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Lamy Ch. 雪花ラミィ

Lamy Ch. 雪花ラミィ

Күн бұрын

Пікірлер: 139
@雪カワウソ 11 ай бұрын
個人用Time Stamp 02:00 start&地声()のかなた先輩 02:37 自己紹介 04:35 概要&二人の仲の良さについて 06:06 ミリしラミィと五目並べ 07:31 1戦目  12:55 終了&なぜか流れ弾がいくみこ先輩 13:29 2戦目  15:40 殴り合う?二人  16:33 結果 17:20 ミリしら二人の麻雀戦(全編視聴推奨) 18:27 東一局  19:40 Mを捨てる二人  20:37 白の扱い&ワザップにひっかかる二人  22:22 テンパイ&シャンテンに混乱する二人  22:50 ポンをしたのにいらない発言するラミィ  23:55 ロン・ウィーズリー 24:23 東二局(学びを得た?二人 )  26:55 山も谷もないかなた先輩  27:12 ログインボーナス()  28:07 東西南北で役を作りたいラミィ  29:23 突然の終了 29:38 続・東二局(戦略的にいくラミィ)  30:27 ちょっと何いってるかわかりませんね(ドラに混乱する二人)  31:26 字牌の意味を考える二人&北(此れ)  33:14 数字牌弱い説で一盃口目前で崩すラミィ  34:23 ポンとチーどっちが強い?  36:00 終了 36:18 東三局 (🍷ラミィ捨て牌)  37:13 発(あおい)  38:45 カレー(ドラ)に混乱する二人  40:20 お前のパイは最初からない  42:00 突然の終了 42:12 東四局(シャンテンが減る理由を考えるゴリレバ)  43:30 シャンテン=NTR説  41:38   44:40 NTR説のせいで混乱するゴリレバ  45:48 カレー=今日のラッキーアイテム説  47:15 シャンテン=カレーを3つそろえる説  47:50 テンパイになってテンパルラミィ 🍷  48:23 最終局で残機に気がつくゴリレバ  48:55 テンパイになってテンパルラミィ2   49:43 フリテンのためロン出来ないラミィ 50:13 終了&知識は同等なのに煽られるかなた先輩 50:57 ほぼミリしら二人の花札&裏で面白い事を言ってたラミィ 51:40 1戦目  52:35 またあんた飲んでるのね  53:00 任天堂=〇〇  53:28 完全に理解したラミィ() &カスの略称  54:07 月見酒  55:15 決着 55:27 2戦目&完全に理解したラミィ  57:48 決着(カスで上がれるの!? ) 58:10 3戦目(カスも積もればカスになる)  58:30 決着 59:10 最後のヨット勝負  59:35 初手から豪運のラミィ   1:00:06 後輩に配信者を見せるかなた先輩  1:01:57 有言実行なかなた先輩  1:04:50 配信者を見せるラミィ  1:06:30 殴り合うゴリレバ  1:08:30 配信者になろうとするかなたん  1:11:35 なんだかんだ仲良しな二人  1:12:31 ラストでヨットに挑戦するゴリレバ  1:13:53 結果&終了挨拶   1:14:51 敗者の叫び
@dynamo3590 11 ай бұрын
🦦 🦦 👏👏👏👏 👍👍👍👍 🦦 🦦
@hirogissy5258 11 ай бұрын
@Yuki-Kagetsu 11 ай бұрын
かなたん名言集 26:58 31:39 40:18
@2_chance_HND-1_chance_NRT 11 ай бұрын
煽り合いながらもお互い垣間見える優しさというか気遣いというか ゴリレバって良いですね
@y4sch 11 ай бұрын
31:40 かなた「【此れ】があるよね!」 ラミィ「それ北でしょ」 は笑うわ
@sako0717 11 ай бұрын
12:45 五目ならべミリしらラミィちゃん相手に容赦なく勝ちを取りにいき高笑いするかなたそクソワロタwww
@charu_ha 11 ай бұрын
ゴリレバは互いにツッコミなだけあってテンポが良くて本当に好き! あとゴリレバってコンビ名かなり好きなんじゃぁ
@雪明かりの氷 11 ай бұрын
「北」を「此」と読む、天音かなた 「発」を「葵」と読む、雪花ラミィ ナイス相性
@ルナティック鬼島 11 ай бұрын
2人の絡みが面白すぎた!笑 ミリしらでも頑張って戦う姿や最後で豪運を発揮するのも流石ラミィちゃんだった! またゴリレバの絡みがみたい!
@nonononotanuki 11 ай бұрын
ラミィちゃんとかなたんって、2人共トーク上手いから、ボケてツッコんで会話のテンポが良くて滅茶苦茶楽しいんよな 今日は煽り合いながらも、褒めたり協力したり仲の良さも伝わってきたし、次のコラボも楽しみ!
@シナツヒコ 11 ай бұрын
@Vtenco_ch 11 ай бұрын
本日の好きなシーン 28:55 聞き逃さなかったぜ 1:04:14 ニャース助かる 麻雀で東南西北を集めるの麻雀初心者あるあるで面白かったw ヨット出すのさすが配信者って感じで素敵!あらヨット言って欲しかったわw
@無慈悲-m2e 11 ай бұрын
1:12:05 ボーナスとどかなかったときのかなたその乾いた笑いが好きw
@fenrir... 11 ай бұрын
ゴリレバでした。 五目並べは未経験にも関わらず結構食らいついていましたね。初めてとは思えないほど勝負勘がよかったので、これなら何戦かプレイ経験積めば勝てるようになるはず。 ミリしら麻雀や花札の時はあまりのグダグダっぷりにどうなるかと思いましたが(おかしい、花札はともかく麻雀はミリしらの時に説明を受けたはず・・・)、なんかもうその全てが最後のヨットの伏線だったんじゃなかろうかと思うほどに劇的な勝利でした。いやぁ引っ張ってくれますねぇ。 麻雀の黄ばんでいる牌は持ってるとどんどん臭くなっていきます。
@Osisan0213 11 ай бұрын
おつらみ〜 2人の殴り合い面白かったです!最後にヨットを出すのも 凄すぎる!流石ラミィちゃん
@syara- 11 ай бұрын
ラミィちゃん五目並べ初見とは思えない動きで上手すぎる!! 殴り合うと言いながら二人の仲がいいのがよくわかってほっこりしました 楽しかったです!
@byakkou0427 11 ай бұрын
おつゴリレバ~! 仲良しだからこその遠慮の無い殴り合い、めちゃめちゃ面白かったよ!w 最後の最後にヨット出すの凄すぎた!!またゴリレバコラボやってほしいな!
@maguszero 11 ай бұрын
Seeing Lamy and Kanata blindly play mahjong is very funny, as someone who knows the rules. I enjoy this greatly.
@user-hom5hom7hom03 11 ай бұрын
おつゴリレバでした〜 2人の熱戦すごかったのと色々楽しかったです
@wasawasadoshitano 11 ай бұрын
@プロコン 11 ай бұрын
二人でバチバチに殴り合ってて仲がいいのがよくわかる配信でしたね~ 花札でのルームを察する能力や最後ヨットを出したりラミィちゃんすごかった!
@_cider 11 ай бұрын
ゴリレバ好きすぎるおもろすぎる  配信者のシナジーにもほどがある 最高だったよー
@miyayasu 11 ай бұрын
ナイスな殴り合いでしたw 五目もミリしら麻雀もヨットも見所満載すぎて楽しいコラボでした! またコラボしてほしいです!配信お疲れさまでした!
@mutsukinarugami2822 11 ай бұрын
ゴリレバ〜 かなたんとラミィちゃんの殴り合い、迷勝負と名勝負の掛け合い凄かったで…流石の配信者!! 次のアソビ大全も楽しみ
@zyuz 11 ай бұрын
2人の殴り合い見ていて楽しかったです! 最後にヨットを出すのは流石豪運のラミィちゃんだね! またゴリレバ待ってます!
@bokudesu214 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the GoriLiver showdown, Kanatan and Lamy! Glad you two had a good time xD. Looking forward to more GoriLiver collabs!
@deadzipper1777 11 ай бұрын
Very nice play getting a Yahtzee with the triple threes at the end. It's always funny when something that lucky happens. Thank for the collab, Lamy and Kanata!
@user-rs0jack65and29frahaty 11 ай бұрын
ゴリレバ✨ ラミィちゃんとかなたんの試合見てたら凄い元気出てきた😊 あの場面でのヨット凄かった
@Tenebres_Zwei 11 ай бұрын
ゴリレバのバチバチの殴り合いめっちゃ面白かったw本当仲良しだね〜 そして最後にヨットを出すのは配信者としてすごすぎるw
@きらいち-p4o 11 ай бұрын
おつらみでしたー!!最高に笑えるコラボありがとうございました!! 打牌批判する人にこの配信を永遠に見せる罰与えたい。
@Tanosingo-RC 11 ай бұрын
@IHN_ 11 ай бұрын
コラボ配信お疲れ様でした!2人のやり取りや殴り合いが面白くて楽しく見れました。 最初の五目並べもラミィちゃん初めてなのに結構いい感じでできていてもうわかってきているのはさすがでした。初心者狩りをしようとしていたかなたんは草でしたw そして、最後のヨットの対決でもラミィちゃんがまさか最後にヨットを出すとはマジですごかったです。あれは驚きました。かなたんもよく頑張っていましたが、叫び声は笑いましたw すごい見せ場があったり、面白いところがあったりと2人それぞれの良さがあったいい配信だったと思います。またコラボを見てみたいですね。2人とも配信ありがとうね!!!
@矢車ゴルベーザ四天王の5人 11 ай бұрын
ラミィちゃんが最後にヨットを出すの流石すぎる! これぞ豪運のラミィ‥!!
@ネレウス-e8r 11 ай бұрын
ゴリレバコラボお疲れ様でした! 配信内でかなたさんもおっしゃていましたが、五目でのラミィさんの視野の広さや花札での飲み込みの速さにも感心させていただきながらの楽しい勝負の時間でした お二人の掛け合い仲の良さが伝わってきてより楽しいですね、これからのゴリレバにも期待しています 配信ありがとうございました!
@Clip_bell 11 ай бұрын
ミリしら始まった!?って思ったらヨットで殴り合い始まって面白すぎるw 最後にヨットをあの状態で決めるなんてもってるよな!
@アイナメ-m1h 11 ай бұрын
@三毛プロ 11 ай бұрын
2人の熱い戦いみてて笑いが止まらなかったw 最後のヨット改めてラミィちゃんの引きの強さに驚かされた!!
@satotakeshi 11 ай бұрын
初対面エピソードを思えば考えられないほどの仲なのはいいね 切磋琢磨できる先輩後輩、友人に恵まれたホロメンはうらやましい限り
@ぱぱぱぱぱにぃ 11 ай бұрын
2人とも性格が出てて面白かった〜! よく「これは何に使う道具でしょうか?」みたいなクイズ番組とかあるけど、二人でずっとあれじゃないかこれじゃないか言って討論してるの見ていたいのある。
@runon6396 11 ай бұрын
@kanataspunchingbag2973 11 ай бұрын
💫Some stream highlight☃ 2:00 Stream start, Kanata didn't know its starting already and leaked her off-stream real voice ww 5:25 Lamy: I probably Line with you more than Senchou Kanata: Really!? Btw I didn't Line with you more than Azki 6:09 First Game: Gomoku (Kanata played 161 times, Lamy 0) 11:59 Lamy put up a really good fight until here 12:50 Kanata wins. Kanata: Lamy you are really talented! Miko senpai haven't reach your level 14:01 Lamy's big brain move 16:26 Kanata wins again 17:26 - 50:57 Second game: Epic Mahjong match between 2 natural comedian who has 0 clue about the rules (honestly every second here is highlight especially if you know about Japanese mahjong and Japanese) 20:32 Lamy: wow look at this blank tile I got! Kanata: Chat said it's printing error! LMFAO 22:02 - 22:53 It's Kanata's turn but both of them is absolutely clueless. Lamy confused as she can't make any move 22:49 Lamy Pon with Kanata's tile, Kanatan: you are a thief! 23:55 Kanata has the option to Ron or Chi, Kanata chose to Ron as she's doing Harry Potter watchalong recently and win without her knowing 26:42 Kanata roasting herself 29:23 Lamy took back the lead while being clueless 30:32 Kanata wonder why some of her tiles become yellowish, chat: you finger is too dirty 31:35 Kanata finally found out she has been mistaking kita(北) as kore(此), Lamy roasted her 37:14 Lamy also mistaken hatsu(発) as aoi(葵) and roasted by Kanata 38:05 Smart taso showing her cute hands 40:20 Kanata set herself up for a booba roast 41:38 Kanata: My 8 got NTRed by CPU! 46:24 Lamy, looking at her 8 tile: So I have 8 monster ball here 47:11 Kanata figuring new rules out 47:30 Lamy: I have a joke in my hand. Kanata: Me too (Yes this is a mahjong game) 48:33 Lamy about to win but she don't know which tile to give up. Kanata: It's like that from the start 50:12 Lamy still wins it all even tho she still don't know any rules in the end 50:58 Third game: Flower cards 52:09 Nintento went to kasu deck 58:37 Kanata wins 59:12 - 1:14:20 Last game: Yacht (Again, every second here is highlight) 59:40 Lamy's amazing first roll 1:00:16 Kanata absolutely called her roll 1:01:54 Kanata called her roll again LOL 1:03:25 Kanata rolled 4 6s and put it in bonus, cute hands 1:03:38 1:04:24 Kanata wanted to get a B.straight but failed 1:05:07 Lamy got her B.straight lol 1:06:40 マ?!?! 1:08:33 Streamer Kanata goes for yacht 1:09:18 Lamy goes for yacht, super cute Kanata smug 1:11:33 Lamy almost got a yacht, 1 point short for bonus 1:12:04 Kanata aiming for bonus but... 1:12:27 LAMY STREAMER LUCK 1:13:42 Kanata lost in shambles, throw a tantrum and put up excuses 1:14:36 Lamy tells loser Kanata to end the stream with a scream, Otsu!
@raito104 11 ай бұрын
豪運ラミィ✨ あらヨットさん凄かったぁぁ ラミィちゃんミリしらなのに、五目並べの理解力高いの天才!! 流石に初心者だと攻め方が分からないし、相手の詰み攻撃に対応できないけれど、そこも慣れたら化けるんじゃないか!?
@BB-lennon 11 ай бұрын
ゴリレバの絡み面白すぎるw これは次回も楽しみだ✨
@鈴屋什造-l2y 11 ай бұрын
@murasame_setsura 11 ай бұрын
ゴリレバでした! アソビ大全でこれだけ、白熱したものが見れて俺としては大満足wズタボロになるかなーって思ってた五目並べもしっかり地頭の良さで理解して接戦してるあたりさすがよね、かなたんとバチクソに殴り合いするかと思ったら普通に褒め合ってて仲良しかよってなったw 麻雀悲惨だったねw白牌はエラーでもないワザップやwちなみに、黄色いのはドラっていってそれを持ったまま上がると点数が高くなるんよ、これだけでもおぼえておいてねw 花札はこいこいはより高い点数狙える時に使う、上がれるならあがっちゃってもいいw カスは10枚以上積めば上がれるね そして最後のヨットよ!圧倒的だったのにしっかり最後の最後で3でヨット揃える当たりさすが配信者だよね!ラ俺誇!! かなたんとの殴り合い好きだからまたこんな、コラボあるといいな!
@リードリィ31 11 ай бұрын
おつらみ! 2人のやり取り面白すぎたw ラミィちゃん初めての五目並べも花札もルール理解するの速くて流石だね! 最後のヨットも凄すぎた!持ってんねぇ!!
@yuuma_rinka 11 ай бұрын
ゴリレバおつでした。 豪運のラミィ凄すぎた…!配信の天才ですわ! 殴り合い面白かったし、次のコラボも楽しみにしてます
@hasanii8321 11 ай бұрын
ラミィちゃん、かなたそ、おつ #ゴリレバ !! ミリしラミィに五目並べの可能性を見出しつつも容赦なく倒すかなたそ、ミリしら麻雀でお互いの牌を明かしつつよく分からない戦い、 カ/ス連呼な花札、そして最後にヨットを出す豪運ラミィちゃん! と、見どころ満載でした❤
@liar_rabyrinth 11 ай бұрын
面白すぎてお腹痛い… 笑いすぎて病気も逃げていくわ🤣
@酒粕-z8j 11 ай бұрын
@sisiou_nyafu 11 ай бұрын
@kakiyan_snow 11 ай бұрын
おつゴリレバ〜! ミリしら対決でのお互いにツッコんでカオスになっていくところはみててめっちゃ笑ったw ゴリレバ好きだぁ…
@equal9800 11 ай бұрын
@writedraw8655 11 ай бұрын
おつらみでした~ 互いに気を許してる二人の殴り合い最高に面白かったよ! 今年はゴリレバたくさん見れたらいいなー!✨👀
@homikun0319 11 ай бұрын
名場面たくさんだったねw 此(北)はめっちゃ笑いましたw 楽しかったよ〜!!
@エース-y3g 11 ай бұрын
@稲島しんじ 6 ай бұрын
オープンニグからすれ違ったようなカン違いな二人を演出してるし、仲良くプロレスしてるのが本当に面白い。最初の関係が友達も友達ってなんか妙にリアルなんだけど、二人とも思いやり増し増しだから絶対仲良しだよね。ただ距離感と温度感が微妙に違うのよねぇ・・・ なんなんだろうねぇ・・・ただこの温度感クセになるんだぁ・・・とりあえず麻雀はルール覚えてからやってもろて・・・w (ミリしら面白いけどね・・・ 二人とも分からないゲームしてハテナ浮かべるって二人ともシュールすぎる・・・ 2024.7.10
@たるとけぇき 11 ай бұрын
おつゴリレバでした!! ラミィちゃんのミリしら五目並べ気付きが早くて凄かった✨✨ あらヨットのラミィちゃんも見れて配信者の鑑で誇らしいよ🥰🥰🥰 かなたんのべた褒めやプロレスも凄く良くてコラボ相性💯
@user-sinamonsugar 11 ай бұрын
いのし課長とか此(北)とか面白すぎましたww 最後の最後に配信者見せていくの流石👏👏👏 やはりゴリレバは良いですね 次のコラボも楽しみに待ってます
@枝枝-y1s 11 ай бұрын
@kyarirugiusu 11 ай бұрын
2:01 ゴリラ VS 肝臓 2024 ~暖冬の乱~
@kyarirugiusu 11 ай бұрын
@ししろん最推しねぽらぼ推し 11 ай бұрын
最後の最後でヨット出すラミィちゃん‥ さすが!!
@iintyo21 11 ай бұрын
謎の褒め合いありつつ殴り合いありつつで、めっちゃおもろかったです笑(*´ω`*) 片方がミリしらでも両方がミリしらでもおもろかったw また次のゴリレバも楽しみにお待ちしてますね!!
@草に草生やすのは流石に草www 2 ай бұрын
11:49 困惑するラミィに対して強者感出して余裕ぶってるけど、かなたんも分かってなくてワロタ
@kururugi_yukima 11 ай бұрын
ゴリレバ~! めちゃくちゃ笑ったw 最後のヨットは流石は配信者やね、あらヨットぉおおおお!!!! 知ってる遊びだとお互い煽り散らかすのに、知らない遊びだとほぼ助け合ってるの和んだw めっちゃ面白かった、ゴリレバコラボありがとー!! またやって欲しいな
@ズオウかける 11 ай бұрын
おつゴリラ~ ミリしらでゲームやると凄いカオスな会話になるねw聞いてて面白かった! 殴り合いと言いつつも褒め合ったり一緒にルール考察したりと仲良しなのが伝わってきたよ 協力ゲームとかも見てみたいな!次のコラボ楽しみに待ってる!
@クロニクルアッキー 11 ай бұрын
仲の良い殴り合いで見ててとても面白かったですw ゴリレバは最高だぜ ヨットは終始良い揃い方してて流石ですね✨ 最後もきっちりヨット出して締める配信者ぶりにラ俺誇
@ロホセロ 11 ай бұрын
全ての戦いが迷試合と名試合だった 配信面白すぎたw
@お身体に気をつけて 11 ай бұрын
ゴリレバコラボお疲れ様でした! ミリしら麻雀爆笑したわw また見たいので次回もお願いします
@アストワール十反逆の暗黒騎 11 ай бұрын
アソビ大全ゴリレバコラボゴリラ~ 五目並べを知らないラミィちゃんを褒めるかなたん ラミィちゃん初めてやのに上手やったね ミリしら麻雀面白すぎw 何もわからん状態でも遊べるもんだねw ラミィちゃんナイスヨット! ラミィちゃん豪運を見せつけていくぅw さすがの豪運やでぇ ラミィちゃん、かなたんありがとう、楽しかった~ いつまでもラミィちゃんだけ大好き愛してるよ 次回のゴリレバコラボも楽しみにしてるね
@setio_personal 11 ай бұрын
おつゴリレバでしたー! 良い殴り合いでしたー!!
@X-Kill 11 ай бұрын
[Timestamps Part 1] Gorilliver collab! 💫☃ Today we'll accompany Kanatan and Lamy-chan in their Asobi Taizen match! Let's cheer for the princess as she plays against the idol with the strongest grip! 2:00 Start! Kanatan speaks in Luna-ish. _"L: Hey can you stop?/K: I can only use this voice though/L: We're live now though, so please stop/K: Is that so? Ah sorry, i used my actual voice there sorry!/L: Is your actual voice that way?/K: That was a secret, no!"_ 2:36 Kanatan Introduction. _"L: Hey it's different than your actual voice though/K: Ah sorry, i wouldn't do my actual voice while streaming though!"_ 🦍 2:56 _"L: They say your voice is loud? The voice has to be loud enough for a voice isn't it?/K: I can, don't say [enough for a voice]!"_ 3:17 Lamy's liverface introduction. 3:58 _"L: I'll make Kanatan lower, so please increase the volume if it's low!/K: Can't be helped, yeah, better to adjust the volume yourselves/C: Kanatan's voice is still loud/L: Amazing!/K: I'm told my voice is quiet though~"_ 4:31 _"K: Ahh it's quiet enough now, alright/L: So, what are we going to do today Kanatran?/K: that's my line, but we'll play Asobi Taizen! We'll beat each other up and get along better! We already get along well (Probably more than you think)/L: Yeah! We get along better than you think/K: Like, we Line up each other right?/L: Yeah! We LINE and i send trivial stuff to her via LINE/K: That's my line though"_ 5:06 _"K: But on our first LINE Marine was seeing there/L: Ahh yeah, she was in there too/K: Well she's gone now though/L: Yeah, nowadays i Line you up more than Marine senpai?"_ 5:31 _"K: FOR REAL?!/L: Or i think, about the same amount i think/K: Well that makes me happy though!/L: More or less that much yeah/K: I'm happy! By the way, i LINE with you more than AZKi-chan... NOT!/L: AHHH! Why did you have to drop it that way?/K: wwww"_ ⚒ 5:52 _"L: Anyway i'd like to beat each other with Kanatan today~!/K: I'm looking forward to it, as i can't imagine anyone able to do so!/L: For real, but yeah i'll beat you up!/K: Alright, do so!/L: I heard of it before but it looks like you've played a lot of Gomoku; Five in a Row/K: Yeah! I've been pretty addicted to it recently"_ 6:14 _"L: You have a lot of games don't you?/K: 161 times here/L: I've played this 0 times.../K: But you learned by watching didn't you?/L: For real, i don't know it!/K: It's fine! I won't teach you, i'll let you try it yourself! Isn't it funnier that way?"_ 7:28 Playing gomoku; Five in a row. 8:10 _"L: Alright, i can only take the middle then!/K: Ah is that so?/L: Of course!/K: Then sorry, let me sit by your side/L: What are you sitting there?"_ 9:00 _"L: Ehh?!/K: Sorry, i'll place my piece a bit far away/L: You can do that?/K: It's a deserted island after all! I should land in there/L: But doesn't it end after you put 5 in a row?/K: Yeah!/L: Then i'll do this"_ 9:34 Bk Tskr. 🙏 10:45 _"L: What is that shape even?/K: Sorry, sorry! Right now i'm, maybe i gave you a hint just now/L: What are you doing?"_ 11:00 _"L: What are you doing?/Ahh, it's come to that Lamy-chan/L: Wha www i don't know!/K: Then i must put it here, Lamy-chan you understand don't you?/L: I don't! *giggles*/K: Can't you know? Then, shall i do this move?"_ 11:57 _"L: Wait? I still have a few moves left, so wait~/K: What will you do Lamy?/L: Stop that move?"_ 12:56 Kanatan victory and evil laugh. _"K: You had good reasoning Lamy!/L: Ahhh! I lost though!/K: But not really? You weren't half bad!"_ 13:14 _"K: Miko senpai didn't reach this far!/L: www Oi that's rude!/K: No but i mean really, you're very smart! you may be a genius!/L: For real?/K: For real, beginners wouldn't be able to find out!"_ 😆 13:28 Round 2 start. 14:13 _"K: Lamy you're going THAT far? I caaaaan't predict that! wwww/L: But did you intend to cuddle your piece with mine though?/K: Let's stop cuddling each other?/L: I'd like to but can i do this?"_ 14:32 _"K: Ah for putting it in the middle, could you be afraid?/L: I'm not!/K: You're scared though!/L: But the way you're playing, aren't YOU the one scared?~/K: Sorry, after all i may be~"_ 14:54 _"L: Why do you always try to go diagonally, is that how you intend to win~?/K: Ahh sorry, i won't~ You're a super beginner so i can't do that~/L: Yeah, i won't let you!"_ 15:09 _"K: You're seeing the future with those glasses aren't you?/L: www, These are glasses for victory! Ah, are you doing this again?/K: I see a great chance for you Lamy!"_ 👓 16:16 _"L: Alright, can you please try to stop distracting me with your talk while piling up diagonally?/K: Ah you found out 👀/L: That's not good!/K: Sorry!"_ 16:35 _"L: This is no good, it's over/K: Ah, but you're able to notice when it's over, this woman! You noticed!/L: It's over though!/K: But it's amazing you figured that out, that's not beginner-like!/L: www You're making too much fun of me!/K: I'm not! For real, you're amazing!/L: You're making fun for real!/K: No you can really become a Gomoku genius!"_ 17:01 _"L: I'll punch you!/K: Ah sorry, sorry!"_ 👊 18:26 Mahjong time. 🀄 18:50 _"L: What is the recommendation here? I don't know/K: Just play/L: I don't know though..."_ 19:15 _"L: Wait, haven't you done this before?/K: Oh i have... _*_Thinks_*_ i wonder.../L: you haven't played anything though/K: Sorry, i have 6 so i'll play this one"_ 19:47 _"L: I have this M/K: Maybe play it?/L: Alright, i'll do then/K: Hey you actually had it! I have M too/L: They match!"_ 20:34 _"L: Wait, i want you to see this Kanatan but, it's pure white piece/K: Oh, true!/K: I'll play the braided Konjac jelly!"_ 22:12 _"L: I don't have enough numbers/K: Are you short on?/L: I can't pick/K: Is it game over? On my right side i have [Tenpai] written though/L: I have [2 chanteng] though, what is this?/K: But [Tenpai] (Fishing: One more tile for completing) sounds like 10 right? Like [Juu] so 2 chanteng seems weaker! ANYWAY Lamy you're slow, just play!"_ 22:51 _ "L: Alright, then let me play Pon/K: You took my piece though, why?/L: I don't know! Not that i need it!/K: You just stole from me though!"_ 23:30 _"L: Wait, my piece was taken!/K: After all the CPU are stealing from us! It's not good to be caught red-handed!/L: But wasn't it you who took it just now?/K: Nope!/L: But who was it?/K: CPU 2!/L: Stop! I'll play the M!"_ 23:52 _"K: Wait, i have lots of [Machi], wait, i can do Ron and Chi! (Winning by picking up a discarded tile and forming a chow by picking up a tile discarded) Ron, well, recently i've watched Harry Potter so i'll go with Ron!/L: Wait, didn't i just lose?! I LOST THOUGH!/K: I don't know but i won somehow?!"_ 🪄 24:22 _"K: Wait, i won without knowing, why? It's scary!"_ 25:25 Round 2 25:58 _"L: this, maybe this is strong/K: What do you want?/L: I have east and west so... I'd like to get South?/K: You want south? I can't see it on my end though/L: Oh but, can't i only take up those that were played already?/K: I wonder if there's a moment where you can just take the pieces, i don't know though"_ 26:41 _"L: I can do Pung, let me do so and see how it does/K: Why do you do pung?/L: I don't know... Wait, it's crazy, i have in my hand [Mountain] what is this?/K: Mountains?/L: Aren't they amazing? The mountains in front of me/K: I don't have mountains or valleys though.../L: wwww Oi, stop with the self-deprecation!"_ 27:07 _"K: But i don't have anything in front of me! I'd like to win again/L: But i can't discard, i'd like to gather these!"_ 27:37 _"L: Wait, don't you have a lot of hand?/K: I play one and get one/L: I do the same! But i have too few, it's just 4 remaining/K: Yeah! If you get one and take one, then you still have too few!/L: Yeah, why do you have more?/K: It's because only pretty ladies get a log-in bonus/L: Sorry, i'm not hearing that..."_ 👂 28:22 _"K: Wait i got it Lamy! [South]/L: Ahh wait, i want that!/K: But i can't give it though! Hey, CPU has 2 of them though!"_ 28:57 _"L: Wait, i got double [North] though"_ 29:25 Tenpai, Lamy at 1st. _"L: You're too weak Kanatan!"_ 29:38 3rd round start. 30:12 _"K: But i got even a misprint one/L: Could it be that's the joker-like?"_ 31:06 _"K: Hey, my pieces are saying [The fingers are dirty] my fingers are dirty aren't they?/L: Sometimes i get that too/K: DIRTYYYY!/L: I wonder... It's a bit different than i imagined, looks like i can do pung soon though! Wait i can get what North and South are but, how do you call [中]?!"_ 31:42 _"K: There's one that's like [Kore/此れ]/L: What is that?/K: This!/L: That's [North] though!/K: AH WWWW SO THIS WAS NORTH/L: _*_wheeze_*_ Kanata-san you're kidding right?! www Aren't you too dum?"_ 32:14 _"K: So this [此れ] Kore was [North!] There's a Kanji for this: Kore/此れ too!/L: Though if That's not [North] though actually! How do you read that one then!"_ 33:15 _"L: Wait, i can do pung!/K: Why though?/L: It seems that you can do pung once you get 2 of the same"_ 34:12 _"L: Isn't this pretty heated?/K: No way right?/L: Maybe there's more left to go? Wait, What should i do? Pung or Chi? Which is stronger?/K: Chi for sure!"_ 32:36 _"K: I mean, in [Jan-Ken-Pon/Rock Paper Scissors], Pon would be the rock so... Chi, wait, Chi would be the scissors (choki) so it'd lose though, sorry but... Pon maybe is the stronger!/L: Your Rock-paper-scissors theory is too weak!/K: Maybe the one atop is stronger/L: What is that?/K: The option on the topmost should be stronger!"_ ✂ 35:23 _"L: I can do Pung/K: Why though?/L: No clue..."_ 36:02 CPU wins. 36:35 _"L: I'd like to play another game, so, how do i give up?/K: Maybe that, press the + button?/L: I'm doing though? Ah well, but we're on this already, let's settle this for now"_ (Continuing in replies)
@X-Kill 11 ай бұрын
[Timestamps Part 2 + Afterword] 37:07 _"K: Wait, i have one that looks like [Hatsu/Green Dragon character/発]/L: Wait, isn't that [Aoi?] Was that Hatsu? No way!/K: This isn't [Aoi] Lamy! It's the old character for [Hatsu]! Aoi is totally different!/L: I thought it was [Aoi/発] though!/K: it isn't though! Lamy-chan? This is Hatsu, an old character for it!"_ 39:08 _"K: I'll do Chi! I wonder what is [Chi]... There's so many things i don't understaind/L: I honestly have no clue about the rules"_ 40:16 _"L: I wonder why is [East] shining though.../K: Oi, my Ppaippai disappeared.../L: In the first place you didn't have them... (O-ppai)/K: Oi oi, you started that huh, we'll start pro-wrestling then!/L: You don't have any ppai to begin with/K: Even though they're so big..."_ ⛰ 41:24 _"L: Wait, wait, i got another yellow East again, what to do?/K: Maybe play it? I know, get three of them?!/K: What do you mean?"_ 42:01 Game match, everyone got no-ten/Not fishing. So no points. 42:19 _"L: It'd be better to learn more from the rules we've seen so far/K: I think i know the rules too though/L: First, it's important to reduce the shanten... I don't know why though..."_ 43:13 Kanatan throwing a YuGiOh reference. 43:25 _"L: Wait, how do i reduce the shanten? What do you think Kanatan?/K: Maybe that's the amount of times you've been NTR'd?/L: Do you mean i've been NTR'd 4 times? That's a lot!/K: WWWWW! But before we even began you were at 4! Doesn't that mean that it has continued on?/L: Eh? Does that mean i've been NTR'd all this time?/K: It may be!/L: That's terrible!/K: Yeah, but the CPU is NTRing us!"_ 👀 44:41 _"L: Wait, it's 3 shanten now! The amount of NTR's has reduced!/K: Wait, i've also become 3 Shanten!/L: It came back home then?/K: I haven't been NTR'd though!"_ 44:56 _"K: Wait, i reached 4 shanten, why? I've been NTR'd? When?!/L: Maybe that means that if i got one less and yours increased... WAIT I'M INN 4 SHANTEN NOW TOO!"_ 46:05 TSKR. 46:23 _"L: Hey, i have these 8 pokeballs but... Nothing else... Wait, but i'm at just one Shanten!/K: I'm at 4 Shanten still/L: Weakling/K: When? This may be unrelated to NTR though/L: Though it seems we're not wrong in that the fewer shanten you have the better it is"_ 👍 47:02 _"L: But other than lining up 3 pokeballs i can't do anything else/K: But wouldn't you need to have them curry-flavored so that they're good? (As in, yellow)/L: But i don't have any curry!/K: Or i got it, maybe you have to get 3 of the curry?/L: Eh? But i don't have a single one/K: Then you're done... wwww"_ 47:49 _"L: Wait i have [Tenpai] now, what is that even? It's not [Shanpai(ten)] it's Tenpai!/K: Wait, i had Tenpai before, why? Isn't that good? Try aiming for that then?/L: Ehh it became 1 shanten again, whyyy?!"_ 48:44 _"L: You're pretty smart then Kanatan! That means that means i must finish this while i have these 13 pieces"_ 49:00 _"L: Wait wait, what now? I couldn't see because of Kanatan but what do i use now? I don't know!/K: Not knowing what to use... Isn't that like Always?/L: For real, i don't have a clue wwww"_ 50:16 Lamy victory! Lamy roasting Kanatan. 50:54 _"L: Sorry sorry, in reality understood it all~"_ 51:00 _"K: Here, in Hanafuda i only know the Ino-shika-cho/L: What is that? It's Boar, deer and butterfly right?"_ 51:47 Hanafuda match Starts. 🎴​ 53:04 _"L: Wait, is this Nintendo?/K: Wait, Nintendo card was brought on the [worthless] area, isn't that bad?"_ 54:18 _"K: What is this Koikoi? Is it like calling you?/L: What is that, i don't know, come here Kanatan!"_ 55:17 Lamy win. 55:36 _"L: I got the rules, i know for sure!/K: you're lying! you said that before!"_ 55:56 _"L: Now, if Ino-Shika-Cho is strong, i'll first take the boar!/K: I see! Taking it now... You're pretty smart aren't you/L: Sure but... You're already getting junk!"_ 57:41 _"K: Wait, isn't this the deer for Ino-Shika-Cho?/L: Ahh even though i wanted to take it!"_ 57:50 Kanatan win by gathering 1-point cards (Or, Kasu). 58:04 _"K: Sorry Lamy, you were the one who taught me that game!/L: It's a misinterpretation though?/K: It's strong!"_ 58:25 _"K: If you gather [Kasu] you win!/L: That's not how..."_ 58:35 Kanatan wins with Koikoi. _"K: Sorry, it's my win!/L: Kanata, that's not good for the stream!"_ 58:54 _"L: Last, what should we play, what are you good at? I'd like to beat you at something you're good at/K: The one with dices, yacht!"_ 🎲​ 59:29 Playing yacht. 59:35 _"L: Let's see, who do you think will have the bigger streamer luck at the end?/K: Probably me, won't lose, won't i?/L: Then, allow me~"_ 1:00:25 _"K: I'll get the 6... ALRIGHT! _*_Full house_*_ I got the 2nd strongest full house in the world!/L: Really?!/K: This is a streamer, Lamy!"_ 1:01:07 _"L: Wait that's... These don't match at all! It's garbage!/K: 3,4,6 do you think you'll be able to get something here?/L: No way/K: I'm aiming for it, an S straight, or B straight 5 and..."_ 1:01:42 Lamy's S straight! 1:01:55 _"K: Alright, i'll do s straight/L: AHHH?! STRONG!/K: I'll get B-Straight/L: No way! Aren't you amazing?!"_ 1:03:17 _"L: Are you aiming for 6's? Ah i see/K: It'll come, 6!/L: Ahh Zako zako/K: Isn't that crazy? Excuse me +67/L: So 4 dice bonus huh?/K: Do you know bonuses? I'd like to aim for those~"_ 1:04:06 _"L: Ah this may not be good/K: Hearing you say that is shocking, it's a first~/L: shut it www"_ *Lamy meowth noises* 🐱 1:04:50 _"K: You're in my same circumstances now, careful there!/L: Yeah i have to be careful with how i control this"_ 1:05:15 Lamy B straight! _"L: There we go! Kanatan, this is what a streamer is! You get it?/K: How many 2's did you stock?/L: It's not even being tsundere, just streamer luck!/K: Well that's bad, but the 2's are coming with me!"_ 1:06:17 _"L: Ahh i got another 4~/K: And you won't get another one/L: *meowth*/K: www isn't this an overwhelming victory?"_ 1:07:06 _"K: This is the weakest full house in the world, thank you so much!"_ 1:07:48 _"L: Yeah dum dum, this isn't bad"_ 1:08:15 _"K: You're almost out of Bonuses, aren't you? Unless you get 6's or a yacht you won't get any more bonus/L: Ah dum dum, i'll definitely get the yacht, i'm a streamer after all!/K: There's 6's here.../L: You don't need them, go with the 5?/K: I don't need it, but i'm a streamer, so what would i be thought of if i don't aim for the Yacht?/L: AHH TOO BAD! If you don't get it it'd be fine/K: I'll get it though/L: Really? If you don't it'd be really sad, Kanatan/K: EXCEPT I WILL!/L: Ahh what a pity!"_ 1:09:02 _"K: My B straight *sobs*/L: Ahh we're still in a match though! Can i start going serious now?~/K: And you? You're also a streamer/L: I'm also aiming for the 6's yacht"_ 6⃣​ 1:09:30 *Free Kanatan evil laugh button for you* 1:11:07 _"K: Aren't you going to bring the yacht soon?/L: I will! Wait, i'm troubled.../K: But if you don't get it, you could get the 6's, that's your only way to go isn't it Lamy-san?/L: Seems like! I'll show you, how i get the 6's yacht..."_ 1:11:30 _"L: I'll get it nex!/K: Will you get 3 of them somehow? As expect-/L: AHHH! it was close but alright/K: There's no bonus remaining for you! But it's dangerous, we're only one turn away!"_ 1:12:10 Zako tskr. 🙏 1:12:20 _"L: Alright, so what happened with your Bonuses, Kanata-san?/K: I just haven't gotten any Deuce! Why?!"_ 1:12:34 _"K: Just bring in the Yacht!/L: I'll do so, i'll bring in the 3's yacht, leave it to me?/K: What number would you be going for?/L: Either would be fine?/K: It won't make a differe-"_ 1:12:48 *LAMY'S 3'S YACHT!* _"L: THERE IT IS! HEY DID YOU SEE THAT KANATAN?!/K: OI STOP! FOR REAL!/L: Did you see that, everyone? That's a streamer for you, what will you do now?!"_ 1:13:23 _"K: Come 6's! Ahh!/L: What a pity!"_ *Lamy's victory* 🥳 1:14:20 _"L: Next time i'll beat you up at Toy Tennis/K: Ah for real? That'd be nice, also at Toy Tennis, i played CPU but i haven't won against it/L: Ah _*_giggles_*_ weakling!/K: For real, i haven't!"_ 1:14:35 _"L: Alright, because i feel sorry for you, let's end with your screaming voice/K: Ending with that?/L: Yeah, please scream to your heart's content as if you were a sore loser/K: Ah, got it/L: Thank you all!"_ 1:14:50 _"K: I'LL GET YOU AT TOY TENNIS IN THE END!"_ 🎾 Without anything else, thank you so much for the asobi Taizen stream Lamy-chan, and congratulations on winning against Kanatan! That's a big improvement than last time! 😄 And not to mention, i don't think i've seenn you lose at Yacht ever before 👏 Though Kanatan is very good at Gomoku and at Hanafuda (Even though she didn't know the rules) 💫 And more impressive was your victory in Mahjong, even against the CPU players! You were phenomenal today princess, may you have a lovely night, and see good dreams in your sleep! 🌙 I love you!❤
@チャアクック 11 ай бұрын
おつらみ~!! 最後にしっかり配信者の実力を見せたラミィちゃんカッコよすぎた!! 次回のゴリレバコラボも楽しみにしてるね~♪
@anyanokotokawaii 11 ай бұрын
どの勝負も面白すぎるw そして豪運のラミィ決めてくのカッコいいよ
@Trombe023 11 ай бұрын
13:13 またも馬鹿にされるみこち
@sayuki40943 6 ай бұрын
@Trombe023 6 ай бұрын
@@sayuki40943 凄い人なんだけどなあ、、、w
@tougenkyou1203 11 ай бұрын
おつゴリレバでした〜✨ 殴り合いの筈が褒め合いになってたりカオスな麻雀花札で協力プレイしたりとメチャメチャおもろかったぁっ(≧▽≦) 笑いすぎて腹痛い 最後、ラミィちゃんのヨットはマジさすが配信者!! ラミィちゃん持ってんねぇっ( ´∀`)bグッ!
@ぐりこ-v7u 11 ай бұрын
@暗黒盆踊りおじさん 11 ай бұрын
おつゴリレバでしたー! ラミィちゃんとかなたんのプロレスが良すぎてあっという間に終わった、もっとコラボして欲しい 最後のヨットはさすが配信者といわんばかりに決めたね!
@ebitendaaaaaa 11 ай бұрын
ゴリレバコラボ楽しかった!! 仲が良いからこその煽りあい☺️ ミリしら麻雀面白すぎたww
@智貴-u9i 11 ай бұрын
とっても面白かった! らみぃちゃん最後みしてくれたね!w 見所いっぱい楽しかったよ!
@kbgito 8 ай бұрын
@わにわに-m7c 11 ай бұрын
おつらみでした! ミリしら麻雀対決めちゃくちゃすぎて面白かったなぁ! 二人が仲良くイキり合えてるのも良かったです。 ゴリレバ最高!
@らぴす5303 11 ай бұрын
おつゴリレバーでした! 煽りの応酬がこれまで以上に凄かったねw ミリしらの麻雀と花札もヤバすぎたw もはや何を話してるの状態w 五目並べはラミィちゃん知らなかったのに、かなたんと良い勝負出来てたね! 最後にあらヨット!凄かった!
@user-rei_sakuraduki 11 ай бұрын
ゴリレバトル見所満載楽しかった! 五目並べベテランVSミリしラミィちゃんの勝負もお互いの実力と潜在能力が垣間見える熱い試合! 麻雀と花札はお互いミリしらで、どっちもよくわからないまま進むのが面白いw そしてやはり、ラストの追い上げで配信者の女神を味方につけてしまう豪運ラミィ……これはさすが過ぎた!
@SNT-ws9vz 11 ай бұрын
@yukimin_shiro 11 ай бұрын
ラミィちゃんゴリレバアソビ大全お疲れ様❄ 最後の3ヨットめちゃくちゃすごかったね!まさに配信者!さすが! 最初の五目並べで初めてなのに才覚表して殴り合いじゃなくてほめ伸びだったりやっぱりバチバチだったりで二人のわちゃわちゃ面白かったよw また次回のコラボも楽しみにしてるね! 楽しい時間をありがとう! ラミィちゃん可愛い愛してるよ
@囮隊長 11 ай бұрын
ミリしら麻雀と花札で語録が増えたの面白かったし、ヨットの戦いがマジで接戦すぎた! さすがは氷笑の魔女、ヨットはお手の物だよっと!
@しゃの-u9g 11 ай бұрын
@サト-b7s 11 ай бұрын
@Lostblackbeans 11 ай бұрын
おつゴリレバでした😊 お互い良い殴り合いしてて凄く面白かったですw
@置手紙 11 ай бұрын
@n.n.t.9447 11 ай бұрын
@いーだ-c1o 11 ай бұрын
素晴らしい配信でした ちなみこちには、まあ無理だよ笑
@白河さやか-z9u 11 ай бұрын
ヘブバンの配信でも思ったけど・・・ラミちゃん、豪運すぎひん?w かなたんとの掛け合いも面白いし、ラ俺誇
@Sow-zaemon778 11 ай бұрын
@TakeYuki_Hayate 11 ай бұрын
おつゴリレバ! ミリしらパートも面白かったけど、最後のヨット勝負おもしろすぎたwww トイテニスしてあげるタイミングくるといいね笑
@undopun 11 ай бұрын
@Super.flower12 11 ай бұрын
@negitorodon222 11 ай бұрын
@Aaron-555 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the fun stream!☃💫
@CreamCandy1115LamyIloVeYou 11 ай бұрын
ラミィさん五目並べ始めててあそこまでできるのは観察力高いんだね かなたんはなんやかんや褒めてくれたり色々気をつかってくれてたし本当に優しい先輩だね しかし麻雀のカオスっぷりはめっちゃおもろかったw 麻雀で寝取られって言葉今まで聞いたことないわw 最後のヨットでは遺憾なく豪運エルフ発揮しててやっぱラミィさんすげーわってなりました 二人の仲の良さもみれたしゴリレバまじ最高! またコラボしてくれると嬉しいです 今日は楽しい時間をありがとう おつゴリレバ~
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