ZEBLAZE STRATOS 2 ULTRA 5ATM Compass GPS+ Smartwatch with Thermal Master P2 Tests: Unbox & 1st Look

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SmartWatch Ticks

SmartWatch Ticks

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@DjeisonCross Ай бұрын
I've just bought P2 Pro for about one month, it impressed me a lot. It's so convenient that it is widely applicable to scenarios such as appliances and electronics and building HVAC.
@SWT Ай бұрын
This is so cool. We are getting way more comments about the P2 thermal camera line than the smartwatch being reviewed! Glad you guys are happy with your thermals. As you can tell, I'm ecstatic with mine!
@HerriWeiss Ай бұрын
I like my P2. It was cheaper than the FLIR equivalent but works great for around the house, car, hvac, and work bench.
@SWT Ай бұрын
Totally agree. It's great for finding temperture differences without having to fuss with the exact temperature most of the time. I love that it automatically adjusts the temperature gradient to show different colors across the entire visible range.
@ZaraMartones Ай бұрын
I bought a P2 to check for potential problems at a client's house and it's since been a valuable tool to have. I don't use it often, but no need to charge the battery beforehand which is better than FLIR one. it's worth every penny. 👍🏻
@SWT Ай бұрын
Yea, very true about the lack of battery needs. It's a simple plug and play device for any Android phone, getting the power directly from the phone and transferring the live video images into the phone through the same connection. Brilliant!
@iamthebest22 2 ай бұрын
Heyo SmarWatch Ticks! I'm wondering what's the best large screen smartwatch (2.8 inch ish) that you recommend? Is it still the TicWris of LEMFO? Must have 4G obviously and can be used standalone (without smartphone) Thanks!
@SWT Ай бұрын
2.8 inch and 4G don't go together in the same sentence when talking about Android smartwatches, unfortunately. Nothing out there to match your criteria at this time.
@daverudolph9260 26 күн бұрын
Howdy ! Is there a model coming out called the Zeblaze Stratos 2 Plus ? If so, how does it compare to the Ultra?
@carlospublisher Ай бұрын
@SWT Ай бұрын
Awwww. Appreciate that.
@ChasCook-p5x Ай бұрын
I'm very happy with the purchase of P2 . The device is tiny and provides a great qualify picture. I used it for a leak and i was able to spot things more clearly. Overall great product for the price compared to other products.
@SWT Ай бұрын
Take it with you to a grocery store that sells party balloons and check them out in thermal imaging as they float in the air. Pretty interesting!
@KellaiSingleton Ай бұрын
I just pick up a P2Pro. Amma not interested in buying a super accurate inspection cam with all the bells and whistles. As a homeowner, I only need to examine heat patterns, and a device like this suits my needs perfectly.
@SWT Ай бұрын
You'll be surprised by how much you'll start using it for. I'm even finding hot spots in my freezer and noticing that my soda cans near the back of my refrigerator get below freezing (no wonder they taset somewhat flat when I open them). The P2 is helping me rearrange my refrig/freezer!
@music.sphere Ай бұрын
Is it too heavy for the wrist?
@FunnyJewGen 23 күн бұрын
You can buy the same watch called md56. They also have an additional color with a gold bezel and button.
@PRILIPAK61 Ай бұрын
Hi, can I swim and dive in the sea (salt water) with this watch without any restrictions? If I can, to what depth. Tnx
@moulaye7534 10 күн бұрын
I've read somewhere that you cannot press the buttons under water.
@PRILIPAK61 9 күн бұрын
@@moulaye7534 tnx
@PRILIPAK61 9 күн бұрын
@@moulaye7534 I ordered it. If it arrives, I'll test it and post a comment.
@moulaye7534 8 күн бұрын
@@PRILIPAK61 tks but I really wouldn't test that. I'm 99% sure it won't work. Congrats for the watch. :D
@PRILIPAK61 7 күн бұрын
@@moulaye7534 Honestly, I'll be happy if there really aren't any problems in the sea, whether swimming or recreational diving. When I went into the sea with the Zeblaze GTR3 Pro, I dived in, came out and that was the end of the watch. I was in the sea for 5 minutes. Some hieroglyphs started appearing on it and then it turned off. By the way, kudos to Zeblaze, they refunded my money and I bought the same watch again because the case is beautifully designed. Now I only wear it in the shower, washing hands, in the rain, etc.
@markbrown4552 2 ай бұрын
Hi there, Mr. Ticks. As I'm watching your review of the Stratos 2 Ultra, I saw that Zeblaze recently launched their Stratos 3 Ultra and Stratos 3 Pro. There's way too much information to digest for this comparison. Can you give us the Reader's Digest version of which watch has the best functionality? Love your program. 😊
@SWT Ай бұрын
I'm hoping to do that after I have all that information pulled together. Right now we have this one and the Kospet Tank S2 which are very similar. Word has it that the Stratos 3 Ultra won't be so much a major upgrade as a scaled down version of the 2 Ultra with smaller size and fewer activities tracked. I have one coming in soon, so we'll know more then. Just to make things more confusing, up next will be a couple more Kospet models in more of a band/watch form factor than a round watch. Things are heating up again!
@jonasedfeldt1127 Ай бұрын
​@@SWTI wonder if you help me? Could you please could you tell me how to empty the workout logs, and any expert advice on how to correctly setup the GPS function? I get the route information but it's not especially accurate. It's a gift so i haven't registered an account in the app if that's needed. I am trying to get it setup beforehand so it's more or less ready to go. I'm unsure if I've made a mistake setting it up? Thankful for any help regarding my questions. Thanks!
@BlackXMafia Ай бұрын
Wait. I thought 3 ultra is old version. Is it new?. Saw on website . 2 ultra release date sep 2024. 3 ultra sep 2023
@haziqsofian Ай бұрын
​@@jonasedfeldt1127 Stratos 2 ultra have bigger battery, 500mah vs 300*may, Stratos 3 ultra feels like a downgrade more than upgrade, it have major issue with quality with it not being waterproof due to some stupid design , not all model suffer same,e issue though
@LukaNyan Ай бұрын
the last part with the thermal camera was funny
@SWT Ай бұрын
Yea!Glad you liked it. Nice to mix things up a bit.
@RedjinaldBrennan Ай бұрын
@@SWT Using a thermal camera to detect heat loss in watches is a brilliant idea!
@markbrown4552 Ай бұрын
Now that we've cleared that up...sort of, how does the Zeblaze Stratos 2 Ultra stack up against the Kospet Tank 2? I can't find a decent comparison; I keep getting Tank 2 vs Zeblaze Vibe. With things heating up, is it best to wait for a newer release. I've been using a more basic NX 10, which I've been quite happy with. 🤷‍♂️
@cautahwork2466 Ай бұрын
The Tank 2 is an older model, much more expensive and weaker in every way.
@RIP.... Ай бұрын
Hello , do u know where i cand find the ''screwdriver'' from t rex 3 packchage ?
@SWT Ай бұрын
Wow, that's a new one. No, I don't. Perhaps an electronics repair shop might be able to advise.
@serweilee4064 Ай бұрын
The recent Lokmat also already had a newer version
@SWT Ай бұрын
Oh good grief. How's anybody supposed to buy any of these watches if they keep popping out new ones? Well, it keeps me going, that's for sure. Thanks for the heads-up.
@kabutothe8578 Ай бұрын
Can you activate the developer mode ?
@SWT Ай бұрын
Not on this watch as it doesn't have an Android OS.
@goyo76 Ай бұрын
changes watch face to arm lift wake up, not to button press wake up
@BlackXMafia Ай бұрын
My straros 2 ultra aod not working.
@SWT Ай бұрын
Sorry to hear. Not sure who could troubleshoot it for you. Perhaps you can contact the company directly.
@BlackXMafia Ай бұрын
@@SWT somehow if i put end at 12 am aod wont show. If i put anything else its working. Can you try that too
@ebisu001 2 ай бұрын
isnt this suppose 10 atm?
@SWT Ай бұрын
Good question. I see it both 5 and 10 ATM in different places. I'll try to get clarification on that.
@cautahwork2466 Ай бұрын
10 ATM on the official product presentation. The non Ultra version has 5.
@alexandrelima7240 2 ай бұрын
Use temperature in celsius
@SWT Ай бұрын
Sorry, I always use F as I'm in the USA and that's my familiar units. Easy to convert though.
@FromMeToYou77 Ай бұрын
This watch can't handle salt water just watched a Brazilian guy doing a test on this watch. The water goes in through the buttons. Second day the buttons didn't work well, 3 day two of the button's started working the third every now and then. 10atm where in the sea no pool maybe. Whatever they name on the watch 20 30 atm a smartwatch will never be able o handle water, that is if they do something clever in it so it doesn't get water.
@SWT Ай бұрын
It's ALWAYS a good idea to not touch the buttons underwater, any kind of water, and especially hot water. If you look at true diver's watches, theer's an outer case surrounding the professional watch body and button activation is done from outside the case. There's only so much that can be done with intense water pressure around moving parts. Still, it's sad to hear that, even with the MIL-STD-818H certification, the Brazilian guy's watch couldn't survive.
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