Its not his techniques that makes him great. Its the way he puts the most genuine feelings into each and every word he sings that makes him the best in our generation. I personally think he surpasses even his 'seniors' in this respect. Stunning.
@hychoi980210 жыл бұрын
成日都覺得eason唱live正過cd version :D
@Gryffindor.beagle7 жыл бұрын
@kevilaw16 жыл бұрын
同埋呢個version聽落咁perfect,piano絕對佔不少功勞..令佢同原本個版本唔同晒...feel又正好多...重點係唔會覺得彈既有自己彈...唱既有自己唱...pianoist亦彈得極投入...perform得好有感覺...同vocal既感情抒發好夾,融為一體,perfect既配合,差唔多係我聽過咁多歌覺得最正既配合..personal choice~聽呢隻歌我有陣時會focus on piano more than vocal~