Рет қаралды 12,034
泽旺多吉 (Tsewang Dorjie),藏族,四川省阿坝人,青年歌唱家,中国人民解放军总政歌舞团独唱演员. 2007年,在孟玲老师的辅导帮助下,泽旺多吉以专业课第一名的成绩考入解放军艺术学院。多次获得各种表演大赛奖,在第13届青年歌手电视大奖赛,泽旺多吉以优异的成绩荣获民族组银奖第一名,2013年 获《中国民歌榜》"2012听众喜爱的歌手--最佳新人歌手"奖。代表作品有《格桑美朵》《呀啦嗦》《青藏女孩》《康巴红》《天河》》《我想回拉萨》《草原花月夜》等。
2009年 发行首张个人专辑《我祝祖国三杯酒》
Tsewang Dorjie became a household name in China upon winning the silver prize at China's 13rd Professional Vocalists Competition in 2008 as a college freshman at the prestigious PLA College of Arts, the first college freshmen to do so in its history of the highly renowned competition. He has since become the most beloved and best folk-song tenor of his generation. He has released 4 CDs since 2009. Dorjie has won numerous highly acclaimed awards since his debut at China's 13rd Professional Vocalists Competition. In June of 2015, he was the featured artist at the renowned show "The Life of An Artist" .
Dorjie has become a creative force and has composed numerous popular songs like: "Moonlit over the Prairie", "Beautiful Girl", "Loving You Eternally", "Prairie’s Beautiful Spring", "Forever Friends", "Just Two of Us"...