Edison Chen Speaks about Entrepreneurship

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@appojuiice Жыл бұрын
This speech was very honest. You can hear how proud he is of his identity and growth in knocking down the barriers of how Chinese businesses are viewed on an international level.The part where he talks about needing a resilient mindset and wanting to share it the audience who are likely to pave their entrepreneur journey is a good heads up and motivating. Cause as he said, China is a different level of playing field. A great consumer market with lots of opportunities to untap but also a high threshold to initiate and constraints that is set by the culture of businesses there.
@Raptors19tdot 5 жыл бұрын
Damn I remember this niggas' music wayyy back in highschool and I cant believe he went from artist to an entrepreneur.
@MrGanbat84 3 жыл бұрын
He is a great guy
@偽文學少年 7 жыл бұрын
我不會因為一個廚師生活作風問題而影響我對他做的菜的評論 冠希哥的努力 大家都有看到 他雖然出生成長在加拿大 但他還是說自己是Chinese 這就足夠成為我喜歡他的理由了
@truthandjustice001 5 жыл бұрын
他这种辱华不倦的败类自称Chinese,不过是美帝敌对势力对中国民众进行心理攻击的手段而已。陈冠希的这个演讲全程诋毁中国和中华民族,否定中国标准,无视中国成就,唯美日标准独尊,民族自卑心爆棚,可见其蛊惑国人全盘西化的歹毒之心!陈冠希在演讲里自称中国人,然而又不遗余力地抹黑中国民族,目的是让陈冠希以一个华人的身份让中国人更容易接受他污蔑中国和中华民族的言论,达到摧毁中国人文化自信和民族自尊心的目的,这种被称为‘Internalized Racism'的把戏, 是敌对势力惯用的洗脑伎俩,不仅反华,而且反人类,祸害了西方文明几千年了。 在国内敌对势力的网络推手将这个演讲冠以”爱国”标题,以为这样就能误导民众,侵蚀中国人的民族自尊心,一边诱骗国人购买他的东西,一边又妄想用这个伪爱国演讲做敲砖石助他复出中国娱乐圈,继续祸害中国。 他这种卑鄙的花招在智慧的中国人民面前原形必露,他前有2016年在巴黎的辱华前科,后有2017年在纽约大学的这个演讲反华,现有2019年点赞港毒,反华本性尽现。 如今中国新说唱不鸟他,他在国内拍的电影因为政治原因要么撤换他,要么删光他镜头,他想利用这个‘伪爱国’演讲复出中国娱乐圈无望,可见他的反华罪行早就暴露了,活该被中国官方封杀,咎由自取,大快人心。反华走狗们还是省省吧,再折腾再吹捧他也没用,虎扑投给他的几千万港元也悬了,这种人渣谁鸟谁倒霉。这就是犯我中华者必然的下场。犯我中华者虽远必究,正好可以拿陈冠希这个假爱国真辱华的演讲,多多向广大华夏儿女科普美帝的心理战网络战的花招,美帝多行不义必自毙!:-)
@Psnmusk 7 ай бұрын
@essielau 7 жыл бұрын
You’re so right. Very inspiring talk. Thank you Edison.
@truthandjustice001 4 жыл бұрын
No need to praise him for this disgusting Anti China smear campaign full of mind control techniques of the western Fascist Colonialism. During the whole speech, Edison Chen did nothing but putting down China and the Chinese people by reinforcing the false negative stereotype of the Chinese standards with western bias. He paid no acknowledgement to any of the achievements of Chinese government or the Chinese people in the recent century. Considering how he verbally abused his Chinese fans in Paris in 2016 with Anti-China foul language, and liked Hong Kong pro western fake democracy terrorist's post in 2019 on Instagram, it is good to see China boycotted his attempted return to the Chinese film industry in 2018. Accomplice of the western warmongering deep state terrorists must learn that truth and justice always prevail in the end no matter what, and that any attempt to wage psych-op proxy wars by the west to harm the well being of our humanity will only make the west more morally and financially bankrupt than it already is.
@hehezzh4591 7 жыл бұрын
A good and educated speech! Thanks EDC, Its my pleasure to be your fan since middle school.
@truthandjustice001 4 жыл бұрын
A good and educated case study to enlighten yourself with warmongering neocons' psychological warfare against China and the Chinese people. During this disgusting Anti China smear campaign full of mind control techniques of the western Fascist Colonialism, Edison Chen did nothing but putting down China and the Chinese people by reinforcing the false negative stereotype of the Chinese standards with western bias. He paid no acknowledgement to any of the achievements of Chinese government or the Chinese people in the recent century. Considering how he verbally abused his Chinese fans in Paris in 2016 with Anti-China foul language, and liked Hong Kong pro western fake democracy terrorist's post in 2019 on Instagram, it is good to see China boycotted his attempted return to the Chinese film industry in 2018. Accomplice of the western warmongering deep state terrorists must learn that truth and justice always prevail in the end no matter what, and that any attempt to wage psych-op proxy wars by the west to harm the well being of our humanity will only make the west more morally and financially bankrupt than it already is.
@suezhou835 7 жыл бұрын
I am not being criticising, but many HongKong people out there should watch this video and stop acting like you're not Chinese. What make HongKong people think they are actually 'better' than other Chinese people in mainland china? They are just being ridiculous.
@johnpalomo3193 6 жыл бұрын
Have you seen the shit mainlanders do fighting over shrimp shitting on the street ETC.
@bigdaddylee8019 6 жыл бұрын
Sue Zhou i have been saying this for a long time. Chinese are Chinese. No matter where you were born at but your root and/or ancestors are from china
@alfredyu 6 жыл бұрын
Sue Zhou you’re an idiot. Hong Kong people do not deny they’re not Chinese.
@hiroshifujiwara2151 6 жыл бұрын
John Palomo then you should see how the American people going crazy at Black Friday fool
@WokOverEasy 6 жыл бұрын
Not just hong kong though. All throughout southeast asia even poor countries like cambodia, all the tour guides assumed i was japanese. When I asked why, they said because i was well mannered and and quiet. They told me they could spot mainlanders a mile away from how loud they were. These are not wealthy people yet they formed this kind of opinion. I always tell them my ethnicity hopefully to change a few minds but its hard when 9 out of 10 behave rudely.
@hwz9317 7 жыл бұрын
I don't understand why the people like to compare with you and Shawn you,because you are making the real things,do the right works,you have totally change impression in my mind. salute
@truthandjustice001 4 жыл бұрын
Actually ED Chen had made himself a real fool by giving this disgusting Anti China smear campaign full of mind control techniques of the western Fascist Colonialism, in which he did nothing but putting down China and the Chinese people by reinforcing the false negative stereotype of the Chinese standards with western bias. He paid no acknowledgement to any of the achievements of Chinese government or the Chinese people in the recent century. Considering how he verbally abused his Chinese fans in Paris in 2016 with Anti-China foul language, and liked Hong Kong pro western fake democracy terrorist's post in 2019 on Instagram, it is good to see China boycotted his attempted return to the Chinese film industry in 2018. Accomplice of the western warmongering deep state terrorists must learn that truth and justice always prevail in the end no matter what, and that any attempt to wage psych-op proxy wars by the west to harm the well being of our humanity will only make the west more morally and financially bankrupt than it already is.
@heyunchen3574 7 жыл бұрын
Inspiring, niceee speech!! bravooo!! Stay true in ur real zone, if you find the job you love, then you don't work anymore. Totally agree that PPL should work for passion. Finance is secondary, passion is the first. If you try to look for the dollar bills, there is a lot of places to find the easy money! Respect original and made it original.
@truthandjustice001 4 жыл бұрын
Personally I don't see anything inspiring with this disgusting Anti China smear campaign full of mind control techniques of the western Fascist Colonialism. During the whole speech, Edison Chen did nothing but putting down China and the Chinese people by reinforcing the false negative stereotype of the Chinese standards with western bias. He paid no acknowledgement to any of the achievements of Chinese government or the Chinese people in the recent century. Considering how he verbally abused his Chinese fans in Paris in 2016 with Anti-China foul language, and liked Hong Kong pro western fake democracy terrorist's post in 2019 on Instagram, it is good to see China boycotted his attempted return to the Chinese film industry in 2018. Accomplice of the western warmongering deep state terrorists must learn that truth and justice always prevail in the end no matter what, and that any attempt to wage psych-op proxy wars by the west to harm the well being of our humanity will only make the west more morally and financially bankrupt than it already is.
@meiyeeloke2283 7 жыл бұрын
This is a great speech for the new generation , especially who born or come from overseas
@truthandjustice001 4 жыл бұрын
This is a great speed to mislead the new generation, whether born overseas or not. Personally I found this speech a Anti China smear campaign full of mind control techniques of the western Fascist Colonialism. During the whole speech, Edison Chen did nothing but putting down China and the Chinese people by reinforcing the false negative stereotype of the Chinese standards with western bias. He paid no acknowledgement to any of the achievements of Chinese government or the Chinese people in the recent century. Considering how he verbally abused his Chinese fans in Paris in 2016 with Anti-China foul language, and liked Hong Kong pro western fake democracy terrorist's post in 2019 on Instagram, it is good to see China boycotted his attempted return to the Chinese film industry in 2018. Accomplice of the western warmongering deep state terrorists must learn that truth and justice always prevail in the end no matter what, and that any attempt to wage psych-op proxy wars by the west to harm the well being of our humanity will only make the west more morally and financially bankrupt than it already is.
@tali608 7 жыл бұрын
Edison真的讲的不错 就是主持人的尬聊和尬笑 我真的差点没坚持住 她再多说几句 我觉得自己要坚持不住了 但是为了领会冠希哥的精髓 我还是挺住了 最后主持人一说话 我马上暂停视频 哈哈 不过Edison真的让我对他 有了全新的改观 也坚定了我想要做的事情 不管怎么说 感谢你的精彩讲演!
@AlexLiangrq 7 жыл бұрын
@tali608 7 жыл бұрын
哈哈哈 多谢提醒咯 可你怎么知道我比你大?
@yaoshaoge 7 жыл бұрын
Alice Z @
@AlexLiangrq 7 жыл бұрын
Alice Z 那你多大嘛
@edisonchoi4774 6 жыл бұрын
Alice Z 忍不住你会怎样做?
@impaul3510 7 жыл бұрын
他所说的一切 真的会启发和帮助现代年轻人的想法和概念 尤其是在创业道路上的年轻人们 。 我本身也是在搞着各人品牌 常常很迷茫 有时就是需要这样的讲座或者视频 给我灵感和motivations :) 一切是我个人看法
@LovelyRoseLatoja 11 ай бұрын
@dingdao2854 6 жыл бұрын
@freelancerfree9782 7 жыл бұрын
@jasonli4424 7 жыл бұрын
有不少人后来都在玩手机 或者忙着拍照呢。
@jasonyu3102 7 жыл бұрын
若不是冠吸爸爸陈泽民有钱,还有那么多无知少女支持他吗?道德沦丧地的一个人也可以有资格在台上大言不惭。为了赚钱维持生计,在这里装疯卖笑。 还记得那些女星的名字吗? 张柏芝,钟欣桐,陈文媛,杨永晴,陈思慧,颜颖思,陈育嬬。还有几十个二三流的模特,圈外人,大学生。 全都在影片吸他的鸡ba. 记得好好跟你的陈老师学习。
@jansontou8094 7 жыл бұрын
its COOL!!
@isabelwang2222 5 жыл бұрын
@@jasonyu3102 其实支持他的不是无知少女,而是反华势力。陈冠希的这个演讲全程诋毁中国标准和中国人民,自称华人然后用西方霸权惯用的internalized racism手段对中国人民灌输中国劣等论,目的就是要煽动中国人民颠覆中国政权。这种败类活该被中国娱乐圈封杀,反观其2016年在巴黎拉着粉丝骂中国,2017年做此反华演讲,2019年在Instagram被网友发现点赞港毒,陈冠希反华成性,罪证确凿,沦为西方敌对势力反华心理战网络战的反面教材,也算是废物利用了啦。
@ryosuketakahashi1634 4 жыл бұрын
@@isabelwang2222 反华你妈妈的比 承认自己国家有些地方没做到位这么难?中国电影产业垃圾不是事实?反华还说自己是中国人 你丫是不是脑瘫?这么多台湾香港人都不可能说自己是中国人 反观加拿大出生的香港人陈冠希一直说自己是中国人 不是难能可贵 在陈冠希的音乐里也处处会提到自己是中国人。黑也要黑的有点道理 就无脑黑 你 ma今晚得死知道吗?说实话就是诋毁?你长得丑 我说你长得丑 就是诋毁?
@carllujohn 7 жыл бұрын
Also, is "stigmatism" the right word? Isn't that stigmatization tho?
@muzegames 6 жыл бұрын
Stigmatism is an eye condition. He meant stigma.
@bigdaddylee8019 6 жыл бұрын
Who cares, we know what he means. 😒
@truthandjustice001 5 жыл бұрын
There is no "stigmatism" in the English vocabulary , the closest word is "astigmatism" which means a type of health problem with the eyes. Personally I am not impressed by Edison Chen's education level, nor his political position, as this speech of his is nothing but a disgusting psychological attack by the warmongering neocons in Washington against China and the Chinese people, aiming to erode the cultural esteem of the Chinese people with the usual 'internalized racism' mind control tactics of the western fascist colonial powers. During the whole speech, Edison Chen did nothing but putting down China and the Chinese people by reinforcing the false negative stereotype of the Chinese standards by western bias. He paid no acknowledgement to any of the achievements of Chinese government or the Chinese people made in the recent century or throughout history. Considering how he verbally abused his Chinese fans in Paris in 2016 with Anti-China foul language, and liked Hong Kong pro western fake democracy terrorism in 2019 on Instagram, it is good to see China boycotted his attempted return to the Chinese film industry in 2018. Accomplice of the western warmongering deep state terrorists must learn that truth and justice always prevail in the end no matter what, and that any attempt to wage psych-op proxy wars by the west to harm the well being of our humanity will only make the west more morally and financially bankrupt than it already is.
@topfun4669 4 жыл бұрын
BigDaddy Lee these people with small minded focus on the small stuff, they won’t grow, just leave it 🤣
@truthandjustice001 4 жыл бұрын
If people who don't get the small things right, how could they get the big things right? People who ignores obvious mistakes cannot grow, because they will never learn, yet they excuse themselves by saying that people who are scrupulous focus has narrow minds focus on small stuff and never learn. Well these people are just as uneducated as Edison Chen, who uses wrong words, chooses wrong path, and reaps bad fruits for his wrong doings. There is no word "stigmatism" in the English vocabulary , the closest word is "astigmatism" which means a type of health problem with the eyes. Personally I am not surprised that Edison Chen used the wrong word given that he is not a person with particularly impressive level of education or discretion. This speech of his is nothing but a disgusting psychological attack by the warmongering neocons in Washington against China and the Chinese people, aiming to erode the cultural esteem of the Chinese people with the usual 'internalized racism' mind control tactics mastered the western fascist colonial powers. During the whole speech, Edison Chen did nothing but putting down China and the Chinese people by reinforcing the false negative stereotype of the Chinese standards by western bias. He paid no acknowledgement to any of the achievements of Chinese government or the Chinese people made in the recent century or throughout history. Considering how he verbally abused his Chinese fans in Paris in 2016 with Anti-China foul language, and supported Hong Kong pro western fake democracy terrorist unrest in 2019 on Instagram, it is good to see China boycotted his attempted return to the Chinese film industry in 2018. Accomplice of the western warmongering deep state terrorists must learn that truth and justice always prevail in the end no matter what, and that any attempt to wage psych-op proxy wars by the west to harm the well being of our humanity will only make the west more morally and financially bankrupt than it already is.
@SCCheaters 3 жыл бұрын
@johnnyyin406 6 жыл бұрын
Edison Chen is such an inspiring entrepreneur despite the influence comes from the entertainment industry. In my opinion, he's very committed and passionate about what he's doing right now in the fashion business. He made a couple of good points such as Chinese standards vs Global standard, Chinese market, Creativity, Future generation, core-competency and more. I think Chinese should set the expectation higher for themselves because we're capable of doing that; also we should have the confidence to be the global forerunner again. furthermore, we shouldn't take our market for granted. We have to compete against other foreign companies such as Nike, Apple, Google. If we can't compete with them, our market will be their colonization again. It's better to reconize that. Moreover, I think Chinese people are very creative once. We should build a platform for people who could create better products and services by applying patent laws and funding through social capital. In this case, more people are motivated to create new stuff. There is so much more i like to talk about. Anyway, we should have more Asian speakers to the world to inspire and share with the rest of the people. Thanks Edison.
@marsyu5816 7 жыл бұрын
very inspiring speech! I couldn't agree more on the idea that people need to be global instead of being constrained by their nationality.
@truthandjustice001 4 жыл бұрын
China is leading the global trends in many areas, however ED Chen is too sneaky to admit it in this disgusting Anti China smear campaign full of mind control techniques of the western Fascist Colonialism. During the whole speech, Edison Chen did nothing but putting down China and the Chinese people by reinforcing the false negative stereotype of the Chinese standards with western bias. He paid no acknowledgement to any of the achievements of Chinese government or the Chinese people in the recent century. Considering how he verbally abused his Chinese fans in Paris in 2016 with Anti-China foul language, and liked Hong Kong pro western fake democracy terrorist's post in 2019 on Instagram, it is good to see China boycotted his attempted return to the Chinese film industry in 2018. Accomplice of the western warmongering deep state terrorists must learn that truth and justice always prevail in the end no matter what, and that any attempt to wage psych-op proxy wars by the west to harm the well being of our humanity will only make the west more morally and financially bankrupt than it already is.
@rayli9374 7 жыл бұрын
@刘佚名-u6t 7 жыл бұрын
对的 为什么都关注主持人了呢
@annafeng5605 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Yuan. I'm a member of Tedx Futian. Is it ok that our WeChat public account repost this Edison video on our channel? It's not commercial related,it's just the ideas he shared are really inspiring and we would like to share them to our viewers. Will definitely state the resource of this video. thank you
@jimlyu676 7 жыл бұрын
Inspired! Thank you ED Chen.
@truthandjustice001 4 жыл бұрын
Inspired and thank ED Chen for waging a psych-op against China and the Chinese with with this disgusting Anti China smear campaign full of mind control techniques of the western Fascist Colonialism? During the whole speech, Edison Chen did nothing but putting down China and the Chinese people by reinforcing the false negative stereotype of the Chinese standards with western bias. He paid no acknowledgement to any of the achievements of Chinese government or the Chinese people in the recent century. Considering how he verbally abused his Chinese fans in Paris in 2016 with Anti-China foul language, and liked Hong Kong pro western fake democracy terrorist's post in 2019 on Instagram, it is good to see China boycotted his attempted return to the Chinese film industry in 2018. Accomplice of the western warmongering deep state terrorists must learn that truth and justice always prevail in the end no matter what, and that any attempt to wage psych-op proxy wars by the west to harm the well being of our humanity will only make the west more morally and financially bankrupt than it already is.
@kentli234 3 жыл бұрын
7:27 scoff 。for us being exposed to internet
@jrwitdog8814 7 жыл бұрын
@jasonyu3102 7 жыл бұрын
Long Jingfu 若不是冠吸爸爸陈泽民有钱,还有那么多无知少女支持他吗?道德沦丧地的一个人也可以有资格在台上大言不惭。为了赚钱维持生计,在这里装疯卖笑。 还记得那些女星的名字吗? 张柏芝,钟欣桐,陈文媛,杨永晴,陈思慧,颜颖思,陈育嬬。还有几十个二三流的模特,圈外人,大学生。 全都在影片吸他的鸡ba。 人们的记性果然很差。 那如果这些都不算什么,王宝强的老婆马蓉跟经纪人偷情宋吉吉的事也是两情相悦了。
@jansontou8094 7 жыл бұрын
he is just a SUCKER fullstop
@truthandjustice001 5 жыл бұрын
@@jasonyu3102 陈冠希是抱上了美帝敌对势力的大腿,因为可以靠这个伪爱国演讲做侵蚀中国人民民族自尊心文化自信心的特罗伊木马。不过很高兴看到他自投罗网,被中国娱乐圈封杀,这样的反华败类沦为敌对势力的走狗,活该被封杀,罪不可赦。陈冠希的这个演讲全程诋毁中国和中华民族,否定中国标准,无视中国成就,唯美日标准独尊,民族自卑心爆棚,可见其蛊惑国人全盘西化的歹毒之心!陈冠希在演讲里自称中国人,然而又不遗余力地抹黑中国民族,目的是让陈冠希以一个华人的身份让中国人更容易接受他污蔑中国和中华民族的言论,达到摧毁中国人文化自信和民族自尊心的目的,这种被称为‘Internalized Racism'的把戏, 是敌对势力惯用的洗脑伎俩,不仅反华,而且反人类,祸害了西方文明几千年了。 在国内敌对势力的网络推手将这个演讲冠以”爱国”标题,以为这样就能误导民众,侵蚀中国人的民族自尊心,一边诱骗国人购买他的东西,一边又妄想用这个伪爱国演讲做敲砖石助他复出中国娱乐圈,继续祸害中国。 他这种卑鄙的花招在智慧的中国人民面前原形必露,他前有2016年在巴黎的辱华前科,后有2017年在纽约大学的这个演讲反华,现有2019年点赞港毒,反华本性尽现。 如今中国新说唱不鸟他,他在国内拍的电影因为政治原因要么撤换他,要么删光他镜头,他想利用这个‘伪爱国’演讲复出中国娱乐圈无望,可见他的反华罪行早就暴露了,活该被中国官方封杀,咎由自取,大快人心。反华走狗们再折腾再吹捧他也没用,虎扑投给他的几千万港元也悬了,这种人渣谁鸟谁倒霉。这就是犯我中华者必然的下场。犯我中华者虽远必究,正好可以拿陈冠希这个假爱国真辱华的演讲,多多向广大华夏儿女科普美帝的心理战网络战的花招,美帝多行不义必自毙!:-)
@beginnersguide4556 7 жыл бұрын
Hay, I would not be watching this if some Chinese hip-hop artists did not sound 1990's. I am liking it. At least for one ignorant American. You where a side feed off one. Things like ( That movie is Chinese ) is nothing but simple racism. To inspire and make a difference is what every generation try's to do. Just remember knowing and applying are 2 different things.The world need clean energy but everyone knows that!
@Wesley_C 5 жыл бұрын
Ryosuke "Ry" Takahashi.👍🏻
@jackycheng2079 4 жыл бұрын
man, edison chen is the type of guy that you wanna have a conversation with
@Ann-hk1br 6 жыл бұрын
Very good speech. I learned from it. Thank you.
@tingzhang7998 7 жыл бұрын
Strongly support on this. I think Edison really has some good points. Even though you are in an environment everybody does some low-quality works, you still should try to do it in the correct way and proper quality. That's PRO. And an attitude deserves repects.
@rabbbbio 7 жыл бұрын
Nice speak.
@观影的四眼蚱萌 7 жыл бұрын
Nice "Speech"
@truthandjustice001 5 жыл бұрын
Don't think so. This speech of Edison is nothing but a vicious psychological attack by the warmongering neocons in Washington against China and the Chinese people, aiming to erode the cultural esteem of the Chinese people with the usual 'internalized racism' mind control tactics of the western fascist colonial powers. During the whole speech, Edison Chen did nothing but putting down China and the Chinese people by reinforcing the false negative stereotype of the Chinese standards by western bias. He paid no acknowledgement to any of the achievements of Chinese government or the Chinese people made in the recent century or throughout history. Considering how he verbally abused his Chinese fans in Paris in 2016 with Anti-China foul language, and liked Hong Kong pro western fake democracy terrorism in 2019 on Instagram, it is good to see China boycotted his attempted return to the Chinese film industry in 2018. Accomplice of the western warmongering deep state terrorists must learn that truth and justice always prevail in the end no matter what, and that any attempt to wage psych-op proxy wars by the west to harm the well being of our humanity will only make the west more morally and financially bankrupt than it already is.
@SCCheaters 3 жыл бұрын
@boitaringa4778 3 жыл бұрын
Bad quality in any way is almost like the root of Chinese. Something that impossible to be changed, so Edison, just give it up man
@吴浩浩-e7k 7 жыл бұрын
@truthandjustice001 5 жыл бұрын
陈冠希未老先衰,纯属心术不正,相由心生。很高兴看到陈冠希被中国娱乐圈封杀,这样的反华败类沦为敌对势力的走狗,活该被封杀,罪不可赦。陈冠希的这个演讲全程诋毁中国和中华民族,否定中国标准,无视中国成就,唯美日标准独尊,民族自卑心爆棚,可见其蛊惑国人全盘西化的歹毒之心!陈冠希在演讲里自称中国人,然而又不遗余力地抹黑中国民族,目的是让陈冠希以一个华人的身份让中国人更容易接受他污蔑中国和中华民族的言论,达到摧毁中国人文化自信和民族自尊心的目的,这种被称为‘Internalized Racism'的把戏, 是敌对势力惯用的洗脑伎俩,不仅反华,而且反人类,祸害了西方文明几千年了。 在国内敌对势力的网络推手将这个演讲冠以”爱国”标题,以为这样就能误导民众,侵蚀中国人的民族自尊心,一边诱骗国人购买他的东西,一边又妄想用这个伪爱国演讲做敲砖石助他复出中国娱乐圈,继续祸害中国。 他这种卑鄙的花招在智慧的中国人民面前原形必露,他前有2016年在巴黎的辱华前科,后有2017年在纽约大学的这个演讲反华,现有2019年点赞港毒,劣迹斑斑,反华本性尽现。 如今中国嘻哈界不鸟他,他在国内拍的电影因为政治原因要么撤换他,要么删光他镜头,他想利用这个‘伪爱国’演讲复出中国娱乐圈无望,可见他的反华罪行早就暴露了,活该被中国官方封杀,咎由自取,大快人心。反华走狗们再折腾再吹捧他也没用,虎扑投给他的几千万港元也悬了,这种人渣谁鸟谁倒霉。这就是犯我中华者必然的下场。犯我中华者虽远必究,正好可以拿陈冠希这个假爱国真辱华的演讲,多多向广大华夏儿女科普美帝的心理战网络战的花招,美帝多行不义必自毙!:-)
@SCCheaters 3 жыл бұрын
@carllujohn 7 жыл бұрын
That “kid” brought out the best question and big up for Edison keep it real! Very honest and analytical answer.
@joesoo 6 жыл бұрын
there are some grammar errors here, stigmatization rather stigmatism; i was born rather i am
@SCCheaters 2 жыл бұрын
@hanxiaohan430 7 жыл бұрын
十几岁的时候喜欢他了, 打那几年CS也是他的ID. 现在也影响到我走上了卖潮牌衣服的道路。 我很期待CLOT来纽约开店, 继续干下去,我希望有一天能和EDC哥哥一起坐下聊聊天。
@kitkatsunshine95 5 жыл бұрын
所以谁是Jessie 哈哈
@iudu3916 7 жыл бұрын
@truthandjustice001 5 жыл бұрын
小心上当。陈冠希的这个演讲全程诋毁中国和中华民族,否定中国标准,无视中国成就,唯美日标准独尊,民族自卑心爆棚,可见其蛊惑国人全盘西化的歹毒之心!陈冠希在演讲里自称中国人,然而又不遗余力地抹黑中国民族,目的是让陈冠希以一个华人的身份让中国人更容易接受他污蔑中国和中华民族的言论,达到摧毁中国人文化自信和民族自尊心的目的,这种被称为‘Internalized Racism'的把戏, 是敌对势力惯用的洗脑伎俩,不仅反华,而且反人类,祸害了西方文明几千年了。 在国内敌对势力的网络推手将这个演讲冠以”爱国”标题,以为这样就能误导民众,侵蚀中国人的民族自尊心,一边诱骗国人购买他的东西,一边又妄想用这个伪爱国演讲做敲砖石助他复出中国娱乐圈,继续祸害中国。 他这种卑鄙的花招在智慧的中国人民面前原形必露,他前有2016年在巴黎的辱华前科,后有2017年在纽约大学的这个演讲反华,现有2019年点赞港毒,反华本性尽现。 如今中国新说唱不鸟他,他在国内拍的电影因为政治原因要么撤换他,要么删光他镜头,他想利用这个‘伪爱国’演讲复出中国娱乐圈无望,可见他的反华罪行早就暴露了,活该被中国官方封杀,咎由自取,大快人心。虎扑投给他的几千万港元也悬了,这种人渣谁鸟谁倒霉。这就是犯我中华者必然的下场。犯我中华者虽远必究,正好可以拿陈冠希这个假爱国真辱华的演讲,多多向广大华夏儿女科普美帝的心理战网络战的花招,美帝多行不义必自毙!:-)
@banjiu10 7 жыл бұрын
@solemateaaron6438 6 жыл бұрын
His way of thinking is totally on a different level. truly inspiring. i’m impressed
@Alex-mg2bm 7 жыл бұрын
@empowermentplan5476 7 жыл бұрын
cringey AF
@row2noob410 7 жыл бұрын
Truly inspiring speech,thanks edc.
@truthandjustice001 4 жыл бұрын
There is nothing inspiring about this typical Anti China smear campaign piece filled with mind control techniques of the western Fascist Colonialism. During the whole speech, Edison Chen did nothing but putting down China and the Chinese people by reinforcing the false negative stereotype of the Chinese standards with western bias. He paid no acknowledgement to any of the achievements of Chinese government or the Chinese people in the recent century. Considering how he verbally abused his Chinese fans in Paris in 2016 with Anti-China foul language, and liked Hong Kong pro western fake democracy terrorist's post in 2019 on Instagram, it is good to see China boycotted his attempted return to the Chinese film industry in 2018. Accomplice of the western warmongering deep state terrorists must learn that truth and justice always prevail in the end no matter what, and that any attempt to wage psych-op proxy wars by the west to harm the well being of our humanity will only make the west more morally and financially bankrupt than it already is.
@phoenixphoenix1130 6 жыл бұрын
the best singers : Andrzej Zaucha/Przemyslaw Gintrowski/Freddie Mercury/George Michael/ Collin Vearncombe/Kurt Cobain/David Gilmour/Annie Lennox
@oliverzhu1741 7 жыл бұрын
Edison Chen!!
@johe9833 7 жыл бұрын
@piec1 6 жыл бұрын
@exodus7299 4 жыл бұрын
can you be more tolerant, inclusive and kind? I don't think your criticism is at the key point. and I believe she was just a student who was acting host atm. lets give people chances of not being perfect okay?
@andyng5321 2 жыл бұрын
@@exodus7299 maybe because she was trying to attract Edison, haha.
@andyng5321 2 жыл бұрын
@passiontropicana6782 6 жыл бұрын
Love this inspiring speech by Edison, so proud to see his evolution on his journey!! I think the next stage will even be more impactful to the world as he talks more about his philosophy and share values to us all 💕 Thanks to NYU & organiser for inviting him!!! All the best 🎋❣🏓
@breakaway2x 4 жыл бұрын
Edison Chen, Jay Chou, Sean Yue, Anthony Wong hehe......but man, they flew under the radar in the USA....these guys should be more popular than BTS but the timing wasn't right.
@gushenghaozhang3913 7 жыл бұрын
陈老师是真的厉害 salute
@truthandjustice001 5 жыл бұрын
Salute他辱华不倦,祸国殃民吗? 很高兴看到陈冠希被中国娱乐圈封杀,这样的反华败类沦为敌对势力的走狗,活该被封杀,罪不可赦。陈冠希的这个演讲全程诋毁中国和中华民族,否定中国标准,无视中国成就,唯美日标准独尊,民族自卑心爆棚,可见其蛊惑国人全盘西化的歹毒之心!陈冠希在演讲里自称中国人,然而又不遗余力地抹黑中国民族,目的是让陈冠希以一个华人的身份让中国人更容易接受他污蔑中国和中华民族的言论,达到摧毁中国人文化自信和民族自尊心的目的,这种被称为‘Internalized Racism'的把戏, 是敌对势力惯用的洗脑伎俩,不仅反华,而且反人类,祸害了西方文明几千年了。 在国内敌对势力的网络推手将这个演讲冠以”爱国”标题,以为这样就能误导民众,侵蚀中国人的民族自尊心,一边诱骗国人购买他的东西,一边又妄想用这个伪爱国演讲做敲砖石助他复出中国娱乐圈,继续祸害中国。 他这种卑鄙的花招在智慧的中国人民面前原形必露,他前有2016年在巴黎的辱华前科,后有2017年在纽约大学的这个演讲反华,现有2019年点赞港毒,反华本性尽现。 如今中国新说唱不鸟他,他在国内拍的电影因为政治原因要么撤换他,要么删光他镜头,他想利用这个‘伪爱国’演讲复出中国娱乐圈无望,可见他的反华罪行早就暴露了,活该被中国官方封杀,咎由自取,大快人心。反华走狗们再折腾再吹捧他也没用,虎扑投给他的几千万港元也悬了,这种人渣谁鸟谁倒霉。这就是犯我中华者必然的下场。犯我中华者虽远必究,正好可以拿陈冠希这个假爱国真辱华的演讲,多多向广大华夏儿女科普美帝的心理战网络战的花招,美帝多行不义必自毙!:-)
@achriscity 6 жыл бұрын
Amazing Edison Chen ! Thank you for building bridges between different cultures.
@赵欣伟 7 жыл бұрын
@yvonneli5694 7 жыл бұрын
A really good speech. And be loyal to yourself and keep true identity. Bravo!
@simonlai4598 3 жыл бұрын
Edison, if you came up like Mc Jin, then I would give you all the respect you deserve. But you didn't! Your dad is call "ninth brother" in HK entertainment circle. You mean to tell me someone discovered you while you were partying with some friends of yours. You told us from your other interview your dad send you to prepared you to become a future idol. Mc Jin battle all these American gangster rappers and never went so far as Edison did in HK. Mc Jin did Rap battles! Something you have to do in the moment and come up with Rap lines right away in an industry filled with mostly black Americans. How's that for having the shit! Edison was born with a good spoon in his mouth. He told us he had growing up 4 maids to take care of things in his house.
@GodTalker 7 жыл бұрын
Well, CLOT is able to present without script and not like Nicholas tse and that's the reason cecilia cheung love CLOT
@hivulcan7013 7 жыл бұрын
@danielx40 3 жыл бұрын
I want to learn photography.
@haohaolee96 7 жыл бұрын
He's not old at all; so cool as usual
@zijian0625 7 жыл бұрын
为什么中国女生到了美国后口头每说一句话都离不开LIKE LIKE LIKE...这种meaningless的语气词不要太多哦
@inferno66629 7 жыл бұрын
@laluneettoi 6 жыл бұрын
因为美国女生也都这么说话 很烦
@Brandonfunky 6 жыл бұрын
@dingdao2854 6 жыл бұрын
@rayz9232 6 жыл бұрын
就跟中国人某些人一直说 然后 然后 然后 然后
@ED-hs6pl 7 жыл бұрын
salute to Edison
@truthandjustice001 4 жыл бұрын
Salute to Edison for insulting Chinese people with this disgusting Anti China smear campaign full of mind control techniques of the western Fascist Colonialism? During the entire speech, Edison Chen did nothing but putting down China and the Chinese people by reinforcing the false negative stereotype of the Chinese standards with western bias. He paid no acknowledgement to any of the achievements of Chinese government or the Chinese people in the recent century. Considering how he verbally abused his Chinese fans in Paris in 2016 with Anti-China foul language, and liked Hong Kong pro western fake democracy terrorist's post in 2019 on Instagram, it is good to see China boycotted his attempted return to the Chinese film industry in 2018. Accomplice of the western warmongering deep state terrorists must learn that truth and justice always prevail in the end no matter what, and that any attempt to wage psych-op proxy wars by the west to harm the well being of our humanity will only make the west more morally and financially bankrupt than it already is.
@zhichaozhang890 7 жыл бұрын
挺有用的 可能其他人也在别的场合说过差不多意思的事情 但是从一个自己关注的人口中听到这些事情会更加印象深刻 我确实相信现在我们真的手握着世界上最大的机会btw女主持估计也是学生吧 要求不要太高哈哈
@yizhang3150 7 жыл бұрын
inspiring speech
@truthandjustice001 5 жыл бұрын
This speech of Edison Chen is just another psychological attack by the warmongering neocons in Washington against China and the Chinese people, aiming to erode the cultural esteem of the Chinese people with the usual 'internalized racism' mind control tactics of the western fascist colonial powers. During the whole speech, Edison Chen did nothing but putting down China and the Chinese people by reinforcing the false negative stereotype of the Chinese standards by western bias. He paid no acknowledgement to any of the achievements of Chinese government or the Chinese people in the recent century. Considering how he verbally abused his fans in Paris in 2016 with Anti-China foul language, and liked Hong Kong pro western fake democracy terrorism in 2019 on Instagram, it is good to see China boycotted his attempted return to the Chinese film industry in 2018. Accomplice of the western warmongering deep state terrorists must learn that truth and justice always prevail in the end no matter what, and that any attempt to wage psych-op proxy wars by the west to harm the well being of our humanity will only make the west more morally and financially bankrupt than it already is.
@tjbooker6533 7 жыл бұрын
因为冠希,我才去学英语的, 期待陈老师写真集2
@GodTalker 7 жыл бұрын
Tiger Junior 我是因为陈冠希才去学电脑,然候做一个黑客偷人家电脑的资料和照片
@hengroy3533 7 жыл бұрын
@张建-o5y 6 жыл бұрын
@truthandjustice001 5 жыл бұрын
Edison 未老先衰,纯属居心不良,相由心生。他的这个演讲全程诋毁中国政府和中国人民,否定中国标准,无视中国成就,唯美日标准独尊,民族自卑心爆棚,可见其蛊惑国人全盘西化的歹毒之心!陈冠希在演讲里自称中国人,然而又不遗余力地抹黑中华民族,目的是让陈冠希以一个华人的身份让中国人更容易接受他污蔑中国和中华民族的言论,达到摧毁中国人文化自信和民族自尊心的目的,这种被称为‘Internalized Racism'的把戏, 是敌对势力惯用的洗脑伎俩,不仅反华,而且反人类,祸害了西方文明几千年了。 在国内敌对势力的网络推手将这个演讲冠以”爱国”标题,以为这样就能误导民众,侵蚀中国人的民族自尊心,一边诱骗国人购买他的东西,一边又妄想用这个伪爱国演讲做敲砖石助他复出中国娱乐圈,继续祸害中国。 他这种卑鄙的花招在见多识广的中国人民面前原形必露,他前有2016年在巴黎的辱华前科,后有2017年在纽约大学的这个演讲反华,现有2019年点赞港毒,劣迹斑斑,其反华本性暴露无遗。 如今中国嘻哈界不鸟他,他在国内拍的电影因为政治原因要么撤换他,要么删光他镜头,他想利用这个‘伪爱国’演讲复出中国娱乐圈无望,可见他的反华罪行早就暴露了,活该被中国官方封杀,咎由自取,大快人心。网络上的反华走狗们再折腾再吹捧他也没用,虎扑投给他的几千万港元也悬了,这种人渣谁鸟谁倒霉。这就是犯我中华者必然的下场。犯我中华者虽远必究,正好可以拿陈冠希这个假爱国真辱华的演讲,多多向广大华夏儿女科普美帝的心理战网络战的花招,美帝多行不义必自毙!:-)
@zarahhashim1011 6 жыл бұрын
Canadian English is just simple and nice accent . Aussie is bouncy .
@erichuang1863 7 жыл бұрын
Well Done TED Style talk. Mentor.
@summerliu579 7 жыл бұрын
great speech!
@hyenafang 7 жыл бұрын
sick speech, hope to see you in acting again
@한별-z5k 6 жыл бұрын
@ZsXie10 7 жыл бұрын
陈老师不需要88rising hypebeast 哈哈哈哈哈哈
@epodak 7 жыл бұрын
@chanliao4349 7 жыл бұрын
@jinjiyuan 7 жыл бұрын
@韦喜花 7 жыл бұрын
中国有句古话,一个巴掌拍不响。别人的过去,是别人的。这一番话,真心在理。we gotta change what non Chinese people though about China. Do what we can, and do it better.
@yannisran7312 5 жыл бұрын
Seriously anybody knows a clue about who the host is ?
@slsnsyd 5 жыл бұрын
Mee Maw he is Edison chan, 陈冠希。google him and you will find out
@yannisran7312 5 жыл бұрын
​@@slsnsyd Sorry, I actually mean the hostess, the girl who stepped on stage after his speech.
@bostonconservatoryatberkle384 4 жыл бұрын
He looks like Nicholas tse
@cnpo1909 7 жыл бұрын
@rayz9232 6 жыл бұрын
@schris3587 7 жыл бұрын
@aaronhargrove7460 5 жыл бұрын
Edison Chen is very intelligent and has more courage than any Chinese pop star in the industry.
@sammylopez4099 7 жыл бұрын
@2011hyde 5 жыл бұрын
@samguo1940 7 жыл бұрын
@timxu666 7 жыл бұрын
@edisonchoi4774 7 жыл бұрын
Tim 妳的呢?
@jansontou8094 7 жыл бұрын
it's edison's speech,why did you care the host's leg? i dont konw whats thinking in your mind. i dont have malice for you .
@timxu666 7 жыл бұрын
@lawrenceza3041 7 жыл бұрын
上一次我和一个美国人聊天 我讲了什么我不记得 我用了三个very very very much 然后她和我说 英语里面不能这样讲 你就说very much就可以了 我说我想表达就是要更强烈... 其实口语中我们为了强调语气是可以这样用的 再加上今天中国人的强大 好多Chinglish已经成了一种文化
@aarondavis2256 7 жыл бұрын
@carllujohn 7 жыл бұрын
Great speech but Edison needs to find a better hairdresser/ barber. This just looks like he cut it himself with a Walmart clipper in front of a bathroom mirror.
@吴剑辉-c3f 7 жыл бұрын
Edison's style
@coinpasta9801 7 жыл бұрын
@Seanpeng 7 жыл бұрын
@蒋达巍 7 жыл бұрын
@markdakid5453 7 жыл бұрын
@ALIBABA1014 7 жыл бұрын
Edison :"I read books." Host: "You do!? Good for you!" Lol. That is so condescending and almost sounds like an insult to me. 我觉得可能还是英文不好的原因吧。但是蛮无语的。edison也没计较。呵呵
@junguyen0709 6 жыл бұрын
The irony thing is this guy was invited by the University, and the host was also paid to be there, so the fact that the host made fun of him is either 1. Humor was good for the show 2. This host is stupid
@makewayVIPcomingthru 6 жыл бұрын
I think she's just playing along to Edison's story about how someone else was surprised that he reads.
@junguyen0709 6 жыл бұрын
@@makewayVIPcomingthru yep
@cathyl4267 3 жыл бұрын
這班人其實可以講普通話的啊⋯⋯ 普通話應該普及的 不是總是要我們華人去配合西方人學英語
@boitaringa4778 3 жыл бұрын
人家在國外 在場也有不講中文的 你講話用點腦 不要老丟中國人的臉
@kenying321 7 жыл бұрын
@timich2015 5 жыл бұрын
Edison is amazing.
@hgjgjghb 7 жыл бұрын
一班既得利益者子女在崇拜偶像而已,扮乜囵野创意,什么keep real,想笑
@黄占东-j4r 7 жыл бұрын
@LL-fv1uz 7 жыл бұрын
@mightyx 7 жыл бұрын
He made mistakes, I was born in Canada, not I'm born
@D4rkGun 7 жыл бұрын
Who cares about that lol
@empowermentplan5476 7 жыл бұрын
@beautycelvianie132 4 жыл бұрын
Great guy, but since when is 37 old??!! Lol.
@nemesisleung 7 жыл бұрын
@haoeric9744 7 жыл бұрын
@shfun 7 жыл бұрын
有能力都已經逃離中國 移民去美國了。 反正跟著領導跑是對的。
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