Dear Lord Jesus, You are the Child who was born in the manger for us in Bethlehem many years ago. Thank You for humbling Yourself and coming down in the form of man to be our eternal Savior. Thank You for being our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace, Amen.
根本今天的聖誕節已變質。在英國,國際大機構admin department 希望各分公司管理層向下屬說賀詞時,要求只能說Happy holidays! 不可說Merry Christmas, 怕得罪其他宗教。而我七歲孫女兒在西班牙英童學校讀書,在慶祝聖誕話劇中,完全沒有 Jesus, Mary nor Joseph的角色 。所以,我們基督徒只能自己興慶祝算了。
Remember we are not fighting flesh and blood, we are fighting in the spiritual realm, I heard a testimony of a friend that when she bent (bow/kneel) down to get the presents, she saw the spirit said (I got you). When you have the tree in the house, we are giving the enemy a legal right to come in. Also, have you heard about Krampus parade, still practice in many country, it is associate with St. Nicholas (Santa Claus). Have you heard about the light on the tree is represent sun god? Personally celebrate Christ birth without worldly tradition should be acceptable.
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, the word Christmas originates from the phrase “Cristes Maesse”, first recorded in 1038, which means the Mass of Christ or Christ's Mass.根據《天主教百科全書》記載,聖誕節一詞源自於短語“Cristes Maesse”,最早記載於1038年,意思是基督彌撒或基督彌撒 CHRIST in Hebrew means The Anointed One or The Chosen One, while MAS in Greek signifies A Big Gathering of People. Therefore, CHRISTMAS denotes The Gathering of People of Christ, His Followers/DisciplesCHRIST在希伯來文的意思是“受膏者”或“選民”,而MAS在希臘文的意思是“人們的大聚會”。因此,聖誕節表示基督的子民、祂的跟隨者/門徒的聚會