確かこのAU出身のホラースワップパピルスはDustswapのダストスワップパピルス、Killerswapのキラースワップパピルスとともに『Swap!Murder Time Trio』のメンバーになってますね (ちなみにPhase1のBGMは本家Murder Time TrioのBGMを作曲した刀剣神居さんによって作曲されています)
Horrorswap creator here! This is a very interesting video, I'm happy people still remember this exists (even though this video is pretty old now lol) Thanks for showing this! U da best :D
@undertale1378 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. It's a great game and I had a lot of fun playing it! We are looking forward to your future activities! thanks so much!