By the time u feel bored by some ( hopefully not too many, otherwise u might have a problem?) famous or supposedly famous photographers, u r prob. getting better or already doing fine.
你好詹姆斯老师,有个问题请教您一下:为啥RAW格式被Camera raw 打开后 颜色变了。我选择了和相机同样的鲜艳模式,可是问题还是存在,后来我就用尼康的APP尼康工坊打开和裁剪。就没有变色,保存后再用PS打开也没有变色,怎样处理这个情况,然不成都要使用两个软件吗?系望您在百忙中能否赐教一下,谢谢你。
@@JamesZhenYu For 15 yrs, between my 2 fixed focals 58 f1.4 & 135 there was no other f.l., imagine how to do portraits. In those days (I began shooting slr in grade school @16) before zooms became good , the holy trinity for most people were 28, 50 & 135 ( & 100/105 if u had "extra" money). Added later were 28, 40 & 90 m-mounts (the 40 f/2 replaced the 35 , was the most used & adapted to mirrorless ; still in use today). Then there came tlr, zooms & af (film).The point is (in support of your pt.#8 ) an angle-finder was an absolute must-carry, besides polariser & filters for b&w. U could even shoot sideways w/ tlr & a-finder. Now, most people have flip-out screens w/ digital. Mr. Yu , thanks for sharing a good reminder for any (old) shooters.