perhaps going back to school elevate your education level would help you to find a better pay job and give yourself more confidence / self assurance notoriously your pay scale is based on your education think about that
How do you find friends as a newcomer? Im in a situation where all my friends left the country so Im always by myself now but I’ve heard newcomers are usually more willing to make friends 😭😭 Not sure if you’ve noticed this but people who’ve lived here all their life are usually very reluctant to add people in their social circle
@icytsoАй бұрын
I'm very introverted😂 For me, I like chatting with girls who have common interests instead of partying with a big group of people, so I like to connect with girls who have common interests on @thread. I also recommend you to join some whatsapp or facebook groups to meet new people.
@VAN_AS622 ай бұрын
In order to survive in Canada, it is best to pick up (learn) more skills. I believe you are under Stream B scheme, take your time to make more friends and understand the Canadian culture in different aspects. In reality, I came across your experiences with multiple jobs and also had hurdles to deal with the language barrier in the first few years after moving to Canada. One day you will see the light in the tunnel. Best wishes.
@icytso2 ай бұрын
Yup my English is not really fluent, but I will keep learning! Thank you for your sweet comment☺️