This is good. Very positive, very comfortable structive. I'll keep on watching even I don't have a dog.😊
@longfu14313 жыл бұрын
Mr. Eric Ko你好,我養了幾十年狗,多數是松鼠,最高纪錄一層舊唐樓四隻松鼠(一個家族)一隻唐狗,有人叫我棄養唐狗因牠咬人,我也不肯,试過有同層外國人投訴我虐畜,原因是我夫妻上班牠們吠,有人查看牠行走自如無阻,大半生也養狗,因我患情緒病,養狗可舒援我情緒,以照顧為樂趣,最近養一隻六個月松鼠,已訓練牠去廁所,取零食sit,但每有人出街便狂吠,因已搬往公屋,老公五點出門飲茶,我便要準備肉乾侍候,但那時食得粗暴,常咬到我,以前的狗可放入狗袋,乘小巴帶牠外出,但從回家起便不肯入袋,入袋後狂吠,結果只能在樓下花園放狗,但每出外從換衣服到戴防疫頭罩,之後穿鞋到上狗背心及扣狗帶,每個步驟都不斷滋擾,起碼要用衣架拍枱恐嚇花十分鐘才外出,出花園常引誘人和牠玩,摇尾㖭人,但在家欲將我們的手指作咬牙捧(我說咬便打鍚便獎,牠便常鍚我騙零食菜片),好痛苦,因出入被迫要乘的士,如何是好呢?
@cheungniki99554 жыл бұрын
@30669614 жыл бұрын
cable 近年最好睇o既節目就係 eric sir o個個!但去新加坡o個個 season 自選都睇唔返 ~
If I afraid of the dog cannot touch the dog not scare just cannot touch it.
@jackiecheng11674 жыл бұрын
@mokfarchain87254 жыл бұрын
Jackie Cheng 我的 5 岁 Maltese 也有这样的问题。 刚刚领养 3个月。
@burningpotato1054 жыл бұрын
Burning Potato 31 minutes ago 12:44 開始看吧 大概就hai calm down 佢先gua If it doesnt work, like if it starts to not behave during the walk, you may stop and grip on to the rope tightly. Give it some time to calm down, you need to let it know that you're the person leading. Patience!! It would be great if it sits down and looks at you. The overall idea is for it to respect its owner, not regarding its owner as a 'thing' obligated to entertain it. 12:44 開始看吧 大概就hai calm down 佢先gua 呢隻hai活潑ga la If it doesnt work, like if it starts to not behave during the walk, you may stop and grip on to the rope tightly. Give it some time to calm down, you need to let it know that you're the person leading. Patience!! It would be great if it sits down and looks at you. The overall idea is for it to respect its owner, not regarding its owner as a 'thing' obligated to entertain it.