對於昀蒨這位本集的女主角,個人看她簡直是三頭六臂,所以個人想獻上Karyn White的《Superwoman》給她:「I'm not the kind of girl / That you can let down / And think that everything's okay / Boy, I am only human / This girl needs more than occasional hugs / As a token of love from you to me」冀望叔宇、仁仁、花花他們,可以更加體諒妳所付出的點點滴滴。 而對於叔宇這個十分缺乏安全感的男子,或許是肇因於2010年的那場無心之失,畢竟一如昀蒨所言:「他也只是想讓家裡的經濟,變得更好一點。」於此個人打算獻給叔宇John Lennon的《Jealous Guy》:「I was trying to catch your eyes / Thought that you were trying to hide / I was swallowing my pain / I didn't mean to hurt you / I'm sorry that I made you cry / I'm just a jealous guy」其實昀蒨不也是接受了你寫的那封信函嗎? 最後,在感受了本集的糾結情感之後,個人不禁想到Olivia Newton的一首老歌《I Honestly Love You》,期盼與昀蒨和叔宇這小倆口共享:「I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable / I'm not trying to make you anything at all / But this feeling doesn't come along everyday / And you shouldn't blow the chance / When you've got the chance to say」個人相信你們彼此仍舊是愛戀著的,不是嗎?