看到狐狸本人驚覺,原來這麼可愛,有收編的衝動啊啊啊啊! 德國健康保險是有分公保與私保,又依各個保險公司方案有所差異,我們是以一整個家庭為單位保公保,而保費的部分是然後這保費由雇主與員工平分,各付一半,溫ㄤ每個月繳納稅前薪資的7.9%,以此類推....。 一下是我們保險公司線上的資訊, 供大家參考😊 In 2021, the TK contribution rate to health insurance is 15.8 per cent of the gross income(up to a maximum limit of 4.837,50 euros per month in 2021). It consists of the general contribution rate of 14.6 per cent and the health insurance fund’s individual supplementary contribution rate of 1.2 per cent. For employees, the employer pays half of the contribution rate.
德國健康保險是有分公保與私保,又依各個保險公司方案有所差異,我們是以一整個家庭為單位保公保,而保費的部分是然後這保費由雇主與員工平分,各付一半,溫ㄤ每個月繳納稅前薪資的7.9%,以此類推....。 一下是我們保險公司線上的資訊, 供大家參考😊 In 2021, the TK contribution rate to health insurance is 15.8 per cent of the gross income(up to a maximum limit of 4.837,50 euros per month in 2021). It consists of the general contribution rate of 14.6 per cent and the health insurance fund’s individual supplementary contribution rate of 1.2 per cent. For employees, the employer pays half of the contribution rate.