🔪撤! 又係我啊,一個人走左黎英國,正面對緊迷茫,好多個人陰暗面,自我懷疑... -原來真係有共時性呢樣野,我諗得最多係「我是誰」「我想將來過咩生活」「我可以點樣貢獻」,多謝你提醒,有個大方向努力緊、making progress,其他難關都係just a piece of cake (曾經俾其他人distract 咗,真係要夠心水清先知自己做緊咩,想要咩)(雖然呢啲思考都會令自己有時幾stressed) -你同自己講:「你做得好好啊」,呢句講得好誠懇,個心即刻feel到好warm,提醒我都要俾返呢個肯定自己(擁抱) -通常仍然身處係香港既朋友會問好多錯focus既問題(eg適應、歧視、英文水平...),但好多個人思考同內在成長真係唔關係咪英國事 -一個人面對好多大大少少既問題之後,望返轉頭,真係所有困難都有解決方法,亦有learning 係入面,everything will be alright:) Live my own life🙂感謝你真誠分享 (唔好意思,今次好長氣,原來有人speak my mind,個感覺好爽)
@fason2.0 Жыл бұрын
yo 每次都感受到你好理解到我講緊咩🤣 「共時性」呢個Terms我少用,唔知你係咪講緊係適合既時機接受到適當既message呢樣野呢? 多謝你既留言都Remind返我肯定自己既moment,因為我出完片好快又會唔記得左自己講過d咩🤣 加油啦! 我明既,當初我尋找身心靈成長既旅程當中,都好想搵到人講呢d野。(經
Fason, thank you for sharing your honest feelings. I see a younger self in you and I admire you being true to yourself. I also work in IT. I decided a long time ago that I didn't want to adjust myself in order to please or mix with people around me that I didn't even care about. Let us know if you decided to return to HK or continue to stay in UK. Regardless, hope you have a happy and fulfilling life!
@fason2.0 Жыл бұрын
Thankssss ✨✨
@jeremyhuang2648 Жыл бұрын
Hi, this is audience from Taiwan. Nice sharing about your experience. Is it easy to find an IT position in UK now?
@fason2.0 Жыл бұрын
thanks, it depends on your skill set and soft skill, I cant say.,
seems like you didn't talk about why you quit your job haha can you please cover it back? :)
@fason2.0 Жыл бұрын
Sorry I thought I covered this question in 06:59 , is it not clear enough? 🥹 maybe I have no straight and clear reason so that would make you confused.
@仮面ライダーウィザード Жыл бұрын
@fason2.0 Жыл бұрын
@riddiewong8511 Жыл бұрын
Cheers up 她放棄你 是她的損失 放眼👀世界 good luck
@fason2.0 Жыл бұрын
放眼👀中~ 慢慢適應我的巨變中。
@walkersum25772 Жыл бұрын
🔪🔪小弟雖快到 60, 仍會不斷尋找我下一個⋯ 靈魂使命!加油 💪🏼💪🏼⛽️⛽️ ps. I’m living in Leeds 😊😊 🪚🪚😂😂
🔪🔪Glad to see you seems to have found your way (or at least making progress toward it) and had such an enlightening experience in your past years !!👏👏 I am sure it wasn’t easy, but you have made it through (give yourself a pat on the back)
😉🤜🏻 「唔知大家又知唔知自己想做啲咩?」 thats my purpose of shooting youtube video thanks so much for your support 😼 一起在人生中加油
@vickyha581 Жыл бұрын
下年諗住去加拿大 個心仲係囉囉攣🥲 唔知去唔去好
@fason2.0 Жыл бұрын
😏😏 be true to yourself
@anhah4172 Жыл бұрын
@hdl8764 Жыл бұрын
@fason2.0 Жыл бұрын
@Boop-G Жыл бұрын
Mass migration is making the housing crisis worse. It is no coincidence that rent prices are skyrocketing as levels of immigration have spiralled out of control. More people puts pressure on housing. We do need to build more homes, but we also need to significantly reduce immigration levels.
@Pollymichaelis Жыл бұрын
Why don't you say that to your gov then instead of commenting on every UKHK video? 🤣