get to draw
@freshestcarrott3012 Жыл бұрын
I was completely disappointed when I found out that you can’t complete missions on casual mode.
@Phantom-vo8jy Жыл бұрын
Honestly I enjoy the game everyone loves to complain about something but you have to give credit its solid.
@iam-geoffreytheelite5275 Жыл бұрын
I’ve just returned to yugioh after over a decade and I’m rly enjoying my grave keepers deck
@TeamAPS Жыл бұрын
Gravekeepers seems to be a hit with a lot of returning players. What drew you to the deck?
@JustSeaN__ Жыл бұрын
If they let you dismantle some of the forced staple cards then you'd be able to buy super rares and ultra rares a little easier, forcefully giving you beat sticks as 'rewards' is fine..but when you can't dismantle them makes it irritable.
@Speccie-Tossers Жыл бұрын
When is other structures deck
@maniacalmurderer4123 Жыл бұрын
Y’know what would fix this problem? Two things 1. *Gems can be granted easier,* daily quests are more rewarding. For instance, you complete 5 challenges, that should earn you 500 gems. As many know, the one-time challenges grant this type of reward and there are not that many of them. You could get through all of them in 2 weeks. 2. *Crafting isn’t as expensive.* it takes 30 of a certain crafting point to craft 1 card. Essentially, each card is worth 10 of a certain points. I can’t tell you the amount of times I had to dismantle 3 of my favorite UR’s to produce one UR. You might think “oh, just buy a card pack and get lucky.” That is not an easy solution because as I said, it is difficult to get gems with the low rewarding challenges. Eventually you will run out of points and gems and be left in a state of decay with only the decks you have up to that point, which as a stubborn player who doesn’t want to make alt accounts for YGO, finds frustrating. In a game like YGO with the millions of different archetypes to choose from there should be a better system in place that makes deck building more fluid and less taxing.
@Wenzan3pm Жыл бұрын
One of my problem with the game is you can't choose which music you can use like select your own version of passionate duelist you know
@TraaaaaasshBooooaaaatttt Жыл бұрын
Yeah fr. The opera music is lit af. They also need new post boss monster music because that opera shit too lit i hate to summon my bosses when it's on
@vectorshingetsu5560 Жыл бұрын
Isn't the music played based on YOUR OPPONENT'S field too? As in, if you buy a new field skin, YOU don't even get to hear the music!
@TraaaaaasshBooooaaaatttt Жыл бұрын
@vectorshingetsu5560 oh it's based on the skin? I have no idea how the music in master duel works tbh. I use the lava field i didnt think that was the reason for the music change. But i do know that once you summon a boss all the music becomes one generic thing
@oygemprime3864 Жыл бұрын
@@TraaaaaasshBooooaaaatttt Yeah - the Japanese-style field plays some really nice music...when you're against it. Not when you're using it yourself, unfortunately. Unless your opponent is using it, you don't get the good music.
@Demonmagnos Жыл бұрын
​@@vectorshingetsu5560Yes. That's why I REFUSE to spend gems until I can listen to music I paid for. In the meantime, I'll happily rock the default field.
@Merilirem Жыл бұрын
My ONLY gripe is that there is no actual competition possible. Its all just grinding points or wins. We need competition modes that let us all play a limited number of duels and decide based on our results. You know, normal ranked modes and tournaments. Other than that we need more stuff to do outside ranked and events. Like tournament modes for rooms and custom banlists.
@TeamAPS Жыл бұрын
I wholly agree. I think we need some insulated tournaments. Grinding against totally faceless people on Ranked forever gets dull, especially with no alternate formats or anything to break up monotony. It also feels more like quantity over quality. I have a similar complaint with the Duelist Cup events.
@vectorshingetsu5560 Жыл бұрын
I wish they'd get rid of the 24-hour timer on Secret Packs. I hate having to keep track of it, lest the pack disappear until I spend another 30 SR material to re-unlock it.
@Merilirem Жыл бұрын
I almost never go into a secret pack twice. I go in with 10k gems and leave with everything I am ever going to pull from it.
@buffimpreza07 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget when maintenance hits😅
@yugiohyoutuification Жыл бұрын
I don't mind the 24 hours I just wish there were more packs that come out sooner, like exosisters id a full archetype but if you want to build that deck you need to do it fully through Sr and ur or buying the normal packs which is fine but also makes it harder to try new decks
@funtimefafnir967 8 ай бұрын
I'd like to see it last about 4 days to even a week to give you time to grind through your challenges and get more gems, Otherwise it becomes quite tiring to have to either use your resources or buy gems.
@ryanpinkus1338 Жыл бұрын
I know it's probably hard to program. but I would really love to see a mode where you can build an AI deck to duel against. Sometimes I just wanna practice against a specific build.
@HorseChoker001 Жыл бұрын
I don't think k that's hard to implement, me and my friend talked a out this, and there's fan games like dueling book and edopro that has a test mode, so it can be in Master Duel we just gotta keep asking for it
@DrakeSilver Жыл бұрын
don't think it's that hard to program. Didn't the tagforce games have something like this where you could edit your partner's deck if you wanted to and they would play with that deck? i remember that being a thing.
@mohammedsarker5756 Жыл бұрын
it's probably just a problem of being a feature that would be niche and only used by semi-hardcore deck builders and up. I'd be down for such a feature, if only to test combos for the TCG
@angealsbustersword2 Жыл бұрын
​@DrakeSilver, you are correct. TF had that, and it was glorious. You could build any deck, and the AI would be able to play. It's simply a matter of programming, really. Though there are WAY more cards now than TF1-6.
@TeamAPS Жыл бұрын
Tall order, but it's something that they do at least have in Solo Mode, so the potential is there.
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