Be honest and be courage! This is what God wants us to be!! 當一位屬靈成熟的基督徒愈能往神要我們去的方向前進時,一定會遭遇更多來自教會內部的"長者","前輩","牧者"等的"關懷",甚至"否定",主耶穌及保羅都遇過這樣的情形,來自教會外的傷害還可以睜一隻眼閉一隻眼,但來自教會內的傷害就會讓人很難受,願神保守迺哥能不懼怕經歷這樣的過程,能與神有更好的關係!!
Thanks for sharing this. It is an important message for everyone to discern the problem facing Christianity. I, myself, am a priest too. I do agree with what you said here. I know that what you shared will certainly raise criticism from people who can't see from your perspective.
Thank you for your courage to open this area in such "creative" way. It takes humility to be open to 反思 + different angle to look at same (recurring) issues. God knows your heart.