任劍輝的風彩,她的英俊真迷死人,歌又好聽、演技任劍輝永遠投入、做什麼似什麼,是無人可比美的藝人,一百分有過之而無不及。 永遠永恆的任劍輝, gone but not forgotten, you were loved and are still loved. Forever Yam. Yam lives. 任劍輝 is in a complete class of her own 無人可及。
Hopefully school in Hong Kong and Guangdong will have an Opera Art class for the future generation to have the understanding of this amazing Art
@choiyukhung55765 ай бұрын
@woodsamyu2 жыл бұрын
芳姐應該一早飛左蘇就唔洗煩!🤣 無理由任姐追都唔要!🤣
@sauyingyip61942 жыл бұрын
@euniceliu44192 жыл бұрын
Thank you for uploading this masterpiece by YAM Kim Fai which sparks beautiful remarks from her online fans in every corner. Would appreciate seeing more of her masterpieces with Chinese sub-titles like this one. Thanks again. Eunice Liu, B.C. Canada March 22, 2022