看起來很好吃,感覺比台灣的還好吃🤣😂 還有好多隱藏品項,羨慕~ 台灣感覺每間店味道都有點「自成一格」,就是不同店有一些難以言喻的不同口感/味道,可能包的人不同比例沒有一致?還買過固定店家常會煎破煎餃,或煮破水餃的,真希望台灣的八方也能品質穩定,以前還蠻喜歡吃的,後來有幾間店踩雷就放棄嘗試了T^T 採訪的好自然,中英字幕好讚!學到好多美語生活化用法,太棒了!Thank you so much☺
沒想到耶。a very good interview!~👍👍👍 這美國分部的八方大主管也很很強。謝謝妳們。讓台灣正宗的味道飄洋過海,沒變味。
@MsHappilee2 жыл бұрын
I'm in Singapore and I do miss 八方云集 as it holds so much memories from my first trip to Taiwan in 2004! Had probably 2 or 3 meals of it then, just 'cause it was tasty and also convenient for a quick meal.
Signature is always my order. The most common of making dumplings is putting pork and cabbage inside. So to be accurate, it’s not any dumpling store’s signature dish. Actually there are some people thinking it weird to put ingredients like corn and kimchi inside dumplings, but multiple options are pretty popular among young people.
八方雲集 is my favorite chain restaurant in Taiwan. I seek it out every time I visit the country. I just can't get enough of it. I love it. I need it. I miss it.
@jerometsowinghuen2 жыл бұрын
My mother loves their dumplings so much, which is one of the choices to have a meal in a food court. Also, I like they have a variety of tastings, which are delicious.
Cali native and relocated to PHX. Really want to see Bafang Dumplings open a branch out in the Greater Phoenix Area (preferably in Chandler near 99 ranch 😊)
City of Industry這間離我家一個小時, 我只要有過去, 一定帶著冰袋裝兩包冷凍水餃回家. 我本來就很開心看到另外一對(彩曦夫妻)的八方介紹影片. 但不知道為什麼莎白你拍的這系列更加吸引人且好看, 可能是因為是店家邀請你, 又訪問食客, 所以感覺是正正當當的介紹, 而不用躲在角落. 呵呵! Love this so much! 85度C 就在這個plaza斜對面, 也是另外一個台灣的店, 但是這幾年不吃太油的東西, 我比較少買了.