MZTV 1553: Unless Peter Learns That Gentiles are Now Clean, Paul is a Dead Man

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Martin Zender

Martin Zender

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In Acts chapter 10, two men have two separate visions from God at nearly the same exact time. A man of the nations named Cornelius is in Caesarea, on the Israel coast, when God tells him, via a celestial messenger, to send men down to Joppa (35 miles-56 kilometers-south of Caesarea), also a coastal city, to inquire for a man named Simon, surnamed-yes, that Peter.
On the same evening, Peter is in Joppa relaxing on his roof but becoming ravenously hungry when God puts him into an ecstasy and lowers a sheet from heaven in which there are unclean creatures of all kinds. God says to Peter, “Kill and eat.” Peter declines, telling God that he has never eaten any unclean food. God says, “Do not call unclean what I have cleansed.”
Cleansed? Unclean animals?
Peter did not know what this meant at the time (he would soon find out), but we do: God was cleansing the nations. Peter was no longer to consider people from other nations to be dirty dogs.
This must mean that Peter is now ready to start the Great Commission, to take the gospel of the Circumcision to all the nations of the world. Nope. As far as we know, Cornelius is the only Gentile to whom Peter announces the Circumcision evangel in his lifetime. (Yes, Peter did go to the home of Cornelius and yes, something remarkable happened there in that Cornelius and his entire household-Gentiles all-received the holy spirit apart from the Jewish rite of baptism. This shook Peter to his core. )
But if Peter did not subsequently go to the nations on the heels of this divine revelation, why was this excursion from Joppa to Caesarea necessary? It was for the sake of Paul. That’s right. Apart from God preparing Peter for what Paul would do among the nations, the Jews would have assassinated Saul/Paul on day one. But with Peter’s blessing and right hand of fellowship extended to Paul, at least the most notable and powerful believing Jews in Jerusalem would “get” Paul’s work (barely) and not only refuse to hassle him, but keep as many of the Jerusalem contingent from hassling him as they could. This was not a 100% effective campaign, we know that, but it kept Paul alive so that God could do His might work among the nations through him, bringing a new evangel of the transcendent grace of God to the world.
But not without the understanding and fellowship of Peter.
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@jenniferweiss4734 15 күн бұрын
I always look forward to these teachings, Martin. Your videos and teachings about God and Christ Jesus are the highlight of my day. Thank you for sharing this video with us, Martin ❤
@zendermeister 15 күн бұрын
Thank you so much, Jennifer. I appreciate you.
@dawng.2919 16 күн бұрын
Good morning my beautiful family! 🕊️💕
@matthewmichaelson9806 15 күн бұрын
Good morning, Dawn ✌️
@simonundergrace 15 күн бұрын
Good morning, lil sis! 🌞❤️
@GregUniRec 15 күн бұрын
I am ecstatic that you are teaching on the 2 evangels again Martin. As has been stated several times recently, this truth is foundational to understanding what God is doing today. Anyone who thinks that Paul is merely the 13th apostle, that Peter and the other 10 apostles acted too quickly to make Matthias an apostle, either hasn't read ACTs or (and this is most likely the case), they have been intentionally blinded by God. There is so much in that one letter that proves that Paul is different. Why the contention between him and most of the believing Jews? Why the change in the order of receiving Holy Spirit, as you pointed out? ACTs is such an important and informative letter for us today. It is a story of transition. You can't make church doctrine (how the church is to operate) from ACTs. It changes from a message to Israel (in the early chapters) to a message to the nations. We get our doctrine from Pauls letters. There is much to learn from the 4 accounts and ACTs but that's not where we live. That's not our address.
@Norman.Labelle 15 күн бұрын
I’m with you. Amen!
@fellowshipofthemystery6154 15 күн бұрын
Well stated and well understood.
@charlesturner4500 15 күн бұрын
One of your best, and clearest teachings on the 3 interventions of God into the human race. Thank you!
@zendermeister 15 күн бұрын
I appreciate your comment, Charles.
@TheGreatUnfoldingRobWile 15 күн бұрын
Excellent, Thanks Martin
@Norman.Labelle 15 күн бұрын
*ANNEX TO MARTIN’S VIDEO* The _Age of Grace_ *began* with a spectacular “event” in Damascus (Acts 9: 1-18). Doesn’t it stand to reason that the _Age of Grace_ will also *end* with an equally spectacular “event” in Damascus, from where it all started, just prior to its destruction (Isaiah 17:1)? 
 On the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-18), Paul saw a light and was struck blind for 3 days. He was taken to Damascus where the veil was lifted from his eyes, and the age of grace began. When Damascus will be totally destroyed and cease to be a city (Isaiah 17:1), the road leading to and out of Damascus will also be destroyed and cease to exist. This will leave us no exit road out - our only exit will be up. 
 This very road which led to *GRACE, WILL ALSO CEASE.* Paul knew of a time when this Age of Grace would be "complete" and "come to an end" when he stated *_“until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in”_* (Romans 11:25). This reference means that when the last member of the Body of Christ will be accounted for, this scripture will be fulfilled. 
 Similarly to Paul, will not the veil over our carnal eyes be lifted, when Damascus is destroyed. Will we not meet and see our Lord spiritually in all His light and glory in the clouds? At the end of this age of grace, it's the rapture of the Body of Christ. Is this event, (the destruction of Damascus), the trigger signaling our departure? and is this event the very first domino to fall which will topple the rest of the dominos already set in place, to usher in the tribulation and the Anti-Christ? 
 We, the Body, are children of the Light (Eph.5:8, Philp.2:15, 1Thess.5:5). We are the only light that is left to illuminate the world. We will be taken out of harm’s way, snatched away, caught up, to be with our Lord. The world will no longer have light - Darkness will reign. The Anti-Christ will be introduced and Jacob’s trouble (the 7-year tribulation) will begin. 
 Look up, our redemption is at hand. Our Blessed Hope is about to become reality! 
 This is a maranatha “come soon” moment.
 *Also to consider* - God insisted that the story about Paul's "road-to-Damascus" experience be recounted 3 times, (in the same book no less). See Acts 9:1-18, then in Acts 22:1-18 and then again in Acts 26:1-18. 
 THREE (3) is a very significant number to God. To my knowledge, Acts is the only book in the Bible that has the SAME STORY recounted 3 times within it. 
 Why would the limited pages of the Bible use up so much precious real-estate in just one book? This is not happenstance. It was intentioned by God Himself, for a specific reason. 
 Concerning the number 3, E.W. Bullinger so aptly notes that, ”three marks Divine completeness and perfection of testimony” 
 And to reaffirm how significant the number 3 truly is, also consider the story of Peter and his 3-fold vision of unclean meats, wherein God tells him to eat thereof and his 3-fold refusal to eat as God had commanded. Remember, this whole story revolves around the “unclean gentiles, made clean”. (Acts 10 & 11). 
 SPECIAL NOTE: We are told that after Peter’s refusal to eat of the “unclean” food (representing God cleansing the Gentiles, rendering them clean and acceptable), that this “unclean” food (Gentiles), laying upon *the 4 corners of the sheet* were all immediately *_taken away_* to heaven. This is reminiscent of the “Gentile” BODY of Christ being *_taken away_* (raptured) from *the 4 corners of the earth.* (Acts 10: 11 & 16)
 *Also to consider* - Methuselah was the oldest recorded person in the whole Bible. His name in Hebrew/Aramaic prophetically means _”destruction will come”_ or _”his death shall bring”_ or something to that effect. 
 Damascus happens to be the oldest known inhabited city in the world. Is it possible that just as Methuselah's death was foretelling the destruction of the world in Noah’s day, that the destruction of Damascus might also be foretelling the coming destruction that God is about to bring on this present world? 
 AS A SIDE NOTE: The only other cities to be completely destroyed like Damascus is Sodom & Gomorrah. They became a ruinous heap (of ashes), by fire and brimstone, just like the fire and brimstone that God will rain down in (Ezk.38:22). 
 When the alliance of armies coming from the north, marching towards the south, for the spoils in the Golan Heights (oil, gas and gold), they must geographically go through Damascus. God can fulfill 2 prophecies at the same time, both the destruction of Damascus (in less than 12 hours), by fire and brimstone AND the destruction of the attacking enemy armies of Gog (in less than 12 hours), also by fire and brimstone. 
 God states that _“they”_ (and the whole world) _will know that I Am God._ If fire & brimstone fall from the sky, everyone will see the hand of God. If Damascus and the attacking allied armies (Russia, Turkey, Iran) are destroyed by a nuclear bomb (as some have suggested), then the world would not have a reason to believe God Himself intervened. Think about this! 
 The start of the _Age of Grace_ *began* with a spectacular "event" in Damascus. Doesn't it stand to reason that the _Age of Grace_ will *end* with an equally spectacular "event" also in Damascus, from where it all began?
@zendermeister 15 күн бұрын
It is an intriguing take. The prophecy concerning Damascus is no doubt true, the only question is "when." I enjoyed reading this detailed post. I must remind everyone that the snatching away---the timing of it--is unrelated to any Israel timing. This does not mean that Damascus WON'T be destroyed. It's just that we can only surmise whether or not it is related, in time, to the removal of the body of Christ. Still, a fascinating offering. Thank you, Norman.
@deenabaker5639 15 күн бұрын
How wonderful God is!
@erleneable 15 күн бұрын
I enjoyed listening to this!
@donaldkgarman296 15 күн бұрын
@yostoisonin2559 15 күн бұрын
I have no problem imagining the world without the Beatles. Sorry, Martin 😅. But I'm with you on Paul. A world without Paul would be unbearable...
@zendermeister 15 күн бұрын
A world without Paul McCartney, you mean? 🤣 Haha, I get you. In a world without the apostle Paul, we'd all be bringing our lambs to Jerusalem.
@Mplsfitter539 12 күн бұрын
As always thank you Martin for your well thought out analogies on these subjects. It brings the scriptures to life.
@kathy1ninny 15 күн бұрын
Amazing, Martin, I never realized just how incredible this story was! Thank you for making this so real. ❤
@zendermeister 15 күн бұрын
I appreciate this comment, Kathy. I know, we sometimes read over these familiar accounts without being aware of the context, the wild times people were living through in those days, and that these were real people experiencing real things. I love this stuff. I feel like I'm in it, which is why I get emotional about it. Thanks for taking the time to write.
@kathy1ninny 15 күн бұрын
@@zendermeister I totally agree and understand.. we just learn new things.. I love this stuff too!
@user-xh7cy3uj8x 15 күн бұрын
Way to peel back the layers of the “correctly cutting” onion brother Martin! Good stuff man!❤
@tonyladokguy8985 15 күн бұрын
Thanks, Martin, great message. The "evangelicals" who believe Matthew 28:18-20 is the "great commission" for the Body of Christ today conveniently ignore this event. It pretty much demonstrates there's no way Peter and the other apostles would have interpreted Jesus' instructions as going to the gentiles at that time, they would have been repulsed and objected. Jesus would have had to given them the vision of the sheet at that point, but He didn't.
@zendermeister 15 күн бұрын
Right you are. Thanks, Tony. Nowhere do we see any of the apostles taking "The Great Commission" seriously in their lifetimes.
@yostoisonin2559 15 күн бұрын
The smell of the tannery where Peter was staying was as good as GPS...
@zendermeister 15 күн бұрын
This is freaking hilarious.
@kimberley5793 15 күн бұрын
Wow this is so rich!!!!
@Roc-Righteous 15 күн бұрын
Yeah, this whole situation with Peter at Cornelius was to pave the way for Paul's ministry indeed. So he could not rule out Paul as an impostor, like these morons on youtube do. Type in Paul is a false apostle and you will see numerous videos against Paul, he false,.liar, impostor etc etc.
@zendermeister 15 күн бұрын
Man, you are right about all the "Paul is a false apostle" stuff. It's all over. It is really backhanded evidence that Paul has a separate evangel.
@tonyladokguy8985 15 күн бұрын
I've noticed this to. At first, it's rather shocking. But then, I'm not sure what's worse, just coming out and calling him a false apostle, or doing what the Baptists do, relegating him to the back burner and considering his letters optional. Really, "evangelicals" just don't know what to do with Paul because he messes up their works/repent narrative.
@heretic7811 15 күн бұрын
Brother, awesome teaching.
@zendermeister 15 күн бұрын
Thank you as always, John.
@ShalomKosi 15 күн бұрын
Hi Martin, the message today moved me. I recall speaking to my father about Galatians Chapter 5. This was my defence against circumcision as a practice and as a foundation to my faith. He pointed out however that Paul had Timothy circumcised to carry out his mission. Do you think that Jews or those believing in the circumcision gospel are capable of turning away from the practices of the law and walk into grace or is it not possible to do this without the gift of faith?
@teejosh9550 15 күн бұрын
This is an eye opener for everyone to see that Peter himself was schooled by the Holy Spirit in this scripture. It is sad that Peter had to be reminded that the work of salvation is not for Jews alone as he was rebuked in Galatians 2:11-14 by Paul. Jew's doctrines still had influence on Peter. In addition to this, Peter preached circumcised gospel. Yeshua instructed that Peter and the rest of the disciples should preach to the whole world but Peter held back in his attitudes. Meanwhile, Paul truly did so. Paul grasped the truth work of salvation through Christ and that is why he was able to break the barrier between Jews (circumcised people) and non-Jews (uncircumcised people). Peter had to learn two times that gospel is not meant for the Jews alone. First from the Holy Spirit through three time vision shown to Peter in Acts 10:9-16. The second one was when he was rebuked by Paul. I like to think that Peter was a Leopard that could not change his skin while Paul's messages broke the barrier between Jews and non-Jews. Did Peter not see when Yeshua went to meet with the Samaritan woman? Did he not see when Yeshua attended to the Centurion's issue? Why was it difficult for him to see that Yeshua is meant for both Jews and Gentiles? I believed he learnt his lessons before he was murdered. Great video to day sir💌
@lisaelvisfath 15 күн бұрын
Good Morning Martin! I’m always listening and learning from you! Thank you for another incredible message!❤
@zendermeister 15 күн бұрын
At your service as always, Lisa.
@lindamorse2659 15 күн бұрын
It seems to me that Peter was scared to move forward, what he witnessed, even believing it was something miraculous, didn’t WANT TO GO to the nations. Didn’t want the "something new." Was Peter a different man? I wonder how easy it was for Peter to give up his special place to now Apostle Paul? I mean Peter was the top guy. And then here comes Saul/Paul and Peter was really needed. I just wonder how he felt deep inside.
@sethfahlenkamp6278 14 күн бұрын
As a take a hit off the joint and sip coffee, I’m happy. 8:45 concerns us. I am clean. Thank God Who makes me new. Our expectation is pure. Love. Stay Crüsh. Love y’all
@robertlakey 15 күн бұрын
In Acts Chapter 17:1 we learn:“Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews: And Paul, AS HIS MANNER WAS, went in UNTO THEM, and three Sabbath days reasoned with them out of the SCRIPTURE." And in Corinth he looked up a couple of Jews who were tentmakers like him and together they "argued in the Synagogue on every Sabbath and persuaded both Jews and Greeks...certifying to the Jews that Jesus is the Christ" (Acts 18:4-6 Do you think Paul was dispensing his gospel of grace in the synogogues? If not, then was Paul still heralding Peter's gospel of the Circumcision at this time? When did he start heralding the gospel of the Uncircumcision?
@zendermeister 15 күн бұрын
Hi, Robert. GREAT questions! Paul was not heralding the Circumcision gospel, per se, but was only reasoning out of Scripture that Jesus was the Christ. There was no way in hades that he was teaching is evangel in the synagogues. I think I'll touch on the importance of Acts 13 tomorrow. anyway, great questions and considerations.
@undergrace722 15 күн бұрын
✨Grace and Peace✨
@simonundergrace 15 күн бұрын
Beautiful, bro.
@zendermeister 15 күн бұрын
Thank you, Simon.
@sethfahlenkamp6278 14 күн бұрын
Per the baptism: it’s amazing people still think they need to do something to affirm what God has done. He knows He is true. He blesses both J and G. Happpy God and people wanna prove it. I love this grace. Thank God for the law. The law of Love is pretty dang neat. Stay Crüsh Martin. Heralding the best story of all time
@danielsantangelo4016 15 күн бұрын
I personally think the Beatles music is annoying 😂
@ba.anderson 6 күн бұрын
Sounds to me like being baptized for the remission of sins doesn't mean to be dunked in a tub. Peter was receiving this knowledge in real time only it would not begin to sink in until having recognition of the words of Christ regarding baptism of the Holy Spirit rather than the baptism of John. It's as if Peter urging all at Cornelius's house to be baptized was like some sort of gag reflux. "Hurry! Get some water before the Holy Spirit leaves them!!"
@tonylehr8714 14 күн бұрын
Cornelius was considered a " proselyte at the gate". A gentile looking to receive God's blessings through Israel. The same as the other centurion in whom Jesus healed his servant. The speaking of tongues of Cornelius and family was the same as the apostles on pentecost. It was not for the members of the body of Christ.
@ba.anderson 6 күн бұрын
"not to all people..." - Acts10:41 "whoever believes..." - Acts10:43 Peter seems to understand when not to (vs41) and when to include ALL people (vs43) If he's heralding the circumcision gospel in the remission of sins why not qualify "Israel" only at this time?
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@richardcheatham9833 15 күн бұрын
In matt 16:19, is Jesus only talking to Peter or does he turn his speech toward all the disciples after He tells Peter , He will build His Church on "petra"?
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