5年前在美国待了两个月(旅游)当时受不了美国人的低素质和形象,当时在佛州正值校园枪击案,电视里反复播放华裔少年身披国旗配文Who hold the door 的视频。我当时觉得这跟国内的爱国主义鸡汤并没有区别呀,所以果断选择了回国。最近我突然想明白了一个问题,中国与美国的区别:不是物价水平,也不是治安好坏,更不是活得有没有尊严(穷人在任何地方都不会有尊严)而是有没有希望。所以我决定近期再去美国实现阶层的梦想。
@@jianliu926 IRS had roughly 80,000 employees in 2023; the Chinese TaX Administration employed roughly 670,000. After adjusting for population size, the Chinese employ more than 50%
Trump at Al Smith Dinner: “Look on the bright side, Chuck, considering how woke your party has become, if Kamala loses, you still have a chance to become the first woman president.”
@MicksTeddy9 күн бұрын
@@TheSnowyWind I caught that one as well, hilarious