hi! here's the english translation! TITLE: "Moonlight and Jellyfish" さぁ、誰がオレを満たしてくれるのか? Come now, who shall be the one that tries to satisfy me? 月の街を、征けばどれも美しいものばかり。 If I were to conquer the Town of the Moon, it would all be so beautiful. あれも全て、オレの物だ。 Everything, all of it, is mine. 欲しいものは、手にするだけだ。 I take what I desire. 愛とかなんだ? What about love? 知らないが。 I don't know of such a thing, あんたの歌も、この際そうだ。 and this time your very song seems to be just as incomprehensible. ここで、歌えばオレの心だ。 If I were to sing it here, my heart would be next. 冷たい街が、そうさせるんだ。 This cold town makes it so. 人の流れに、乗っていた。 I was riding along the currents of mankind. 夢か?海月か? A dream? A jellyfish? 触れてしまった。 I went and touched it オレの身体を、離れる手でさ。 with my hand that had drifted away from my body. 青白い月を、捉えたいんだ。 I wish to seize that pale moon. 心までも、全て毒針で Go through even my heart with that poisonous stinger 刺してくれよ。くれよ。 and pierce me, I beg of you. Please. 凍えたいんだ。 I want to end up frozen. 深い海で、オレは月を観ていた。 Within the depths of the sea, I was looking at the moon. あぁ、何故だ。 Ah, just why is it 人を、妬むのはさ。 that I feel such envy for Man? まるで、モルヒネ中毒みたいだ。 It burns like a morphine addiction. あ!これが。 Ah! If this is オレの世界ならば! my own world, then デカダンスの幻覚なのか! is this perhaps an illusion of decadence? 誰が、オレを満たしてくれるのか? Who shall be the one that tries to satisfy me? 月の街を、征けば If I were to conquer the Town of the Moon, どれも、醜いものばかり。 it would all be ugly. あれも全て、嘘っぱちだ。 Everything, all of it, is a lie. 欲しいものは、手にするだけだ。 I take what I desire. 「愛とかなんだ?」 "What about love?" 知らないが。 I don't know of such a thing, あんたの歌も、この際そうだ。 and this time your very song seems to be just as incomprehensible. ここで、歌えばオレの心だ。 If I were to sing it here, my heart would be next. 冷たい街が、そうさせるんだ。 This cold town makes it so. 人の流れに、乗っていた。 I was riding along the currents of mankind. 夢か?海月か? A dream? A jellyfish? 触れてしまった。 I went and touched it オレの身体を、離れる手でさ。 with my hand that had drifted away from my body. 誰も、オレを、満たせないのさ。 No one can satisfy me, だから、月を仰ぐ。 so I look up to the moon. 世界は! The world どうかしてる! is completely mad! 海に、浮かんでいる Floating in the sea 月が、海月かもわからずさ。 is the moon - or perhaps jellyfish? Aah, I just don't know. 冷たい街を、 ただ泳いでいるのさ。 All the while, I'm simply swimming through the cold town. 月明かりの中、手を伸ばしてみた。 I try reaching my hand in the moonlight, ただ、オレが病人のように見えているのだ。 but all I look like is a sick person. 青白い月を、捉えたいんだ。 I wish to seize that pale moon. 誰も、誰も、見ちゃいない。 No one has ever seen it. あぁ、透明な、透明な玻璃になってくようだ。 Ah, it seems I'm turning into transparent, pure glass. 誰か、オレを満たしてくれよ。 Someone, please satisfy me. 青白い月を、観ていた。 I was looking at the pale moon. 心までも、すべて毒針で! Go through even my heart with that poisonous stinger 刺してくれよ!くれよ! and pierce me! I’m begging you! 凍えたいんだ! I want to end up frozen! 深い海で、オレは月を観ていた。 Within the depths of the sea, I was looking at the moon. 誰も、オレを、満たせないのさ。 No one, nobody can satisfy me, だから、月を仰ぐ。 so I look up to the moon. 世界は! The world どうかしてる。 is completely mad. 海に、浮かんでいる。 Floating in the sea 月光と海月、およぐひとは。 are those that can swim - moonlight and jellyfish.