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@hopinggirl1722 3 ай бұрын
dear bob, you should play copycat ornn. if you look at ornn's abilities they scale with ad on q, bonus armor and mr on e, ap on r, as well as his best keyrune is grasp so he scales with health as well, effectively all the core stats in the game. this makes him the ultimate flex build champion along with his passive allowing him to build items without recalling. the rules are simple, you build everything the enemy laner builds and if you manage to get ahead on gold, you can not build anything the enemy team hasn't.
@freddiemercury9496 3 ай бұрын
@EmpusaBagiri 3 ай бұрын
This is such a cool idea, Bob please play this
@frijolex2509 3 ай бұрын
omg bob please play this
@izerix 3 ай бұрын
But is it prefect grammar? Idk I'm not native to speaking English but I think it has some minor errors
@yuneea 3 ай бұрын
boosting this
@whosawhatsit 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, to honor Brian the avatar's legacy, you should play each game with champions based on the initial letters in "Brian" and each letters are exclusive for 1 game
@brycedaugherty9211 3 ай бұрын
This is a good idea. Keep suggesting it
@pimpaster69420 3 ай бұрын
I will like this as often as needed
@pensuls7595 3 ай бұрын
keep commenting I will keep liking it. good idea
@samc5395 3 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure this isn't a strategy though
@KuryKat 3 ай бұрын
I will keep liking this until this is the top comment of some video
@chrisman1330 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob you should play machine gun Lulu top. Build all the on-hit items and give yourself your attack speed and on-hit buffs and watch the enemies melt.
@EarthDessert 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I’m so glad you’re finally making friends. You should play with Derrick and let him decide what your strategy is
@ellienyah 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I'm** so glad you're** finally making friends. You** should play with Derrick and let him decide what your strategy is.
@EarthDessert 3 ай бұрын
Dear @@ellienyah, you fool, I’ve edited it to no longer have those spelling mistakes and now you look crazy
@GeofanyAndhika 3 ай бұрын
Derrick the Chinese deserve this
@Tenmo8life 3 ай бұрын
Thought Derek uninstalled Bob
@kostasbert1913 3 ай бұрын
Need a full stop
@SakuraTwo 3 ай бұрын
Derrick is a great entry into the Piantaverse, you must get them back bob So with that Dear bob, you should play whatever derrick wants you to play and win back their heart because Friendship will carry you to Masters This strategy involves apologizing to Derrick and playing whatever role they want and whatever champion they want and doing your best to succeed You still owe derrick those wins
@iziryu 3 ай бұрын
He was on a hiatus, I wonder where 4th hokage minato and omeletteflipper are
@Adam-dd5fx 3 ай бұрын
It's he and him not they and their
@crydegolem4135 3 ай бұрын
@@Adam-dd5fx they, their, they’re and them can be used to refer to a singular person too. It’s not new.
@bast4rdlyreaper 3 ай бұрын
Bob needs to be Capitalized.
@bast4rdlyreaper 3 ай бұрын
​@@crydegolem4135 only if they are a stranger, grammatically speaking.
@kianbrusselbach6106 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, now that you have a duo you should try a double hook champion botlane (thresh, nautilus, pyke, blitz etc) with a full ap build (besides pyke, he can go ad). That way you can make sure to rail in those wins that you owe to derrick. Edit: damn.
@deegandeloof4953 3 ай бұрын
This is actually so heartbreaking
@snake4lyfe31 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play AD neeko top. I heard geckos are the top predator on Mars.
@ParziVal1917 3 ай бұрын
As a gecko i can confirm this, its great Bob, you should do it!
@килбос99 3 ай бұрын
good good good
@cherrymarshmallow 3 ай бұрын
Not as good as yuumi mid tbh- You see, yuumi mid has much better strategy, although it requires a decent amount of team coordination- With Yuumi mid, mid, being the lane jungler’s are most likely to be by- Can be very helpful in yuumi mid. Yuumi has great attack power, with a slow, a shield which increases movement speed, and a get out of jail free option with a teammate. With yuumi, you can poke down the enemies at range, while they are barely able to attack back, then, when you notice your jungler nearby, you do a “Bad play” by running into the minions. Most good players know this trick, as yuumi mid has been meta for a while, but bad players will think “Oh free kill” only to give your kindred a free stack, after you taxi onto them. You’re practically unkillable! Then, after scaling, you can safely kill/kite tanks and enemy mage’s, and when things get dicey, just latch onto your friendly gragas who has been dominating top. I have a solid 30% win rate with this method- The video doesn’t do yuumi mid justice!
@MatasBudrys 3 ай бұрын
Bro this idea is valid af but you GOTTA let the ornn copycat win this one
@amaugust7285 3 ай бұрын
Bob for the love of all lizard people on earth, we need some representation
@dracorpl392 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try Support Tank Bel'veth. Although she is a jungler, she works surprisingly well as a support, because her mobility allows her easily CC the enemies. She can even use it to jump between her ADC and her enemies to shield her carry with her own body.
@soldwyn 3 ай бұрын
a dragon city enjoyer :o
@kiryonnakira7566 3 ай бұрын
Dear bob, i've heard Raid boss Thresh is kind of op. The idea is that you play top and build some ad, hp and magic resist, but ignore armor since you gain ap and armor passively (unless the enemy team have 5 ad or only the support is ap). Since your E deals on hit (magic) damages, you should also get a bit of on-hit in the build. Here is the kind of build that you can expect: - Titanic Hydra (you generally build it first) - Hullbreaker - Kaenic Rookern, Hollow Radiance or Abyssal Mask - Blade of the ruined king - Terminus For runes, grasp is the go to, but aftershock and fleet footwork are also good choices depending on the enemy you're facing. For boots, you can go sorcerer or berserker for more damage, mercure or tabi for more tankiness.
@IYPITWL 3 ай бұрын
3:31 that Q probably did exact dmg to kill as his hp was 192 and Q did 186! Dear bob, my strat is Katarina adc. A homie played it and went like 20 kills. It made for a very fun flex game. I only remember he rushed Bork and Sorc shoes. Good luck
@mypoopiscomingandiplaymine426 3 ай бұрын
Nice strat let him build 2 items 🤣
@saikebonexe9547 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play AP submarine Rek'sai, her AP scaling on burrowed Q and W had a huge buff, just snipe them with Q and EXPLODE them with W. You can either go first strike or dark harvest, just take scorch as secondary for Q. The build path will be Liandry's>Horizon focus>Cosmic drive>any other AP equip. Have fun :D
@benmilligan9255 3 ай бұрын
Editor needs a raise for that middle section
@Palgineer 3 ай бұрын
19:04 Even the enemy team wants Bob to try out some fun strats haha
@defenfer 3 ай бұрын
My dearest friend Bob, i hope this comment finds you well. Heard that you made new friends, with that now you could try the new Renata+Lulu duo, where Renata will build as an adc, Renata's passive consists of doing a bit of extra damage on the enemy and leave a mark so your teammate can also do extra damage, with the help of Lulu's pixie you can constantly activate said passive for a very fun game. Good luck on your future endeavors.
@Grueneslichti 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, i have heard that autofill roaming Janna is secretly OP, gank as often as you can, even if you got autofilled into the jungle. Have fun
@gtoktas83 3 ай бұрын
Dear bob, you should play AP Renata Glasc in the bot lane as an APC with a support that has a DoT effect. The DoT makes your passive instantly proc and with AP, Renata has one of the best maximum health damage scaling. This is a great oppurtunity to finally give your friend Derrick some wins as well.
@finleycremeens2829 3 ай бұрын
Lulu passive works really well with Renata passive :)
@velvelvel-111 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Tank Vel'Koz. You build Liandry's + Tear into Seraph's and then a mix of tank and AP items depending on what you need that game. Your 4th or 5th item should usually be Rabadon's because Vel scales well with raw AP due to true damage. For boots it's usually best to go either Lucidity or one of the defensive ones. The best sums are usually TP + Flash. On APC the best rune is probably Dark Harvest and Comet on solo lanes. The point of this build is primarily to utilize the very solid base damages on Vel's abilities and the bulk helps a lot against assassins and other burst-reliant champs. You can play it either on mid lane or as APC, and top can work too depending on the matchup.
@BewareImCrazy 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, You should try movement speed Urgot out. The build is to prioritize items that give movement speed so you never have to turn off W. I had tried it out in a game vs a Quinn top & Lillia jg. I out-sped both while being a total annoyance (split pushing). Example build: •Boots of Swiftness (Swap to Zephyr if game is dragging on after full build) •Warmog's Armor •Hullbreaker (To Split and be obnoxious) •Stridebreaker (Swap to Black Cleaver if enemies have a bit of armor) •Dead Man's Plate (Swap with Force of Nature if enemies are more AP) •Last Item is always left to situational Sincerely, BewareImCrazy
@shojinakayama6997 3 ай бұрын
21:19 Grievous Wound items count external anti-healing sources as their own work due to Riot being Riot. That healing reduced stat came from Ignite. It would also count towards healing reduced by Kat ult, Kled Q, etc.
@danaabighouse6195 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I highly recommend that you consider playing Nautilus as an Attack Damage Carry and focusing on building critical strike items. Nautilus boasts a 100% Attack Damage scaling on his passive, and once you successfully land a hook, his crowd control makes it effortless to stay on your target. I used to employ this strategy back when Gale Force was part of the game, and it was incredibly enjoyable.
@LegitPlayer809 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you played Yuumi mid, but YOU DID IT COMPLETELY WRONG! You should play AP mid Yuumi instead of support mid Yuumi. Take your Luden's, take your seal and Rabadon's. I heard this Korean strategy is extremely good
@noahzhellos8344 3 ай бұрын
Hello Bob, huge fan here. You should try Enchanter Lux. Support, W max, enchanter items. W has a greater shield coverage than any other enchanter besides Karma's R, your Q is still a double snare, your E is still a slow and reveal field. I heard it's really good.
@octocreeper8182 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Bel Vertical jungle. Belveth loves void grubs so much, so invade the enemy top side to get vision and make sure the enemy jungler goes for drag instead of grubbies. Once you have void form, join the top layer and take turrets with your voidlings.
@dezmas9332 3 ай бұрын
16:01 cinematic masterpiece
@maxoweenie 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try to play AP Miss Fortune support. Her E has AP scaling and a slow, and you can say “money” in the Mr. Krabs voice whenever you land it. Sincerely, AP MF Support main (definitely not hard stuck)
@Shaco-u2r 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, Hello how are you? I have heard that you are looking for a strategy to win some lp and climb all the way up in the rankging so here I am. The strategy is about a Shaco jg who permanetly invade enemy jg makeing him unable to play, mad, and also wasteing time for teammates that are comeing to help him. How to do it you ask? Here is the explanation : - First take yello ward, buy jg iteam with potions ofc (more health=more wasted time) then start q and invade even solo. Just make sure you know where the enemy jg starts :3 -Secend step is also easy but have two scenarios: 1. You can Q over wall and smite steal camp then trade hp bars with enemy ofc they will start running pob. flashing so you dont do his jg you rotated and steal another camp he is trying to do to make sure he will reage quit 2. You cant invade so just go to a part of jg where he is not and do camps as fast as possible to prepare trap for him then you take your 400 free gold from first blood -After this such as funnny beging of a game you follow him and smite his camps or makeing him unable to take them. I know its not always possible so try to get more feed by killing low hp laner who is easy target for you. -late game is just about same thing invading and catching enemy carrys off gard "The Shaco strategy": pros: -no opression form enemy jg -probably he will rage quit so 4 vs 5 are easier to win than typical 5 vs 5 games -funny small talks with enemy :) you know about weather ect. cons: -laners who are loseing 1 vs 1 wont get much help becouse you have to focus on invadeing -if bad team just cant win :( I hope you will consider my offert. P.S. sorry for bad englando Forever you viewier who plays shaco! shaco(@Shaco-u2r)
@connerhall9479 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play AP Urgot, he does not scale with AP on any of his abilities. However, his W counts as a spell and triggers item effects such as Liandry's, Cosmic Drive, and so on. It is a surprisingly strong pick that will make your enemies think twice before playing any more League of Legends.
@cenfer9962 3 ай бұрын
Now i just want a series of climbing with Derrick
@jamesyang7457 3 ай бұрын
Dear bob, you should try Taric Pyke bot. The Taric stun pairs really well with Pyke W and E, and hook. Pyke and Taric also deal a lot of damage early game, so you can win lane for free.
@JuLuChen 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Reclaimer Viego. You have to feed the enemy and then reclaim the shutdown, so if the enemy is fed with Viego you can get the items you borrowed them, It's a haitian strategy to climb to challenger. Even Faker is afraid of this strategy.
@gustavsgercans7923 3 ай бұрын
good strat
@gustavsgercans7923 3 ай бұрын
i have viego 49 mastery and i agree with this strat
@misoxboxgames 3 ай бұрын
dear bob, you should play yorick jungle only playing top side, making your red/blue buff and the opposite enemy buff and entire jungle, after that start doing proxy on the enemy top side, i heard its inordinately, tremendous, beneficial, effective, and absurdly good
@AshlynnHerondale 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, You should play crying amumu. This is a strategy where you build AP on amumu and just cry on your enemies till they die. You can use your other abilities for CC but you CANNOT kill them with other abilities (auto attacks are ok). If you kill someone with another ability you must repent by standing still and crying in the enemy jungle for 1 minute (you cannot move no matter what).
@demonderpz7937 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try Contempt for the Weak Zed. The purpose of this strategy is to rely on poking down your opponent before killing them with your passive. This strategy works very well with electrocute, dark harvest, or first strike. You build eclipse, voltaic cyclosword, sundered sky, collector, and your choice from there. It's really potent because it allows you to play Zed's kit to the hilt, punishes the meta squishy champions, works very well in the early and mid-game due to consistent poke/harrass, plays off of Zed's inherent strengths when side landing/dueling, and has reliable sustain making Zed much harder to kill. I recommend going top lane with this strategy, but that is my preference.
@matous0347 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play AP Sion. Sion's W and E damage scale with AP, so it is definitely a good strategy. Run Arcane Comet has primary rune and Resolve for your secondary runes. Buy Luden's for poke and go full AP, it will lead to so many wins and tilt your enemies and your teammates in the process.
@kusmarii9922 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Lillia top with aery, manaflow and speed, secondairy being presicion (mana and coupe the grace) Items of your choice, i heard is good
@rez0n11 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, since you can play duo strategies now, i suggest Anivia-Poppy bot lane, as Anivia can create walls, and Poppy can slam enemies into them
@KalakauaGodHimself 3 ай бұрын
Dear bob, I believe you should definitely play some Tank Karthus in the mid, its the optimal way of playing Karthus because he has the damages of a tank. I heard its very good.
@shieldgenerator7 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, please play a fun strategy known as Lillia bowling. You play it mid or bot, and you max E first to get high damage bowling balls. You also take Arcane Comet and Scorch. With this strategy, you have the longest poke range in the game.
@bladegunz601 3 ай бұрын
To editor, Your edits are EPIC!! More of those please!!
@Kmartwastaken 3 ай бұрын
My Dearest Bob, I am once again writing to you on my idea for a meta-avoidant pick. I would humbly request a game of AS Ahri, building attack speed items such as Guinsoo's in combination with Nashor's, Terminus, and Wit's End for peak hybrid damage, and most importantly: machine gun autos. If you chose this pick I would be eternally grateful, and I must once more offer my sincerest thanks. - An awestruck fan of yours
@Alimen.Jh18 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob & Derrick, Yes.... both of you, since your duo session is a bit inevitable....please do a Brand/Nami on Bot Lane. I saw some clips on a short and Heard that Brand's Passive (Ablaze) Procs Nami's E (Tidecaller's Blessing). I heard that its fun and has a huge amount on CC's. Try playing it and watch the enemy team go hell's loose on one another. Thanks Bob! oh and Derrick? give Bob a Chance one last time...
@pedrocoffee7211 3 ай бұрын
Dear bob, you should play crit Jax. The core itens are trinity force, navori quick blades and atk speed boots. The idea is that because of navori and the atk speed, you'll have your E up all the time, and that'll compesate for your lack of resistances. The rest of the build is on you, i'd do IE, LDR and PD.
@Ckola775 3 ай бұрын
dear bob, you should play not useless kindred. This maximizes your capability to support your team by going mid lane. Guardian -> font of life -> second wind -> revitalize. You need to go Rylai's into ardent censor into echoes of helia. Of course you need to go mid lane so you can rotate and help your team. Smite teleport is important to ensure you can grab all your marks! Between font of life, ardent censor and echoes of helia, your team will heal on hit faster than ever before!
@ashyxx14 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Penetration Mundo. This may sound weird at first, but considering his Q does magic damage and scales on his max HP, you can build heartsteel as usual for Mundo and then void staff along with sorcerer's shoes for the extra damage on Q. Although his Q does not have an AP ratio, getting HP items like warmog will make his Q deal more damage. This is the usual Dr. Mundo with a twist of magic penetration.
@mroussamatv8837 3 ай бұрын
dear bob, you should play pacifist yorick. You do not hit the enemy team with your Q or auto attack or items , only use E and ghouls and ult damage " if they didnt die by your hand ,then you are not a killer right?..."
@bast4rdlyreaper 3 ай бұрын
It's too bad that the old traditional runes and masteries are removed from the game, Yuumi seems as though she would really benefit from flat AD runes to help her CS better. I believe that if you could have CSed, you easily would have won all the games. You don't have enough power.
@bodhitravis2918 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Singed support, play like you would a roaming bard, except you just proxy mid and and botlane, focus on controlling botside jungle, take smite for healing and securing dragon .
@Lulusoadictaful1 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play the Yorick 3 simultaneous objectives stratergy, where you leave the Maiden to Split Push one lane, your ghouls doing Dragon, and you push another lane all at the same time. I heard it's good!
@GamblerX 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, Since i first played him, I have always dreamed of one day seeing a meta where Nautilus is played in the jungle. Alas, I lack the skills and imagination to create a build that would work for him. But if anybody can make it work that is you (Snoopeh was not available). I thank you in advance for your consideration and look forward to copying your build to play Nautilus jungle myself.
@danielescotece7144 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Grasp Garen Top. (Obama recommended this build) With warmogs heartsteal and Garen's passive you will never need to back Sounds kinda broken
@Avalii1 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob u should play with the camera zoomed in. I heard it's a great strategy!
@Guyonyoutube-ie8fz 3 ай бұрын
This is a challenge not a strategy.
@Apoz 3 ай бұрын
Hi Bob, please do the double soak strategy. It's incredibly niche and has an extremely high winrate in grandmaster and higher. You pick a champion with good mobility (Trundle, Nidalee, Shyvana, etc.) and good waveclear. This way, even through the longest point on the map (river) you are able to soak top wave, move to midlane, kill midwave, and return to toplane. Your midlaner will be forced out of his lane, usually meaning he can concentrate on botlane and dragon. This is basic strategy in HOTS but rarely implemented in league, yes it is highly viable. Good luck.
@YetiOnthewaynorth 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Zoe & Sion duo bot. The strategy is Zoe E and Sion fully charge Q to instant kill anyone. This combination is so effective that I believe you'll make your friendship with derrick again. Thanks so much if you're reading this.
@Verårtu 3 ай бұрын
Don't worry editor, that editting segment was really well done and emotional.
@markopavic8616 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Full Lethality Pantheon mid. Your keystone should be dark harvest and for build you need to rush Hubris and then continue with lethality items, such as Collector and Profane Hydra. If the matchup is melee you need to poke them with your short Q until you have kill pressure and if it's ranged, you should just jump on them and outdamage them. You should play midlane because those champions are weaker early and you should always have kill pressure.
@alfgertro.. 3 ай бұрын
dear bob, you should play full tank qiyana with items like heartsteel, iceborn gauntlet, sunfire, and titanic hydra. I heard it's good
@mattmerr 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play cockroach udyr. The best guide is "Omog's Cockroach Udyr Guide" -- basically you build ravenous hydra and only use it after empowering W to 0-100 your own health bar whenever things look dire. You cannot die after first item!
@geodashbusboy 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try playing AP Bel’Veth. Her W scales with AP, she can build Nashor’s to have her autos to scale with AP, and her ultimate ability is a slowing AOE missing health true damage execute THAT SCALES WITH AP!!! I hope you consider this build in good faith. P.S. I highly recommend also building Guinsoo’s Rageblade to bolster your on-hit effects. Aside from that, keep the climb going.
@velporas 3 ай бұрын
I forgot Pianta existed and just came back to his channel 3 years later.
@professornecy 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Kindred mid/ADC with agressive jg/support, she destroyyyyy
@aaronodst1174 3 ай бұрын
Just wanna say this series concept is extremely good
@prexl5813 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play AP microwave Sion. Build every burn item in the game and max his w so you incinerate everyone on the enemy team. The stats scale surprisingly well since you also gain health passively which increases the power of the shield.
@xueshangjiashuang 3 ай бұрын
dear bob, you should play tank ezreal top. just stack grasp, heartsteel and tear, build only tank items, with resistances. Imagine being a tank with ezreal's e, you can jump in go close to the for heartsteel to charge then e out, while still getting the heartsteel stack on ezreal. build items that slow enemies so you can stack Qs and keep everyone in range of your teammates.
@BornKing06 3 ай бұрын
dear bob, I think you should try Sup AP Tank Udyr Grasp of undying Celerity Shield Bash Gathering storm Conditioning Revitalize Flash/Exhuast ------------------------ Support Item : Solistice Sleigh ____________ Item order: Frozen heart > Swifties > Liandrys > Jak'sho > Ap or Tank item depending on match ---------------------- Starting with frozen heart gives you the armor to take poke from bot lane and build support item mainly you want to zone them out using empowered R or if you need to survive use empowered W not to mention his kit allows for great roams and alot of cc and slow Liandrys does % health which allows you to delete tanks and also with frozen heart shuts down mobility champs allowing for escapes with E which stuns them procing frozen heart and lets you slow them with R. ---------------------- I called it Mosquito Udyr
@porogragas 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Bard. specifically Bard Top. Why? Well, this is because it is the next champion in alphabetical order after Azir, which was the last champion you played in Brian the Avatar Season 2. The avatar disappeared when we needed him the most...
@craulohahahahahah8923 3 ай бұрын
Dear bob, you should play Chernobyl Botlane with Darius and Singed where you perma-bleed, perma-poison, and perma-slow the enemy with Rylai's and Darius W (Bioforge Darius skin optional).
@chitisright1337 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try Conqueror Ashe mid with bruiser items. You can provide a lot of utility and pressure in both laning phase and teamfights with W spam, use your ult and E to function as a second support, and you can still pump out a lot of damage on your own (unlike standard Ashe support). First item is Manamune, then Shojin and Trinity are both good options, or Black Cleaver for anti-tank utility.
@robinacelova 3 ай бұрын
dear bob, you should play tank ap volibear, building tank items and haste with voli W buffs are bassically unkillable volibear. the game plan is you split push the entire game, kill the people who tries to stop you (voli can 1v1 any champ with nashors tooth and frozen heart only) and only group when you are really fed in the late game. Items: nashors 1st, frozen heart, thornmail, or spirit visage 2nd ( base on your opponent) randuins omen 3rd, force of nature or deadmans 4th (also base on your opponents), Navori Flickerblade on last and ionian boots of lucidy on your boots.
@Yeezus2 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try Kayn top lane, going ghost and ignite for your summoner spells. For your runes you go First strike and domination in the second tree. For build you should go for Profane Hydra, Maramune and Youmuu's Ghostblade. You can exchange Youmuu for Axiom Arc or Serylda's Grudge depending on your preference and the matchup that you're playing. Preferably you should go Rhaast but blue Kayn is also ok. I hope you try this strategy out. Thank you for making content.
@morrislevin6816 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try Tank Fiddlesticks top. It's a sure-fire way to beat most melee top laners. Aftershock + Frozen heart + Spirit Visage + Riftmaker. You max W, and then out-sustain anyone.
@sagoruzemo9557 3 ай бұрын
Dude i swear this is so serious why tf is Pianta so fucking good at everything he plays, guy is a genuine league prodigy.
@oams8184 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob,you should play full roaming Twitch support,where you start roaming from lv1 basically like a second jungler
@StinkyOrphan203 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play full movement speed Twisted Fate support.
@BafemousGoat 3 ай бұрын
Dear Editor, you didn't waste our time, you made art right there! Keep up the great work you've been doing
@meagain7709 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I really believe we need a win next time. It is for this reason that I recommend you play Crit Leona. Make sure you build the Navori Flickerblade for permastun. Just fill your roll, she can go anywhere, even ADC.
3 ай бұрын
Dear bob, you should play no items viego, since you can get items with your pasive, is the best way to prove you are good with every champ
@zunakei 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob. I think you should play to make friends, since Derrick left. You should play Zyra Jungle, and every 2 or 3 minutes go into a lane to give a Flower to your team mate (and maybe gank at the same time). I think it is a good strategie, to get the power of friendship.
@user-cg7gd5pw5b 3 ай бұрын
Dear bob, you should play ekko tank sup. With good shields, stunts and slows, and easy escapes and engages, this flawless strategy will undoubtedly bring you the wins you desire!
@tamado2148 3 ай бұрын
Dear bob, I saw famous streamer and youtuber AloisNL going on-hit Yuumi top performing well, if the fundamentals guy can do it, I believe you could replicate the results and gain many LP.
@jaysonalfonsius6776 3 ай бұрын
Dear bob u should try machine gun mundo. Hard early but full of fun in mid to late, you need to rush warmog for infinite time to trade with ur enemy laner, sec item goes with heartsteel and third go titanic. There you will have machine gun mundo, AA+E+Titanic. So the mindset of playing mundo is going slightly below on cs is expected, farm even is winning, and having a lead is game over(for enemy, probably, should be). Having 3 points into Q afther that max E, and maybe u would ask why rush warmog rather than heartsteel? Cuz u can just trade nonstop, enemy will lost their hp but u will go back full hp. Runes will be always grasp, demolish, sec wind, overgrowth, mag boots, approach veloc, ATK speed, hp, hp. Dshield first item ofc n always, full build should be warmog, HeartS, swifties, titanic, unending, SpiritV, and you can sell warmog for overlord in lategame
@PerfectCel7 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Lethality Dark Harvest Briar. It is a powerful strategy and you are sure to decimate your opponents, should you choose this build. The items you must procure to ensure your absolute victory over your opponents are Profane Hydra and The Collector, in that order. The rest of the items are up to you.
@Dodo-gg6vd 3 ай бұрын
Dear bob, you should play the strats but with more of your friends more and they can help synergies with the strat
@yushan3069 3 ай бұрын
dear bob , you should play 61% life steal olaf with ghost and flash(conqueror - triumph- legend:bloodline-last stand/ taste of blood and rentless hunter /attack speed , adaptive force and defense ) , ravenous hydra as first item , second blade of the ruin king , third spirit visage , and after (death dance , dead man's plate, thornmail , sterak's gage , force of nature , lord domink's regards) play agresive and for towers , immediately after you make a kill after the 5th minute, try to push as much as you can, but also be careful for the enemy jungle , after reaching lv 6 and have hydra u can do 1 vs 2 , good luck
@this_is_a_checkpoint 3 ай бұрын
Day 1 - Dear Bob, you should play Shen lethality: go hail of blades, sudden impact, eyeball collection and ultimate hunter. For secondary, its up to you although i prefer resolve or sorcery (tank or damage). For summoner spells go ignite and the other one is optional although i like tp or flash. For items go first doran's blade and pot, then buy tiamat and tier 1 boots, then go attack speed shoes, voltaic sword, profane hydra, and axiom arc. The rest of the items is situational but i like serylda's and edge. Have a good day :)
@lucjanrybak1050 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try the strategy of playing Nasus on Support, and as a good support you steal all the farm, and the ADC is Senna, this is a very good strategy.
@yutingyu2042 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try support Jhin. His utility is second to none, with his W root being able to set your ADC up for infinite kills and his E being able to guard from pesky junglers. I highly recommend it for free LP!
@RichieTheDog1 3 ай бұрын
Hello pianta! I am spamming teemo in ranked now. I’m using your tenmo player series as a guide on how to use teemo. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EXISTING I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS SO MUCH 😭
@Will-ci3qk 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Rengar Senna bot support, Rengar at lv six can hop jump out of senna E with his ult passive resulting in infinite chase. I heard it’s realy good.
@dDantMedia 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play bruiser Evelynn with Conqueror in jungle. I heard that assassins are op with bruisers items so i think this is a good strategy.
@wildtrickster4135 3 ай бұрын
Commentor: You owe him some wins Pianta: I gotchu buddy! (but Pianta lives in upside down region, VERY SAD)
@riannebanzuela7099 3 ай бұрын
Dear bob, I heard Naafiri got some buffs recently. You should definitely try him out as a support and dominate the laning phase with Aery as your keystone rune. Good luck and do not forget to have fun!
@piaboubard59 3 ай бұрын
Dead bob, do the Syndra-thief strategy. You can play as mid or support, and play normally. BUT REMEMBER! Get W on 1st level, and try your best to steal and stop the enemy jungler from doing monsters.
@jaxxoexists329 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I think you should try only stack kindred, where you only go for your stacks, and objectives of course. :) I think it will be interesting to see if you can consistently invade and if you're team will help you to do so.
@serhatturan9221 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Support Shaco with Smite, and your only goal should be to annoy the enemy jungler, steal camps, and help the mid lane.
@AlterFear 3 ай бұрын
Dear bob, Rell is a tank, and tank usually go top, she has an on hit passive, and on hit passives usually go well with attack speed. Attack Speed Rell top.
@jigthh 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, if you wish to reach the heights of Challenjour elo, then you must play AP Lee Song support. In the ages of the old a brave man called vvvortic had incredible mechanics when it came to AP Lee Song but he was ultimately stuck in elon hell of bronze 5. You must honor his sacrifice and thus you may earn your place in challenjour in his place.
@furyofsorrow7046 3 ай бұрын
dear bob, I hear Brand is currently extremely strong in a variety of places, therefore, you should try playing him in every role, Brand is so OP you can build the same items in every role and still be very effective so you will not need to adjust builds
@patricklynch4074 3 ай бұрын
Dear bob, you should play full tank darius! Heal through all the damage with your q and never die!
@Cell020 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I saw Pianta's full crit Darius. I heard full bleed Darius is way better. Build Yun Tal with other crit items to proc more bleed. PS. I want to suggest full burn build but it's too OP (Liandry, Blackfire Torch, Ignite).
@Igneusflama 3 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Tilterella's Double Jungle Sion where your primary win condition is tilting the enemy jungler into the ground. If that doesn't work, you can always just destroy their nexus.
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