Anyone who has been hurt, physically or mentally by someone older with higher social status, wealth and influence will understand how terrifying and cruel Mr. Yan's appearance at Mr. Yao's press conference was. How many more times does Mr. Yan intend to inflict more pain on Mr. Yao? Was his surprise appearance a warning to Mr. Yao and others who he has hurt to keep silent? When you cause harm to another person, especially someone underage, you need to be put behind bars and be held responsible for you crime.
me too運動就是希望藉由揭發這些醜事,來達到嚇阻的最近我聽到有法官律師說,去年性騷擾的案件很多,但是真正被判刑的只有一半,理由就是很難拿到確切的證據,就算法官認為這個人應該有做,但是因為沒有證據支持,只好判無罪,所以並不是如同很多人所說的,去提告就好了。今天如果有好幾個人都說曾經被同一個人性騷擾,那麼他可能就保不住工作。這樣就達到了metoo運動的主要用意之一,希望能達到嚇阻作用,也就是預防性騷擾。
It is helpful that people do not become too immersed, or overly trusting or addicted to celebrities' or those who hold power or authority's screen persona. Don't forget that they are also ordinary people like us who can make mistakes. Their screen personalities may be different from their actual lifestyle. Please try to remember to always be very careful with meeting with anyone you just knew in private , and always bring another trusted friend or elder with you to protect your safety. Pray that all those who have been hurt be able to receive good support and guidance and the relevant authorities to resolve your matter without delay, and for swift healing and complete recovery.😐
@skychaos87 Жыл бұрын
The whole showbiz is a problem itself. Many women in TW showbiz especially are mostly sexually portrayed, whom don't have any skills or talent but is there only because they are pretty and has good figure. A famous producer in the circle William Shen once said, of the many female celebrities that entered the circle, there is like 70% of them talentless, have no aspiration and goals in the industry. They are only there to expose themselves to rich businessmen or any kind of rich folks in hopes to marry them. Naturally what they and the industry will be selling is their looks and body. Honestly if you think about it, there are countless of such celebrities in the TW showbiz and perhaps the same in many other places like Korea and Hong Kong. They become susceptible to the evil claws of those powerful in the industry. The whole mood and environment in the industry is an unhealthy one to begin with. People should really think twice about joining the industry and meeting celebrities in private. There is no reason to meet a celebrity in private, they are a public figure not your friend or lover, its almost stupid to be starstruck by them or have stardom dreams. In today's day and age of online social media, talent can be displayed without being in the showbiz and you will be scouted. As for those girls who are only in there to look for rich man to marry, i honestly don't pity them as much, they are part of the unhealthy circle and environment. Its like the old advise of telling girls not to walk down a dark alley and go to a nightclub in skimpy clothing. Don't make yourself a target for harassment in a bad environment. It sounds like victim blaming, but its probably the most sincere adviser one can give. Ideally we want to rid the showbiz of all rotten apples, but until then we have to recognize how bad the fruits in the basket has become. Don't put a fresh and good apple in a basket full of rotten ones and flies. Gotta clean up the basket first, i hope all these perpetrators are brought to justice. We also need a new basket, a showbiz that is based on talent and not sexualization of girls. There should be more female actress, singers, dancers and performers. Not these overwhelming amount of talk shows and "celebrities" with no talent going on to them to flaunt their looks and figures.