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Lamy Ch. 雪花ラミィ

Lamy Ch. 雪花ラミィ

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@雪カワウソ 11 ай бұрын
個人用Time Stamp 02:19 start 04:13 休み中の出来事について  04:47 ONE PIECE好きな姉に布教されるラミィ  09:29 モンハンNow&大剣を捨てたラミィ   11:21 都会凄いな!?  13:12 LUSHで色んなバスボムを買った話   16:04 お姉様のオタク知識が深い話    18:38 推しを布教したいお姉様  24:51 下着について注意されるラミィ  27:35 早くて沢山食べるお姉様のエピソード集  43:38 おぱんちゅうさぎのオタクなお姉様  46:52 寂しがり屋なお姉様  48:54 給湯器の機能について勘違いしてたラミィ   52:38 マニュアル読むやつおる?   55:23 水回りの掃除はプロに任せた方がいい理由 57:28 終了挨拶  58:09 直近の予定&重大発表予定のお知らせ 59:13 Cパート
@goe0425 11 ай бұрын
ラミィちゃんって人のいいとこ見つけるのほんとに上手いと思う。 お姉様がいっぱい食べるとことかありがとうって言ってくれるとことか
@稲島しんじ 11 ай бұрын
ラミィちゃんのお姉様って、ラミィちゃんより、やや小柄で、健啖家で、オタク知識豊富で、エネルギッシュ!……っめっちゃキャラが、濃いなぁって思ったよ。 趣味の話したことなかったのも、驚きだけど、お姉様の特有の、自分は、それ程の定義が、オタクあるあるだなぁって…… ラミィちゃんが好きなもの語る時の熱量も、似たようなニュアンスがわかるような…… こうなると、お兄様がすごい気になるよ……
@liar_rabyrinth 11 ай бұрын
お姉様のキャラが強すぎて もうアニメの登場人物にしか思えない😂
@Moon.Star0w0 11 ай бұрын
@coconyt3623 11 ай бұрын
自分で決めてくれ、ラミィちゃん! 自由になれ!🤍💙🤍
@鈴木亮平さん似のまっきー 11 ай бұрын
@mutsukinarugami2822 11 ай бұрын
ラミィちゃん〜 お姉様のお話色々聞いてめっちゃ微笑ましくなった… またお互い時間があったら会って欲しいな
@Tenebre_Zwei 11 ай бұрын
@政諺-j7j 11 ай бұрын
@ネコ缶-m6d 11 ай бұрын
@星野カービィ-e5j 11 ай бұрын
メイド姿のサムネかわいい アーカイブで楽しみます ラミィちゃんありがとう!!
@チャアクック 11 ай бұрын
お姉さまとのエピソード面白かったよ!! ラミィちゃんが楽しく過ごせたみたいで本当に良かったよ✨
@Vtenco_ch 11 ай бұрын
お姉様の話はこれまでもちらほら聞いた事があったけど、 ここまでアニメに詳しい人だとは知らなかった!大食いなのもビックリ。 ソシャゲもガッツリやってるみたいだし、お姉様の事がもっと知りたくなったわんゲームの好み合いそう。
@稲島しんじ 4 ай бұрын
お姉さまって目線が姉であり母でありな、放任主義なようで妹思いな良い姉って印象を受けるよ。 ラミィちゃんの話ぶり聞いてる限り、距離感があるというより年齢差の距離ってかんじよね。とても家族思いな姉妹って印象よ。 お姉さま、職業柄なのか食が早いのはしかたないかしらねぇ・・・お姉さまがワイルドっていうけれど、ラミィちゃんも要所要所でワイルドというかアバウトというか・・・たまにとんでもないことするのは遺伝というか血統かなぁ・・・? お姉さまの話するラミィちゃん、ほんと優しい心象、自慢の姉なんだろうね! 2024.6.13
@T氏-u1x 11 ай бұрын
おつらみでした お姉様がとても優しく面白い方だというのが伝わった
@三毛プロ 11 ай бұрын
おつらみ〜 ラミィちゃんの声聞けてよかった!ラミィちゃんとお姉さんの仲の良さがいっぱい伝わってきたよ〜
@X-Kill 11 ай бұрын
[Timestamps & Summary Part 3] 36:23 _"Also we went to eat ramen at, was it a chinese food restaurant? My sister ordered the ramen, but it was like Ramen (Large portion), well, how to say, it's a chinese food restaurant that's been in the town's outskirts for a good time, so it's possible that you get an enormous portion in those, right?"_ 36:55 _"So we waited for the food while talking [What will we do if it's a really big portion?!], but then well... It was just a ramen of about a normal [Large portion]'s size, so... For me, what was it... The stir fried chili-Shrimp set. But my sister, she started gobbling on her ramen in front of me, but how to say, she was straight swallowing the ramen!"_ *giggles* 🍜 37:31 _"While i was eating a single Ebi chili, she was eating the ramen like if she had 2 mouths, it was amazing! While i ate about 3 of the Ebi chili she had finished half her ramen!"_ *giggles* _"I think she was chewing i mean but she was eating at a pace that it was like if she was dealing with a drink! And when she finished she said [Ahh, for a large portion it felt like little~] i was like [NO! THERE WAS A LOT!]"_ *laughs* 38:18 _"And at the end i couldn't finish my meal, since i didn't have that much appetite, well she even ate the remainder of my food... I only ate the shrimp from the Ebi-chili so i told her i didn't have more, and she was like [It's alright, i'll have the sauce so it's fine!]"_ *wheeze* _"She ate the miso soup, the remaining rice, the shrimp-chili sauce, the vegetables, she ate it all! It was amazing, she's so strong!"_ 💪 39:03 _"Also, though i'm 158cm tall, she's a bit smaller than me, but not fat at all still! It made me think where does she even store it all? It's like Choco sensei too... She's so thin but eats a lot, like where do they store it all for real..."_ 39:27 _"Long ago when i was back in Unylia, we'd go to the Unylia udon shop, it's a chain store so you may know it but, how to say... There's larger portions than a large portion, how to say...? Like the super big one, called [Special portion], like udon 3-bowl size? They had that, well, my big sister ordered from that udon shop, and they'll ask you what you want to order right? She said [The special portion!], well that one doesn't look like something she would be able to eat so the employee asked her a lot, she'd repeat it over and over and they'd go [The special portion?!] She ate the tempura and all properly. It looks like for some time she was embarrassed for that so she ordered the big portion instead"_ 41:54 _"But even then she finished the large portion, so she went like [It's not enough... Sorry Lamy... I'll order another serving...] and she had it! I couldn't believe it..."_ 41:26 _"Generally it happens to me that whenever i ordered something i couldn't finish it all since i'd orde more than i could eat, for the remaining food she'd look at me saying [What's wrong, are you full?] when i made a face of being full _*_laughs_*_ Then i'd say[L: I'm full, can you eat it?] And she'd answer with [Can i?!] Like, isn't it amazing how after eating her own part she'd ask so excitedly if she could eat that too?"_ *laughs* 42:21 _"C: That's cute/L: For real it was cute! Seeing her like that felt so fulfilling, how to say, people who made the food would be happy seeing how up until the end she looks she enjoys her food so much"_ 42:45 _"And another amazing thing about her is that she thanks for the food always, even though it may seem the most granted of things, she'll thank for everything, every single time, even if you give her water... I thought that it was so nice, that how she thanks people so much is such a good trait"_ 🙏 43:19 _"So being to eat so plenty and enjoy the food as much, thanking so much for it all, it makes me want to do my best, though i can't eat as much though... There were some tough things though, if i say what that'd be..."_ 43:45 _"We went to the game center and there was [おぱんちゅうさぎ/Opanchu Usagi]'s item, it's like a rabit who makes a 🥺face... There were backpacks that looked like Opanchu usagi has been tied, when she saw it she was like [This is nice! I think Opanchu usagi is so cute!] But i really didn't know anything about Opanchu Usagi other than it's a rabbit"_ 44:20 _"Opanchu Usagi even has an anime, and it looks like it has a lot of story too, it starts like [Opanchu Usagi is really unfortunate...] kind of! And so she'd start saying things like [The characters are 〇〇, Opanchu usagi really is unfortunate!] And i really couldn't understand the story"_ 44:51 _"I told her [sorry i don't know, I only know that Opanchu Usagi is a rabbit and that's it] so she said [Wait a moment, i'll show you!] and she did again!"_ *giggles* _"I don't knooowww! It was a lot of information into my head! Since the talk was all new to me! I didn't know! But yeah, she's amazing..."_ 🤯 45:20 _"I didn't get bored with her, but on the contrary if she went silent i'd worry that something's wrong with her health, since she's usually talking... But yeah when she was silent she was playing her social games/mobile games"_ 45:51 _"It was amazing, but she said [I'll feel lonely when i go back home...] So yesterday at night before sleeping, well, the previous time she came home we slept together but, My sister sleeps so badly that i couldn't really sleep, that's why this time i prepared a place to sleep! With Futon and everything! And told her [Alright, please sleep here~] but though she said [I'll feel lonely, i want to sleep with you] i was like [Nope, can't do, i can't sleep if i do!] www"_ 46:33 _"But yesterday, since it was the last night my sis said [So can't we sleep together since it's the last day?] but i had to answer no still! I can't sleep if we do!"_ 46:51 _"But before sleeping she said [But i feel lonely, so can i at least hug you before sleep?] and i hugged her, when she went back home today she looked lonely... While saying [I'd like to be more time with you~] And she went back, all while i was thinking, [You also have a job to do...]"_ *lovely giggles* _"All while she was looking back and saying [I wonder when should i come next~]"_ 47:26 _"Before taking the break i said that if i felt lonely i may stream in while i had a gap, but there was none! And well, first because it'd be embarrassing to stream while she's around, and also because she is really talkative all the time, i didn't have time for myself until it was time to sleep"_ *giggles* _"When she went to sleep i even thought [I'm finally alone!] www"_ 48:12 _"And Milk (her cat) of course was around too, she's very fond of people so my sister was patting Milk all the time, while she was saying [I don't really have the chance to see animals! This is the best!] She was hugging Milk all the time... So Milk wasn't short of attention either, she'd come to eat or play too"_ 🐱 48:48 _"It was a very fun everyday... AHH YES! One thing about my sister, she helped me clarify one thing! In the bathtub there's the hot water button, like one that looks like boiling? There's buttons for heating right? Amidst them, there was a button for [Calling] (Displayed as: 呼出) but, i always thought where would that button connect to if anything... So, since i didn't know where was it connected too i was afraid of pressing it, so i didn't..."_ 49:42 _"Because for me, if i pressed it when i fell at the bathroom i'd be brought out all naked from the front entrance, i talked about how i thought it was better not to press and bathe like that... But when i said that she said [What are you saying, no way it's like that... That's only in the house] she said... But i was like [What would you do if an unknown old guy shows up though?!] she said [No way!]"_ 50:06 _"And so while i went out the bath i told her she could press the button to call, that way if when she presses there's a voice that says [Yes?!] she'd say [Sorry, i mispressed!] But she said [Nah it's fiiine!] I was really nervous, thinkingn what if an unknown old guy shows up? So when she pressed it, it rang on the living room and i was like [Oh so that's what it does...]"_ *laughs* _"But because it really looked like it was connected i thought where would it be connected to www, i looked for a mic button but there was nothing, so i thought it was only a button to call for help..."_ ⚠ 51:07 _"I really didn't know... I thought that it'd be connected to the reception, so that in case i fell in the bathroom i'd be able to call for help with that button... And that then some emergency dispatcher would answer, that's what i imagined it did... That's why... www... But you see there's also a call button by the toilet! I thought it was for that!"_ *giggles* 51:46 _"And here i thought that button would help me if i fell someday but it only beeps at the living room so it has no meaning at all! It surprised me! Well, that's one mystery solved..."_ 52:15 _"L: But since i lived alone i wouldn't press the call button would I? That's why i thought it was like that, I kept thinking what would it do if i misspress it?! While being all nervous... So i wouldn't press that carelessly, but now i learned what it does/C: Would you call them in time?/L: Well, i wouldn't www, there's a lot of explanation in the manual but there's people who read them all? I don't, by the way... So i learned.../C: It'll call the First door/L: Really? Connected to the floor?"_ (Continuing in one last comment)
@minase_kori 11 ай бұрын
@darkness_dragon_kira_ 11 ай бұрын
おつらみでしたー! お姉さまもラミィちゃんも素敵な方だってことがよくわかった…! 久しぶりに声が聴けて良かった!
@X-Kill 11 ай бұрын
[Timestamps & Summary Part 2] 18:39 _"When she came to my home she brought her ipad, she has games there, but she plays too many of them, and sometimes would go like [Sorry, i have my dailies to do!] Then she does her dailies or [Oh my favorite's pickup will begin soon/This PV doesn't show them at their best] or such"_ 19:17 _"She's a total Otaku, i never noticed that so far, to think my big sis was an otaku... And moreover she explains it in such detail, i couldn't follow her at all, but she showed me her favorites even! Then saying things like [This one's outfit is special since it was her anniversary] or so"_ 👗 20:18 _"And she'd talk to me even though i didn't know the game itself explaining about the voice actors and performance, and say [This is Inori-chan!]"_ 20:50 _"Ah yeah, she also plays Nikke, but on the way home? She said, [Hey, i rolled the pick-up character, i just got them], etc, i felt glad for her"_ 21:25 _"Yeah she likes Nikke characters a lot, she'll say [This girl is so cute] or such, or how much it took her to roll them"_ 22:12 _"Anyway, she talked so fast too, so it was like my sister talked to me about One Piece and her social games, and i almost didn't talk myself basically, i kept listening all the time, and she kept showing me her favorites! I'm not the kind that likes to be shown others' favorite but she showed me so much, she was almost preaching!"_ *giggles* _"She kept saying [This game and characters are so cute!]"_ 23:03 _"C: Won't you play together?/L: We played MonHun now though! That's how far my Sister's fever went! That's why when i told her i wanted to play MHN and opened the game, she was like [Just a bit, wait for me, i'm doing dailies!]"_ *giggles* 23:33 _"C: I think i'd get along even better with your big sis/L: Wah, shock! i'm shocked! We went a different direction huh~ But yeah, i'd like to try and do the things i like myself"_ 23:46 _"and at MonHun Now there's also transactions, so you can purchase heals for it, my sister strengthened her heart to play MonHun without doing any transaction, so that's why though daily you get 5 heals, other than that you can't heal unless you purchase them... That's why, though i was like [Let's go and go!] She was like [sorry, i'm out of heals... I'll heal with time so wait] and i was kept waiting"_ 24:24 _"And though i said [L: It's fine, just buy a heal] she said [AL: No, i won't charge anything for MonHun Now, absolutely! I'm decided not to do this no matter what!] she said, and she really didn't!"_ *giggles* ❤‍🩹​ 24:42 _"But thanks to playing while she was around i got to HR 10"_ 24:53 _"And yeah, though we bather together, sorry for the talk jumping from place to place, well we bathed together everyday but, after bathing i'm the kind that doesn't wear a bra... Since it'd be bothersome when sleeping right? That's why i'm the type that doesn't... But My sister looks like she is, so when i mentioned that she'd go like [Wear it, you!] or such... So i was like [Uhhh... Let's go to the underwear shop then?] Somewhat i don't like the feeling of being tied by it? So if it's not something a bit loose i'd prefer not to wear it, but when i said that she said [But then your breasts will go all droopy]"_ 👀 25:49 _"and so we went to the underwear shop but when i saw the relaxing-looking ones and wondered if maybe i should do that, she said [That one would be like you aren't wearing anything!] she said, so i was like [Ok so should i or not?]"_ 26:12 _"So we bought that and now i wear it properly... She told me to, so i'm doing now..."_ 26:26 _"C: Did you get a cute one?/L: there wasn't? I wonder, in the first place there's none of my size... And well also by the way my hair is long when getting out of the bathtub, so if i did a cute twintails or not, you couldn't tell, so something like that? So i didn't... But she told me a lot to wear it, that's why i did, she went [Do it!] But yeah she told me that if i didn't wear them they'd go droopy, even though so far it hadn't happened"_ *giggles* 27:35 _"Also about my sister, I'm quite a light eater, my sister (And see, she isn't fat or anything), but she eats so quickly and eats a lot! We went to an [All you can eat in x amount of minutes] shop"_ 28:02 _"And well, while i finished eating one dish she could finish 3! _*_giggles_*_ She was quite wild! www And well, the seats are for 2 people facing each other, I sat at a sofa-like seat, while my sister sat in the chair, and also we were at the end of the store so, it was a place where the customers from outside couldn't see... But my sister when eating fruit would go like [It's bothersome with a spoon!] throw it aside and start eating it with her hands! I thought that was so wild! www She ate them like how you'd eat a watermelon! She was so bold on that!"_ 🍉 29:03 _"My sister is so cute, cute in a way of saying beautiful as well though, but she's too wild! That was amazing, we also had grapes there, and though i'm the kind that eats one at a time, for real, i don't know but"_ 29:27 _"Was it a squirrel? Or a Hamster? She'd stuff her cheeks taking and eating them like if they were peas! I was like [Is she chewing or swallowing them?!] Like maybe she was chewing them and taking them out of existence? She ate grapes like that, that was super wild it surprised me www"_ 29:58 _"Also to top there was no green tea as drink! Even though they had such fancy drinks there was none, because it was dinnerplace"_ 🍵🚫 30:17 _"For me, i tend to feel full right away because fruits have water as well, so i got full right away, and when i said i couldn't eat any more she was like [Ah sorry, can you wait a single moment more?], we ate until the very end... But i thought that since they're mostly water we could digest them quickly? So we ate them a lot"_ 30:46 _"I thought that, if i was born a man i'd be nice to eat just like how the people seemed to enjoy their food... For me, i really can't eat much so i couldn't help but feel jealous, to think that one could munch on so many kinds of foods, "_ 31:08 _"I thought that it was nice how men live, it was amazing, we ate a lot, and then after about 2 hours she got hungry again!"_ *laughs* 31:28 _"After that we went shopping, we walked around, i asked her if her legs hurt from walking and she said [Oh no, they don't, they're fine... But i'm hungry] and i was [Hungry?! Even though you ate earlier?! Where did all that go!] She's like Luffy, a food fighter!"_ 31:39 _"Then during the night, when we returned we ate again, and before sleeping even once again! It was crazy! Like it made me even think how can she eat that much! That's why, while she was with me i'd always ask her if she was hungry... I asked that pretty often"_ 32:40 _"Eating even while she's not hungry, she said she'd like to eat, while i thought if she should eat or not... But she really doesn't grow fat! On the contrary! I don't know how she does it and not get fat! She is a real black hole!"_ 🌀 33:08 _"But www, while she was in the taxi on her way to my home, she LINE'd me, at first she said [I'm going out from home, i'll take about x time], as i replied [got it, i'll wait then] she said right after... [Thinking about it, i may be a bit hungry...] And asked [Have something at home?] _*_giggles_*_ I said [Ahh sorry, i don't have anything, what should i do, want to eat anything?] I forgot what she told me she wanted but i didn't have it"_ 🍞 33:55 _"She told me [How do you survive, what do you eat?] And i said [Base bread and... Base bread i guess, and protein... With Base bread...] _*_wheezes_*_ So she bought bread and when she arrived she said [AL: I got bread/L: Thank you!] Something like that, washed our hands and we ate bread while sitting on the sofa"_ 34:26 _"Then as i thought she'd eat a single bread she said [Ahh i may get full with this... But if so that's fine] and when i noticed... All Bread was gone"_ *Laughs* _"What happened to the bread... She has an amazing stomach, she can really eat a lot! Though being honest i think she'd be fine even without eating! But she still does"_ 35:25 _"She really doesn't grow fat! But yeah, people who eat that much are nice i thought..."_ 35:36 _"I don't have a favorite type but if i had to pick one, i'd like people who seem to enjoy their food, i realized while watching my sis... People who looked like they love their food match well anywhere i think. I can't eat much so even when a Holomem tells me that they want to go someplace to eat, i'm the kind that is fine with anything (Because i really won't eat much either way) so... I'm more the type that follows in to what others prefer to eat"_ (Continuing in other comments)
@iintyo21 11 ай бұрын
お疲れ様でした~! お姉様の印象が、前にラミィちゃんから聞いてた印象からはガラッと変わりました笑 お姉様と楽しく過ごせたようで何よりでしたよ~(*´ω`*)
@konohana7 11 ай бұрын
お姉様が大食いになったきっかけはきっと ラミィちゃんがよく食べ残しするから姉が処理していたらいつの間にか…って所なのかな。 でも太らない体質なのは羨ましい限り
@katekinoko 11 ай бұрын
ラミィちゃんおかえりー やっぱラミィちゃんの雑談は癒される…
@BB-lennon 11 ай бұрын
おつらみ〜! 沢山お話聴けて楽しかったよ✨ お姉さまも凄いけど、マニュアル読まないラミィちゃんもなかなかよねw やっぱり姉妹なんだなぁって思った
@ぱぱぱぱぱにぃ 11 ай бұрын
ほんといいお姉さんね~幼年期はあまりラミィちゃんと会話とかしないイメージあったけど。 腹ペコキャラっぽくなってて…!でもお姉さん並みに美味しそうに私も食べれるのでラミィちゃん手料理宜しくぅ! (私が作ってもいいけど)そしてワンピース好きの私歓喜、なんだかんだでやたらネタにできる作品なんよね…笑 とりあえずは良い休みをとれたようでなによりです、ラミィちゃん愛してる
@sasaki0aran 11 ай бұрын
Welcome back Lamy-chan!! Glad to hear about all the cute stories of you and your sister, sounds like you had a lot of fun during your break Very happy that you got that quality time and rest, and now yukimin welcome you back with hugs and smiles! LOVE YOU LAMY!
@Grauzan雪民 11 ай бұрын
@アストワール十反逆の暗黒騎 11 ай бұрын
夜活雑談配信~ ラミィちゃんのお姉様って結構オタクだったのねw ラミィちゃんと好みは違う感じなのかな? ラミィちゃんは小食やけどお姉様は腹ペコ率高めとw いっぱい美味しそうに食べる人も可愛いと思うけど ラミィちゃんみたいに小食でも美味しく食べる娘も可愛いと思うよ ラミィちゃんのお姉様可愛すぎw お風呂の呼び出しボタン緊急のやつと勘違いしてたのねw ラミィちゃん可愛すぎ 配信ありがとうね ラミィちゃんが楽しく過ごせていたようでよかったわ ラミィちゃんだけ大好き愛してるよ
@X-Kill 11 ай бұрын
[Timestmpas & Summary Part 4 + Afterthoughts] 53:08 _"When i moved right away, i asked for the bath to be cleaned, how do you call it? That lid that you can remove from the bathtub's side, do you know it? it's called [Apron]. It was the first time i did that, so you can remove it and so you can do the cleaning of the bathtub, just like an Air Conditioner, i wouldn't known unless i asked a cleaner to do it"_ 🛁 54:44 _"C: I know it!/L: Lies! You know after all? No way, do you? Aren't you pretty strong?/C: I do it myself about every 3 months/L: Amazing! So is that something that you can clean yourself actually?/C: Maybe everybody cleans it/L: For real..."_ *shocks* _"C: There's a long brush to clean it/L: I didn't know... But i thought that needed of a professional cleaner/C: So you don't do it yourself?/L: No! I didn't think that'd be something i could clean easily, so if i opened it and i broke the bath i'd be troubled i thought... So a couple times a year i call a specialist to clean it though"_ 55:23 _"C: Leaving it to the pros gives some relief right?/L: Well for cleaning of those parts where water flows may be better in the hands of a pro, if i say why that's because when i ordered for the cleaning of my kitchen before there's this part, the food... What was it? The one that spins and tears it appart... The one that you could cut your hand with... What's the name? A disposer you say? I didn't know that they existed, this because i don't read manuals, so i didn't know my home had a disposer connected... And i even cleaned that by hand... But since i couldn't take out all the dirt with my hand i cleaned the pipe instead and it even went brrr... So i couldn't clean it well"_ 56:24 _"That's why i called a cleaner that knows how disposers work and they told me [By the way, don't put your hand there!] while i thought [Oops, and so far i've cleaned it by hand...] Well certainly, it has some sort of blades but... I certainly feel i grazed something like a sharp tooth but i really didn't mind so... But since i didn't have a disposer in the houses i lived at before, i didn't think mine had one! So i thought that the kitchen had accumulated some dirt and i cleaned it... So ever since the cleaner came and i learned about what disposers are, the bath's apron which you open to clean... I learned a lot"_ 😅 57:28 _"Alright, i talked about my sister and cleaning the bathroom for 1 hour but... Yeah, my chaotic big sister"_ *giggles* 57:46 _"But this occasion we were together for a long time so we did plenty of things and i thought i'd let you know that other side of my sister. After this we have a talk at 11 P.M, it's a bit of a deeper talk, so if you're interested make sure to come!"_ 58:11 Wonders if she can stream tomorrow (Now today), she will stream Friday, saturday and sunday but one of those is a collab and she won't have her own stream. (Announced it'll be Nenechi's live on the 11th) 58:34 _"And on sunday i have a very big announcement! I'll do an important announcement frame, so look forward to sunday! So... Until next stream if possible! Thank you everyone!"_ 🥳 59:00 _"OtsuLamy! See you later for those in Members-only! And i messed up the loading... OtsuLamymimimin!"_ Without anything further, welcome back Lamy-chan! We really missed you a lot! 🫂 I'm glad that you could share in a precious time with your sister, it shows how much she loved you, plus i really recommend to check on the members-only chat to see more details about her visit! She sounds like a lovely person to meet, so thanks a lot for sharing in the stories this time too! So i'm sorry that i couldn't finish the timestamps sooner, truth be told i hoped to finish them yesterday but... I was just too tired and ended up sleeping instead 😅 But thank you for your patience, everyone. May you all have a lovely weekend! 🕊
@yukimin_shiro 11 ай бұрын
ラミィちゃん久々の夜雑談お疲れ様❄ ラミィちゃんおかえり~、お姉さまとの二人の団欒の時間楽しく過ごせたみたいで何よりだよ~ お姉さまの意外な一面が判明したりですごくビックリしたよw そしてそんなお姉さまのことを話すラミィちゃんすごく楽しそうで改めて本当に仲いいなぁってうらやましくなったよ 本当にいいお姉さまだね みるくちゃんともすぐ打ち解けられたみたいでよかったね~ 他にもラミィちゃんの可愛い勘違いとかすごく可愛くて癒されたよw 楽しい時間をありがとう ゆっくり楽しく休めたみたいで何より! ラミィちゃん可愛い愛してるよ
@sisiou_nyafu 11 ай бұрын
@Clip_bell 11 ай бұрын
ラミィちゃんのお姉さまと一緒にいるとすごく楽しそうだ! 一緒にぜひ遊んでみたいなあ
@ネレウス-e8r 11 ай бұрын
雑談お疲れ様でした! お姉様も中々パワフルな方で家族だからこその距離感の付き合いが良いなあと心暖まりながら楽しく拝聴していました 久々の雑談ありがとうございます、お話楽しかったです!
@taratara0627 11 ай бұрын
おつらみ! お姉さまとのお話面白くて楽しかったよ! 久しぶりにラミィちゃんの雑談聞けて嬉しかった! ありがとう!
@X-Kill 11 ай бұрын
[Timestamps & Summary Part 1] Welcome back Princess! Today after almost a week, let's share in a leisure chat with Lamy! Lamyrium Recharge! 2:17 Start! KonLamy! + introduction. 2:35 _"My hands are moving cheerfully today too! So _*_giggles_*_ it's been a while, have you been alright?"_ 3:01 _"So my sister came home in a hurry, since i didn't know when would she come and when would she go i just spent time with my big sister. As for work it was just about the right moment because there was no special or too important thing. So in this time these few days it was for real rest time, i didn't work at all"_ 3:46 _"Well... I'm trying to not go into too much detail about it, but in regards to that I'll talk more about it at the mengen stream after this at __23:00__ _*_Tries to make signs_*_ so please tune in there if you're interested, it's a bit of a heavy talk though, so if you would please"_ 4:32 _"So while i had a break i worked a little bit of work but other than i didn't work, i was a NEET! If i were to say what i did, first was watching One Piece! The one at YT! From the time i started my break i started watching One Piece!"_ 🏴‍☠ 5:05 _"And well, my sister is well ahead in age to me, so i didn't know if she was really that knowledgeable about One Piece! So while playing the videos and reading the comments all the time (Because it's fun) we left playing One Piece all the time, but she's so versed!"_ 5:34 _"I knew my big brother liked One piece, and though i don't know if that connects, maybe it does... As for why is she so familiar with it, something that was crazy was how, you see it's not how you're always looking there right? Well she was talking in the meantimes"_ 5:58 _"Then my my sister would sometimes tell me [This is a really good scene !] and she'd say that for me to watch! And i'd say [Isn't this before the cene?]! And then she kept saying [This is a good scene] all the time! Like i thought where was the good scene even?"_ 6:26 _"I don't know if people are familiar with One Piece, so i don't know how much of it is a spoiler, but there's an emotional? At any rate a very important character dies so that time, so up until then how many times was it? About 5 i think, My sister would say [Lamy, here comes, just a bit more! Here comes the big scene!] She didn't let me escape!"_ *giggles* 6:57 _"It was a good time www, i was sleepy at night and even then she kept saying [Just a bit more Lamy, JUST a bit more! They'll die!] she kept saying www, but in the first place i was thinking [Is it even good that someone dies?] so her [This is a good scene] would continue all the time, i don't know how far One Piece continues but, no matter how much we kept watching she kept saying [This scene next has a very good quote!] or so..."_ 7:30 _"But for the time that my sister was here, my mind was all stolen by One Piece, how to say... Even when not watching you could hear the opening playing, and it even got us into the habit of saying [Shut up and go!/うるせえ、行こう! (Tony Chopper's habit)]"_ *giggles* 🦌 7:57 _"It was a 24h thing so from morning and even at night while sleeping we were watching it, so our sounds was always youtube playing it on the TV, for one piece i mean, then my sister would go [Ahh this moment!] and it was this and that moment over and over but since i don't know OP well, whenever they introduce new characters i for real don't know who they are, or how they're related"_ 8:57 _"It was a first time watching One Piece for me, i was playing MonHun while it played"_ *checking why it's buffering* 9:32 _"This will become a Monhun talk, but yeah, i started MonHun Now, which is like Pokemon Go, but for Monster Hunter"_ 9:51 _"It has a multiplayer function with your neighbors, much like Monster strike, so i played that but... When i tried joining people would leave so i couldn't really play that much, but my sister and i, we played MonHun Now all the time, so i had a lot of fun with the Multiplayer!"_ 10:22 _"But at the same time i forsake the greatsword... The thing is that on MonHun now the time limit is pretty tough, about barely 2 minutes? You must defeat the monster by then, so when the monster is down it's really important to make use of the gap there to attack, but in MonHun now the Greatsword has that disadvantage so i couldn't do it well, and so i decided i couldn't"_ *giggles* _"That's why i used ranged weapons instead"_ 🔫 11:06 _"That's why in the time my sister was here, i got my HR as high as 10... But it's amazing to play MonHun at night! For real! I want to tell you with a big smile when i reach hunter rank 60 or 80, but for real, playing at night is crazy! Because there's a lot of people in the metropolis! So when i tried opening MonHunNow"_ 11:41 _"There were players with about HR 100 or above! How to say, there were a lot of hunters with a rank far above what i'd consider my ideal!"_ 12:06 _"L: It also says how much people are playing around you, it's crazy, around the metropolis there's a lot, like 80 people in an area! Think about it!/C: Were there 1000 people?/L: Just 80 www But that's amazing still right?! When i go to the metropolis of course, at home there isn't that many even"_ 12:46 _"And well, when i go to the center of the city it gives the option to invite people for Multiplayer since there's somebody, you can endlessly hunt! It surprised me, made me think that if i lived there i could keep on going forever!"_ 🏹 13:14 _"We also went to LUSH, do you know it? It's a very popular amongst ladies shop where they sell bath bombs, well, not only that though, but we went there and chose on bath salts of many fragrances together. Well we tried them since we bathed together everyday, but really LUSH is amazing! This will look like me giving an advertisement talk at nightime but it's really great! If i were to say what is, well i don't know what image of Lush you have but"_ 13:51 *Trying to describe bath bombs* _"So you don't know what color they'll turn, so we bought plenty of colorful ones... And well, my sister would say then [These with many colors will turn brown later] but i was like no way the bath bombs from LUSH will be like that! They'll remain pretty from beginning to end!"_ 14:30 _"So we bought plenty, of a rainbow-like color, but how to say, i didn't know why but, it turned brown... But it was amazing! If i say what was so great is that it has a lot of glitter in it! I thought that it'd make the bath glitter and i was wondering if that would wash away fine, it had a lot of minute sparkles there!"_ 🌌 15:10 _"And by coincidence or so the color in the bath bomb was like the stars! While we were together we were seeing that and we started saying [if this was the sea and these were fish, we'd look like giants to them!]"_ 15:40 _"And if you made a circle with your hands you could see some sort of mini galaxy, if that was a galaxy, wouldn't i be its goddess? And she answered and said [Yes]"_ *giggles* 16:04 _"My big sister is so knowledgeable in otaku knowledge surprisingly! How to say, she compares things a lot! Like she'd say [This is like that one anime] though i don't get her references! I go like What?! I really hadn't talked with my sister about hobbies and such! So i didn't think she'd have such a geeky side to herself! I don't know if it's even something from long ago"_ 16:46 _"When talking with her she reminds me of Marine senpai, getting eager and heated about x characters in y place at z scene while i don't get it"_ *giggles* 17:06 _"Going back to the One Piece talk, she mentions all the time [Ahh so that's why they did this or that there/ah, this one next is an amazing scene!] I really don't know what it is! But she says herself [Oh i'm not that knowledgeable, it's just that i watched One Piece before] or something like that! So while she says [So i had some light memories of it-] she keeps giving more references!"_ 17:48 _"I don't know myself! Meanwhile i was like [Eh?! this person is the father? brother? Eh?!] And she even knows the Voice actors names! She mentions them like, [Ah, this character was voiced by 〇〇 voice actress/actor]"_ 🤓 18:18 _"She knows so much i don't get it! She isn't good for starters like me! I can't followe her! That was amazing, she was an real otaku..."_ (Continuing in other comments)
@ていとく-u3o 11 ай бұрын
ラミィちゃんの姉も案外ホロライブ向きなんじゃ・・・? というかあの胸で垂れないって相当胸の筋力強くない?????
@わにわに-m7c 11 ай бұрын
雑談おつらみーでした! 久しぶりに声聞けて良かった! 色々お姉さんのこととかのお話も面白かったよ!ありがとう。
@yukijo_55 11 ай бұрын
お疲れ様です。 この数日間お姉さんと二人でごゆるりと過ごされたようで何よりです。しかもワンピースを見てたそうで、私も最近見ましたよ。アマプラでルフィとカイドウがドンパチやってるところらへんです。そんなラミィちゃんにオススメなのがワンピのオープニングの「最高到達点」という曲です。聴いたら力が湧いてくるような歌詞でオープニング映像も皆笑顔で元気が出てきます。明るい曲よりも暗い曲が好きだというラミィちゃんに明るい曲をオススメするのはナンセンスかもしれませんが騙されたと思って聴いてみてください。まぁぶっちゃけナンセンスって言葉使ってみたいが為にこの話題を持ってきたってこともなくはないッス
@Archdarck 11 ай бұрын
Okaeri, Lamy! Thank you for the fun zatsu!
@黒猫にゃん-l6q 11 ай бұрын
@nanodon980 11 ай бұрын
でした! お姉様とのお休み期間楽しめたようで良かったよ! 結構、豪快で食欲が凄かったりオタク気質だったりかなりイメージが更新されましたw 楽しそうで素敵なお姉さんだね。 久しぶりに声が聞けて嬉しかったよ~ありがとね!
@kururugi_yukima 11 ай бұрын
夜雑談でしたー! 1週間ぶりくらい?楽しかった! お姉さまと一緒のお休み楽しそうだね、いい時間過ごせたみたいでよかった! 声も聞けてよかった、ありがとー!
@クロニクルアッキー 11 ай бұрын
雑談おつらみです。 以前からお姉さまの話はたまに出てたのでクセの強そうな方だと思ってましたが、 ここまでオタク知識が堪能だとはwワンピースはお兄様の影響なんですかね? デイリーきっちり消化は強いw 船長とオタトーク対談してもらうと面白そうだなと思ったりしました✨ 仲の良い姉妹話聞けて楽しかったです
@zyuz 11 ай бұрын
おつらみでした! お姉さまのこと色々知れて楽しかったです! お姉さまと楽しい時間を過ごせたみたいでよかった! 次の配信も楽しみにしてるね!
@byakkou0427 11 ай бұрын
夜雑談おつらみでした! お姉様のイメージがドンドン書き換わっていく…w お話を聞いて、素敵な姉妹関係だなと改めて思ったよ、一緒に楽しい時間を過ごせてて良かったね
@鬼剣舞おにけんばい 11 ай бұрын
ラミィちゃん、雑談でしたー! ラミィちゃんのお姉様と過ごしたお話、とっても楽しかったです。お姉様の豪快さに驚くばかりでした。
@ししろん最推しねぽらぼ推し 11 ай бұрын
@Kishiro-Kisun 11 ай бұрын
ラミィのお姉様のことをユリーニアのカービィって言ってるコメント見て笑ったw おもろすぎるやろラミィちゃんのお姉様w
@うめめ1115 11 ай бұрын
おつらみー お姉さまと楽しく過ごせたみたいで良かったです
@牛丼依存症候群-q7i 11 ай бұрын
お姉ちゃんのお腹空いて無いけど食べれる滅茶苦茶わかる 暇だからすき家行くとかってなるからwww
@tougenkyou1203 11 ай бұрын
でした〜っ 実際にはほんの数日やのに随分長い間ラミィちゃんの生声聞いてなかった気がしてたけど、元気そうなラミィちゃんの声聞けて楽しいお話たくさん聞けて欠乏してたラミィニウム補充できたっ なお、お姉様の脳内キャラが食いしん坊大好きかわいい布教系ガチヲタで更新された 楽しい時間ありがと〜っ
@homikun0319 11 ай бұрын
おつらみでした〜! お姉様、中々に豪快なんだねw それでいて素敵な方! お話聞いてて楽しかったよー!
@雪花たまごドッグ 11 ай бұрын
久々にラミィちゃんとお話しできて嬉しかったよ!ありがとう✨ おやすみ中いっぱいお姉様との時間楽しめたようでよかった✨ またまったり一緒に楽しいことしていこうね!ラミィちゃんだけ愛してるよ
@fa9life 11 ай бұрын
ラミィ~chanったら…w 🛀の呼び出しボタンのくだり 吹いた!🍵💦(笑) まだまだ面白エピソードたくさんありそうですね ラミィ~chanの思考💭パターン知ることできたぁ
@kakiyan_snow 11 ай бұрын
おつらみでした! ラミィちゃんおかえり〜! お姉さまとのエピソードほんと面白すぎて楽しかったよー! さすが姉妹って感じがしたねw 楽しい時間をありがとう
@-hakuou-77 11 ай бұрын
おつらみー いろいろ聞けて楽しかったわ
@NiCo-jm9bt 11 ай бұрын
@user-rei_sakuraduki 11 ай бұрын
おやすみ復帰雑談ありがとう! というよりほとんどがお姉さま武勇伝だったw 前に来たときの話からも、なかなか奔放なお方だと感じていたけど、無限化のような食欲や古のオタクの性質は予想以上だったw そんな元気をラミィちゃんも分けてもらえてるといいね。
@khoonkitlim5963 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for the fun chit chat stream and welcome back, Snow Princess Lamy-chan!
@はとおじさん 11 ай бұрын
@ルナティック鬼島 11 ай бұрын
夜雑おつらみでした〜! お姉様とのエピソードも面白い話からほっこり話まで色々聞けて楽しかったー!笑 またお姉さんとも会いたいね! ラミィちゃんの声が聞けて元気もらえたよ〜!
@spino.ultimate.water.dinosaur 11 ай бұрын
@murasame_setsura 11 ай бұрын
でした! 休みお姉様と一緒に色々できたみたいでよかったよ!モンハンナウかぁお姉様ってどんな武器つかうんだろ? でもやっぱりラミィちゃんとどこか似てるよね話効く限りw 血は争えないねwいっぱい食べる人には色々食べさせてあげたくなるよね!多分俺も食べさせたくなるとおもうw 久々に声聞けてよかったよ!楽しかった
@ヤナギ-jx3 11 ай бұрын
おつらみ〜! お姉様と楽しんだ様で何よりです 楽しい話をありがとう〜(人´∀︎`o)
@writedraw8655 11 ай бұрын
おつらみでした~お姉様とゆっくり過ごせたみたいでよかったよ~ なかなか豪快なお姉様だけどやっぱラミィちゃんと姉妹だなって感じたよw
@コーラ-k8e 11 ай бұрын
@ズオウかける 11 ай бұрын
おつらみでした! 久々にラミィちゃんの声聞けて嬉しかったよ! 給湯器の勘違いがかわいくて面白かった!フロントにつながるという発想はなかったなw
@cjlee981 11 ай бұрын
@卓根寬 11 ай бұрын
❤❤🎉🎉辛苦啦 可愛的雪花女王
@rerere-d6j 11 ай бұрын
@askayukimin 11 ай бұрын
おつらみでしたー! お姉様、すごいね!もう、色々とwww ずっと笑ってたよ(∩´∀`)∩www
@5210702 11 ай бұрын
🥰💙🥰💙🥰Good night🌙💙🫂💙
@mla37184 11 ай бұрын
@CreamCandy1115LamyIloVeYou 11 ай бұрын
ラミィさんおかえり~ 逢いたかったよ おやすみ中お姉さまと楽しめてたようでなにより ってかお姉さまが中々豪快すぎるのはびっくりしたw 食べる量とかは真逆ですけどオタク気質なところはやっぱり姉妹ですね 聞いててほっこりしたよ 今日は久しぶりにラミィさんに逢えてめちゃめちゃ幸せでした ありがとう
Lamy Ch. 雪花ラミィ
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